Dismiss Speeding Ticket

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Case/Ticket No: _____________________

∋ Cedar Rapids Police Department

Fact Finding Hearing. Cedar
Plaintiff. ∋ Rapids, Iowa
v. ∋

Cedar Rapids Police Department, City of
Cedar Rapids; Mayor of Cedar Rapids –

Ron Corbett; City of Cedar Rapids ∋
Councilors - Don Karr, Tom Podzimek, ∋
Chuck Swore, Kris Gulick, Monica Vernon,
Pat Chuck, Wieneke Justin Shields;
Unknown Hearing Officers for Cedar
Rapids Police Department, ET AL.

Date: ___________


NOW COMES _________________________, the Plaintiff in the above styled case. Plaintiff
challenges Defendant's action to issue Plaintiff a citation for doing nothing. Defendants action to
issue Plaintiff a citation for doing nothing is on its face witout cause of action; without any
evidence; without due process and violates the due process protecion clause; the protection
against unreasonable punishiment clause; and the equal protection clause of Iowa Constitution
and Constituion of the United States. Furthermore, a criminal citation issued to any resident of
Cedar Rapids for doing nothing without due process is a violation of the United Nations
Intenrational Human Rights Commission rules.


Plaintiff asserts this court has jurisdiction over Defendant's as established by the Iowa code of
criminal procedures section 616.3 Wherein procedure 616.3 of Iowa code of criminal procedures
states in its entirety “
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616. Local actions.

Actions for the following causes must be brought in the county where the cause, or some part
thereof, arose:

1. For fines, penalties, or forfeitures. Those for the recovery of a fine, penalty, or forfeiture
imposed by a statute; but when the offense for which the claim is made was committed
on a watercourse or road which is the boundary of two counties, the action may be
brought in either of them.

2. Against public officers. se against a public officer or person specially appointed to

execute the public officer's duties, for an act done by the officer or person in virtue or
under color of the public office, or against one who by the officer's or person's command
or in the officer's or person's aid shall do anything touching the duties of such officer, or
for neglect of official duty.

3. On official bonds.Those on the official bond of a public officer.

4. Actions on bonds of executor or guardian. Those on the bond of an executor,

administrator, or guardian may be brought in the county in which the appointment was
made and such bond filed.

5. Actions on other bonds. Actions on all other bonds provided for or authorized by law
may be brought in the county in which such bond was filed and approved.


Plaintiff received a civil ticket herein referred to as “Ticket” on or about / / via

United States Postal Service from Defendants. Upon receipt of the Ticket Plaintiff was
subsequently threatened by the Cedar Rapids Police Department to take action within 30 days or
Plaintiff would be found guilty and charged with a crime by the Defendants for doing nothing.
No statute in Iowa provides for the criminal prosecution for doing nothing. Dependents are
capriciously denying Plaintiff's right to appear in a court of proper jurisdiction to pray on the
court to provide a proper decision prior to being found guilty by a self appointed hearing officer.
In America we do allow a single person to be Judge, Jury and Excecutioner. Whereas no statute
exists that authorizes Defendant's to charge a person with a crime for doing nothing. Defendant's
own letter is prima facie evidence that the additional citation is for the crime of doing nothing.
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Plaintiff moves the court to dismiss the unlawful citation issued where Plaitiff has done nothing
and forever bar Defendents from ever issuing a citation to any Cedar Rapids resident for doing
(Have Notarized – Notary Stamp)

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