Discovering Sodom

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McCormick (1

Matthew McCormick

I610 Intro to Strategic Trend Reporting

Final Draft

19th August 2016

Word Count: 1388

Discovering Sodom
Sodom and Gomorrah were located at the northern end of the Dead Sea and

shown by Biblical and archaeological evidence.

If discovered would we find the remains of a once huge and populated metropolitan?

As Gen 14:2 would indicate a confederation of kings. The evidence of gross immorality

which would provoke God’s wrath in Gen 18:20. And would the archeology reveal such a

catastrophic event (Gen 19:24)?

Some archeologist speculates that the remains are under the southern coast of the

Dead Sea. While there have been excavations at such sites as Bab edh-Dhra (would be

and Numeira (Gomorrah) a careful study of chronology quickly reveals discrepancies.

If the Bible is used as a guide map with its abundant amount of geographic

Information the probable location of these sites can be ascertained.

In the archeological community the Bible is often over looked. A purposed analysis of all

evidence presented; and arguments from both opposing camps; the possible location of

these ancient cities are within grasp.

The criterion in which a candidate site must meet is “The right place; The right time;
and the right stuff.”
McCormick (2

The Right Place:

The location of Sodom cannot be on the southern shores of the Dead Sea because

Genesis 13:3 indicates that where Abraham and Lot pitched their tent, it was

impossible for them to see any of the leading contenders for the southern conjecture.

Gen 13:3 And he went on his journeys from the south even to Bethel, unto the place

where his tent had been at the beginning, between Bethel and Hai;

Gen 13:10 And Lot lifted up his eyes, and beheld all the plain of Jordan, that it was well

watered every where, before the LORD destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah,

[Quotation from official dig website Tel el-Hammam; “ The fact that Tall el-Hammam and other

sites on the eastern half of the Jordan Disk are located precisely in the geographical area

specified for the biblical "Cities of the Jordan Plain (Disk)" has turned out to be more than a

coincidence, thus providing a geographical framework for the story of Abraham's nephew Lot

and his escape from Sodom .”

The NAS Old Testament Hebrew Lexicon

Note the word plain of the Jordon and its location. The Hebrew word for plain is Kikkar;

1. round
a. a round district (environs of the Jordan valley)
b. a round loaf (of bread)
c. a round weight, talent (of gold, silver, bronze, iron)
McCormick (3
Eye Witness Account: Dr. Latayne C. Scott “But under no circumstances can you see

with the naked eye beyond that point to the middle (Lisan)regions or the southern end

of the Dead Sea. The vantage point of the area of Bethel and AI is a bit of evidence that

should not be passed over lightly.”

The southern conjecture was popularized by W.F. Albright and G.E. Wright who

speculated that the cities of the plains had to be on the southern shores or even possibly

under the waters. Simply because of the sulfur pillars and the desolation that remains

Though much of the academic world supports this view it is not supported by the

Biblical text. There are historical archeologist that viewed the Northern conjecture from

the Biblical text and have located such areas as Tel el-Hammam as the lost cities of the
McCormick 4

W.M. Thomson in his 1882 book “The Land of the Book; Southern Palestine and from

Jerusalem” he states (paraphrased) From where Abram and lot stood between Bethel

and AI some 60 or 70 miles from the southern end of the Dead Sea no matter how high

he lifted his eyes he could not see that location. Furthermore you cannot call that area in

southern end “the plain of the Jordon” in any sense that plain stops at the north end.

The Right Time:

The location of Tall el Hamman which you can see from the map below is a massive site

which contains artifacts from Chalcolithic period/ Early Bronze Age/Intermediate

Bronze Age/ Middle Bronze Age/ Late Bronze Age and ceases to exist until the Iron Age.

“Gen 13:10 And Lot lifted up his eyes, and beheld all the plain of Jordan, that it was

well watered everywhere, before the LORD destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah,”

A main point of contention is chronology because most archeologists have differing

opinions. To quote Dr.Latayne C. Scott “The bible fixes the events of the life of Abraham

and his descendants in time, and expects us to do as well. But without a master
McCormick 5

calendar, we must do what the biblical writers do, use any fixed elements of history,

geography, or archaeology at hand to extrapolate chronologies.” Archaeologists and

scholars such as W.F, Albright and K.A. Kitchen agree that Abraham occupied the

period we call MB2 (1800=1550) .

That’s when the archeological record show that the Semitic Astiatics (Canaanites) fled to

Egypt due to the severe famine in the land. “ The sites called Bab edh-Dhra and

Numeira called( Sodom and Gomorrah) destruction levels lie at the EB3 period much

earlier than the time of Abram and Lot 200 to 400 years earlier.

Plus Numeira was destroyed 250 years before Babe edh-Dhra .” Another problem is

many scholars try to use the Biblical statements of Exodus 12:40 from the Masoretic

text (10th century CE) that the Israelites were enslaved in Egypt for 430 years but this is

not what the LXX (Exo.12:40) or the Samaritan Pentateuch, neither the Apostle Paul

(Gal.3:16) nor Josephus attest to.

The Israelites sojourned in Canaan and Egypt for 430 years from the giving of the

promise to Abraham until the coming of the law under Moses. Two hundred and fifteen

years from Abraham to Joseph and two hundred and fifteen years from Joseph to

Moses. To quote the commentary Treasury of Scriptural Knowledge “The Samaritan

Pentateuch reads, "Now the sojourning of the children of Israel, and of their fathers in

the land of Canaan and in the land of Egypt, was 430 years."

The Alexandrine copy of the LXX has the same reading; “So by using DR. Scott time

frame based on the above information in their book (Collins and Scott) “Discovering the

city of Sodom” dates 1750-1540 BCE (MB2) places Abram and Lot right at the time of
the destruction of Tel el-Hammam and the Cities of the plain.
McCormick 6

The Right Stuff:

Not only must a candidate site possess the right place; the right time but also the right

stuff. The site must contain artifacts from the Chalcolithic (4600-3600 BCE); the Early

bronze age two (3000-2700 BCE) and three (2700-2350 BCE) As well as the

Intermediate Bronze (2350-2000 BCE) and Middle Bronze Age. MB1 (2000-1800 BCE)

MB2 (1800-1540 BCE).

The sites of the cites of the plain do contain all of the above as well as a lapse of any

occupation for 700 years after its destruction till the Iron age (1200-1000 BCE). The

ash and destruction debris level at Tell el-Hammam contain a matrix level of ½ a meter

to two meters thick of smashed charred pottery vessels; broken and tumbled mud

bricks; other day to day objects as well as human bones’ the destruction was devastating.

They also discovered what some call “Trinitite” which is a term used for pieces of sand at

the New Mexico nuclear test site in which the sand is super heated and glazed on one

side. There was found in the destruction level of Tel el-Hammam pottery with the same

properties. This site truly contains the right stuff.


The archeological evidence for Tall el Hammam to be a prime candidate is highly

plausible; it does exhibit the early ages as Genesis requires; Gen.10 thru 19.

None of the southern conjectures fit the dates neither the artifacts which need to be

present for the time Abraham and Lot’s visitation.

These cites of the plain were in fact destroyed just as God said; So what is the so what

factor and action point for us? We would do well to learn from their account and avoid
their actions for the future of our Nation. And pray!
Works Cited
James, King. Genesis 13:3

Thomson, W.M. “The Land of the Book; Southern Palestine and from Jerusalem” 1882
Dr. Scott, Latayne C. Discovering the City of Sodom. New York, Howard Books, 2013.

Dr. Collins, Steven, Dr. Scott, Latayne C. (Paraphrased) Discovering the City of Sodom. New York,
Howard Books, 2013.

The Treasury of Scripture Knowledge , esword, 2013. Digital Bible.

Dr. Collins, Steven, Dr. Scott, Latayne C. Discovering the City of Sodom. New York, Howard Books,

Maps Dr. David E. Graves . “Five Cities of the Plain” 2014

Maps, Trinity Southwest University . Discoveries. ,


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