Grillage Analysis

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Grillage analysis: overview

Isometric view of grillage representing 'I'-beam deck

The grillage model is a common form of analysis model for composite
bridge decks. Its key features are:
 It is a 2D model
 Structural behaviour is linear elastic
 Beam members are laid out in a grid pattern in single plane, rigidly
connected at nodes
 Longitudinal members represent composite sections (i.e. main girders
with associated slab)
 Transverse members represent the slab only, or composite section
where transverse steel beams are present

[top]Grillage analysis: member layout

The following guidance is offered for choosing the grillage layout:
 Keep grid dimensions approximately square
 Use even number of grid spacings
 Grid spacing not more than span/8
 Edge members along line of parapet to facilitate load application
 Insert additional joints for splice positions (usually assumed to be 25%
of span from piers)
For a 2-span bridge, as illustrated above, an appropriate layout would be
as shown below.

Typical grillage layout for 2-span multi-girder steel composite bridge

[top]Grillage analysis: application of loading in stages

At least three different grillage models will be required to model the
response of the structure to the range of permanent and variable actions:
 A ‘steel-only’ model: The self weight of the steel beams and the
weight of the wet concrete during construction are applied to a steel-
only grillage model. Longitudinal members represent the steel girders
only, while transverse members are not usually necessary (they may be
set as ‘dummy’ members to keep the same model arrangement as
composite models).
 A ‘long term’ composite model: The permanent actions applied to the
completed structure (chiefly the superimposed dead loads such as
surfacing, and the restraint of curvature due to shrinkage) are applied
to a long-term composite model. The section properties of the
longitudinal composite members and the transverse members
representing the slab are calculated using long-term concrete modulus
of elasticity of the concrete. Where the slab is in tension, cracked
section properties may be needed.
 A ‘short term’ composite model: The transient actions (mainly the
vertical loads due to traffic) are applied to a short-term composite
model. Section properties are calculated in the same way as for the
long-term model but using the short-term modulus of elasticity. Again,
cracked section properties may be needed where the slab is in tension.

Note that BS EN 1992-1-1[1] gives a slightly different long-term modulus

of elasticity of concrete for shrinkage loading, so theoretically there
should be a fourth model for analysing shrinkage effects. However, the
modulus is not significantly different from the ‘ordinary’ long term value
and it is reasonable to apply the shrinkage restraint moments to the long
term model for determining the secondary moments in the beams.
However, appropriate section properties for shrinkage should be used for
calculating stresses due to those effects.
[top]Grillage analysis: section properties

Transformed section properties for a grillage composite beam element

It usual to calculate all section properties in ‘steel units’, using a
transformed area for the concrete flange (divide by the modular ratio n =
Es/Ec). The following section properties are needed for each different
cross section:
 Steel only: steel girder properties only
 Long term composite: concrete area transformed for the long-term
modular ratio
 Short term composite: concrete area transformed for the short-term
modular ratio
 Cracked properties (in hogging regions): reinforcement area only taken
as effective in slab section

For the uncracked section properties, the reinforcement in the slab may be


A box girder bridge (also known as a Box Section Bridge) is
a bridge in which the main beams comprise girders in the shape of a
hollow box.
The box girder normally comprises either prestressed concrete, structural
steel, or a composite of steel and reinforced concrete.
Purpose - 1) A box girder is formed when two web plates are joined by
a common flange at both the top and the bottom. The closed cell which
is formed has a much greater torsional stiffness and strength than an
open section.
2) To reduce the dead load, unnecessary material is removed out of
section, this results in the shape of box girder or cellular structures.
Span range is more for box girder bridge as compared to T-beam Girder bridge resulting
in comparatively lesser number of piers for the same valley width and hence results in
economy. Box girders are rarely used in buildings.

Box girders are more suitable for larger spans and wider decks. Economy and aesthetics
further lead to the evolution of cantilevers in top flanges and inclined webs in external
cells of box girder. The dimension of the cell could be controlled by prestressing.

It can be used for spans up to 150m depending upon the construction methods. Cantilever
method of construction is preferred most.
1. Box girder bridges may be cast in place using falsework supports, removed after
completion, or in sections in case of a segmental bridge. It may also be
prefabricated in a fabrication yard, then transported and installed using cranes.

2. Another method of box girder bridge construction is the incremental launching.

Under this method, gantry cranes are often used to place new segments onto the
completed portions of the bridge until the bridge superstructure is completed.

Fig. 1: Cantilever Construction Method for Box Girder Bridge

Fig. 2: Incremental Lunching Box Girder Construction Method

1. It can cover a range of spans from 25m up to the largest non-suspended
concrete decks built; of the order of 300m.
2. Single box girders may also carry decks up to 30m wide.
3. For the longer span beams, beyond about 50m, they are practically the
only feasible deck section.
4. Single box arrangements are effective for both the longitudinal and transverse designs, and they
produce an economical solution for medium and long span structures.

1. It is used for modern elevated structures of light rail transport.
2. Box girders are used for the construction of a cable-supported bridge,
curved bridge, and footbridges.
3. It is rarely used in buildings, but they may be used in special
circumstances, such as when loads are carried eccentrically to the beam
1. It is an economical and an aesthetic solution for the over crossings,
under crossings, grade separation structures and viaducts found in the
modern highway system.
2. In case of long-span bridges, a large width of the deck is available to
accommodate prestressing cables at bottom flange level.
3. Interiors of box girder bridges can be used to accommodate service
such as gas pipes, water mains etc.
4. For large spans, the bottom flange could be used as another deck as it
accommodates traffic as well.
5. The maintenance of box girder is easier; interior space is directly
accessible without the use of scaffolding.
6. It has high structural efficiency.
7. Box girder bridge has a great resistance to torsion. This is specifically
beneficial for a bridge that is curved in plan.

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