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1. The results of statistics exam are given in table below.

Find the intergroup similarity coefficients

between groups (in pairs).

Mark Group number

I (n1i) II (n2i) III (n3i)
1 0 5 0
2 0 10 3
3 6 7 5
4 16 13 7
5 5 5 10
6 3 0 5

2. For an individual listings data : -2, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 3, 4 calculate arithmetic mean, standard
deviation, mode, median, quartiles.

3. On the basis of table below find mean, median, mode, quartiles, first and last deciles, standard
deviation, direction of skewness.

a) b)
Wages in zł Relative frequency Wages in euro Counts
Up to 1000 10% Up to 400 10
1000 - 2000 36% 400 – 800 15
2000 – 3000 34% 800 – 1200 13
3000 – 4000 15% 1200 – 1600 7
4000 – 5000 5% 1600 – 2000 5
Total 100% Total 50

4. Draw the concentration curve and calculate Lorenz coefficient of concentration.

a) b)
Symbol of Relative Relative Relative frequency Relative
shop chain frequency of frequency of of shops [%] frequency of
shops [%] turnovers [%] turnovers [%]
A 10 5 30 10
B 30 10 25 15
C 20 15 20 20
D 15 20 15 25
E 25 50 10 30
Total 100 100 100 100

5. On the basis of table below find mean, median, mode, quartiles, first and last quintiles, skewness
a) b)
Values Frequency Values Frequency
2–4 6 10 10
4–6 10 20 8
6–8 18 30 7
8 – 10 10 40 5
10 – 12 6 50 10
6. Daily rates of return for 4 shares (A,B,C,D) on Stock Exchange during 5 trading sessions (ts) are
presented below. Find the Pearson coefficient of correlation for pairs A and B, A and C, A and D.

Stock 1 ts [%] 2 ts [%] 3 ts [%] 4 ts [%] 5 ts [%]

A -2 1 2 0 4
B -4 2 4 0 8
C 2 -1 -2 0 -4
D 1 9 2 2 1

7. Similar products made by six enterprizes were appraised (graded) by two groups. Every product
was marked by certain number of points. For each situation (a, b, c) find Spearman and Kendall
rank correlation coefficients between groups I and II. Are these groups have the same evaluation of
given products?

Product a) b) c)
A 10 20 10 22 10 22
B 10 20 10 20 12 20
C 15 20 15 18 15 18
D 15 15 15 16 18 16
E 25 15 25 14 20 14
F 25 10 25 10 25 10

8. For a given chronological series of stock exchange prices calculate absolute increments, relative
increments and individual indices of dynamics (chain-base and fixed-base for a chosen base period
y1= 20 zł, y2= 22 zł, y3= 23 zł, y4= 21 zł, y5= 22 zł

9. Let 2012 export is base level (with number 4). Knowing individual indices i1/4 = 0,8, i2/4 = 0,95, i3/4
= 0,92, i5/4 = 0,98, i6/4 = 1,05, i7/4 = 1,15 find year-to-year percentage changes in export.

10. Year-to-year changes of production of the chosen car model were : 10%, 20%, 15%,
-10%, -15%, 3%, -10%. How many percent the production in third year differs from production of
first, second, fourth, … , eighth year. How much greater was the production of the highest
production year in comparison to the production of the lowest production year?

11. Find aggregate value, price and quantity indices (Laspeyres, Paasche, Fischer, Jevons, Carlie-

Product Production (thousands items) Unit prices

2010 (q0) 2015 (q1) 2010 (p0) 2015 (p1)
A 1 1 10 20
B 1 1,5 20 25
C 2 1,5 30 25

12. A group were asked a question with possible answers „yes” and „no”. Make a comparison of
answer type depending on gender. Use 2 (chi square) test to examine significance of rejection of
null hypothesis in two examples presented below. Calculate Czuprow coefficient.

a) b)
yes no yes no
Male 40 35 75 Male 45 20 65
Female 32 23 55 Female 15 10 25
72 58 130 60 30 90

13. 3 groups were asked to chose the preferred product. Is a statement that „in all groups the
distribution of preferred product is the same” could be true? Use 2 (chi square) test. Calculate
Czuprow coefficient.

A 4 10 15 29
B 5 10 10 25
C 7 6 4 17
D 10 4 5 19
26 30 34 90

14. An opinion pool results concerning preferred model are as follows:

a) A = 70, B = 60, C = 40, D = 30; b) A = 14, B = 12, C = 8, D = 6.
Can we reject the hypothesis that all four models are chosen equally often?

15. Is there a relationship between an intensity of TV advertisement and increase in turnover?

Advertisement intensity Increase of turnover No changes

- Intensive 15 5
- Medium 17 13
- Weak 12 28

16. The opinion pool concerning establishing a new megastore were conducted in four cities. The
results are presented in table below. Can we say that in all cities taking up this idea is equal? In
other words, are the relative frequencies of the same answer (for example „yes”) equal in all four

Yes, we want to build a new megastore in our city 70 60 20 110
No, we don’t want to 20 40 30 100

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