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Afghanistan 2009 dateexec 9 8

Austria 2012 dateleg 9 -999
Austria 2012 legelec 1 0
Austria 2007 yrsoffc 1 8
Austria 2009 yrsoffc 3 1
Austria 2010 yrsoffc 4 2
Austria 2011 yrsoffc 5 3
Austria 2012 yrsoffc 6 4
Austria 2009 yrcurnt 1 3
Austria 2010 yrcurnt 0 2
Austria 2011 yrcurnt 3 1
Austria 2012 yrcurnt 2 0
Azerbaijan 2011 2012 opp2seat 4 3
Azerbaijan 2011 2012 oppoth 2 1
Azerbaijan 2011 2012 oppothst 2 1
Azerbaijan 2011 2012 ulprty 41 45
Azerbaijan 2011 2012 numul 41 45
Bahamas 2003 opp1age 30 31
Bahamas 2004 opp1age 31 32
Bahamas 2005 opp1age 32 33
Bahamas 2006 opp1age 33 34
Bahamas 2007 opp1age 34 35
Bangladesh 2011 opp2seat 3 2
Bangladesh 2012 opp2seat 4 2
Bangladesh 2009 2012 liec 7 6
Barbados 2011 yrsoffc 3 1
Barbados 2012 yrsoffc 4 2
Belarus 2012 dateleg -999 9
Belarus 1996 opp3me independent NA
Belarus 1996 opp3seat 1 0
Belarus 1996 opp3vote 0
Belarus 1996 oppoth 94 0
Belarus 1996 oppothst 94 0
Belarus 1996 ulprty 0 95
Belarus 1996 numul 0 95
Belarus 1996 ulvote 0
Belize 2011 prtyin 2 3
Belize 2012 prtyin 2 4
Belize 2012 dateleg -999 3
Belize 2012 legelec 0 1
Benin 2012 opp1seat 31 30
Benin 2012 opp3seat 1 2
Bhutan 2012 dateleg 12 -999
Bhutan 2012 legelec 1 0
Bolivia 2010 yrcurnt 3 0
Bolivia 2011 opp2seat 4 3
Bolivia 2012 opp2seat 5 3
Brazil 2007 2012 opp1rlc 3 2
Bulgaria 2011 totalseats 241 240
Bulgaria 2012 totalseats 242 240
Cameroon 2012 dateleg 7 -999
Cameroon 2012 legelec 1 0
Cameroon 2011 totalseats 164 163
Cameroon 2012 totalseats 165 163
Cape Verde 2012 gov1age 21 22
Chad 2012 totalseats 151 188
Chile 2011 execage 1 2
Chile 2012 execage 2 3
Colombia 2011 execage 162
Colombia 2012 execage 163
Colombia 2011 gov1age 5 6
Colombia 2012 gov1age 6 7
Colombia 2007 gov2age 1 2
Colombia 2008 gov2age 2 3
Colombia 2009 gov2age 3 4
Colombia 2010 gov2age 4 5
Colombia 2011 gov2age 196 162
Colombia 2012 gov2age 197 163
Colombia 2003 gov2age 188 154
Colombia 2004 gov2age 189 155
Colombia 2005 gov2age 190 156
Colombia 2006 gov2age 191 157
Comoro Is. 2012 yrsoffc 4 1
Comoro Is. 2012 yrcurnt 0 4
Comoro Is. 2012 percent1 58.02 27
Comoro Is. 2012 percentl -999 61
Congo 2011 yrsoffc 13 14
Congo 2012 yrsoffc 13 15
Congo 2011 yrcurnt 6 5
Congo 2012 yrcurnt 6 4
Costa Rica 1999 opp1age 50 51
Costa Rica 2000 opp1age 51 52
Costa Rica 2001 opp1age 52 53
Costa Rica 2002 opp1age 53 54
Costa Rica 2003 opp1age 54 55
Costa Rica 2004 opp1age 55 56
Costa Rica 2005 opp1age 56 57
Costa Rica 2006 opp1age 57 58
Croatia 2011 yrsoffc 8 1
Croatia 2012 yrsoffc 9 2
Croatia 2012 yrcurnt 0 4
Croatia 2011 2012 execme SPD SDP
Croatia 2012 totalseats 145 151
Cuba 1985 execage 20 24
Cuba 1986 execage 21 25
Cuba 1987 execage 22 26
Cuba 1988 execage 23 27
Cuba 1989 execage 24 28
Cuba 1990 execage 25 29
Cuba 1991 execage 26 30
Cuba 1992 execage 27 31
Cuba 1993 execage 28 32
Cuba 1994 execage 29 33
Cuba 1995 execage 30 34
Cuba 1996 execage 31 35
Cuba 1997 execage 32 36
Cuba 1998 execage 33 37
Cuba 1999 execage 34 38
Cuba 2000 execage 35 39
Cuba 2001 execage 36 40
Cuba 2002 execage 37 41
Cuba 2003 execage 38 42
Cuba 2004 execage 39 43
Cuba 2005 execage 40 44
Cuba 2006 execage 41 45
Cuba 2007 execage 42 46
Cuba 2008 execage 43 47
Cuba 2009 execage 44 48
Cuba 2010 execage 45 49
Cuba 2011 execage 46 50
Cuba 2012 execage 47 51
Cuba 1985 gov1age 20 24
Cuba 1986 gov1age 21 25
Cuba 1987 gov1age 22 26
Cuba 1988 gov1age 23 27
Cuba 1989 gov1age 24 28
Cuba 1990 gov1age 25 29
Cuba 1991 gov1age 26 30
Cuba 1992 gov1age 27 31
Cuba 1993 gov1age 28 32
Cuba 1994 gov1age 29 33
Cuba 1995 gov1age 30 34
Cuba 1996 gov1age 31 35
Cuba 1997 gov1age 32 36
Cuba 1998 gov1age 33 37
Cuba 1999 gov1age 34 38
Cuba 2000 gov1age 35 39
Cuba 2001 gov1age 36 40
Cuba 2002 gov1age 37 41
Cuba 2003 gov1age 38 42
Cuba 2004 gov1age 39 43
Cuba 2005 gov1age 40 44
Cuba 2006 gov1age 41 45
Cuba 2007 gov1age 42 46
Cuba 2008 gov1age 43 47
Cuba 2009 gov1age 44 48
Cuba 2010 gov1age 45 49
Cuba 2011 gov1age 46 50
Cuba 2012 gov1age 47 51
Denmark 1981 gov2age 111 76
Denmark 1995 gov2age 91 90
Denmark 1996 gov2age 92 91
Denmark 1997 gov2age 93 90
Denmark 1998 gov2age 94 92
Denmark 1999 gov2age 95 90
Denmark 2000 gov2age 96 93
Denmark 2001 gov2age 97 90
Denmark 2012 gov2age 108 107

Denmark 2012 opp2me LA DF

Denmark 2012 opp2seat 9 22

Denmark 2012 opp2vote 4.98 12.3

Denmark 2012 opp3me KF LA

Denmark 2012 opp3seat 8 9

Denmark 2012 opp3vote 4.94 4.98

Denmark 2012 oppothst 4 8

Denmark 2012 oppothvt 2.17 4.94

Djibouti 2011 totalseats 66 65
Djibouti 2012 totalseats 67 65
Djibouti 2012 eiec 3 6
Egypt 2012 percent1 24.8 -999
Egypt 2012 percentl 51.7 -999
Egypt 2012 yrcurnt 5 0
Estonia 2012 dateexec -999 8
Estonia 2012 exelec 0 1
Estonia 2011 totalseats 102 101
Estonia 2012 totalseats 103 101
Fiji 2010 2012 defmin 0 1
Gambia 2012 percent1 67.3 71.54
Gambia 2002 execage 7 6
Gambia 2003 execage 8 7
Gambia 2004 execage 9 8
Gambia 2005 execage 10 9
Gambia 2006 execage 11 10
Gambia 2007 execage 12 11
Gambia 2008 execage 13 12
Gambia 2009 execage 14 13
Gambia 2010 execage 15 14
Gambia 2011 execage 16 15
Gambia 2012 execage 17 16
Georgia 2009 yrcurnt 3 4
Georgia 2010 yrcurnt 2 3
Georgia 2011 yrcurnt 1 2
Georgia 2012 yrcurnt 0 1
Georgia 2009 2012 liec 6 7
Germany 2006 2012 execrel 0 1
Germany 2006 2012 gov1rel 0 1
Germany 2010 2012 gov2me SPD FDP
Germany 2010 2012 gov2seat 146 93
Germany 2010 2012 gov2vote 23.08 14.56
Germany 2010 2012 gov2rlc 3 1
Germany 2010 gov2age 65 62
Germany 2011 gov2age 66 63
Germany 2012 gov2age 67 64
Germany 2010 2012 opp1me FDP SPD
Germany 2010 2012 opp1seat 93 146
Germany 2010 2012 opp1vote 14.56 23.08
Germany 2010 2012 opp1rlc 1 3
Germany 2010 opp1age 62 147
Germany 2011 opp1age 63 148
Germany 2012 opp1age 64 149
Germany 1999 gov2age 136 6
Germany 2000 gov2age 137 7
Germany 2006 gov2age 61 142
Germany 2007 gov2age 62 143
Germany 2008 gov2age 63 144
Germany 2009 gov2age 64 145
Germany 2005 gov1age 141 142
Germany 1983 opp1age 38 120
Germany 1984 opp1age 39 121
Germany 1985 opp1age 40 122
Germany 1986 opp1age 41 123
Germany 1987 opp1age 42 124
Germany 1988 opp1age 43 125
Germany 1989 opp1age 44 126
Germany 1990 opp1age 45 127
Germany 1991 opp1age 46 128
Germany 1992 opp1age 47 129
Germany 1993 opp1age 48 130
Germany 1994 opp1age 49 131
Germany 1995 opp1age 50 132
Germany 1996 opp1age 51 133
Germany 1997 opp1age 52 134
Germany 1998 opp1age 53 135
Germany 2005 opp1age 59 60
Greece 2012 yrsoffc 3 1
Greece 2012 yrcurnt 1 3
Greece 2012 prtyin 3 -999
Greece 2012 execme PASOK independent
Greece 2012 execrlc 3 -999
Greece 2012 execnat 0 -999
Greece 2012 execrurl 0 -999
Greece 2012 execreg 0 -999
Greece 2012 execrel 0 -999
Greece 2012 execage 37 -999
Greece 2012 allhouse 1 -999
Guatemala 2012 gov1age 8 11
Guatemala 2012 military 1 0
Guatemala 1985 yrsoffc 1 2
Guatemala 2008 2011 defmin 0 1
Guatemala 1986 1991 execrel 0 1
Guatemala 1986 1991 gov1rel 0 1
Guinea 2011 yrsoffc 2 1
Guinea 2012 yrsoffc 3 2
Guinea 2011 2012 finittrm 0 1
Guinea 2011 yrcurnt -999 4
Guinea 2012 yrcurnt -999 3
Guinea 2011 2012 multpl -999 1
Guinea 2011 2012 military 1 0
Guinea 2011 2012 percent1 -999 18.25
Guinea 2011 2012 percentl -999 52.52
Guinea 2009 execme independent
Guinea 2011 2012 execme independent RPG
Guinea 2010 dateexec -999 11
Guinea 2010 exelec 0 1
Guinea 2012 dateleg 7 -999
Guinea 2012 legelec 1 0
Guinea 2011 2012 eiec 2 7
Guinea-Bissau 2009 2012 gov1seat 99 89
Guinea-Bissau 2009 2012 gov2seat 0 10
Guinea-Bissau 2009 2012 gov2me NA Democratic op
Guinea-Bissau 2009 2012 gov2vote 0
Guinea-Bissau 2009 2012 gov2rlc -999 3
Guinea-Bissau 2009 2012 gov2nat -999 0
Guinea-Bissau 2009 2012 gov2rurl -999 0
Guinea-Bissau 2009 2012 gov2reg -999 0
Guinea-Bissau 2009 2012 gov2rel -999 0
Guinea-Bissau 2009 gov2age -999 5
Guinea-Bissau 2010 gov2age -999 6
Guinea-Bissau 2011 gov2age -999 7
Guinea-Bissau 2012 gov2age -999 8
Guinea-Bissau 2010 2012 eiec 3 6
Honduras 1981 execage 91
Honduras 1981 allhouse 0 -999
Honduras 1981 totalseats 71 0
Honduras 1981 gov1me PL NA
Honduras 1981 gov1seat 35 0
Honduras 1981 gov1rlc 1 -999
Honduras 1981 gov1nat 0 -999
Honduras 1981 gov1rurl 0 -999
Honduras 1981 gov1reg 0 -999
Honduras 1981 gov1rel 0 -999
Honduras 1981 gov1age 91 -999
Honduras 1982 execage 92 91
Honduras 1983 execage 93 92
Honduras 1984 execage 94 93
Honduras 1985 execage 95 94
Honduras 1986 execage 96 95
Honduras 1987 execage 97 96
Honduras 1988 execage 98 97
Honduras 1989 execage 99 98
Honduras 1994 execage 104 103
Honduras 1995 execage 105 104
Honduras 1996 execage 106 105
Honduras 1997 execage 107 106
Honduras 1998 execage 108 107
Honduras 1999 execage 109 108
Honduras 2000 execage 110 109
Honduras 2001 execage 111 110
Honduras 2006 execage 116 115
Honduras 2007 execage 117 116
Honduras 2008 execage 118 117
Honduras 2009 execage 119 118
Honduras 1982 gov1age 92 91
Honduras 1983 gov1age 93 92
Honduras 1984 gov1age 94 93
Honduras 1985 gov1age 95 94
Honduras 1986 gov1age 96 95
Honduras 1987 gov1age 97 96
Honduras 1988 gov1age 98 97
Honduras 1989 gov1age 99 98
Honduras 1994 gov1age 104 103
Honduras 1995 gov1age 105 104
Honduras 1996 gov1age 106 105
Honduras 1997 gov1age 107 106
Honduras 1998 gov1age 108 107
Honduras 1999 gov1age 109 108
Honduras 2000 gov1age 110 109
Honduras 2001 gov1age 111 110
Honduras 2006 gov1age 116 115
Honduras 2007 gov1age 117 116
Honduras 2008 gov1age 118 117
Honduras 2009 gov1age 119 118
Honduras 1990 opp1age 100 99
Honduras 1991 opp1age 101 100
Honduras 1992 opp1age 102 101
Honduras 1993 opp1age 103 102
Honduras 2002 opp1age 112 111
Honduras 2003 opp1age 113 112
Honduras 2004 opp1age 114 113
Honduras 2005 opp1age 115 114
Honduras 2010 opp1age 120 119
Honduras 2011 opp1age 121 120
Honduras 2012 opp1age 122 121
Iceland 2005 2006 execrurl 0 1
Iran 2005 2008 liec 5 7
Iran 2009 2012 liec 5 7
Iraq 2010 execme UIA UIA/Islamic Cal
Iraq 2011 2012 execme UIA Islamic Call
Ireland 2012 percent1 56.8 -999
Ireland 2012 execme Labour Fine Gael
Ireland 2012 execrlc 2 1
Ireland 2012 execrel 0 1
Ireland 2012 execage 100 79
Ireland 2011 totalseats 167 166
Ireland 2012 totalseats 168 166
Italy 2012 yrsoffc 4 1
Italy 2012 prtyin 4 -999
Italy 2012 execme PdL independent
Italy 2012 yrcurnt 1 4
Italy 2012 execrlc 1 -999
Italy 2012 execnat 0 -999
Italy 2012 execrurl 0 -999
Italy 2012 execreg 0 -999
Italy 2012 execrel 0 -999
Italy 2012 execage 5 -999
Italy 2012 allhouse 0 -999
Kazakhstan 2000 prtyin 7 1
Kazakhstan 2001 prtyin 8 2
Kazakhstan 2002 prtyin 9 3
Kazakhstan 2003 prtyin 10 4
Kazakhstan 2004 prtyin 11 5
Kazakhstan 2005 prtyin 12 6
Kazakhstan 2006 prtyin 13 7
Kazakhstan 2007 prtyin 14 8
Kazakhstan 2008 prtyin 15 9
Kazakhstan 2009 prtyin 16 10
Kazakhstan 2010 prtyin 17 11
Kazakhstan 2011 prtyin 18 12
Kazakhstan 2012 prtyin 19 13
Kazakhstan 2000 2012 execme PPU Otan
Kazakhstan 2000 execage 7 1
Kazakhstan 2001 execage 8 2
Kazakhstan 2002 execage 9 3
Kazakhstan 2003 execage 10 4
Kazakhstan 2004 execage 11 5
Kazakhstan 2005 execage 12 6
Kazakhstan 2006 execage 13 7
Kazakhstan 2007 execage 14 8
Kazakhstan 2008 execage 15 9
Kazakhstan 2009 execage 16 10
Kazakhstan 2010 execage 17 11
Kazakhstan 2011 execage 18 12
Kazakhstan 2012 execage 19 13
Kyrgyzstan 2012 yrcurnt 4 5
Kyrgyzstan 2012 prtyin -999 1
Kyrgyzstan 2012 execme independent PSDK
Kyrgyzstan 2011 execage -999 18
Kyrgyzstan 2011 2012 totalseats 90 120
Kyrgyzstan 2011 2012 gov1me Ak Zhol PSDK
Kyrgyzstan 2011 2012 gov1seat 71 26
Kyrgyzstan 2011 2012 gov1vote 46.9 14.15
Kyrgyzstan 2011 gov1age 4 18
Kyrgyzstan 2012 gov1age 5 19
Kyrgyzstan 2011 2012 gov2me NA Ar-namys
Kyrgyzstan 2011 2012 gov2seat 0 25
Kyrgyzstan 2011 2012 gov2vote 0 13.69
Kyrgyzstan 2011 2012 gov2rlc -999 0
Kyrgyzstan 2011 2012 gov2nat -999 0
Kyrgyzstan 2011 2012 gov2rurl -999 0
Kyrgyzstan 2011 2012 gov2reg -999 0
Kyrgyzstan 2011 2012 gov2rel -999 0
Kyrgyzstan 2011 gov2age -999 12
Kyrgyzstan 2012 gov2age -999 13
Kyrgyzstan 2011 2012 gov3me NA Socialist Party
Kyrgyzstan 2011 2012 gov3seat 0 18
Kyrgyzstan 2011 2012 gov3vote 0 9.93
Kyrgyzstan 2011 2012 gov3rlc -999 0
Kyrgyzstan 2011 2012 gov3nat -999 0
Kyrgyzstan 2011 2012 gov3rurl -999 0
Kyrgyzstan 2011 2012 gov3reg -999 0
Kyrgyzstan 2011 2012 gov3rel -999 0
Kyrgyzstan 2011 gov3age -999 19
Kyrgyzstan 2012 gov3age -999 20
Kyrgyzstan 2011 2012 opp1me PSDK Fatherland
Kyrgyzstan 2011 2012 opp1seat 11 28
Kyrgyzstan 2011 2012 opp1vote 5.12 15.31
Kyrgyzstan 2011 opp1age 18 7
Kyrgyzstan 2012 opp1age 19 8
Kyrgyzstan 2011 2012 opp2me CPK Republic
Kyrgyzstan 2011 2012 opp2seat 8 23
Kyrgyzstan 2011 2012 opp2vote 5.05 12.54
Latvia 2012 yrsoffc 1 3
Latvia 2011 prtyin 4 2
Latvia 2011 execme independent JL
Latvia 2012 execme independent Unity
Latvia 2012 execage -999 2
Latvia 2011 execrlc 0 1
Latvia 2011 execage -999
Latvia 2011 gov3me NA TB-LNNK
Latvia 2011 gov3seat 0 8
Latvia 2011 gov3vote 0
Latvia 2011 gov3rlc -999 1
Latvia 2011 gov3nat -999 1
Latvia 2011 gov3rurl -999 0
Latvia 2011 gov3reg -999 0
Latvia 2011 gov3rel -999 0
Latvia 2011 gov3age -999 14
Latvia 2011 opp2me VL-TB-LNNK LPP-LC
Latvia 2011 opp3me PLL NA
Latvia 2011 opp3seat 8 0
Latvia 2012 gov1me SC ZRP
Latvia 2012 gov1seat 31 22
Latvia 2012 gov1vote 28.36 20.82
Latvia 2012 gov1rlc 0 2
Latvia 2012 gov1age 7 1
Latvia 2012 gov2me ZZS Unity
Latvia 2012 gov2seat 13 20
Latvia 2012 gov2vote 12.22 18.33
Latvia 2012 gov2rlc 2 0
Latvia 2012 gov2rurl 1 0
Latvia 2012 gov2age 10 2
Latvia 2012 gov3me NA NA-VL-TB/LNN
Latvia 2012 gov3seat 0 14
Latvia 2012 gov3vote 0 13.88
Latvia 2012 gov3rlc -999 0
Latvia 2012 gov3nat -999 1
Latvia 2012 gov3rurl -999 0
Latvia 2012 gov3reg -999 0
Latvia 2012 gov3rel -999 0
Latvia 2012 gov3age -999 1
Latvia 2012 opp1me ZRP SC
Latvia 2012 opp1seat 22 31
Latvia 2012 opp1vote 20.82 28.36
Latvia 2012 opp1rlc 2 0
Latvia 2012 opp1age 1 7
Latvia 2012 opp2me UNITY ZZS
Latvia 2012 opp2seat 20 13
Latvia 2012 opp2vote 18.83 12.22
Latvia 2012 opp3seat 14 0
Latvia 2012 opp3vote 13.88 0
Lithuania 2010 2012 totalseats 142 141
Madagascar 2012 dateleg 11 -999
Madagascar 2012 dateexec 11 -999
Madagascar 2012 legelec 1 0
Madagascar 2012 exelec 1 0
Malawi 2010 2012 gov1me DDP DPP
Maldives 2012 dateexec -999 11
Maldives 2012 exelec 0 1
Mali 2012 dateleg 7 -999
Mali 2012 legelec 1 0
Mauritania 2012 opp2seat 4 3
Mauritania 2011 dateleg 10 -999
Mauritania 2012 legelec 1 0
Mauritius 2010 2012 execme MSM MLP
Mauritius 2010 2012 execrlc 3 0
Mauritius 2010 2012 execrel 0 4
Mauritius 2007 2012 totalseats 71 70
Mauritius 2010 execage 27 74
Mauritius 2011 execage 28 75
Mauritius 2012 execage 29 76
Mexico 1989 yrsoffc 7 1
Mexico 1990 yrsoffc 8 2
Mexico 1991 yrsoffc 9 3
Mexico 1992 yrsoffc 10 4
Mexico 1993 yrsoffc 11 5
Mexico 1994 yrsoffc 12 6
Mexico 2011 yrsoffc 3 5
Mexico 2012 yrsoffc 2 6
Mexico 1983 2000 execrlc 3 2
Mexico 1983 2000 gov1rlc 3 2
Morocco 2012 totalseats 325 395
Myanmar 2012 yrsoffc 20 1
Myanmar 2012 yrcurnt -999 4
Myanmar 2012 military 1 0
Myanmar 2012 prtyin -999 1
Myanmar 2012 execme independent USDP
Myanmar 2012 execage -999 2
Myanmar 2012 allhouse -999 1
Myanmar 2012 totalseats 0 440
Myanmar 2012 gov1me NA USDP
Myanmar 2012 gov1seat 0 259
Myanmar 2012 gov1vote 0
Myanmar 2012 gov1rlc -999 0
Myanmar 2012 gov1nat -999 0
Myanmar 2012 gov1rurl -999 0
Myanmar 2012 gov1reg -999 0
Myanmar 2012 gov1rel -999 0
Myanmar 2012 gov1age -999 2
Myanmar 2012 gov2me NA SNDP
Myanmar 2012 gov2seat 0 18
Myanmar 2012 gov2vote 0
Myanmar 2012 gov2rlc -999 0
Myanmar 2012 gov2nat -999 0
Myanmar 2012 gov2rurl -999 0
Myanmar 2012 gov2reg -999 0
Myanmar 2012 gov2rel -999 0
Myanmar 2012 gov2age -999 0
Myanmar 2012 gov3me NA NUP
Myanmar 2012 gov3seat 0 12
Myanmar 2012 gov3vote 0
Myanmar 2012 gov3rlc -999 0
Myanmar 2012 gov3nat -999 0
Myanmar 2012 gov3rurl -999 0
Myanmar 2012 gov3reg -999 0
Myanmar 2012 gov3rel -999 0
Myanmar 2012 gov3age -999 2
Myanmar 2012 govoth -999 18
Myanmar 2012 govothst 0 41
Myanmar 2012 govothvt 0
Myanmar 2012 dateleg 4 -999
Myanmar 2012 legelec 1 0
Myanmar 2012 ulprty -999 110
Myanmar 2012 numul 0 110
Netherlands 2011 2012 totalseats 156 150
Netherlands 2011 2012 gov1seat 41 31
Netherlands 2011 2012 gov1vote 26.58 20.49
Netherlands 2011 2012 gov2seat 15 24
Netherlands 2011 2012 gov2vote 10.08 15.45
Netherlands 2011 2012 gov3seat 13 21
Netherlands 2011 2012 gov3vote 8.51 13.61
Netherlands 2011 2012 opp1seat 38 30
Netherlands 2011 2012 opp1vote 24.84 19.63
Netherlands 2011 2012 opp2vote 9.65 9.82
Netherlands 2011 2012 opp3me D66 Green Lef
Netherlands 2011 2012 opp3seat 12 10
Netherlands 2011 2012 opp3vote 8.03 6.67
Netherlands 2011 2012 oppothst 14 19
Netherlands 2011 2012 oppothvt 9.48 13.23
Niger 2012 military 1 0
Nigeria 2012 percent1 70 58.9
Nigeria 2012 gov1seat 152 202
Nigeria 2012 opp1seat 53 66
Pakistan 1997 system 2 0
People's Repub 2009 2010 totalseats 2967 2987
People's Repub 2011 totalseats 2968 2987
People's Repub 2012 totalseats 2969 2987
People's Repub 2009 2012 gov1seat 2967 2987
Philippines 2011 military 1 0
Romania 2012 dateleg 11 12
Russia 1992 1993 totalseats 1068 447
Russia 1992 1993 numul 1068

Saudi Arabia 2011 dateleg 9 -999

Senegal 2001 2012 execrlc 3 1
Singapore 2012 totalseats 84 87
Singapore 2011 prtyin 44 45
Singapore 2012 prtyin 45 46
Sudan 2011 2012 liec 2 7
Sudan 2011 2012 eiec 2 7
Sweden 2007 prtyin 13 1
Sweden 2008 prtyin 14 2
Sweden 2009 prtyin 15 3
Sweden 2010 prtyin 16 4
Sweden 2011 prtyin 17 5
Sweden 2012 prtyin 18 6
Tajikistan 2011 totalseats 64 63
Tajikistan 2012 totalseats 65 63
Tajikistan 2011 2012 gov1seat 55 54
Tajikistan 2011 opp2seat 3 2
Tajikistan 2012 opp2seat 4 2
Tajikistan 2011 2012 ulprty 0 1
Tajikistan 2011 2012 numul 0 1
Tanzania 2012 prtyin 34 35
Tanzania 2012 execage 34 35
Thailand 2012 gov3seat 1 7
Thailand 2012 govoth 0 3
Thailand 2012 govothst 0 9
Thailand 2012 opp3me Palang Chon Rak Thailand
Thailand 2012 opp3seat 7 4
Thailand 2012 oppoth 5 2
Thailand 2012 oppothst 15 3
Togo 2012 dateleg 10 -999
Togo 2012 legelec 1 0
Turk Cyprus 2011 2012 execrlc 3 1
Turk Cyprus 2011 2012 gov1rlc 3 1
Turk Cyprus 1986 2012 thresh 2 5
Turk Cyprus 2011 execage 41 36
Turk Cyprus 2012 execage 42 37
Turk Cyprus 2010 gov2rlc 3 1
Turkey 2012 prtyin 5 10
Ukraine 2012 execage 10 11
Ukraine 1995 1998 oppoth 168 5
Ukraine 1995 1998 oppothst 168 5
Ukraine 1995 1998 ulprty 0 163
Ukraine 1995 1998 numul 0 163
United Kingd 2011 execage 99 141
United Kingd 2012 execage 100 142
Uzbekistan 2011 2012 numul 12 0
Uzbekistan 2011 2012 totalseats 120 150
Vanuatu 2011 yrsoffc 3 1
Vanuatu 2012 yrsoffc 4 2
Vanuatu 2011 yrcurnt 1 3
Vanuatu 2012 yrcurnt 0 2
Vanuatu 2011 prtyin 3 1
Vanuatu 2012 prtyin 4 2
Vanuatu 2011 2012 execme VP PPP
Vanuatu 2011 2012 execrlc 3 0
Vanuatu 2011 2012 execnat 1 0
Vanuatu 2011 2012 execrurl 0 1
Vanuatu 2011 execage 39 10
Vanuatu 2012 execage 40 11
Vanuatu 2011 2012 gov1me VP PPP
Vanuatu 2011 2012 gov1seat 11 4
Vanuatu 2011 2012 gov1rlc 3 0
Vanuatu 2011 2012 gov1nat 1 0
Vanuatu 2011 2012 gov1rurl 0 1
Vanuatu 2011 gov1age 39 10
Vanuatu 2012 gov1age 40 11
Vanuatu 2011 2012 gov3me PAP VRP
Vanuatu 2011 2012 gov3seat 1 7
Vanuatu 2011 gov3age 7 13
Vanuatu 2012 gov3age 8 14
Vanuatu 2011 2012 opp1me UMP VP
Vanuatu 2011 2012 opp1seat 7 11
Vanuatu 2011 2012 opp1rlc 1 3
Vanuatu 2011 2012 opp1nat 0 1
Vanuatu 2011 opp1age 32 39
Vanuatu 2012 opp1age 33 40
Vanuatu 2011 2012 opp2me VRP UMP
Vanuatu 2011 2012 opp2seat 7 8
Vanuatu 2011 2012 opp3me PPP PAP
Vanuatu 2011 2012 opp3seat 4 1
Vanuatu 2011 2012 oppothst 7 6
Zambia 2012 prtyin 21 1
Zambia 2012 totalseats 152 150
Reason for Change
PH reports the presidential balloting took place on August 20, 2009.
PH, Europa, IPU, IFES report that the legislative elections took place September of 2013, not 2012.
PH, Europa, IPU, IFES report that the legislative elections took place September of 2013, not 2012.
PH reports Wolfgang Schussel was PM until January 11, 2007. Hence, he is still considered in office on January 1, 20
PM Faymann succeeded Gusenbauer on December 2008. Counting restarts.
PM Faymann succeeded Gusenbauer on December 2008. Counting restarts.
PM Faymann succeeded Gusenbauer on December 2008. Counting restarts.
PM Faymann succeeded Gusenbauer on December 2008. Counting restarts.
The term of PM lasts for for years hence, counting restarts to 3 for his first year of being PM.
The term of PM lasts for for years hence, counting restarts to 3 for his first year of being PM.
The term of PM lasts for for years hence, counting restarts to 3 for his first year of being PM.
The term of PM lasts for for years hence, counting restarts to 3 for his first year of being PM.
PH and Europa report Reform only got 3 seats.
PH reports only 1 party occupying 1 seat (Karabakh bloc).
PH reports only 1 party occupying 1 seat (Karabakh bloc).
PH reports independents got 45 seats.
PH reports independents got 45 seats.
PH reports FNM was founded in 1972. This is consistent with other variables which report age of FNM.
PH reports FNM was founded in 1972. This is consistent with other variables which report age of FNM.
PH reports FNM was founded in 1972. This is consistent with other variables which report age of FNM.
PH reports FNM was founded in 1972. This is consistent with other variables which report age of FNM.
PH reports FNM was founded in 1972. This is consistent with other variables which report age of FNM.
No seat change reported in PH and IPU since the 2008 election.
No seat change reported in PH and IPU since the 2008 election.
PH and Europa report that the AL party got 77% of the votes.
PH reports that Deputy Prime Minister Freundel STUART immediately succeeded David Thompson following the latter's death
PH reports that Deputy Prime Minister Freundel STUART immediately succeeded David Thompson following the latter's death
PH, Europa, IPU, and IFES report legislative elections (Chamber of Representatives/National Assembly) took place on
This should be transferred to the variable on the independent parties.
This should be transferred to the variable on the independent parties.
There are is no third opposition party, hence 0.
This should be transferred to the variable on the independent parties.
This should be transferred to the variable on the independent parties.
PH reports that in the 1995 legislative balloting, the "largest number (95) went to “unaffiliated” candidates, most of
PH reports that in the 1995 legislative balloting, the "largest number (95) went to “unaffiliated” candidates, most of
There was no vote share indicated in the PHW but definitelt it is not 0.
PH reports the president (belonging in the UDP) was sworn into office February of 2008, and has not yet been repla
PH reports the president (belonging in the UDP) was sworn into office February of 2008, and has not yet been repla
PH, Europa, IPU, IFES report that the legislative elections took place on March 7, 2012.
PH, Europa, IPU, IFES report that the legislative elections took place on March 7, 2012.
PH and IPU report UN only got 30 seats.
PH and IPU report G13 got 2 seats.
No election in 2012 was reported in PH, IFES and IPU.
No election in 2012 was reported in PH, IFES and IPU.
Evo Morales was reelected in 2009 for a five-year term. Hence in 2010, remaining years is 4 years not 3 years.
PH reports UN got 3 seats.
PH reports UN got 3 seats.
Europa reports that PSDB's ideology is center.
PH reports that there are only 240 seats in the National Assembly.
PH reports that there are only 240 seats in the National Assembly.
PH reports that the July 2012 legislative election was postponed to September 2013.
PH reports that the July 2012 legislative election was postponed to September 2013.
PH reports that 17 out of the 180 seats were annulled.
PH reports that 17 out of the 180 seats were annulled.
PH reports that MPD was founded (held its first official meeting) in June 1990.
PH and IPU report that the total seats increased to 188.
PH reports the CC (Coaltion for Change was launched in 2009).
PH reports the CC (Coaltion for Change was launched in 2009).
PH reports that PSUN was founded in 2005.
PH reports that PSUN was founded in 2005.
PH reports that PSUN was founded in 2005.
PH reports that PSUN was founded in 2005.
PH reports that PSUN was founded in 2005.
PH reports that PSUN was founded in 2005.
PH reports that PSUN was founded in 2005.
PH reports that PSUN was founded in 2005.
PCC was founded in 1849.
PCC was founded in 1849.
PCC was founded in 1849.
PCC was founded in 1849.
PCC was founded in 1849.
PCC was founded in 1849.
PH reports, "The President of the Union was elected in Union-wide runoff balloting on December 26, 2010, and swo
PH reports, "The President of the Union was elected in Union-wide runoff balloting on December 26, 2010, and swo
PH reports that the current president was sworn into office in 2011, securing 27% of the first round of presidential b
PH reports that the current president was sworn into office in 2011, securing 27% of the first round of presidential b
PH reports that Gen. Sassou-Nguesso is the President since 1997.
PH reports that Gen. Sassou-Nguesso is the President since 1997.
PH reports that Gen. Sassou-Nguesso was re-elected in 2009 for another seven-year term.
PH reports that Gen. Sassou-Nguesso was re-elected in 2009 for another seven-year term.
PH reports that PLN was founded in 1948.
PH reports that PLN was founded in 1948.
PH reports that PLN was founded in 1948.
PH reports that PLN was founded in 1948.
PH reports that PLN was founded in 1948.
PH reports that PLN was founded in 1948.
PH reports that PLN was founded in 1948.
PH reports that PLN was founded in 1948.
PH reports that Ivo JOSIPOVIĆ was elected in runoff balloting on January 10, 2010, and inaugurated on February 18
PH reports that Ivo JOSIPOVIĆ was elected in runoff balloting on January 10, 2010, and inaugurated on February 18
PH reports that Ivo JOSIPOVIĆ was elected in runoff balloting on January 10, 2010, and inaugurated on February 18
PH reports that the party of Ivo Josipovic is the Social Democratic Party (SDP), not SPD.
PH 2013-2015, Europa, IPU and IFES report that the total seats in the House is 151 following the balloting of 2011.
PH reports that PCC was founded in 1961.
PH reports that PCC was founded in 1961.
PH reports that PCC was founded in 1961.
PH reports that PCC was founded in 1961.
PH reports that PCC was founded in 1961.
PH reports that PCC was founded in 1961.
PH reports that PCC was founded in 1961.
PH reports that PCC was founded in 1961.
PH reports that PCC was founded in 1961.
PH reports that PCC was founded in 1961.
PH reports that PCC was founded in 1961.
PH reports that PCC was founded in 1961.
PH reports that PCC was founded in 1961.
PH reports that PCC was founded in 1961.
PH reports that PCC was founded in 1961.
PH reports that PCC was founded in 1961.
PH reports that PCC was founded in 1961.
PH reports that PCC was founded in 1961.
PH reports that PCC was founded in 1961.
PH reports that PCC was founded in 1961.
PH reports that PCC was founded in 1961.
PH reports that PCC was founded in 1961.
PH reports that PCC was founded in 1961.
PH reports that PCC was founded in 1961.
PH reports that PCC was founded in 1961.
PH reports that PCC was founded in 1961.
PH reports that PCC was founded in 1961.
PH reports that PCC was founded in 1961.
PH reports that PCC was founded in 1961.
PH reports that PCC was founded in 1961.
PH reports that PCC was founded in 1961.
PH reports that PCC was founded in 1961.
PH reports that PCC was founded in 1961.
PH reports that PCC was founded in 1961.
PH reports that PCC was founded in 1961.
PH reports that PCC was founded in 1961.
PH reports that PCC was founded in 1961.
PH reports that PCC was founded in 1961.
PH reports that PCC was founded in 1961.
PH reports that PCC was founded in 1961.
PH reports that PCC was founded in 1961.
PH reports that PCC was founded in 1961.
PH reports that PCC was founded in 1961.
PH reports that PCC was founded in 1961.
PH reports that PCC was founded in 1961.
PH reports that PCC was founded in 1961.
PH reports that PCC was founded in 1961.
PH reports that PCC was founded in 1961.
PH reports that PCC was founded in 1961.
PH reports that PCC was founded in 1961.
PH reports that PCC was founded in 1961.
PH reports that PCC was founded in 1961.
PH reports that PCC was founded in 1961.
PH reports that PCC was founded in 1961.
PH reports that PCC was founded in 1961.
PH reports that PCC was founded in 1961.
PH reports that RV was founded in 1905.
PH reports that RV was founded in 1905.
PH reports that RV was founded in 1905.
PH reports that RV was founded in 1905.
PH reports that RV was founded in 1905.
PH reports that RV was founded in 1905.
PH reports that RV was founded in 1905.
PH reports that RV was founded in 1905.
PH reports that RV was founded in 1905.
PH, IFES and IPU report that the second largest opposition party in the 2011 elections was the DF (Danish People's P
(Liberal Alliance) with 9 seats or 4.98%, closely followed by the KF with 8 seats or 4.94% vote share.
PH, IFES and IPU report that the second largest opposition party in the 2011 elections was the DF (Danish People's P
(Liberal Alliance) with 9 seats or 4.98%, closely followed by the KF with 8 seats or 4.94% vote share.
PH, IFES and IPU report that the second largest opposition party in the 2011 elections was the DF (Danish People's P
(Liberal Alliance) with 9 seats or 4.98%, closely followed by the KF with 8 seats or 4.94% vote share.
PH, IFES and IPU report that the second largest opposition party in the 2011 elections was the DF (Danish People's P
(Liberal Alliance) with 9 seats or 4.98%, closely followed by the KF with 8 seats or 4.94% vote share.
PH, IFES and IPU report that the second largest opposition party in the 2011 elections was the DF (Danish People's P
(Liberal Alliance) with 9 seats or 4.98%, closely followed by the KF with 8 seats or 4.94% vote share.
PH, IFES and IPU report that the second largest opposition party in the 2011 elections was the DF (Danish People's P
(Liberal Alliance) with 9 seats or 4.98%, closely followed by the KF with 8 seats or 4.94% vote share.
PH, IFES and IPU report that the second largest opposition party in the 2011 elections was the DF (Danish People's P
(Liberal Alliance) with 9 seats or 4.98%, closely followed by the KF with 8 seats or 4.94% vote share.
PH, IFES and IPU report that the second largest opposition party in the 2011 elections was the DF (Danish People's P
(Liberal Alliance) with 9 seats or 4.98%, closely followed by the KF with 8 seats or 4.94% vote share.
PH, Europa, IFES and IPU report that the total seats is 65.
PH, Europa, IFES and IPU report that the total seats is 65.
During the 2011 Presidential Elections, there were two candidates but the winning one got 80.63% of the votes.
Presidential balloting took place in June 2012, hence these values should be entered for the year 2013.
Presidential balloting took place in June 2012, hence these values should be entered for the year 2013.
No constitutional limit was explicitly stated in the PH. The current chief executive is just the acting president.
Europa reports that a presidential election took place in August 2011.
Europa reports that a presidential election took place in August 2011.
PH reports that the Parliament is composed of 101 members.
PH reports that the Parliament is composed of 101 members.
Europa reports that the president is the commander in chief of the armed forces. Brigadier-General Ratu Epeli Naila
The President got 71.54% of votes during the 2011 elections.
PH reports that APRC was founded August 1996.
PH reports that APRC was founded August 1996.
PH reports that APRC was founded August 1996.
PH reports that APRC was founded August 1996.
PH reports that APRC was founded August 1996.
PH reports that APRC was founded August 1996.
PH reports that APRC was founded August 1996.
PH reports that APRC was founded August 1996.
PH reports that APRC was founded August 1996.
PH reports that APRC was founded August 1996.
PH reports that APRC was founded August 1996.
PH reports that when the current president was re-elected in 2008, he was inaugurated for 5 years.
PH reports that when the current president was re-elected in 2008, he was inaugurated for 5 years.
PH reports that when the current president was re-elected in 2008, he was inaugurated for 5 years.
PH reports that when the current president was re-elected in 2008, he was inaugurated for 5 years.
The largest party received 59.18% of the votes (less than 75%).
PH states that CDU has Christian orientation since 1945, and that no source stated that it has lost its "Christian" age
PH states that CDU has Christian orientation since 1945, and that no source stated that it has lost its "Christian" age
PH reports that FDP is the second largest government party while SPD is the primary opposition party.
PH reports that FDP got 93 seats and 14.56% vote share, and has a right orientation.
PH reports that FDP got 93 seats and 14.56% vote share, and has a right orientation.
PH reports that FDP got 93 seats and 14.56% vote share, and has a right orientation.
Following previous entries, FDP should be 62, 63 and 64 years.
Following previous entries, FDP should be 62, 63 and 64 years.
Following previous entries, FDP should be 62, 63 and 64 years.
PH reports that FDP is the second largest government party while SPD is the primary opposition party.
PH reports that SPD got 146 seats, 23.08% vote share and is leaning toward the lef.
PH reports that SPD got 146 seats, 23.08% vote share and is leaning toward the lef.
PH reports that SPD got 146 seats, 23.08% vote share and is leaning toward the lef.
Following previous entries, SPD should be 147, 148 and 149 years.
Following previous entries, SPD should be 147, 148 and 149 years.
Following previous entries, SPD should be 147, 148 and 149 years.
Following succeeding entries, Alliance90/Greens age is 6 and 7 years. 136 and 137 should be for the SPD age.
Following succeeding entries, Alliance90/Greens age is 6 and 7 years. 136 and 137 should be for the SPD age.
Following previous entries, SPD's age should be 143, 144, 145 and 146 respectively.
Following previous entries, SPD's age should be 143, 144, 145 and 146 respectively.
Following previous entries, SPD's age should be 143, 144, 145 and 146 respectively.
Following previous entries, SPD's age should be 143, 144, 145 and 146 respectively.
Following previous entries, SPD's age should be 142.
Following previous entries, SPD's age should be changed to 120 to 135 years.
Following previous entries, SPD's age should be changed to 120 to 135 years.
Following previous entries, SPD's age should be changed to 120 to 135 years.
Following previous entries, SPD's age should be changed to 120 to 135 years.
Following previous entries, SPD's age should be changed to 120 to 135 years.
Following previous entries, SPD's age should be changed to 120 to 135 years.
Following previous entries, SPD's age should be changed to 120 to 135 years.
Following previous entries, SPD's age should be changed to 120 to 135 years.
Following previous entries, SPD's age should be changed to 120 to 135 years.
Following previous entries, SPD's age should be changed to 120 to 135 years.
Following previous entries, SPD's age should be changed to 120 to 135 years.
Following previous entries, SPD's age should be changed to 120 to 135 years.
Following previous entries, SPD's age should be changed to 120 to 135 years.
Following previous entries, SPD's age should be changed to 120 to 135 years.
Following previous entries, SPD's age should be changed to 120 to 135 years.
Following previous entries, SPD's age should be changed to 120 to 135 years.
In 2004, CDU was 59 years already hence 60 in 2006.
Lucas PAPADEMOS (Independent); appointed as interim prime minister by the president on November 10, 2011, an
Since he was sworn to office, he was expected to serve for a four-year term, hence 3.
Lucas Papademos is an independent candidate.
Lucas Papademos is an independent candidate.
Lucas Papademos is an independent candidate.
Lucas Papademos is an independent candidate.
Lucas Papademos is an independent candidate.
Lucas Papademos is an independent candidate.
Lucas Papademos is an independent candidate.
Lucas Papademos is an independent candidate.
Lucas Papademos is an independent candidate.
PH reports that PP was founded in 2001.
Europa reports that Otto Perez Molina is already retired from military service.
PH reports that Óscar Humberto Mejía Victores is still in power at this time.
Several websites confirm that both Ronaldo Cecilio Leiva (in leadership until January 14, 2008) and Abraham Valenz
PDCG is a Christian democracy hence should be labelled as "Christian" or 1.
PDCG is a Christian democracy hence should be labelled as "Christian" or 1.
PH reports that Alpha Conde was elected afer multiparty balloting in June and November 2010. Hence, he started h
PH reports that Alpha Conde was elected afer multiparty balloting in June and November 2010. Hence, he started h
The President serves for a five-year term.
The President serves for a five-year term.
The President serves for a five-year term.
The President's term is renewable once.
Current President is not a member of the military.
Current President won afer two rounds of balloting.
Current President won afer two rounds of balloting.
Camara was a member of the CNDD.
President Conde was a member of the RPG.
A presidential balloting (second round) took place November 2010.
A presidential balloting (second round) took place November 2010.
No legislative elections took place in 2012. It was held September 2013.
No legislative elections took place in 2012. It was held September 2013.
A presidential balloting took place in 2010, many candidates and the winner through a run-off election won with les
PH (2009-2013) and IPU reports that in the 2008 legislative elections, PDGE got 89 seats while the Democratic Oppo
PH (2009-2013) and IPU reports that in the 2008 legislative elections, PDGE got 89 seats while the Democratic Oppo
PH (2009-2013) and IPU reports that in the 2008 legislative elections, PDGE got 89 seats while the Democratic Oppo
No vote share reported from PH or IPU.
Following previous data entries, Democratic opposition is a rightist.
Following previous data entries, Democratic opposition is 0 in these variables.
Following previous data entries, Democratic opposition is 0 in these variables.
Following previous data entries, Democratic opposition is 0 in these variables.
Following previous data entries, Democratic opposition is 0 in these variables.
PH reports that Democratic opposition was formed in 2004.
PH reports that Democratic opposition was formed in 2004.
PH reports that Democratic opposition was formed in 2004.
PH reports that Democratic opposition was formed in 2004.
During the 2009 presidential elections, Gen. Mbasogo run against 4 other candidates and got 95.76% of votes.
PH reports that there was still a military government at this time.
PH reports that there was still a military government at this time.
PH reports that there was still a military government at this time.
PH reports that there was still a military government at this time.
PH reports that there was still a military government at this time.
PH reports that there was still a military government at this time.
PH reports that there was still a military government at this time.
PH reports that there was still a military government at this time.
PH reports that there was still a military government at this time.
PH reports that there was still a military government at this time.
PH reports that there was still a military government at this time.
The Partido Liberal (PL) of Honduras was founded in February 5, 1981, hence it was 91 years old in 1982 (from the w
The Partido Liberal (PL) of Honduras was founded in February 5, 1981, hence it was 91 years old in 1982 (from the w
The Partido Liberal (PL) of Honduras was founded in February 5, 1981, hence it was 91 years old in 1982 (from the w
The Partido Liberal (PL) of Honduras was founded in February 5, 1981, hence it was 91 years old in 1982 (from the w
The Partido Liberal (PL) of Honduras was founded in February 5, 1981, hence it was 91 years old in 1982 (from the w
The Partido Liberal (PL) of Honduras was founded in February 5, 1981, hence it was 91 years old in 1982 (from the w
The Partido Liberal (PL) of Honduras was founded in February 5, 1981, hence it was 91 years old in 1982 (from the w
The Partido Liberal (PL) of Honduras was founded in February 5, 1981, hence it was 91 years old in 1982 (from the w
The Partido Liberal (PL) of Honduras was founded in February 5, 1981, hence it was 91 years old in 1982 (from the w
The Partido Liberal (PL) of Honduras was founded in February 5, 1981, hence it was 91 years old in 1982 (from the w
The Partido Liberal (PL) of Honduras was founded in February 5, 1981, hence it was 91 years old in 1982 (from the w
The Partido Liberal (PL) of Honduras was founded in February 5, 1981, hence it was 91 years old in 1982 (from the w
The Partido Liberal (PL) of Honduras was founded in February 5, 1981, hence it was 91 years old in 1982 (from the w
The Partido Liberal (PL) of Honduras was founded in February 5, 1981, hence it was 91 years old in 1982 (from the w
The Partido Liberal (PL) of Honduras was founded in February 5, 1981, hence it was 91 years old in 1982 (from the w
The Partido Liberal (PL) of Honduras was founded in February 5, 1981, hence it was 91 years old in 1982 (from the w
The Partido Liberal (PL) of Honduras was founded in February 5, 1981, hence it was 91 years old in 1982 (from the w
The Partido Liberal (PL) of Honduras was founded in February 5, 1981, hence it was 91 years old in 1982 (from the w
The Partido Liberal (PL) of Honduras was founded in February 5, 1981, hence it was 91 years old in 1982 (from the w
The Partido Liberal (PL) of Honduras was founded in February 5, 1981, hence it was 91 years old in 1982 (from the w
The Partido Liberal (PL) of Honduras was founded in February 5, 1981, hence it was 91 years old in 1982 (from the w
The Partido Liberal (PL) of Honduras was founded in February 5, 1981, hence it was 91 years old in 1982 (from the w
The Partido Liberal (PL) of Honduras was founded in February 5, 1981, hence it was 91 years old in 1982 (from the w
The Partido Liberal (PL) of Honduras was founded in February 5, 1981, hence it was 91 years old in 1982 (from the w
The Partido Liberal (PL) of Honduras was founded in February 5, 1981, hence it was 91 years old in 1982 (from the w
The Partido Liberal (PL) of Honduras was founded in February 5, 1981, hence it was 91 years old in 1982 (from the w
The Partido Liberal (PL) of Honduras was founded in February 5, 1981, hence it was 91 years old in 1982 (from the w
The Partido Liberal (PL) of Honduras was founded in February 5, 1981, hence it was 91 years old in 1982 (from the w
The Partido Liberal (PL) of Honduras was founded in February 5, 1981, hence it was 91 years old in 1982 (from the w
The Partido Liberal (PL) of Honduras was founded in February 5, 1981, hence it was 91 years old in 1982 (from the w
The Partido Liberal (PL) of Honduras was founded in February 5, 1981, hence it was 91 years old in 1982 (from the w
The Partido Liberal (PL) of Honduras was founded in February 5, 1981, hence it was 91 years old in 1982 (from the w
The Partido Liberal (PL) of Honduras was founded in February 5, 1981, hence it was 91 years old in 1982 (from the w
The Partido Liberal (PL) of Honduras was founded in February 5, 1981, hence it was 91 years old in 1982 (from the w
The Partido Liberal (PL) of Honduras was founded in February 5, 1981, hence it was 91 years old in 1982 (from the w
The Partido Liberal (PL) of Honduras was founded in February 5, 1981, hence it was 91 years old in 1982 (from the w
The Partido Liberal (PL) of Honduras was founded in February 5, 1981, hence it was 91 years old in 1982 (from the w
The Partido Liberal (PL) of Honduras was founded in February 5, 1981, hence it was 91 years old in 1982 (from the w
The Partido Liberal (PL) of Honduras was founded in February 5, 1981, hence it was 91 years old in 1982 (from the w
The Partido Liberal (PL) of Honduras was founded in February 5, 1981, hence it was 91 years old in 1982 (from the w
The Partido Liberal (PL) of Honduras was founded in February 5, 1981, hence it was 91 years old in 1982 (from the w
The Partido Liberal (PL) of Honduras was founded in February 5, 1981, hence it was 91 years old in 1982 (from the w
The Partido Liberal (PL) of Honduras was founded in February 5, 1981, hence it was 91 years old in 1982 (from the w
The Partido Liberal (PL) of Honduras was founded in February 5, 1981, hence it was 91 years old in 1982 (from the w
The Partido Liberal (PL) of Honduras was founded in February 5, 1981, hence it was 91 years old in 1982 (from the w
The Partido Liberal (PL) of Honduras was founded in February 5, 1981, hence it was 91 years old in 1982 (from the w
The Partido Liberal (PL) of Honduras was founded in February 5, 1981, hence it was 91 years old in 1982 (from the w
The Partido Liberal (PL) of Honduras was founded in February 5, 1981, hence it was 91 years old in 1982 (from the w
The Partido Liberal (PL) of Honduras was founded in February 5, 1981, hence it was 91 years old in 1982 (from the w
The Partido Liberal (PL) of Honduras was founded in February 5, 1981, hence it was 91 years old in 1982 (from the w
The Partido Liberal (PL) of Honduras was founded in February 5, 1981, hence it was 91 years old in 1982 (from the w
PH reports that the Progressive Party has been responsible for many social and economic reforms benefiting agricul
In the 2004 legislative elections, the Conservatives won 156 seats or 53.8% of the votes (<75%), qualifying for a 7.
In the 2008 legislative elections, the Conservatives won 200 seats or 70% of the votes (<75%), qualifying for a 7.
PH reports that the PM is affiliated with the Islamic Call (once part of UIA until it formally withdrew from the UIA Au
PH reports that the PM is affiliated with Islamic Call (which withdrew from the UIA in 2009).
Ireland's head of government is the Prime Minister, not the President.
PH reports that the current PM is affiliated with Fine Gael, not the Labour Party.
Following previous entries, Fine Gael is a rightist.
Following previous entries, Fine Gael is a Christian party.
PH reports that Fine Gael was formed in 1933.
PH reports that the total seats is 166.
PH reports that the total seats is 166.
Silvio Berlusconi resigned November 2011.
Berlusconi is an independent.
Berlusconi is an independent.
The term of the PM starts anew.
The PM is independent.
The PM is independent.
The PM is independent.
The PM is independent.
The PM is independent.
The PM is independent.
The PM is independent.
The Republican Political Party (Otan) was formed in 1999, where one of the parties joining it is the PPU.
The Republican Political Party (Otan) was formed in 1999, where one of the parties joining it is the PPU.
The Republican Political Party (Otan) was formed in 1999, where one of the parties joining it is the PPU.
The Republican Political Party (Otan) was formed in 1999, where one of the parties joining it is the PPU.
The Republican Political Party (Otan) was formed in 1999, where one of the parties joining it is the PPU.
The Republican Political Party (Otan) was formed in 1999, where one of the parties joining it is the PPU.
The Republican Political Party (Otan) was formed in 1999, where one of the parties joining it is the PPU.
The Republican Political Party (Otan) was formed in 1999, where one of the parties joining it is the PPU.
The Republican Political Party (Otan) was formed in 1999, where one of the parties joining it is the PPU.
The Republican Political Party (Otan) was formed in 1999, where one of the parties joining it is the PPU.
The Republican Political Party (Otan) was formed in 1999, where one of the parties joining it is the PPU.
The Republican Political Party (Otan) was formed in 1999, where one of the parties joining it is the PPU.
The Republican Political Party (Otan) was formed in 1999, where one of the parties joining it is the PPU.
Upon merging, the PPU is now part of Otan.
Counting starts anew as PPU merges with Otan.
Counting starts anew as PPU merges with Otan.
Counting starts anew as PPU merges with Otan.
Counting starts anew as PPU merges with Otan.
Counting starts anew as PPU merges with Otan.
Counting starts anew as PPU merges with Otan.
Counting starts anew as PPU merges with Otan.
Counting starts anew as PPU merges with Otan.
Counting starts anew as PPU merges with Otan.
Counting starts anew as PPU merges with Otan.
Counting starts anew as PPU merges with Otan.
Counting starts anew as PPU merges with Otan.
Counting starts anew as PPU merges with Otan.
PH reports that when the President was elected in 2011, it was for a six-year term.
PH reports that the President was affiliated with the Social Democratic Party.
PH reports that the President was affiliated with the Social Democratic Party.
Following previous entries, PSDK is 18 years.
PH reports that under the 2010 constitution the Supreme Council was increased to 120 seats.
PH 2011-2015 report that an election took place October 2010, during which the President was affiliated with the P
PSDK won 26 seats in the October elections.
The corresponding vote share of PSDK was 14.15%.
PSDK was formed in 1993.
PSDK was formed in 1993.
The second largest government party is Ar-namys.
Ar-namys got 25 votes.
Ar-namys got 13.69% vote share.
No information on the orientation of Ar-namys.
No information on the orientation of Ar-namys.
No information on the orientation of Ar-namys.
No information on the orientation of Ar-namys.
No information on the orientation of Ar-namys.
Ar-namys was founded in 1999.
Ar-namys was founded in 1999.
The third largest government party was the Socialist Party Fatherland.
Socialist Party Fatherland got 18 votes with vote share of 9.93%
Socialist Party Fatherland got 18 votes with vote share of 9.93%
No information on the orientation of Socialist Party Fatherland.
No information on the orientation of Socialist Party Fatherland.
No information on the orientation of Socialist Party Fatherland.
No information on the orientation of Socialist Party Fatherland.
No information on the orientation of Socialist Party Fatherland.
Socialist Party Fatherland was formed in 1993.
Socialist Party Fatherland was formed in 1993.
The largest opposition party is Fatherland.
Fatherland had 28 votes.
Fatherland got 15.31% vote share.
Fatherland was founded in 2004.
Fatherland was founded in 2004.
The second largest opposition party is the Republic.
Republic got 23 votes with vote share of 12.54%.
Republic got 23 votes with vote share of 12.54%.
PH reports that the PM nominated and elected in 2009 is still the same PM. He is nominated and re-elected until hi
PH reports that the PM is still affiliated with the JL until 2011, the JL's second year in a row.
PH reports that the PM is still affiliated with the JL until 2011, the JL's second year in a row.
Unity is the coalition of the New Era Party, Civic Union and the Society for Other Politics. PH reports that the coalitio
Unity is the coalition of the New Era Party, Civic Union and the Society for Other Politics. PH reports that the coalitio
Following previous entries, JL is a rightist group.
Following previous entries, JL exists for 9 years.
PH 2011 reports that TB-LNNK is one of the government parties -- the third largest government party.
TB-LNNK had 8 seats in the 2010 election.
No information on the vote share of TB-LNNK.
Following previous data entries, TB-LNNK is a rightist group.
Following previous data entries, TB-LNNK is a nationalist party.
Following previous data entries, TB-LNNK is not a rural, regional or religious party.
Following previous data entries, TB-LNNK is not a rural, regional or religious party.
Following previous data entries, TB-LNNK is not a rural, regional or religious party.
Following previous data entries, TB-LNNK exists for 14 years already.
The second largest opposition party in the 2010 elections is the LPP-LC, not the VL-TB-LNNK alliance.
Only two opposition parties (SC and LPP-LC) got seats in the 2010 elections.
Only two opposition parties (SC and LPP-LC) got seats in the 2010 elections.
PH reports that the largest government party is the ZRP. SC, is the largest opposition party in the 2011 elections.
PH reports that the ZRP got 22 seats.
PH reports that the vote share is 20.82%.
PH reports that ZRP is a centrist party.
PH reports that ZRP was founded in 2011.
PH reports that the second largest government party is the Unity coalition.
PH reports that Unity got 20 seats.
PH reports that Unity had 18.33% vote share.
Following previous data entries, Unity is not a centrist coalition.
Following previous data entries, Unity is not a does not advocate for the interests of the rural.
PH reports that Unity was formed before the 2010 elections.
The third largest government party was the NA-VL-TB/LNNK alliance.
NA-VL-TB-LNNK got 14 seats in the 2011 elections.
NA-VL-TB-LNNK had 13.88% vote share.
No information in the Ph about this variable.
PH reports that NA-VL-TB/LNNK emphasizes national interests and Latvian culture.
No information in the PH about these variables.
No information in the PH about these variables.
No information in the PH about these variables.
PH reports that NA-VL-TB/LNNK was founded in 2011.
PH reports that the largest opposition party is the SC, not the ZRP.
PH reports that SC got 31 seats.
PH reports that SC had 28.36% share.
No information on the orientation of SC.
PH reports that SC was founded in 2005.
PH reports that ZZS is the second largest opposition party with 13 seats and 12.22% vote share.
PH reports that ZZS is the second largest opposition party with 13 seats and 12.22% vote share.
PH reports that ZZS is the second largest opposition party with 13 seats and 12.22% vote share.
PH reports there there are no other opposition parties aside from SC and ZZS.
PH reports there there are no other opposition parties aside from SC and ZZS.
PH, Europa, IFES and IPU report that the total seats is 141.
PH and IFES do not report any legislative or executive elections in 2012. Elections took place instead in 2013.
PH and IFES do not report any legislative or executive elections in 2012. Elections took place instead in 2013.
PH and IFES do not report any legislative or executive elections in 2012. Elections took place instead in 2013.
PH and IFES do not report any legislative or executive elections in 2012. Elections took place instead in 2013.
The acronym of the Democratic Progressive Party is DPP not DDP.
Presidential elections took place November 2012.
Presidential elections took place November 2012.
PH reports that the July election was cancelled because of the March coup.
PH reports that the July election was cancelled because of the March coup.
PH reports that UDP got 3 seats in the 2006 balloting.
PH, IFES and IPU do not report any legislative elections in Mauritania in 2011.
PH, IFES and IPU do not report any legislative elections in Mauritania in 2012.
The PM is affiliated with the MLP not MSM.
Following previous entries, no information on the orientation of MLP.
Following previous entries, MLP advocates for Islamic rights.
PH reports that the total seats in the National Assembly is 70 (62 elected deputies plus 8 appointed from the list of
MLP was founded in 1936.
MLP was founded in 1936.
MLP was founded in 1936.
PH reports that Gortari took over as president in December 1, 1988.
PH reports that Gortari took over as president in December 1, 1988.
PH reports that Gortari took over as president in December 1, 1988.
PH reports that Gortari took over as president in December 1, 1988.
PH reports that Gortari took over as president in December 1, 1988.
PH reports that Gortari took over as president in December 1, 1988.
Probably, the variable was just mistaken as yrcurnt.
Probably, the variable was just mistaken as yrcurnt.
** PH indicates lef-wing; Europa=centrist. In the DPI codebook, its value should have been changes from 1983-200
** PH indicates lef-wing; Europa=centrist. In the DPI codebook, its value should have been changes from 1983-200
PH, Europa, and IPU report that the total seats increased to 395 following the adoption of a new constitution in 201
PH reports that President Than Sein took office March 2011.
PH reports that the President's term length is five years.
PH reports that President Than Sein is already retired from military service.
President Than Sein is a member of USDP.
President Than Sein is a member of USDP.
PH reports that USDP was registered in 2010.
PH reports that USDP has majority in both House of Nationalities and House of Representatives.
PH reports that the total seats in the House of Rep. is 440.
PH reports that USDP is the largest government party.
PH reports that USDP got 259 seats.
No information about USDP's vote share.
No information from PH about the orientation of USDP.
No information from PH about the orientation of USDP.
No information from PH about the orientation of USDP.
No information from PH about the orientation of USDP.
No information from PH about the orientation of USDP.
PH reports that USDP was registered in 2010.
PH reports that SNDP is the second largest government party.
PH reports that USDP got 18 seats.
No information about SNDP's vote share.
No information from PH about the orientation of SNDP.
No information from PH about the orientation of SNDP.
No information from PH about the orientation of SNDP.
No information from PH about the orientation of SNDP.
No information from PH about the orientation of SNDP.
PH reports that SNDP was registered in 2010.
PH reports that NUP is the third largest government party.
PH reports that NUP got 12 seats.
No information about NUP's vote share.
No information from PH about the orientation of NUP.
No information from PH about the orientation of NUP.
No information from PH about the orientation of NUP.
No information from PH about the orientation of NUP.
No information from PH about the orientation of NUP.
PH reports that NUP was registered in 2010.
PH reports that there are 18 other government parties.
PH reports that these 18 other government parties got 41 seats.
No information about the vote share of these 18 parties.
No legislative elections took place in 2012.
No legislative elections took place in 2012.
Europa reports that there were 110 appointed members of the assembly.
Europa reports that there were 110 appointed members of the assembly.
PH reports that the total seats is just 150.
PH/IPU report that the largest government party got 31 seats, 20.49% vote share.
PH/IPU report that the largest government party got 31 seats, 20.49% vote share.
PH/IPU report that the second largest government party got 24 seats, 15.45% vote share.
PH/IPU report that the second largest government party got 24 seats, 15.45% vote share.
PH/IPU report that the third largest government party got 21 seats, 13.61% vote share.
PH/IPU report that the third largest government party got 21 seats, 13.61% vote share.
PH/IPU report that the largest opposition party got 30 seats, 19.63% vote share.
PH/IPU report that the largest opposition party got 30 seats, 19.63% vote share.
PH/IPU report that the vote share of the second largest opposition party is 9.82%.
PH/IPU report that the third largest opposition party is the Green Lef, 10 seats and 6.67% vote share.
PH/IPU report that the third largest opposition party is the Green Lef, 10 seats and 6.67% vote share.
PH/IPU report that the third largest opposition party is the Green Lef, 10 seats and 6.67% vote share.
PH /IPU report that there are 4 other opposition parties, with 19 seats and 13.23% vote share.
PH /IPU report that there are 4 other opposition parties, with 19 seats and 13.23% vote share.
The current president is not a member of the military. The previous one was.
PH and IFES report that the current president got 58.9% of the votes. The previous president was the one who got 7
PH and IPU report that the largest government party got 202 seats.
PH and IPU report that the largest opposition party got 66 seats.
PH reports that President Farooq Leghari dismissed Prime Minister Bhutto and called for elections in 1997.
PH reports newly-elected deputies from 34 electoral districts attended the first session of the 11th congress on Mar
PH reports newly-elected deputies from 34 electoral districts attended the first session of the 11th congress on Mar
PH reports newly-elected deputies from 34 electoral districts attended the first session of the 11th congress on Mar
PH reports newly-elected deputies from 34 electoral districts attended the first session of the 11th congress on Mar
The Secretary of National Defense (Norberto B. Gonzales) is not a member of the military.
PH, Europa and IFES report that the elections took place in December.
IPU records only 447 total seats in the 1991 Russian general elections. PH states that the total seats was 450 in the s
Number of political parties could never be this big as per IPU and PH.
No legislative election recorded in PH, IPU, IFES. PH reports that on September 25, 2011, the Consultative Council re
PH reports that PDS is a right-wing group.
PH reports that the total number of seats is 87.
Following previous entries, prtyin should be 45 and 46.
Following previous entries, prtyin should be 45 and 46.
In 2005, members of the National Assembly were appointed. However, in 2010, the President and the National Asse
In 2005, members of the National Assembly were appointed. However, in 2010, the President and the National Asse
The Moderate Party is another political grouping, hence prtyin restarts from 1.
The Moderate Party is another political grouping, hence prtyin restarts from 1.
The Moderate Party is another political grouping, hence prtyin restarts from 1.
The Moderate Party is another political grouping, hence prtyin restarts from 1.
The Moderate Party is another political grouping, hence prtyin restarts from 1.
The Moderate Party is another political grouping, hence prtyin restarts from 1.
PH reports that the total seats in the lower chamber is 63.
PH reports that the total seats in the lower chamber is 63.
PH reports that the PDPT held 54 seats.
PH reports that the IRP held only 2 seats.
PH reports that the IRP held only 2 seats.
PH reports that there is an independent candidate who won a single seat.
PH reports that there is an independent candidate who won a single seat.
Following previous entries, CCM is now on its 35th year in 2012.
Following previous entries, CCM is now on its 35th year in 2012.
TUNDP (Chart Thai Pattana Pheu Pandin) got 7 seats according to PH and IPU.
PH reports that there are three other government parties (Palanchon, Mahachon and New Democratic Party) with 9
PH reports that there are three other government parties (Palanchon, Mahachon and New Democratic Party) with 9
PH reports that Palang Chon is not part of opposition.
PH and IPU reports that Rak Thailand got 4 seats.
PH reports that there were only 2 opposition parties lef.
PH reports that the two parties got 3 seats.
PH reports that the supposed October 2012 election was postponed to 2013.
PH reports that the supposed October 2012 election was postponed to 2013.
PH reports UBP (National Unity Party) is right-wing
PH reports UBP (National Unity Party) is right-wing
PH reports that the threshold is 5
PH reports that UBP (National Unity Party) was established in 1975
PH reports that UBP (National Unity Party) was established in 1975
PH reports UBP (National Unity Party) is right-wing
AKP is the executive's political party since 2002.
Following previous entries, age of PR is 11 in 2012.
IPU directly mentions that 163 are independent, and cannot be considered opposition.
IPU directly mentions that 163 are independents, and cannot be considered opposition.
IPU directly mentions that 163 are independents.
IPU directly mentions that 163 are independents.
Following previous data entries that the Conservative Party was founded in 1870.
Following previous data entries that the Conservative Party was founded in 1870.
No recorded independent candidates or citizen groups in the 2010 elections.
In the 2010 elections, 135 members were directly elected while the 15 members are reserved for the Ecological Mo
PH reports that PM Natapei lost a vote of confidence in the Parliament December 2, 2010. The Parliament immedia
PH reports that PM Natapei lost a vote of confidence in the Parliament December 2, 2010. The Parliament immedia
PH reports that PM Natapei lost a vote of confidence in the Parliament December 2, 2010. The Parliament immedia
PH reports that PM Natapei lost a vote of confidence in the Parliament December 2, 2010. The Parliament immedia
Since PM Natapei was replaced by Kilman, this variable starts anew.
Since PM Natapei was replaced by Kilman, this variable starts anew.
The political affiliation of Kilman is PPP.
PH does not report the orientation of PPP.
PH does not report the orientation of PPP.
PH reports that one of PPP's focus is the development of agriculture.
PH reports that PPP was announced in 2001.
PH reports that PPP was announced in 2001.
The PM's party is changed to PPP.
PPP secured 4 seats in the 2008 election.
PH does not report the orientation of PPP.
PH does not report the orientation of PPP.
PH reports that one of PPP's focus is the development of agriculture.
PH reports that PPP was announced in 2001.
PH reports that PPP was announced in 2001.
PH reports that the third largest government party is the VRP.
VRP secured 7 seats in the election.
PH reports that VRP was formed in 1998.
PH reports that VRP was formed in 1998.
PH reports that the largest opposition party is the VP, securing 11 seats.
PH reports that the largest opposition party is the VP, securing 11 seats.
Following previous entries, VP is a lefist.
Following previous entries, VP is a nationalist party.
PH reports that VP was founded in 1972.
PH reports that VP was founded in 1972.
PH reports that UMP is the second largest opposition party, securing 8 seats.
PH reports that UMP is the second largest opposition party, securing 8 seats.
PH reports that PAP is the third largst opposotion party, securing 1 seat.
PH reports that PAP is the third largst opposotion party, securing 1 seat.
The other opposition parties secured 6 seats.
The current president is affiliated with the PF, hence counting restarts.
PH reports that the current National Assembly is composed of 150 elected members. However, for this election (20
t by the interim cabinet and sworn in on November 5, 2009.

"Christian" orientation.
are Major-Generals.
government party got 71.8%.
government party got 71.8%.
Turk Cyprus
Comoro Island
Following coding convention in PH and Europa World, although it is a semi-presidential system, the government and
In the 2014 elections, PH, Europa and IPU numbers are different for the total seats won by the parties. Used the num
PH, Europa and IPU name the party as Jatiya Party while the DPI 2012 named it as Ershad. This DPI used "Ershad".
The party, "If You Want It, Chile Changes" was listed under government parties. PH reports it as other legislative par
Government or opposition parties cannot be determined as the 2014 election results are not yet published in the P
Comoro Islands was renamed Comoro in the PH 2013-2015.
The position of the president is vacant as of May 2014.

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