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KLA English


STUDENT NAME ______________________________

TUTOR GROUP ______________________________

TEACHER(S) ______________________________


ASSESSMENT TITLE Analytical Review


DUE DATE Draft – Monday 17 August 2009
Final copy – Monday 24 August 2009

In your English studies this term, you have explored the various ways in which humour works. You
have focussed on looking at sitcoms, parodies and satires, exploring the ways in which comedy can
be used to provide critique and information, as well as entertainment.
Your task is to write an analytical review of a TV sitcom, parody or satire. This review should be
critical in nature, focussing on a detailed study of your chosen episode. You might therefore consider
such aspects as narrative, characterisation and the development of stereotypes, as well as the use of
various film elements. Most importantly, however, your work should provide an analysis of the
way in which the writer has used various techniques to invoke humour in the audience,
considering the purpose of such humour with reference to its social and cultural context.

 At least three weeks notice of task
 Explicit teaching of review genre
 Teacher to draft with students
 Drafts and planning to be submitted with the assignment; assignment also to be submitted
 Text of 500 words length

Students are able to interpret and analyse how language elements and other aspects of texts position readers/ viewers/ listeners.

Students are able to make judgments and justify opinions about how the qualities of texts contribute to enjoyment and appreciation.


D3 - Classifying


Finding humour Questioning and problem solving

Clarity and precision



 All assessment items – whether written or spoken – will be given a due date. Students are required
to submit their work to their classroom English teachers on the date set out by the Head of English.
If the student does not have an English class on the date their work is due, they must instead
submit the work to the studies office by 9am. It is not acceptable, unless otherwise arranged, to
submit work in any form other than by hard copy.
 During the staging of any assessment item whose conditions are unsupervised (assignments), it is
the responsibility of the students to show to his teacher the development of the response and to
keep all note-taking, drafting and re-drafting with his assignment at all times. Students must submit
all preparation work to their classroom English teacher at the time when the assignment is due.
 Drafting is a necessary practice, and a means of developing competence, fluency and increasing
independence in language usage. In accordance with these principles, teacher feedback on drafts
will be primarily concerned with the content and structure of the student’s text, and will operate
around the understanding that detailed correction of spelling and punctuation is properly the
responsibility of the student. Drafting is not a means of providing students with an indicative grade,
but a means of guiding and shaping student learning.
 Students must also note the conditions of each assessment task; there will be times when the
correction of drafts is not appropriate.
 All work submitted by a student must be original and substantially their own work, and to this
effect, the student must sign the statement on the attached page, acknowledging the nature and
source of any assistance. All assignments must also be submitted through
 Assessment at Marist College Ashgrove is not optional – all work must be submitted in accordance
with the appropriate due date. A student failing to present the completed task on the due date
because of absence must submit a note from home or a Medical Certificate to the Head of English
immediately upon his return to school. Where a student fails to submit his work and/or does not
have appropriate documentation for his absence, the following will happen:
a. His earlier draft work will be considered as his response, or
b. In the absence of a draft, he will be relocated to a suitable space and provided with time to
handwrite a copy of the assignment to hand to his teacher. In the case of an oral task, this
will form the script for his presentation on a later date.
 Should there be a problem with you submitting your task on time, notify your teacher of this as
soon as you become aware of the difficulty (not in class on the due date) so that steps can be put in
place to assist you.
I declare that the work I am submitting in this assessment piece is my own.

I have referenced material from:

Print resources 
Electronic/technological resources 
Human resources 
I acknowledge that I have received assistance with this assessment piece from:
A teacher  A parent or boarding staff 
A tutor  Some other person _____________________ 
Signed ______________________________________________________________ Date ____________________________

The student work demonstrates evidence of:

Interpreting Insightful interpretation of subject Pertinent interpretation of subject Relevant interpretation of subject Variable interpretation of subject Vague interpretation of subject
matter, reflected in sophisticated matter, reflected in thoughtful matter, reflected in selection of matter, reflected in a selection of matter, reflected in a selection of
texts selection of ideas and examples selection of ideas and examples ideas and examples which are ideas and examples which have ideas and examples which have
which are highly suitable to the which are highly suitable to the suitable to the task. some suitability to the task. limited suitability or relevance to
task. task. the task.
Comprehensive discussion of the Coherent discussion of the social Credible discussion of the social Narrow discussion of the social and Rudimentary discussion of the
social and critical nature of and critical nature of comedy. and critical nature of comedy. critical nature of comedy. social and critical nature of
comedy. comedy.
Constructing Review has been constructed, Review has been constructed, Review has been constructed, Review has been constructed, Review has been constructed,
through the use of sentences and through the use of sentences and through the use of sentences and through the use of sentences and through the use of sentences and
texts paragraphs, to present material in a paragraphs, to present material in a paragraphs, to present material in a paragraphs, to present material in a paragraphs, to present material in a
manner which is fluent, logical and manner which is fluent and logical. manner which is logical, but manner which is mostly logical. manner which generally lacks
appealing. variable in its fluency. clarity in its progression.
Incorporates skilful use of grammar Incorporates purposeful use of Incorporates grammar and Incorporates variable use of Grammar and/or punctuation are
and punctuation to powerful effect. grammar and punctuation to good punctuation to suitable effect, grammar and punctuation to some employed in a cursory manner.
effect. though the manner in which they effect.
are applied is sometimes variable.
Vocabulary selection is complex Vocabulary selection is thoughtful, Functional use of vocabulary, Narrow development of Vocabulary selection is often
and discerning, supported by supported by proficient use of supported by competent use of vocabulary, supported by disjointed rudimentary, supported by vague
accurate and consistent spelling. spelling strategies. spelling strategies. application of spelling strategies. application of spelling strategies.
Reflecting Perceptive reflection on the way in Informed reflection on the way in Relevant reflection on the way in Superficial reflection on the way in Cursory reflection on the way in
which humour works through which humour works through which humour works through which humour works through which humour works through
specific language, characterisation specific language, characterisation specific language, characterisation specific language, characterisation specific language, characterisation
and filming choices and filming choices and filming choices and filming choices and filming choices

Teacher comments and feedback:


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