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Elite: Dangerous Keyboard Shortcuts

by VegBerg via

Basic movement Weapons Power

W Thrust forward LMB Primary fire  Divert power to engines

S Thrust backward RMB Secondary fire  Divert power to systems

A Thrust left Front side button Cycle next fire group  Divert power to weapons

D Thrust right Back side button Cycle previous fire group  Reset power distri​bution

R Thrust up U Deploy hardpoints

Misc. ship controls
F Thrust down
Targeting DELETE Silent running
Q Roll left

E Roll right T Select target ahead V Deploy heat sink

X Reset thrust G Cycle next ship INSERT Ship lights

H Select highest threat HOME Cargo scoop

Advanced movement 7-9 Select Wingman L Landing gear

Z Disable flight assist 0 Select Wingman's target

Misc. keys
TAB Engine boost - Wingman nav-lock

J Enable FSD Y Cycle next subsystem LEFT ALT Mute microphone

' Enable hyperspace FSD LEFT ALT + C Debug camera toggle

M Galaxy map

By VegBerg Published 30th July, 2015. Sponsored by Last updated 30th July, 2015. Learn to solve cryptic crosswords!
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