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Ocampo et el. v. The Secretary of Justice et el. G.R. No. L-7910 (1955)*

Excerpts from the minutes of Jan. 18, 1955

In Ocampo et al. vs. The Secretary of Justice et a1., G. R. No. L-7910,

the petition was denied, without costs, due to insufficient votes to in-
validate section 3 of Republic Act No. 1186.
Chief Justice Paras and Justices Padilla, Reyes (A), and Labrador
voted to uphold that particular section;
Justices Pablo, Bengzon, Montemayor, Jugo, Bautista, Concepcion
and Reyes, J.B.L., believe it is unconstitutional.
The opinions follow:

PARAS, C.j.:
Under the Judiciary Act of 1948, Republic Act No. 296. the judicial
function in Courts of First Instance was vested in District Judges, Judges-
at-Large and Cadastral Judges. Sixteen Judicial Districts were consti-
tuted, and seventy-four District Judges were provided and distributed
thereover in the proportion fixed in the Act. Aside from the seventy-
four District Judges, section 53 of the Act provided for the appointment
of "eighteen Judges-at-Large and fifteen Cadastral Judges who shall not
be assigned permanently to any judicial district and who shall render
duty in such district or province as may, from time to time, be desig-
nated by the Department Head." The petitioners were duly appointed
and. had qualified under said section 53, four as Judges-at-Large and
six as Cadastral Judges.
Under Republic Act No. 1186, which took effect on June 19, 1954,
several provisions of the Judiciary Act of 1948 were amended. Now,
the judicial function in the Court of First Instance is vested in District
Judges; and although the number of Judicial Districts is maintained,
the number of District Judges has been increased to 114. Section 3
of Republic Act No. 1186, provides that "all the existing positions of Judges-
at-Large and Cadastral Judges are abolished, and secticn fifty-three of
Republic Act Numbered Two Hundred and Ninety-six is hereby re-
pealed." Shortly after the effectivity of Republic Act No. 1186, the
Secretary of Justice informed the petitioners that they had ceased as
Judges-at-Large and Cadastral Judges. The petitioners have filed the
present petition for declaratory relief and/or mandamus, for a judicial
declaration that section 3 of Republic Act No. 1186 is unconstitutional
and void, that the respective positions and offices of the petitioners under

*Motion for reconsideration subsequently dismissed in a resolution of the

Supreme Court of February 16, 1955.

the Judiciary Act of 1948 still exists, and that they are entitled to exer-
cise the powers and functions. of said offices; and for a directive against
the Secretary of Justice to permit the petitioners to continue in the exer-
cise of said powers and functions, and against the Chief Accounting
Officer and Judicial Officer of the Department of Justice to pay the pe-
titioners their corresponding compensation beginning June 20, 1954.
Section 1 of Article VIII of the Constitution provides that "the
judicial power shall be vested in the Supreme Court and in such in-
ferior courts as may be established by law," and section 9 of the same
Article provides that "the Members of the Supreme Court and all judges
of inferior courts shall hold office during good behavior, until they reach
the age of 70 years, or become incapacitated to discharge the duties
of their office." The power of Congress under section 1 to organize,
reorganize and even abolish courts inferior to the Supreme Court, is con-
ceded; and the contention advanced on behalf of the petitioners is merely
that such power is restricted by and may be reconciled with section 9
in the sense that they should be allowed to continue holding their
offices during good behavior, until they reach the age of seventy years
or become incapacitated, notwithstanding the reorganization effected un-
der Republic Act No. 1186 and the express abolition of their positions
by section 3 thereof.
In this case we have to assume, both from the explanatory note ot
the basic Bill and from the sponsorship speeches, that the main objective
of Republic Act No. 1186 is to vest the judicial function of Courts of
First Instance in District Judges, eliminating Judges-at-Large and Cadas-
tral Judges, the creation of whose positions (by Republic Act No. 296,
section 53), as Mr. Justice Padilla says in a separate opinion, offends
against the constitutional mandate that no judge appointed for a parti-
cular district shall be transferred to another district without the ap-
proval of the Supreme Court. For under said Republic Act No. 296,
those judges could be assigned by the Secretary of Justice to any Judi-
cial District,-a practice undoubtedly allowing, if it had not already
allowed, the designation of any of them to try specific cases with per-
haps indicated results. Indeed, the present administration is to be com-
mended for thus totally doing away with the system of "rigodon de
jueces", which under the former law it could have maintained to its
obvious advantage. It is very significant that not a single District Judge
has been ceased out. We cannot accept the insinuation that the peti-
tioners have been purposely removed or legislated out, because the iso-
lated personal opinion expressed by one or two members of Congress
that undesirable judges must be weeded out, is not controlling and, as
already stated, all positions of Judges-at-Large and Cadastral Judges,
and not merely those held by the petitioners, were abolished. If peti-
titioners were not.: after the abolition of their posts, retained in the judi-
ciary, like the others by giving them appointment as District Judges,

which involves a promotion to positions of higher category, that is not

attributable to Republic Act No. 1186, for petitioners are in fact casual-
ties of the legitimate exercise by the President of his prerogative ap-
pointment. Moreover, if the petitioners were intentionally ceased out for
being "undesirable", no provision for the payment of any gratuity would
have been provided, because removal for cause is never rewarded.
It is argued for the petitioners that Republic Act No. 1186 has not
abolished any Court of First Instance and, on the contrary, it has in-
creased the number of District Judges. This is followed by the reminder
that in American States where the legislative power to abolish a judge-
ship was sustained, the corresponding court was also abolished. The flaw
of this argument lies in the fact that none of the petitioners was a
District Judge presiding over a District Court, and they were all only
occupying the positions of either Judge-at-Large or Cadastral Judge in
virtue of section 53 of the Judiciary Act of 1948, which positions were
eP. abolished and which section wal>. repealed expressly by Republic
Act No. 1186; hence it was no longer necessary to abolish any court.
It is not amiss to recall that the position of District Judge has hereto-
furc always been considered as distinct and different from that of J udge-
at-Large or Cadastral Judge, such that the latter had to look forward
to being promoted and made a District Judge under a new and different
appointment with increased compensation.
Our considered opinion is that if it be, as it is, admitted that Con-
gress can abolish courts inferior to the Supreme Court, it can do the lesser
thing of reducing the number or changing the category of judges presiding
over such courts. In the case of Zandueta vs. De la Costa, 66 Phil., 615.
lvlr. Justice Laurel, one of the most eminent members of the Constitu-
tional Convention. voiced the opinion that the legislature may abolish
courts inferior to the Supreme Court and reorganize them territorially
01 otherwise, thereby necessitating new appointments and commissions.
Indeed, only recently, in the case of Brillo vs. Enage, G. R. No. L-7115,
we ourselves expressed the view that "el derecho de un juez de desern-
pefiarlo hasta los 70 afios de edad 0 se incapacite no priva al Congreso
de su facultad de abolir, fusionar 0 reorganizar juzgados no constitucio-
nales," Citations from other jurisdictions contain pronouncements to the
eflect that "if the framers of the Constitution intended to leave it to the
legislature to establish and abolish courts as the public necessities de-
manded, this was not qualified, or limited by the clause as to the judge's
term of office," (McCulley vs. State, 53 S:W. 134); "a constitutional pro-
vision that judges of a certain court shall hold their offices for five years
must yield to another provision that the legislature may alter or abolish
the court, and therefore the legislature may reduce the number of judges
by fixing an end to the terms of certain of them although within five
years after they took office. State ex rel, Kenny vs. Hudspeth (1890)
59 N.J.L. 304; 37 Atl. 504, 37 Atl. 67; Nolle v. State (1698) 62 N.J.L.

533, 41 Atl, 832, affirmed in (1900) 64 N.J.L. 363, 48 Atl, 1118." (4

AL.R. 216); "the legislative power to create a court carries with it the
power to abolish it. When the court is abolished any unexpired term
is abolished also. The judge of such a court takes office with that en-
cumbrance and knowledge. (Cherokee County v. Savage, 32 So. 2nd
503); and "the legislature has the power to abolish as well as to create,
to diminish as well as to increase, the number of judicial districts" (AIk-
man vs. Edwards, 30 L.R.A 149, 55 Kan. 751, 42 Pac. 366).
The reasons for the above pronouncements are, among others, that
security of tenure is certainly not a personal privilege of any particular
Judge (concurring opinion of Mr.' Justice Laurel in Zandueta vs. De la
Costa, supra); a public officer, no matter what the department of the
government in which he serves is a public servant, and while the public
should deal justly with him, his individual rights are by no means of
primary importance (AIkman vs. Edwards, 30 L.R.A. 149, 55 Kan. 751,
42 Pac. 366); the judge's right to his full term and his full salary are
not dependent alone upon his good conduct, but also upon the contin-
gency that the legislature may for the public good, in ordaining and
establishing the courts, from time to time consider his office unnecessary
and abolish it (McCulley vs. State, 53 S.W. 134).
Properly and logically speaking, the petitioners were not removed
from office because a removal implies that the office exists after the
ouster. Thus in the case of Manalang vs, Quitoriano, G. R. No. L-6898,
promulgated on April 30, 1954, this Court said:
"This pretense can not be sustained. To begin with, petitioner
has never been Commissioner of the National Employment Service
and, hence, he could not have been, and has not been removed there-
from. Secondly, to remove an officer is to oust him from office before
the expiration of his term. A removal implies that the office exists
after the ouster. Such is not the case of petitioner herein, for Re-
public Act 761 expressly abolished the Placement Bureau, and, by im-
plication, the office of the Director thereof, which, obviously, cannot
exist without said Bureau. By the abolition of the latter and of said
office, the right thereto of its incumbent, petitioner herein, was neces-
sarily extenguished thereby. Accordingly, the constitutional mandate
to the effect that 'no officer or employee in the civil service shall be
removed or suspended except for cause as provided by law' (Art. XII,
Sec. 4, Phil. Const.) , is not in point, for there has been neither a re-
moval nor a suspension of the petitioner Manalang, but an abolition of
his former office of Director of the Placement Bureau, which, admit-
tedly, is within the power of Congress to undertake by legislation."
(supra, 50 0.0. 2515.)
To the same effect is the following:
"To dispense with an unnecessary court is not to change his term
of judgeship, nor is it to affect the guaranties of the Constitution as to
his salary, nor does it remove the judge from office. The office no
longer exists, and, of course, a removal from an office that has no
existence is not a conceivable proposition." (McCulley vs. State,
53 S.W. 134.)

For all practical purposes and to all constitutional intents, a judge

of first instance is on the same footing as an officer or employee in the
civil service insofar as permanence of tenure is concerned, because where-
as the judge is to serve during good behavior, an officer or employee
in the civil service may not be removed or suspended except for cause
as provided by law. In both cases the office is statutory, and it is
fundamental and elementary that a statute cannot be irrepealable. The
petitioners are certainly mistaken in believing that the only way tore-
concile section 1 with section 9 of Article VIII of the Constitution is to
hold that any attempt to abolish the position of a judge should only
00 made effective after the expiration of his term; because it is no
less tenable and sound to rule that a judge may hold office during
good behavior only as long as his position lasts. It may not be urged
that the latter construction would render section 9 meaningless, for the
reason that, in the absence of said constitutional provision, the Congress
may fix the judge's term of office at, say, one year, two years, three
years, or any definite period.
The case of Commonwealth vs, Gamble, 62 Pa. 343, mainly relied
upon by the petitioners, is not decisive, since the statute therein involved
singled out a particular judge. In the case at bar, as already pointed
out, all positions of Judge-at-Large and Cadastral Judge were not abolished.
Besides, the case of Commonwealth vs. Gamble was invoked in the case
of AIkman vs. Edwards, supra, and the Supreme Court of Kansas did
not follow it, holding:' ''To allow the legislature, while making one new
district, to legislate the judge of an old district out of office, and provide
for appointment or election of two new judges, would clearly be vicious
in the principle, and this is the class of legislation which falls within the
ccnstitutional inhibition. But to prohibit the legislature from abolishing
a district which had been improvidently established, and thereby va-
cates the office of a judge, is another and altogether different thing,
which the Constitution does not, in express terms, prohibit."
There is no point in the observation that the implied power of
Congress to abolish inferior courts cannot prevail over the express con-
stitutional provision on tenure of office. The petitioner's case is also
necessarily premised only upon the implied proposition that said tenure
may not be shortened. If the power to abolish were intended to be
qualified by the permanence of tenure, the Constitution would have,
along with the provision that the judges of inferior courts shall hold
office during good behavior until they reach the age of seventy years
or become incapacitated, further ordained that their term shall not be
shortened or affected by the abolition of any inferior courts; in the same
way that although the judges "shall receive such compensation as may
be fixed by law," the Constitution contains the express limitation that

such compensation "shall not be diminished during their continuance

in office" (Section 9, Article VIII, Constitution).
There is nothing to the distinction attempted to be drawn from
the circumstance that the legislative power to abolish a court sustained
in American cases, was expressly conferred by the Constitution, whereas
the right of our Congress to abolish is merely implied from its consti-
tutional power to create inferior courts. In both cases the power exists,
and we cannot see any difference as to its force and effect when exercised.
Let it be clearly understood that we are not here concerned with
a case of one or more judges of first instance being singled out for
elimination nor with a case contemplated by Mr. Justice Laurel in his
concurring opinion in Zandueta vs. De la Costa, supra, when he gave
the warning that where the violation of a constitutional provision re-
garding security of judicial tenure is palpable and plain, and the legis-
lative power of reorganization is sought to cloak an unconstitutional and
evil purpose, it will be the time to make the hammer fall and heavily.
As the power of appointment carries with it the power of removal,
it is more logical to suppose that, as the judges are appointed by the
President, the security of tenure contemplated by section 9 of Article
VIII of the Constitution, was intended more as a restraint against Exe-
cutive removal; and as a matter of fact, in implementation of this objec-
tive, it has been provided in section 67 of the Judiciary Act of 1948
that no District Judge, Judge-at-Large or Cadastral Judge shall be sepa-
rated or removed from office by the President of the Philippines un-
less sufficient cause shall exist, in the judgment of the Supreme Court,
involving serious misconduct or inefficiency, for the removal of said judge
from office after the proper proceedings.
We are not blind to the great importance and imperative desirability
of having and maintaining an independent judiciary. At the same time,
we cannot abridge the powers of Congress under the Constitution. It is
not for us to judge the wisdom of the framers of our Constitution in
granting Congress legislative power with reference to the establishment
of courts inferior to the Supreme Court. But with all the constitutional
and statutory safeguards, and any device conceivable by the ingenuity
of man, for judicial independence, after all there can be no surer gua-
ranty for a true administration of justice than the God-given character
and fitness of those appointed to the Bench. The judges may be gua-
ranteed a fixed tenure of office during good behavior, but if they are of
such stuff as allows them to be subservient to one administration after
another, or to cater to the wishes of one litigant after another, the inde-
pendence of the judiciary will be nothing more than a myth or an empty
ideal. Our judges, we are confident, can be of the type of Lord Coke,
regardless or in spite of the power of Congress-we do not say unlimited
but as herein exercised-to reorganize inferior courts.
.In so far as the security of tenure of judges is concerned, I am in
accord with Mr. Justice Bengzon's view. A fixed tenure during good
behavior, long recognized as essential to an independent judiciary, has in
this country been translated into a constitutional ban limiting the powers
of Congress in dealing with the courts and for that reason not to be
written off with the argument that as Congress has the express authority
to establish courts inferior to the Supreme Court, it necessarily has also
the implied authority to abolish them. For how could there be a fixed
tenure if the office may at any time be abolished? As the Constitution
expressly prohibits the removal of a judge (except for cause) during
his term of office, reason dictates that the implied power to abolish courts
must be deemed withheld where its exercise would bring about what is
prohibited. What the Constitution prohibits the Congress to do directly
should not be allowed to be done by indirection, circumvention and
resort to an implied power to nullify an express constitutional mandate.
The Constitution provides and ordains that "all judges of inferior
courts shall hold office during good behavior, until they reach the age
of seventy years, or become incapacitated to discharge the duties of their
office" and "shall receive such compensation as may be fixed by law,
which shall not be diminished during their continuance in office." 1 It
also provides that "No judge appointed for a particular district shall be
designated or transferred to another district without the approval of the
Supreme Court. The Congress shall by law determine the residence of
judges of inferior courts." Z
Section 53 of Republic Act No. 296 provides:
In addition to the District Judges mentioned in section forty-nine
hereof there shall also be appointed eighteen Judges-at-large and fifteen
Cadastral Judges who shell not be assigned permanently to any judicial
district and who shall render duty in such district or province as may,
from time to time. be designated by the Department Head. (Under-
scoring supplied.)

This is the law that created or established the office of the petitioners.
The law offends against section 7, Article VIII, of the Constitution, not
only because it does not determine or fix the residence of the petitioners
as judges, as ordained bv the Constitution, but also because the authority
to designate them to render duty in districts or provinces other than those
of their residence is lodged in the Department Head alone when accoru-
ing to the same section and article of the Constitution the authority
must be exercised with the approval of the Supreme Court. There is
no reason why section 9, Article VIII, of the Constitution should be
given effect and section 7 of the same article nullified.
The last paragraph of section 3 of Republic Act No. 1186 repeals

1 Section 9, Article VIII.

2 Section 7, supr«.

section 53 of Republic Act 296 quoted above and the positions of Judges-
at-Large and Cadastral Judge are thereby abolished. The paragraph
is assailed on the ground that it infringes upon section 9, Article VIII,
of the Constitution. By repealing section 53 of Republic Act No. 296
and abolishing the anomalous judicial positions therein created, the Con-
gress has but rectified a grave error-with intent, no doubt, to make
the judicial system conform to the Constitution by eliminating there-
from judges that could be moved about at the pleasure of an Executive
Department and to that extent exposed to extraneous influences. To
permit the continuance of a system that offends against the fundamental
:aw would be :a dereliction of duty on the part of Congress. On the
other hand, the Constitution is upheld and not violated where judicial
positions created or established contrary to its provisions-such as those
held by the herein petitioners-are abolished.
For these reasons the petition should be dismissed.

REYES, A., J., concurring:

I concur in the opinion of the Chief Justice. But I must say fur-
ther that even supposing that Congress may not, as a general rule,
abolish a judicial post without allowing the incumbent to finish his term
of office, still I see weight in Mr. Justice Padilla's opinion that to allow
the petitioners herein to continue as judges-at-large and cadastral judges
without permanent assignment and forever subject to being moved from
one judicial district to another without the consent of the Supreme Court
would be to perpetuate a system repulsive to an independent judiciary
and a clear evasion of the Constitution.

I do not dispute the fundamental principles which my brethren
have expounded as underlying our scheme of government. The inde-
pendence of the judiciary, its inviolability against executive or legislative
encroachment and the permanence of judicial tenure are so plain as to
need elucidation. I am also aware of the fact that the judiciary is the
weakest of all the three departments of the Government. However, in
our zealousness to conserve judicial independence we should be careful
to guard against self-pity and passion taking the better part of reason
and allowing them to becloud the real issue. The question should be
dispassionately considered, bearing in mind, on the one hand, that every
presumption of good faith should be accorded a coordinate department
that had decreed the passage of the disputed legislation, especially as in
the present instance the legislative department has been expressly granted
the power to organize <?rreorganize inferior courts (Section 1, Article
VIII, Constitution of the Philippines), and on the other, the nature of
the offices abolished and the underlying causes for said abolition, as these

circumstances in a very great measure may give an aspect to the issue

different from what it may appear to be.
The office of judge-at-Iarge was introduced in this jurisdiction in
the year 1902. It is a peculiar contraption unknown in other judicial
systems. Under Act No. 396 (Philippine Commission, May 9, 1902),
four judges of first instance, in addition to those created in Act No. 136,
were to be appointed, who "may be required to perform the duties of
the judge of first instance of any province, when directed by the Civil
Governor." But under the first judicial reorganization act (Act No. 2347,
approved February 28, 1914), the positions of auxiliary judges of first
instance were created in the place of judge-at-large in that he is ap-
pointed to a group of judicial districts to which he is appointed and
acquires the right to hold court and exercise judicial function only if
and when he is assigned by the Executive Department to a district.
Under Act No. 2347 the auxiliary judge was to hold session in the place
of his residence. Specific prohibition existed against his serving in any
district not included in his commission. (Sec. 4.)
The positions of auxiliary judges were continued in the Administra-
tive Code of 1916 and 1917. Under the latter, the stations of auxiliary
judges were fixed, and they were to hold court thereat without need of
assignment by the Secretary of Justice, but only upon request of a
judge of a district. (Secs. 157-160.) These positions of auxiliary judges
were continued until December 6, 1932, when Act No. 4007 by amending
Section 157 of the Administrative Code again created the positions of
six judges-at-large, who were not assigned to any judicial district but
were to hold court in any district when the Secretary of Justice desig-
nates them to do so.
"Sec. 157. Judges-at-Iarge.-In addition to the judges mentioned
in section one hundred and fifty-four hereof, as amended, there shall
also be appointed six judges who shall not be assigned permanently to
any judicial district and who shall render duty in such districts or
provinces as may, from time to time, be designated by the Depart-
ment Head. (Sec. 24, Act No. 4007.)

The above was the set-up of judges-at-large when the Constitution was
approved. Thereafter, on November 7, 1936. Commonwealth Act No.
145 reduced the number of judges-at-large to five. (Sec. 3.) On August
19, 1938, C.A. No. 348 increased the number of judges-at-large to twelve.
(Sec. 2.)
The positions of cadastral judges were first created under C.A. No.
504, which provides:
"Sec. 1. In addition to the existing positions of judges of first
instance, there are created fifteen positions of judges of first instance
to be appointed as provided by law. Said judges shall be paid a
salary of eight thousand four hundred pesos per annum each, and shall
have the same rank, powers and privileges enjoyed by and granted
to judges of first instance,' but their jurisdiction shall be limited to

cases an smg under the Cadastral Act and the Land Registration Act.
They shall render duty in such judicial districts or provinces as m;y,
from time to time, be ,designated by the Secretary of Justice."

There were, prior to the passage of Republic Act No. 1186, 18

positions of judges-at-large and 15 positions of cadastral judges. (sec.
53, R.A. No. 296.)
While the idea of a judge-at-large may be traced to an early date
(1902) it was suppressed in 1914 and did not appear again in our
judicial system until 1932. Its usefulness as a contrivance to help in
the clearing of clogged dockets may be admitted, but its useful existence
Ior a long time in our statute books can not cure or remedy its funda-
mental defect-the lack of a specific district where the judge can exer-
cise his judicial functions freely without interference from anyone,
much less an executive or administrative superior, and from which he
may not be moved away without his consent. It must be remembered
that one of the legal ramparts guarding judicial independence is irre-
movability from the district to which one is appointed. This principle
was first enunciated in the case of Borromeo vs. Mariano, 41 Phil. 322.
and I hold that it should not apply to district judges alone, but to all
judges of any court of any grade. If a judge can be moved from one
place to another at the will or mercy of an executive official he certainly
cannot have the freedom to act in the trial and decision of cases accord-
ing to the dictates of his reason and conscience; there is no hindrance
for him to trade his convictions for personal conveniences in order to
win favor with the executive authority that assigns him and upon whose
good will his promotion depends.
The other fundamental defect of the system of judges-at-large is
the power of the Executive branch to determine where judges shall sit.
Through the exercise of this power the Executive branch can assign
friendly, or sympathetic, or willing tools to any place to try specific
cases so that these may be tried and decided in the form and manner
in which the Executive branch desires.
The office of judge-at-large, therefore, is incompatible with the prin-
ciple of judicial independence. In the cases of Borromeo vs. Mariano,
supra, and Concepcion vs. Paredes (42 Phil. 599), this Court frowned
upon the attempt to transfer a judge to another district against his will
and the attempt to decide by lot where judges shall sit, these being,
according to the Court, subversive of judicial independence, self-respect,
and integrity, it is much more undesirable and condemnable to have
judges act as such only if and when directed by an executive officer and
only at places to which they are assigned.
Section 7 of Article VIII of the Constitution provides:
"No judge appointed for a particular district shall be designated
or transferred to another district without the approval of the Supreme
Court. The Congress shall by law determine the residence of judges
of inferior courts."

The above provision of the residence of judges was inserted because

judges of first instance used to reside in Manila, or in places other than
where they hold court, making them unavailable in their courts except
where they actually hold sessions, to the great inconvenience of the
public, and impairing their efficiency, because the time and energy spent
by them in going to and from their residence to their courts, reduced
the time and attention they could devote to their work. The prevailing
l'eeling in the Constitutional Convention that judges of first instance
should have designated places of residence must be considered applicable
to judges-at-large, who resided in Manila. They could not permanently
reside in districts out of Manila because by the very nature of their
office they were to be assigned from time to time to different provinces
of the Archipelago where their services are needed.
Notwithstanding the constitutional directive for the legislature to
provide by law the residences of judges of inferior courts, the legislature
did not for some time see fit to provide official residences for judges-
at-large and cadastral judges. In time, the party in power saw in these
judges-at-large and cadastral judges, and specially in the peculiar pro-
vision that they shall hold court only in places to which they may be
assigned by the Secretary of Justice, a means to influence the course of
justice. Through the Secretary of Justice, a political appointee, friendly
or sympathetic judges-at-large and cadastral judges were picked up for
assignment to places where the administration or the party in power or
the influential politicians desired cases (especially election cases) to be
decided in one way or another. In time, judges-at-large and cadastral
judges were not only assigned to specific provinces, but they were as-
signed to hear particular cases and authorized to decide these cases
in Manila. In one notorious case once before this Court, a judge-at-large
was made to abandon a heavy calendar of hearings to try a case in
3 nearby province presumably in the form and manner in which the

Adminstraticn desired it to be conducted or decided, to the extreme

inconvenience of the residents of the province where his calendar was
previously fixed and to the just indignation of lovers of justice. (Mon-
tano vs. Mejia, G.R. No. L-6416.)
It has come to pass, therefore, that the offices of judges-at-large
and cadastral judges, which were established for the prompt dispatch
of cases has become the avenue through which pernicious political in-
fluence has sought to corrupt the administration of justice. It can not
be: denied that it is this intolerable anomaly which Congress sought to
remedy by Sec. 3, par. 2 of Republic Act No. 1186, although some legis-
lators may have personal reasons of their own in supporting its passage.
To the credit of the present Congress, let it be said that the disputed

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Au yg ugg kv vjg Aev ku c rqukvkxgtgogf} uggmkpi vq gtcfkecvg c
icpitgpqwu gxknvjcv jcu dggp unqyn}dwvuwtgn}ucrrkpi rwdnkeeqphkfgpeg
kp vjg cfokpkuvtcvkqp qh lwuvkeg/ Vkgygf htqo kvurwtrqug cpf cko- kv
ecppqv dg uckf vq jcxg dggp rcuugf vq ngikuncvglwfigu qwv-yjkej yqwnf
dg cp gpetqcejogpv qp vjg kpfgrgpfgpeg qh vjg lwfkekct}; kv ku tcvjgt
vjg rckphwn corwvcvkqp qh cp cpqocnqwu cpf icpitgpqwu crrgpfcig-
vjtqwij yjkej rqnkvkeujcf kphnwgpegfvjg lwfkekct}/ Iv ku vjg rckphwn
gzvtcevkqp qh c vqqvj vjtqwij yjkej vjg igtou qh kphgevkqpuggm vq
rqkuqp vjg yjqng lwfkekcndqf}/ Rgoqxcn qh uckf icpitgpqwu crrgpfcig-
qt gzvtcevkqp qh vjg kphgevkqwuvqqvj- qt vjg gtcfkecvkqp qh vjg tqqv qh
vjg gxkn ku pqv kpvgthgtgpeg ykvj lwfkekcn kpfgropfgpeg; kv/ ku htggkpi
kv qh rqnkvkecnkphnwgpeg-vjg ewvvkpi qhh qh vjg cxgpwg ngcfkpi vjgtgvq-
qxgt yjkej rgtpkekqwurqnkvkeujcf rcuugf vq kphnwgpeg vjg cfokpkuvtcvkqp
qh lwuvkeg/ Tq vjg lwfkekcnu}uvgo kvkukpfggf rckphwn-dwv vjg qrgtcvkqp
oc} dg nkmgpgf wpvq vjg ukvwcvkqpeqxgtgf d} vjg hqnnqykpi Bkdnkecn
'Apf kh vj} jcpf- qt vj} hqqv uecpfcnkng vjgg- ewv kv qhh- cpf ecuv
kv htqo vjgg/ Iv ku dgvvgt hqt vjgg vq iq kpvq nkhgockogf qt ncog-
vjcp jcxkpi vyq jcpfu qt vyq hggv- vq dg ecuv kpvq gxgtncuvkpi hktg/'
*Sv/ Mcvvjgy- ejcr/ 18- x/ 8,/

Tjku vq o} okpf ku pqv vjg qeecukqp yjgp- kp vjg yqtfu qh Jwuvkeg

Lcwtgn- yg owuv ngv 'vjg jcoogt hcnn/' Iv ku tcvjgt cp qeecukqp yjgp
yg ujqwnf pqv nqqmhqt fghgevu kp vjg ncy- dwv uggmkvulwuvkhkecvkqp/ Wg
hkpf uwej lwuvkhkecvkqp-
khpqv kp yqtfu qh vjg eqpuvkvwvkqpcn fktgevkxg vjcv
vjg ngikuncvwtghkzguvjg tgukfgpegu qh lwfigu- cv ngcuvkp vjg tgcuqp qt
urktkv qh vjg qvjgt rtqxkukqp vjcv lwfigu ujcnn dg cuukipgf vq fkuvtkevu
htqo yjkej vjg} oc} pqv dg tgoqxgf qt vcmgp cyc} //
Tjgtg ku cpf vjgtg ecp dg pq swguvkqpcu vq vjg gzkuvgpegqh vjg
rqygt qh Cqpitguu vq cdqnkuj qt vq tgqticpkng kphgtkqt eqwtvu/ Tjku
rqygt ku gzrtguun} itcpvgf vq Cqpitguu d} vjg Cqpuvkvwvkqp yjgp kvrtq.
xkfgf kp Sgevkqp 1- Atvkeng/''' vjcv vjg lwfkekcnrqygt ujcnn dg xguvgf
kp qpg Swrtgog Cqwtv cpf kp 'uwej kphgtkqteqwtvucu oc} dg guvcdnkujgf
d} ncy-' qt kp Sgevkqp2 qh vjg ucog Atvkeng/ Bwv qwt Cqpuvkvwvkqp cnuq
gzrtguun} iwctcpvggu vjcv lwfigu ujcnn pqv dg tgoqxgf htqo qhhkegwpvkn
vjg} tgcej vjg cig qh ugxgpv} }gctu- qt dgeqog kpecrcekvcvgf vq fkuejctig
vjg fwvkguqh vjgkt qhhkeg*Sge/ 9- AtvkengVIII,/ Iv kuvjgug vyq eqphnkevkpi
eqpegrvu vjcv yg ctg ecnngf wrqp vq crrn} kp vjg ecug cv dct/
Au I wpfgtuvcpf kv-vjg swguvkqpcv kuuwgkupqv- Mc} vjg ngikuncvwtg
ngikuncvglwfigu qwv qh qhhkegd} c uwrrqugf cev qh lwfkekcntgqticpknc.
vkqp? Tjcv yqwnf dg wphckt vq vjg ngikuncvwtgvjcv gpcevgf vjg rtqxk.
ukqp cpf c fkuvqtvkqpqh vjg kuuwg-
hqt lwfigu ctg pqv dgkpi gcugf qwv dwv
vjgkt rqukvkqpuctg dgkpi cdqnkujgf cpf ctg pqv dgkpi hknngfd} qvjgtu/

Ih vjcv ygtg vjg kuuwgvjgtg yqwnf dg pq vgpcdng ukfg vjcp vjg pgicvkxg/
Tjg swguvkqpujqwnf tcvjgt dg uvcvgf vjwu: Hcu vjg ngikuncvwtgcdwugf
kvu rqygt vq tgqticpkng eqwtvu qh hktuvkpuvcpeg yjgp kv cdqnkujgf vjg
rqukvkqpuqh cpf ecfcuvtcn lwfigu?
Nq qpg fgpkgu vjg hcev vjcv vjg rqygt vq cdqnkuj qt tgqticpkng
kphgtkqt eqwtvu ujqwnf dg tgeqpekngf ykvj vjg rgtocpgpeg qh lwfkekcn
vgpwtg-cu dqvj rtqeggf htqo eqpuvkvwvkqpcn rtqxkukqpu/ Bwv ygtg yg vq
jqnf vjcv lwfkekcnvgpwtg ku rctcoqwpv qxgt vjg ngikuncvkxgrqygt vq
tgqticpkng- vjg ncvvgtyqwnf dg korqvgpv vq gzgtekug vjg rqygt itcpvgf-
hqt kvecp pqv dg fgpkgf vjcv c lwfkekcntgqticpkncvkqp qt c okpqt ejcpig
kp vjg lwfkekcnu}uvgo owuv cnyc}u chhgevkpewodgpvu qh lwfkekcnqhhkegu/
Tjg rqygt vq tgqticpkng vjg lwfkekcnu}uvgo ujqwnf dg eqpukfgtgf rctc.
oqwpv qxgt vjg rgtocpgpeg qh lwfkekcnvgpwtg- vjg ncvvgt ugtxkpi qpn}
cu c nkokvcvkqpyjgp vjg ngikuncvkxgrqygt jcu dggp cdwugf/ Fqt yg
ecp pqv eqpegkxg- d} vjg ogtg iwctcpv} qh vgpwtg- vjcv vjg Cqpuvkvw.
vkqp kpvgpfgf vq eqpxgtv vjg lwfkekcndqf} kpvq uwej c rtkxkngigf itqwr
qh wpvqwejcdnguvjcv gxgp vjg ngikvkocvgpggfu cpf fguktgu qh vjg dqf}
rqnkvkeu-cu gzrtguugf vjtqwij kvuncyhwntgrtgugpvcvkxg- owuv dg uwdqt.
fkpcvgf vjgtgvq cpf cdkfg vjg rcuukpi cyc} qh lwfigu/ Wgtg yg vq
ceegrv vjg rtkpekrng gpwpekcvgf kp vjg qrkpkqp uwuvckpkpivjcv vjg ngiku.
ncvkxg tgqticpkncvkqp ecppqv qxgttkfg vgpwtg- yg yqwnf dg ocmkpi vjg
cfokvvgfn} ygcmguv fgrctvogpv qh vjg Gqxgtpogpv uwrtgog cpf eqp.
xgtvkpi c tgrtgugpvcvkxg fgoqetce} kpvq c lwfkekcnqnkictej}/ Ann ctiw.
ogpvu qhhgtgf cickpuv vjg eqpuvkvwvkqpcnkv} qh vjg fkurwvgf rtqxkukqpu
yqwnf dg xcnkf cickpuv vjg Swrtgog Cqwtv- c eqpuvkvwvkqpcn eqwtv- dwv
pqv cickpuv vjg kphgtkqt eqwtvu cu vq yjkej vjg Cqpuvkvwvkqp itcpvu vjg
ngikuncvwtg rngpct} rqygt qh qticpkncvkqp cpf eqpugswgpvn}qh tgqticpknc.
I jcxg vcmgprckpu vq gzcokpg vjg oquv korqtvcpv ecugu yjkej jcxg
dggp ekvgf kp hcxqt qh qpg qt vjg qvjgt ukfg- dwv I jcxg hqwpf pq ukping
ecug yjkej gzcevn} hkvuvjg hcevuqh vjg ecug cv dct/ Tjg ecug qh Svcvg
xu- Ftkgfng}- 34 N/E/ 872- ecppqv dg ekvgf kp uwrrqtv qh vjg xkgy vjcv
vjg Aev qt vjg rtqxkukqpu qh vjg Aev wpfgt qwt eqpukfgtcvkqp ctg wpeqp.
uvkvwvkqpcn/Ip vjcv ecug vjg tgncvqt Gkduqp ycu vjg uqng lwfig qh vjg
hqwtvj lwfkekcnfkuvtkevqh Ipfkcpc- cpf Ftkgfng}- vjg uqng lwfig qh vjg
hkhvjlwfkekcnfkuvtkev/ B} cp cev qh vjg ngikuncvwtgvjg hkhvjlwfkekcnekt.
ewkvycu cdqnkujgf cpf vjg vgttkvqt} eqxgtgf d} kvcvvcejgf vq vjg hqwtvj
lwfkekcn ektewkv/ Au Ftkgfng} eqpvkpwgf vq gzgtekug jku qhhkegcu lwfig-
Gkduqp kpuvkvwvgfc ecug vq fgvgtokpg Ftkgfng})u tkijv vq jqnf qhhkeg
kp vjg hqwtvj lwfkekcnfkuvtkev/ Gkduqp eqpvgpfgf vjcv Ftkgfng} jcf pq
tkijv vq gzgtekug vjg qhhkegcu vjg ucog jcf dggp cdqnkujgf d} vjg cev
qh vjg ngikuncvwtg/ Tjg Swrtgog Cqwtv qh Ipfkcpc jgnf vjcv vjg ngiku.
ncvwtgeqwnf pqv cdqnkuj vjg ektewkvcpf vjwu ngikuncvgqwv qh qhhkegvjg
lwfig cpf vjg rtqugewvkpi cvvqtpg} qh vjg hkhvjlwfkekcnektewkv-
hqt ygtg kv

rgtokvvgf vq fq uq- vjg lwfkekct} yqwnf dg uwdlgevgf vq vjg ngikuncvkxg

rqygt cpf lwfkekcnkpfgrgpfgpeg fguvtq}gf/ Bwv kvujqwnf dg pqvgf vjcv
vjg Ipfkcpc eqpuvkvwvkqp pqv qpn} hkzgf vjg vgto qh vjg ektewkvlwfig hqt
ukz }gctu- dwv wpfgt kv ektewkveqwtvu ctg eqpuvkvwvkqpcn eqwtvu/ *Atv/ 7-
uge/ 161- Rgx/ Svcv/ 1881/, Tjg eqwtv uckf vjcv khvjg ngikuncvwtgoc}
cdqnkuj c ektewkvcpf kvu cev dg ocfg vq vcmg ghhgevcv cnn-kv ujqwnf
pqv dg dghqtg vjg gzrktcvkqp qh vjg vgto qh qhhkegqh vjg lwfig cv vjg
vkog qh vjg cev o«B Drn BniC«y DriD Drn tEmpn ku c l«yCDsDEDs«yiv qhhkegt/
Tjku ecug ku fkhhgtgpvhtqo vjg ecug cv dct kp vjcv wpfgt vjg Ipfkcpc
eqpuvkvwvkqp ektewkveqwtvuygtg eqpuvkvwvkqpcn eqwtvu/ *Cqpuv/-Atv/ 7- uge/
161- Rgx/ Svcv/ 1881, cpf vjg vgto qh c ektewkvlwfig hkzgf cv ukz }gctu
*kfgo- uge/ 169,- yjkng kp vjku lwtkufkevkqpeqwtvu qh hktuvkpuvcpeg ctg
pqv eqpuvkvwvkqpcn eqwtvucpf DrnBn ku iy gzrtguu AB«FsCs«y «o Drn l«yCDs1
DEDs«y iEDr«BsJsyp Drn vnpsCviDEBn D« Bn«BpiysJn qt gxgp ij«vsCr kphgtkqt
eqwtvu-kpenwfkpi eqwtvu qh hktuvkpuvcpeg/ *AtvkengVIII- Sge/ 1 qh vjg
Cqpuvkvwvkqp xguv lwtkufkevkqpkp vjg Swrtgog Cqwtv iym sy uwej «DrnB
syonBs«B eqwtvucu Drn viG wiI mnDnBwsyn:-
Apqvjgt ecug ekvgf vq uwuvckpvjg xkgy qh wpeqpuvkvwvkqpcnkv} ku vjg
ecug qh Cqooqpygcnvj 54e Gcodng- 62 Pc/ 343- 1 Ao/ Rgr/ 422/ Ip
vjku ecug- Gcodng tgegkxgf c eqookuukqp htqo vjg iqxgtpqt vjg vgpwtg
qh yjkej ycu d} vjg l«yCDsDEDs«y D« l«yDsyEn D«B Dny }gctu qp vjg qpn}
eqpfkvkqp vjcv jg ujqwnf uq nqpi dgjcxg jkougnh ygnn/ Swdugswgpvn}-
vjg ngikuncvwtgrcuugf c ncy crrtqxgf d} vjg iqxgtpqt cdqnkujkpi vjg
fkuvtkevvq yjkej jg ycu crrqkpvgf- vtcpuhgttkpi kvvq- cpf eqpuvkvwvkpi c
rctv qh- cpqvjgt fkuvtkev/ Tjg eqpuvkvwvkqp rtqxkfgf vjcv Jwfig Gcodng
ujcnn jqnf qhhkeghqt c vgto qh vgp }gctu- kh jg ujqwnf uq nqpi dgjcxg
jkougnh ygnn/ Av vjg vkog qh vjg rcuucig qh vjg cev Gcodng)u eqo.
okuukqp jcf pkpg cpf vyq.vjktfu }gctu oqtg vq twp/ Tjg eqwtv jgnf
vjcv vjg cev qh vjg ngikuncvwtgycu xqkf dgecwug kv ycu xkqncvkxgqh vjg
eqpuvkvwvkqpcn rtqxkukqp/ Tjg eqwtv uckf: Tjg rqygt cpf cwvjqtkv} qh
vjg lwfig ygtg gzrtguun} itcpvgf d} vjg Cqpuvkvwvkqp vq eqpvkpwgvq dg
gzgtekugf hqt c rgtkqf qh vgp }gctu cpf vjku eqpuvkvwvkqpcn itcpv qh tkijv
cpf cwvjqtkv} oc} pqv dg ejcpigf d} ngikuncvkxg cevkqp- dgecwug kh vjg
ngikuncvwtgygtg cwvjqtkngf vq oqfkh} *vjg vgto, d} ngikuncvkxg cev vjgp
yqwnf vjg cwvjqtkv} qh vjg eqpuvkvwvkqp dg uwdlgev cpf uwdqtfkpcvg vq
ngikuncvkxgcwvjqtkv}/ Ngkvjgt ku vjku ecug crrnkecdng vq vjg ecug cv
dct dgecwug vjg vgto qh qhhkegqh Gcodng ycu hkzgf gzrtguun} d} vjg
Cqpuvkvwvkqp cv vgp }gctu- yjkej kupqv vjg ecug qh cpf ec.
fcuvtcn lwfigu- pqy rgvkvkqpgtukp vjku ecug/
A /vjktf ecug ekvgf cickpuv vjg eqpuvkvwvkqpcnkv}qh vjg rtqxkukqp ku
vjg Orkpkqp qh Jwuvkeg-171 N/E/ 237/ Ip vjku ecug- c rtqrqugf ngikunc.
vkqp ycu uwdokvvgf vq vjg uwrtgog lwfkekcneqwtv qh Mcuucejwugvvuhqt
cp qrkpkqp qp vjg rtqxkukqpuvjgtgkp vq vjg ghhgevvjcv lwfigu yjq jcxg
tgcejgf vjg cig qh 70 }gctu ujcnn dg tgvktgf vq rctv vkog ugtxkeg/ Tjgtg

ycu vjgp pq rtqxkutqp kp vjg Mcuucejwugvvueqpuvkvwvkqp ukoknct vq qwtu

cpf tgictfkpi eqorwnuqt} tgvktgogpv cv vjg cig qh ugxgpv}/ Tjg uwr.
tgog lwfkekcneqwtv jgnf vjcv vjg rtqrqugf rtqxkukqp ku xkqncvkxgqh vjg
rv qxkukqp qh vjg eqpuvkvwvkqp
vjcv cnn lwfkekcn qhhkegtuujcnn jqnf vjgkt
qhhkegufwtkpi iqqf dgjcxkqt/ Tjg eqwtv uckf vjcv vgpwtg qh qhhkegqh
lwfigu cu vjwu ugvvngfd} vjg eqpuvkvwvkqp ku korgtcvkxg cpf hkpcncpf
vjg ucog oc} pqv dg gpnctigf- nkokvgf-oqfkhkgf- cnvgtgf qt kp cp} yc}
chhgevgf d} vjg Ggpgtcn Cqwtv/ Tjku ecug ku pqv crrnkecdng vq vjg ecug
cv dct dgecwug pq rqukvkqpycu cdqnkujgf/ Tjg rqukvkqpuygtg eqpvkpwgf
cpf vjg kpewodgpvu ygtg uqwijv vq dg. fgrtkxgf qh vjgkt qhhkeguwrqp
vjgkt tgcejkpi vjg cig qh 70 }gctu/ Tjg ecug ycu engctn} ujqtvgpkpi
vjg vgpwtg qh lwfkekcnkpewodgpvu cpf ecp pqv crrn} vq vjg ecug cv
dct yjgtg vjg rqukvkqpuqt qhhkeguqh cpf ecfcuvtcn lwfigu
ctg cdqnkujgf/
Lgv wu pqy gzcokpg vjg ecugu vjcv jqnf vjg eqpvtct} xkgy/ Ip
vjg ecug qh Akmocp xu/ Efyctf- 30 L/R/A/ 149- cp cev qh vjg ngikuncvwtg
cdqnkujkpi egtvckp lwfkekcnfkuvtkevuycu cvvcejgf qp vjg hqnnqykpi itqwpf:
gjcv kvxkqncvgf vjg rwtrqug cpf kpvgpvqh vjg eqpuvkvwvkqp vq rtqvgev vjg
lwfkekcnfgrctvogpv htqo ngikuncvkxgkpvgthgtgpeg cpf vq kpuwtgvq lwfigu
c vgpwtg qh qhhkeghqt vjg vgtou hqt yjkej vjg} ygtg gngevgf/ Ip vjcv
ecug vjgtg kugxgp c eqpuvkvwvkqpcn rtqxkukqp hkzkpivjg vgto qh vjg lwfigu
20 fkuvtkeveqwtvu cpf rtguetkdkpi vjg oqfg qh vjgkt tgoqxcn htqo qhhkeg
*yjkej ku pqv vjg ecug kp vjg Pjknkrrkpgu,/ Tjg lwfkekcnfkuvtkevuyjkej
ygtg cdqnkujgf jcf dggp guvcdnkujgf kp vjg dgnkghvjcv vjg} yqwnf dg
pgeguuct} vq oggv cp gzrgevgf kpetgcug kp vjg rqrwncvkqp yjkej fkf
pqv ocvgtkcnkng; uq vjg ngikuncvwtgvjqwijv kv pgeguuct} cpf gzrgfkgpv
vq cdqnkuj uqog qh vjgo/ Tjg eqwtv uckf 'lgcnqwu} qh gpetqcejogpvu qp
lwfkekcnrqygt owuv pqv dnkpf wu vq vjg lwuv rqygt qh vjg ngikuncvwtgkp
fgvgtokpkpi ykvjkp eqpuvkvwvkqpcn nkokvuvjg pwodgt qh eqwtvu tgswktgf
d} vjg rwdnke gzkigpekgu-z z z-' *r- 153,/ Iv cnuq uckf DriD Drn BsprDC
01 cp symsFsmEiv r«vmsyp Drn A«CsDs«y qh tEmpn liyy«D jn l«yCsmnBnm iC
AiBiw«EyD iym CEAnBs«B D« Drn BsprDC qh Drn AEjvsl cpf vjcv kv ycu pqv
ykvjkp vjg kpvgpvkqp'qh vjg eqpuvkvwvkqp vq rtqjkdkv vjg ngikuncvwtghtqo
cdqnkujkpi c fkuvtkevyjkej jcf dggp kortqxkfgpvn} guvcdnkujgfcpf vjgtgd}
xcecvg vjg qhhkegqh vjg lwfig/ Ip fgvgtokpkpi vjg eqphnkevdgvyggp vyq
eqpuvkvwvkqpcn rqygtu cpf tkijvu- vjg rqygt qh vjg ngikuncvwtgvq tgqt.
icpkng vjg eqwtvu cu cickpuv vjg kpfkxkfwcntkijv qh c lwfig vq jqnf jku
qhhkegfwtkpi iqqf dgjcxkqt- vjg eqwtv kornkgf vjcv khvjg tgqticpkncvkqp
ku hqt c rwdnke kpvgtguv-vjg tkijv vq vjg qhhkegowuv ikxg yc}/ Ip qvjgt
yqtfu- rwdnke kpvgtguvcpf rwdnke iqqf owuv rtgxckn qxgt cpf cdqxg vjg
vgpwtg qh lwfkekcnqhhkeg-cpf vjg jqnfgt vjgtgqh ecppqv eqornckp kh vjg
ngikuncvwtgd} c ngikvkocvg gzgtekug qh kvu ngikuncvkxgrqygt qxgt tgqt.
icpkncvkqp cdqnkujgujku qhhkeg/

Apqvjgt rgtvkpgpv ecug vq qwt kpswkt} ku vjg ecug qh Svcvg gz tgn/

Cqngocp xu- Ccordgnn tgrqtvgf kp 3 Tgpp/ Ccu/ 355 cpf ekvgf kp Mg.
Cwnng}xu/ Svcvg-53 S/W/ 134- 139- 140.141/ Ip vjcv ecug cp cevkqp qh
vjg Tgppguugg ngikuncvwtgcdqnkujgf vjg ugeqpf ektewkveqwtv cpf vjg ugeqpf
ejcpegt} eqwtv qh Sjgnd} eqwpv}- gxkfgpvn} kp rwtuwcpeg qh vjg rtq.
xkukqpuqh vjg Tgppguugg eqpuvkvwvkqp qh 1870 vq vjg ghhgevvjcv 'vjg
lwfkekcnrqygt /ujcnndg xguvgf kp qpg uwrtgog eqwtv cpf kp uwej ektewkv-
ejcpegt} cpf qvjgt kphgtkqteqwtvu cu vjg ngikuncvwtgoc} htqo vkog vq
vkog qtfckp cpf guvcdnkuj/' Tjg eqwtv jgnf vjcv vjg cev cdqnkujkpi fku.
vtkeveqwtvukupqv wpeqpuvkvwvkqpcn/ Au vjg eqpuvkvwvkqpcnrtqxkukqp itcpv.
vkpi rqygt vq vjg ngikuncvwtgku ukoknct vq qwtu- yg swqvg jgtgkpdgnqy
htggn} htqo vjg yqtfu qh vjg fgekukqp:
'z z z Tjg qtfckpkpi cpf guvcdnkujkpi qh uwej eqwtvu ycu vq dg
vjg dwukpguuqh vjg ngikuncvwtgvjtqwij cnn vkog/ Iv ycu korquukdng vjcv
vjg qdlgev vq dg ceeqornkujgf eqwnf dg ghhgevwcvgfd} ukorn} cffkpi
vq pwodgt qh ektewkvuqt fkuvtkevu/ Cjcpigu yqwnf qt okijv dgeqog
pgeguuct}- yjkej kpxqnxgf vjg pgeguukv} qh cdqnkujkpi gzkuvkpi ektewkvu
qt fkuvtkevu- kp qtfckpkpi cpf guvcdnkujkpi qvjgtu- qt kp tgfwekpi vjg
pwodgt kh gzrgtkgpeg ujqwnf rtqxg vjcv vjg rwdnke iqqf tgswktgf
c tgfwevkqp/ Tjg rqygt vq cdqnkuj hqt vjg rwtrqug qh ghhgevkpi vjgug
qdlgevu ycu vjgtghqtg pgeguuctkn} kornkgf/ z z z/'

'z z z Iv crrgctu vq wu vq dg vjg gzgtekug qh c ngikvkocvg rqygt
d} vjg ngikuncvwtg-wpfgt vjg eqpxkevkqp vjcv vyq qh vjg eqwtvu kp
Mgorjku ygtg wppgeguuct} hqt vjg fkurcvej qh vjg rwdnke dwukpguu-
cpf vjcv- vjgtghqtg- hqt vjg rtqoqvkqp qh vjg rwdnke iqqf- vjg} ygtg
cdqnkujgf cu wugnguu-cpf vjgkt yqtm cuukipgf vq vyq qvjgt gzkuvkpi
eqwtvu/ z z z/'

'z z z Ip qwt xkgy qh vjg eqpuvkvwvkqp-vjg lwfig)u tkijv vq jku
hwnnvgto cpf jku hwnnucnct} ku pqv fgrgpfgpv cnqpg wrqp jku iqqf
eqpfwev- dwv cnuq wrqp vjg eqpvkpigpe} vjcv vjg ngikuncvwtgoc}- hqt
vjg rwdnke iqqf- kp qtfckpkpi cpf guvcdnkujkpi vjg eqwtvu- htqo vkog
vq vkog- eqpukfgt jku qhhkegwppgeguuct} cpf cdqnkuj kv/ Tjg gzgtekug qh
vjku rqygt d} vjg ngikuncvwtgku pqv uwej cp kpvgthgtgpeg ykvj vjg
kpfgrgpfgpeg qh vjg lwfig- qt ykvj jku vgpwtg qh qhhkeg- cu ecp dg
rtqrgtn} eqornckpgf qh/ Tjg rqygt oc} rquukdn} dg gzgtekugf ykvj.
qwv iqqf ecwug- dwv kp uwej ecug vjg eqwtvu ecp hwtpkuj pq tgogf}/'

Wkvj tgurgev vq vjg tkijv qh vjg ngikuncvwtgd} vjg cdqnkvkqpqh vjg

eqwtv vq chhgevvjg vgto qh cp kpewodgpv lwfig- vjg eqwtv ekvgf vjg fg.
ekukqpqh Jwfig MeFctncpf kp Hcnug} xu/ Gckpgu-2 Lgc 316- yjq uckf:
'Bwv kv ku ctiwgf vjcv- cnvjqwij d} vjg hqtgiqkpi eqpuvtwevkqp
vjg ngikuncvwtg oc} jcxg rqygt vq cdqnkuj eqwtvu yjgp vjg} dg.
eqog wppgeguuct}- vjg cdqnkvkqpqh vjg eqwtv ecp qpn} vcmg ghhgev cv
vjg gzrktcvkqp qh vjg lwfig)u vgto; qvjgtykug- yg fghgcv vjcv encwug
qh vjg eqpuvkvwvkqpyjkej uc}u vjcv vjg lwfig)u vgto ujcnn dg gkijv
}gctu/ Ih vjg htcogtu qh vjg eqpuvkvwvkqpkpvgpfgf vq ngcxg kv vq vjg
ngikuncvwtgvq guvcdnkuj cpf cdqnkuj eqwtvu cu vjg rwdnke pgeguukvkgufg.
ocpfgf- vjku ycu pqv swcnkhkgf qt nkokvgf d} vjg encwug cu vq vjg

lwfig)u vgto vq qxgtvjtqy vjg qvjgt encwug-yjgtgcu yg eqpuvtwg vjg

rtqxkukqp vjcv vjg lwfig)u vgto ujcnn dg gkijv }gctu vq dg wrqp vjg
cuuworvkqp vjcv vjg eqwtv eqpvkpwgu vq gzkuv; qvjgtykug- yg ujqwnf
jcxg vq jqnf vjcv vjg eqwtv owuv eqpvkpwg-cnvjqwij fgenctgf wppgegu.
uct} cpf cdqnkujgf d} vjg ngikuncvwtg-ukorn} vq ugewtg vq vjg lwfig
jku hwnnvgto cpf ucnct}/ z z z Iv ku ctiwgf vjcv vjg cev cdqnkujkpi
vjg eqwtv fkf pqv cdqnkuj vjg lwfigujkr/ Owt eqpuvkvwvkqpfqgu pqv
tgeqipkng c lwfigujkr gzegrv cu vjg lwfig ku vjg kpewodgpv qh c eqwtv
qt eqwtvu yjkej jg ku eqookuukqpgf vq jqnf/ Wg jcxg pq uwrgtpw.
ogtctkgu/ z z z Ih vjg ncy cdqnkujkpi vjg eqwtvu ku xcnkf- vjg qhhkegu
cpf vjgkt kpewodgpvu pgeguuctkn} egcug- cpf qh eqwtug- cnqpi ykvj vjgo
vjgkt ucnctkgu/z z z Tq fkurgpug ykvj cp wppgeguuct} eqwtv ku pqv vq
ejcpig vjg vgto qh lwfigujkr- pqt ku kv.vq chhgev vjg iwctcpvkgu qh vjg
eqpuvkvwvkqpcu vq jku ucnct}- pqt fqgu kv tgoqxg vjg lwfig htqo qhhkeg/
Tjg qhhkeg pq nqpigt gzkuvu-cpf- qh eqwtug- c tgoqxcn htqo cp qhhkeg
vjcv jcu pq gzkuvgpeg ku pqv c eqpegkxcdng rtqrqukvkqp/' *53 S/W/

Iv ku dgnkgxgf vjcv vjg cdqxg cwvjqtkv} hwnn}uwrrqtvu vjg rtkpekrng

vjcv vjg ngikuncvwtgoc} cdqnkuj c eqwtv hqt vjg rwdnke iqqf/ Ip qvjgt
yqtfu- vjg rwdnke iqqf oc} lwuvkh}cdqnkvkqpcpf kh vjg lwfigu qh vjg
cdqnkujgf eqwtvu ctg fgrtkxgf vjgtgqh- vjg} ujqwnf pqv eqornckp/ Wj}
ujqwnf c rqukvkqp ockpvckpgf d} rwdnke hwpfu eqpvkpwg yjgp kvu eqp.
vkpwcpeg ku wppeguuct} qt- cu kp vjg ecug cv dct- fgvtkogpvcn vq rwdnke
Tjg yqtfu qh Jwfig MeFctncpf cdqxg swqvgf cnuq hncvn}tghwvg
vjg ctiwogpv vjcv d} vjg fkurwvgf rtqxkukqpu vjg ngikuncvwtgku ngiku.
ncvkpi lwfigu qwv qh qhhkeg/ Hcf vjg rqukvkqpudggp tgvckpgf cpf ikxgp
vq qvjgtu vjg encko yqwnf jqnf ycvgt/ Au kv ku- jqygxgt- lwfigujkru
ykvjqwv rctvkewnct fkuvtkevujcxg dggp cdqnkujgf- qt qhhkegucdqnkujgf- cpf
cu vjg qhhkeguctg pq nqpigt gzkuvkpi-jqy ecp yg uc} vjcv vgpwtg vjgtgqh
ecp gzkuv? Hqy ecp vjgtg dg vgpwtg qh qhhkeghqt cp qhhkegvjcv fqgu pqv
Mt/ JwuvkegBcwvkuvcApignq- yjq jqnfu vjg xkgy vjcv vjg ncy ku
wpeqpuvkvwvkqpcn- cfokvu vjcv vjgtg ctg vjtgg ceegrvgf xkgyu qp yjgvjgt
qt pqv vjg ngikuncvwtgoc} eqpuvkvwvkqpcnn} cdqnkuj lwfkekcnqhhkegu/ Hg
uc}u vjcv vjg hktuvvjgqt} ku vjcv vjg rqygt vq cdqnkuj kphgtkqt eqwtvu
oc} dg gzgtekugf ykvjqwv cp} tguvtkevkqpkp vjg ugpug vjcv qpeg c eqwtv
ku cdqnkujgf cp} wpgzrktgf vgto qh vjg kpewodgpv lwfig ku fggogf
vgtokpcvgf/ Tjg ugeqpf vjgqt} ku vjcv yjkng c ngikuncvwtgoc} cdqnkuj
cp kphgtkqt eqwtv sD ecppqv fq uq yjgp kvughhgevku vq vgtokpcvg vjg
vgpwtg qh cp kpewodgpv lwfig dgecwug uwej vgpwtg ku iwctcpvggf d}
vjg eqpuvkvwvkqp/Tjg vjktf ku vjcv c ngikuncvwtgoc} cdqnkuj c eqwtv
cpf vgtokpcvg vjg wpgzrktgf vgto qh vjg lwfig rtqxkfgf vjg cdqnkvkqp
qh /vjg eqwtv ku fqpg kp iqqf hckvj/ Auuwokpi vjcv vjgug vjgqtkgu ctg
uvcvgf eqttgevn}- vjg wpfgtukipgf gzrtguugu vjg xkgy vjcv vjg xcnkfkv}
qh vjg rtqxkukqpu korwipgf ujqwnf dg uwuvckpgf-kp eqpuqpcpeg ykvj vjg
vjktf vjgqt}- hqt vjg tgcuqp vjcv vjg cdqnkvkqpjcu dggp oqvkxcvgf d} c

ykug cpf ngikvkocvg rqnke}.vjg fguktg vq gnkokpcvg c uqwteg qh gxkn

gzkuvkpikp vjg lwfkekcnu}uvgo *cu yg jcxg cntgcf} cfxgtvgf vq cdqxg,/
Tjgtg ku c ncuv tgcuqp hqt uwuvckpkpivjg xcnkfkv} qh vjg fkurwvgf
rtqxkukqpu/ Wjgp vjg Cqpuvkvwvkqpcn Cqpxgpvkqp tgeqipkngf vjg korqt.
vcpeg qh vjg kttgoqxcdknkv} qh lwfigu htqo vjgkt tgurgevkxg fkuvtkevuvq
rtqvgev vjgkt kpfgrgpfgpeg- cpf fktgevgf vjg ngikuncvwtgjI viG vq rtq.
xkfg hqt vjg tgukfgpegu qh lwfigu qh kphgtkqteqwtvu-kvfguktgf cpf gzrgevgf
vjg ngikuncvwtgvq korngogpv vjku fktgevkxg cpf rtqxkfg tgukfgpegu hqt cnn
lwfigu qh kphgtkqt eqwtvu-rtguwocdn} yjq jcf pq qhhkekcn
tgukfgpegu/ Apcnqiqwu fktgevkxguctg eqpvckpgf kp vjg Cqpuvkvwvkqp- uwej
cu vjg qpg tgictfkpi vjg guvcdnkujogpv qh c pcvkqpcn ncpiwcig- yjkej
vjg ngikuncvwtgjcu cntgcf} korngogpvgf/ Wjgp vjg Cqpxgpvkqp fktgevgf
vjcv vjg tgukfgpegu qh lwfigu qh kphgtkqt eqwtvu ujqwnf dg hkzgf- kv eqwnf
pqv jcxg kpvgpfgf vq gzvgpf vjg tkijv vq rgtocpgpv lwfkekcnvgpwtg vq
vjqug jqnfkpi rqukvkqpu yjkej kv gzrgevgf vjg ngikuncvwtgvq cdqnkuj kp
rwtuwcpeg qh vjg eqpuvkvwvkqpcn fktgevkxg/ Ip qvjgt yqtfu- kv ku vq dg
rtguwogf vjcv yjgp vjg Cqpxgpvkqp cfqrvgf vjg rgtocpgpeg qh vgpwtg
hqt Jwfkekcnqhhkegtu-kvogcpv vq gzvgpf kvqpn} vq lwfigu ykvj rgtocpgpv
uvcvkqpu-pqv vq lwfigu jqnfkpi vjg rqukvkqpuhqt yjkej vjg ncy cv vjg
vkog qh vjg Cqpxgpvkqp jcf pqv rtqxkfgf qhhkekcntgukfgpegu cpf yjkej
gjg Cqpuvkvwvkqp kornkgfn} rtqjkdkvgf/ Fcknwtg qp vjg rctv qh vjg ngiku.
ncvwtg vq korngogpv vjg eqpuvkvwvkqpcn fktgevkxg- ecppqv dg kpvgtrtgvgf
vq tckug vjg ecvgiqt} qh vq vjcv qh lwfigu qh fkuvtkev
eqwtvu-kp uq hct cu vgpwtg kueqpegtpgf/
Fgct ku hgnvvjcv khvjg xcnkfkv}qh vjg rtqxkukqpu kp swguvkqpku uwu.
vckpgf- lwfigu yqwnf dg cv vjg ogte} qh vjg ngikuncvwtgcpf vjgkt kpfg.
rgpfgpeg ewtvckngf/ I jqnf vjcv hgct ujqwnf pqv dg vjg dcuku qh- qt
fkuvqtv-hwpfcogpvcn rtkpekrngu/ Ih cpf yjgp c eqqtfkpcvg dtcpej qh vjg
Gqxgtpogpv ujqwnf uggmvq iq dg}qpf kvungikvkocvgurjgtg cpf gpetqcej
wrqp cpqvjgt- vjcv yknndg vjg vkog vq cev rtqorvn} cpf fgekukxgn}/ Ip
vjg yqtfu qh JwuvkegLcwtgn- vjgp ujcnn dg vjg qeecukqp vq ngv vjg jco.
ogt hcnncpf jgcxkn}/ Bwv yjgp cu kp vjg kpuvcpvecug vjg ngikuncvkxg
cev ku engctn} kpfwegf d} vjg jkijguv oqvkxgu vq tgoqxg c uqwteg qh gxkn
kp vjg lwfkekcnu}uvgo cpf htgg kvhtqo cp cpqocnqwu crrgpfcig vjtqwij
yjkej rgtpkekqwu rqnkvkeujcf uqwijv vq kphnwgpeglwfigu- cpf crrgctu- dg.
ukfgu- vq korngogpv c eqpuvkvwvkqpcn fktgevkxg- ngv wu pqv kpukpwcvgvjcv
lwfkekcnkpfgrgpfgpeg ku dgkpi korcktgf nguv qwt lgcnqwu tgictf vjgtgqh
dg okukpvgtrtgvgf- cpf kpuvgcf qh gpeqwtcikpi lwfkekcnxcnqt yg yknndg
kpfwekpi lwfkekcncttqicpeg/
Fqt vjg cdqxg tgcuqpu- kp xkgy qh vjg gxkfgpv iqqf hckvj cpf oqvkxg
yjkej jcxg kpfwegf vjg ngikuncvkxg fgrctvogpv qh vjg Gqxgtpogpv vq gpcev
vjg fkurwvgf rtqxkukqpu- I co eqpuvtckpgf vq jqnf vjcv vjg cdqnkvkqpd}
vjg ngikuncvwtgqh vjg rqukvkqpuqh cpf ecfcuvtcn lwfigu fqgu
pqv eqpuvkvwvg cp cdwug qh vjg rqygt qh tgqticpkncvkqp itcpvgf vq kv d}

vjg Cqpuvkvwvkqp/Wjgtghqtg- I xqvg cickpuv vjg itcpvkpi qh vjg rgvkvkqp

vjcv vjg fkurwvgf rtqxkukqpu qh vjg pgy Jwfkekct} Lcy *Rgrwdnke Aev
Nq/ 1186, dg fgenctgf wpeqpuvkvwvkqpcn cpf xqkf- cu cickpuv vjg rgvk.

Tjg qwveqog qh vjku nkvkicvkqpku crv vq tgxkxg vjg urgewncvkqpyjg.
vjgt ykvvkpin}qt wpykvvkpin}vjg Cqpuvkvwvkqp jcu hwtvjgt ygcmgpgf vjg
wuwcnn}ygcm lwfkekcnfgrctvogpv/ Fqt jgtg kucp cvvgorv- qt vjg dgikp.
pkpi qh cvvgorvu cickpuv vjg kpfgrgpfgpeg qh vjg nqecn lwfkecvwtg cpf
}gv vjg Swrtgog Cqwtv *ugxgp lwuvkegu-oqtg vjcp c ogtg oclqtkv},
hkpfu kvugnh
rqygtnguu vq ejgem kv-vjg Cqpuvkvwvkqp jcxkpi vkgf kvujcpfu
ykvj vjg rtqxkukqp vjcv c vyq.vjktfu xqvg ujcnn dg pgeguuct} vq fgenctg
c uvcvwvgwpeqpuvkvwvkqpcn/uSgxgp lwuvkeguuc} vjg ncy xkqncvguvjg eqp.
uvkvwvkqp;hqwt qvjgtu fgekfg vq uwuvckpkv-cpf vjgkt xkgy rtgxcknu/ Tjg
qrkpkqpu qh ugxgp ogodgtu ctg kp hcev fkuugpvkpiqrkpkqpu/
Wjgp Rgrwdnke Aev Nq/ 1186 vqqmghhgevqp Jwpg 19- 195<h-vjg vgp
rgvkvkqpgtuygtg rtgukfkpi fkhhgtgpveqwtvuqh hktuvkpuvcpeg-uqog cu lwfigu.
cv.nctig- qvjgtu cu ecfcuvtcn lwfigu/ Sjqtvn} vjgtgchvgt vjg} ygtg pqvkhkgf
d} vjg tgurqpfgpv Sgetgvct} qh Jwuvkegvjcv jcf egcugf vq jqnf qhhkegd}
xktvwgqh vjg rtqxkukqp qh ugevkqp3 qh uckf Aev fgenctkpi- 'cnn vjg gzkuvkpi
rqukvkqpuqh cpf Ccfcuvtcn Jwfigu ctg cdqnkujgf/'
Pgvkvkqpgtueqpvgpf vjcv- kp cdqnkujkpi vjgkt rqukvkqpucpf tgoqxkpi
vjgo- Cqpitguu cpf tgurqpfgpvu wpeqpuvkvwvkqpcnn} ujqtvgpgf vjgkt vgtou
qh qhhkegrtguetkdgf d} vjg Cqpuvkvwvkqp/Wjgtghqtg- vjg} cum hqt fg.
enctcvkqpqh kpxcnkfkv}qh uckf ugevkqp-cpf hqt lwfiogpv vjcv vjgkt rquk.
ukqp cpf qhhkeguuvknngzkuv-ykvj vjgkt eqttgurqpfkpi tkijv vq gzgtekug vjg
hwpevkqpuvjgtgqh- Tjg} cnuq tgswguv crrtqrtkcvg qtfgtu hqt rc}ogpv qh
vjgkt eqorgpucvkqp- cpf hqt qvjgt tgnkgh/ Ipxqmkpi vjg qticpke rtqxkukqp
vjcv lwfigu 'ujcnn jqnf qhhkegfwtkpi iqqf dgjcxkqwt- wpvknvjg} tgcej
vjg cig qh ugxgpv} }gctu- qt dgeqog kpecrcekvcvgf-' 1 vjg} chhkto vjg}
jcxg pqv dggp iwknv}qh okueqpfwev- jcxg pqv tgcejgf 70 }gctu cpf
ctg rj}ukecnn} ecrcdng vq rgthqto vjgkt fwvkgu/
Fqt cpuygt- vjg Sqnkekvqt.Ggpgtcnockpvckpu vjcv rgvkvkqpgtu)tkijv
vq cev cu lwfigu jcf egcugf ykvj vjg gzvkpevkqpqh vjgkt rqukvkqpu-Cqpitguu
jcxkpi vjg eqpuvkvwvkqpcn rqygt vq cdqnkuj kphgtkqteqwtvu-kpenwfkpi vjg
rqukvkqpuqh cpf Ccfcuvtcn Jwfigu/ Cqoogpfcdn} cxqkf.
kpi cnnkuuwgucu okueqpfwev- cig qt ecrcekv}- jg ockpvckpu-cu ugeqpfct}
rtqrqukvkqp-vjcv cp}yc} vjg uvcvwvgetgcvkpi rgvkvkqpgtu)rqukvkqpuxkqncvgf
vjg Cqpuvkvwvkqp cpf guvcdnkujgf pq lwfkekcnqhhkeg/

c Nq kpvgpv jgtg vq etkvkekngvjg Cqpxgpvkqp/ Odxkqwun} kv ycu eqipkncpv qh

F/D/ Rqqugxgnv)u cnngti} vq hkxg.vq.hqwt fgekukqpu qh vjg U/S/ Swrtgog Cqwtv pwn.
nkh}kpi korqtvcpv ngikuncvkqp;cpf vq kpuwtg F/D/R/)u crrtqxcn *rnwu qvjgt tgcuqpu,
kv kpenwfgf coqpi vjg hgcvwtgu qh qwt Oticpke Aev vjg vyq.vjktfu kppqxcvkqp/
1 Atv/ VIII uge/ 9/

Tjg ugeqpf fghgpug yknndg vcmgp wr ncvgt/ Tjg hktuv-kp qwt qrk.
pkqp- kuvjg oquv korqtvcpv/
Ngxgt kp qwt jkuvqt} jcu uwej c pwodgt qh lwfigu qh hktuvkpuvcpeg
dggp qwuvgf vjtw lwfkekcntgqticpkncvkqp/ Ip vjg ugxgtcn eqwtv tgxcoru
jgtgvqhqtg ghhgevgf-kvycu cuuwogf igpgtcnn} vjcv kpewodgpv lwfigu jcf
vq dg tgvckpgf- cpf vjg} ygtg gkvjgt tg.crrqkpvgf- rtqoqvgf qt rncegf
kp qvjgt korqtvcpv iqxgtpogpv rqukvkqpu/ Tq cuuwtg lwfkekcnkpfgrgpf.
gpeg vjgtg ycu ykfgurtgcf ceswkguegpeg kp vjgkt rtkxkngig vq tgvckp
vjgkt rquvu fwtkpi iqqf dgjcxkqwt- qt wpvknvjg} tgcejgf vjg cig qh 65
}gctu-' kttgurgevkxgqh uvtwevwtcniqxgtpogpv ejcpigu- oqvkxcvgf qt pqv
d} vjg vkfgu qh rqnkvkecnhqtvwpg/ Sqog..xgt} hgy kpfggf.nquv vjgkt
rqukvkqpu;dwv qp crrn}kpi vq vjg eqwtvu hqt tgnkgh cuugtvkpi lwfkekcn
ugewtkv}qh vgpwtg- vjg} hckngf wrqp itqwpfu qvjgt vjcp Cqpitguukqpcn
rqygt vq gcug vjgo qwv/ *Swoogtu F. Oncgvc L.1534; Ycpfwgvc x-
Dg nc Cquvc 66 Pjkn/ 615, / Tjku eqpvtqxgtu} dtkpiu vjg hktuv kuuwg
uswctgn} vq vjg hqtg- dgecwug vjg rgvkvkqpoc} dg itcpvgf qpn} wrqp c
ujqykpi qh Cqpitguukqpcn ncemqh rqygt vq uyggr rgvkvkqpgtuqwvqh vjgkt
Iv ku pgeguuct} hqt .vjg Cqwtv vq kpvgtrtgv cpf crrn} vjg hqnnqykpi
Cqpuvkvwvkqpcn rtqxkukqpu:
'zzz lwfkekcn rqygt ujcnn dg xguvgf kp qpg Swrtgog Cqwtv cpf kp
uwej kphgtkqt eqwtvu cu oc} dg guvcdnkujgf d} ncy/' *Atv/ VIII uge/ 1/,
'zzz vjg Cqpitguu ujcnn jcxg vjg rqygt vq fghkpg- rtguetkdg cpf
crrqtvkqp vjg lwtkufkevkqpqh vjg xctkqwu eqwtvu/' *Atv/ VIII uge/ 2/,
'Nq lwfig crrqkpvgf hqt rctvkewnct fkuvtkev ujcnn dg fgukipcvgf
qt vtcpuhgttgf vq cpqvjgt fkuvtkev ykvjqwv vjg crrtqxcn qh vjg Swrtgog
Cqwtv/ z z z/' *Atv/ VIII uge/ 7/,
'Tjg ogodgtu qh vjg Swrtgog Cqwtv cpf cnn lwfigu qh kphgtkqt
eqwtvu ujcnn jqnf qhhkeg fwtkpi iqqf dojcxkqt wpvknvjg} tgcej vjg
cig qh ugxgpv} }gctu qt dgeqog kpecrcekvcvgf vq fkuejctig vjg fwvkgu
qh vjgkt qhhkeg/ Tjg} ujcnn tgegkxg uwej eqorgpucvkqp cu oc} dg hkzgf
d} ncy- yjkej ujcnn pqv dg fkokpkujgf fwtkpi vjgkt eqpvkpwcpeg kp
qhhkeg/' *Atv/ VIII uge/ 9/,

Au cntgcf} uvcvgf- rgvkvkqpgtuctiwg vjcv Rgrwdnke Aev 1186 rctvk.

ewnctn} ugevkqp 3- cdtkfigf vjg vgpwtg xqwejuchgf vq vjgo d} cdqxg
ugevkqp9.pqpg qh vjgo jcxkpi dgeqog kpecrcekvcvgf-qt cvvckpgfugxgpv}
}gctu qt dggp iwknv}qh okueqpfwev/
Rgurqpfgpvu- qp vjg qvjgt jcpf- cuugtv vjcv Cqpitguukqpcn rqygt
vq guvcdnkuj eqwtvu cpf crrqtvkqp vjgkt lwtkufkevkqpkornkgu rqygt vq
uwrrtguu eqwtvu cntgcf} guvcdnkujgf-vqigvjgt ykvj vjg rqukvkqpuqh kp.
ewodgpv lwfigu/ Apf- vjg} kpukuv-vjgtg ku pq vgpwtg qh qhhkegvq dg
tgurgevgf cpf wrjgnf wpfgt cdqxg uge/ )9 yjgtg vjgtg ku pq gzkuvkpi
A ectghwncpcn}ukuyknnrgtegkxg vjcv- yjgtgcu rgvkvkqpgtukpxqmgcp
nHABnCC iwctcpv} qt A«CsDsFn fghkpkvkqpqh vjgkt vgto qh qhhkeg-vjg tgu.

h Bghqtg vjg Cqpuvkvwvkqp-

65 }gctu ycu vjg tgvktgogpv cig/
rqpfgpvu tgn} qp swAvsnm cwvjqtkv} vq cdqnkuj eqwtvu cpf vjg rqukvkqpu
qh vjg tgurgevkxg lwfigu/ Aeewtcvgn} uvcvgf- tgurqpfgpvu) fghgpug tguvu
qp c ugeqpf kphgtgpeg fgfwegf htqo uwej swAvsnm rqygt- dgecwug vjg}
tgcuqp qwvvjwun}: Cqpitguu jcu gzrtguu rqygt vq guvcdnkujeqwtvu; DrnBn1
s«BK kvjcu kornkekvrqygt vq cdqnkuj eqwtvu cpf vjg rqukvkqpuqh lwfigu
qh uwej cdqnkujgf eqwtvu *hktuvkphgtgpeg,; iym DrnBno«Bn *ugeqpf kphg.
tgpeg, Cqpitguu nkmgykugjcu rqygt vq glgev vjg lwfigu jqnfkpi uwej
Rguwnvcpvlwtkfkecnukvwcvkqp: Tjg swAvsnm cwvjqtkv} kpxqmgf d} tgu.
rqpfgpvu eqnnkfguykvj vjg nHABnCC iwctcpv} qh vgpwtg rtqvgevkpi vjg rgvk.
vkqpgtu/ Wjkej ujcnn rtgxckn? Odxkqwun}vjg gzrtguu iwctcpv} owuv
qxgttkfg vjg kornkgf cwvjqtkv}/ 'Iornkecvkqpu ecp pgxgt dg rgtokvvgf
vq eqpvtcfkev vjg gzrtguugf kpvgpvqt vq fghgcv kvurwtrqug/' *72 C/J/S/
r/ 633/, 'Ezrtguu rtqxkukqpu rtgxckn qxgt kornkgf rtqxkukqpu yjkej eqp.
vtcfkev vjgo/' *82 C/J/S/ r/ 720/, Tjg ukvwcvkqpku swkvg ukoknct vq
Mqpvgpgitq x/ Ccuvchkgfcuyjgtgkp vjg Bknnqh Rkijvu swAvsnmvI fgpkgf
vjg Ptgukfgpv)urqygt vq uwurgpf vjg ytkv qh jcdgcu eqtrwu kp ecug qh
kookpgpv fcpigt qh kpxcukqp-yjgtgcu c uwdugswgpvctvkeng-uge/ 10- gz.
ABnCCvI iEDr«BsJnm vjg Ptgukfgpv vq uwurgpf yjgtg vjgtg ku kookpgpv
fcpigt qh kpxcukqp/ Wg uwuvckpvjg Ezgewvkxg)urqygt- swqvkpi ykvj
crrtqxcn vjg hqnnqykpi rtgegfgpvu:
'Iv ku c igpgtcn twng kp vjg eqpuvtwevkqpqh ytkvkpiu- vjcv- c igpgtcn
kpvgpv crrgctkpi- kv ujcnn eqpvtqn vjg rctvkewnct kpvgpv; dwv vjku twng
owuv uqogvkogu ikxg yc}- cpf ghhgevowuv dg ikxgp vq c rctvkewnct kp.
vgpv rnckpn} gzrtguu kp qpg rctv qh c eqpuvkvwvkqp- vjqwij crrctgpvn}
qrrqugf vq c igpgtcn kpvgpvfgfwegf htqo qvjgt rctvu/ Wcttgp x/ Sjw.
ocp- 5 vgz/ 441/ Ip Qwkemx/ Wjkvgycvgt Tqypujkr- 7 Ipf/ 570- kv ycu
uckf vjcv kh vyq rtqxkukqpu qh c ytkvvgp eqpuvkvwvkqp ctg kttgeqpekncdn}
tgrwipcpv- vjcv yjkej ku ncuvkp qtfgt qh vkog cpf kp nqecn rqukvkqpku
vq dg rtghgttgf/ Ip Gwnu/C/ . S/F/ R}/ Cq/ x/ Rcodqkv- 67 Tgz/ 654-
4 S/aV/ 356- vjku twng ycu tgeqipkngf cu c ncuv tguqtv- dwv kh vjg ncuv
rtqxkukqp ku oqtg eqortgjgpukxg cpf urgekhkekv ycu jgnf vjcv kv ujqwnf
dg ikxgp ghhgevqp vjcv itqwpf'
'Apf kp Hqpi xu/ Wcujkpivqp Otgiqp Cqtr/ *1915, 147 Pce/ Rgr/-
765 cv r/ 763 kv ycu uckf: 'Iv ku c hcoknkct twng qh eqpuvtwevkqpvjcv-
yjgtg vyq rtqxkukqpu. qh c ytkvvgp Cqpuvkvwvkqpctg tgrwipcpv vq
gcej qvjgt- vjcv yjkej ku ncuvkp qtfgt qh vkog cpf kp nqecnrqukvkqpkuvq
dg rtghgttgf/ Qwkemx/ Wjkvg Wcvgt Tqypujkr- 7 Ipf ./ 570; G/- G/ ( E/
R}/ Cq/ x/ Tcodqnv- 67 Tgz/ 654- 4 S/W/ 356/ Sq gxgp cuuwokpi vjg
vyq encwugufkuewuugfctg tgrwipcpv- vjg ncvvgtowuv rtgxckn/'
Bwv vjg eqnnkukqpoc} dg..ujqwnf dg.cxqkfgf- cpf dqvj ugevkqpu
ikxgp xcnkfkv}-khqpg dg eqpukfgtgf c rtqxkuq qt gzegrvkqp vq vjg qvjgt/
Ip qvjgt yqtfu- wpfgt vjg Cqpuvkvwvkqp
vjg Cqpitguu oc} cdqnkuj gzkuvkpi

3 1952 O/G/ 3392/


eqwtvu-rtqxkfgf kv fqgu pqv vjgtgd} tgoqxg vjg kpewodgpv lwfigu; uwej

cdqnkvkqpvq vcmg ghhgevwrqp vgtokpcvkqp qh vjgkt kpewodgpe}-' Tjg
hwpfcogpvcn rtqxkukqpu qp vjg ocvvgt ctg vjgtgd} 'eqqtfkpcvgf cpf jct.
oqpkngf' cu JwuvkegLcwtgn uwiiguvgf kp jku eqpewttkpi qrkpkqp kp Ycp.
fwgvc x/ Dg nc Cquvc/ Tq dtkpi cdqwv tgeqpeknkcvkqpu ku vjg itgcv yqtm
qh lwtkuvu/ *Cctfqnq- Pctcfqzgu qh Lgicn Sekgpeg r/ 6/,
Tjku kupq pqxgn vjgqt} qh nqecnxkpvcig/ Mcp} Aogtkecp rtgegfgpvu
wrjqnf kv/
'Hqygxgt- yjgp vjg Cqpuvkvwvkqp qtfckpu vjcv c lwfig jqnf jku
qhhkeghqt c hkzgf vgto- vjg eqpuvkvwvkqp iqxgtpu- cpf vjg ngikuncvwtgjcu
pq rqygt vq cnvgt jku vgpwtg-gkvjgt d} gpnctikpi qt ujqtvgpkpi vjg vgto-
fktgevn} qt kpfktgevn}/' 48 C/J/S/ r/ 969- ekvkpiecugu htqo Kgpvwem}-Mcu.
ucejwuugvvucpf Pgppu}nxcpkc/,
Ip Svcvg x/ Ftkgfng} cp cev qh vjg ngikuncvwtgqh Ipfkcpc cdqnkujgf
vjg hkhvjlwfkekcnektewkvrtgukfgf d} Wknnkco T/ Ftkgfng} cpf cvvcejgf
kvuvgttkvqt} cpf dwukpguuvq vjg hqwtvj lwfkekcnektewkvrtgukfgf d} Ggqtig
Gkduqp/ Ip c eqpvguv hqt vjg qhhkegdgvyggp vjg vyq- Ftkgfng} kpxqmgf
vjg eqpuvkvwvkqpcn rtqxkukqp vjcv lwfigu 'ujcnn jqnf qhhkeghqt ukz }gctu/'
Gkduqp kpxqmgf vjg Lgikuncvwtg)u eqpuvkvwvkqpcn rqygt *uge/ 169, vq fkxkfg
vjg Svcvg htqo vkog vq vkog kpvqlwfkekcnektewkvu/ Tjg Ipfkcpc Swrtgog
Cqwtv d} wpcpkoqwu xqvg jgnf vjg ncy wpeqpuvkvwvkqpcn hqt xkqncvkpivjg
lwfig)u vgpwtg qh qhhkeg/ Iv uckf:
'Iv uggou dg}qpf vjg rqygt qh vjg ngikuncvwtgvq ngikuncvg c lwfig
cpf rtqugewvkpi cvvqtpg} qwv qh qhhkeg- cpf kh vjg ngikuncvwtg ecppqv-
d} c fktgev cev- fgrtkxg vjgo qh vjgkt qhhkegu- pgkvjgt ecp kv fq uq d}
vjg kpfktgev oqfg qh cdqnkujkpi vjgkt ektewkv/'
'Tq eqpuvtwg vjku ugevkqp *169, vq ogcp vjcv vjg ngikuncvwtg ecp-
cv kvu qyp yknn- cdqnkuj vjg ektewkv- cpf vjwu ngikuncvg vjg lwfig cpf
rtqugewvkpi cvvqtpg} qwv qh qhhkeg- kp cffkvkqp vq dgkpi kp fktgev eqp.
hnkevykvj vjg qvjgt rtqxkukqpu qh qwt qticpke ncy- yqwnf cnuq rwv vjg
qhhkekcn nkhg qh gxgt} lwfig cpf gxgt} rtqugewvkpi cvvqtpg} qh vjg
uvcvg cv vjg ogte} qh vjg ngikuncvwtg/ Iv yqwnf uwdlgev vjg lwfkekct}
vq vjg ngikuncvkxgrqygt- cpf wvvgtn} fguvtq} cnn lwfkekcn kpfgrgpfgpeg/
Jwfigu cpf rtqugewvqtu yqwnf dg cv vjg yjko qt ecrtkeg qh vjg ugpcvqtu
cpf tgrtgugpvcvkxgu- kp vjgkt vgpwtg qh qhhkeg/'
'Iv ku pqv vq dg cuuwogf vjcv vjg htcogtu qh vjg eqpuvkvwvkqpdwknfgf
kv uq wpykugn} cu vq ugewtg vq c lwfig cp qhhkeg cpf kvu vgpwtg z z z
hqt c rgtkqf qh ukz }gctu- kh jg uq nqpi dgjcxg ygnn- cpf d} vjg ucog

z Ezegrvkqpu okijv dg: cevwcn yct qt uqog qvjgt engct pcvkqpcn gogtigpe}/
Sgg Svcvg x/ Ftkgfng} 135 Ipf/ 119; 34 N/E/ Rgr/ 572 cv r/ 876/
Tjg cdqnkvkqp qh vjg Cqwtv qh Arrgcnu chvgt nkdgtcvkqp ycu c yct gogtigpe}
ogcuwtg- cpf vjg lwuvkegu uq wpfgtuvqqf/ Bwv sy Bnl«pysDs«y «o DrnsB syDnBBEADnm
DnyEBn qt jnliECn «o sD. Drn Gqxgtpogpv rtqoqvgf ocp} qh vjgo uqqp vq vjg
Swrtgog Cqwtv *Btkqpgu- Pcfknnc- Twguqp- Hqpvkxgtqu- Bgpinqp,/ Ovjgtu ygtg
crrqkpvgf vq korqtvcpv rqukvkqpu- *Epcig- Ggpgtquq- Lqrgn- Vkvq,; cpf yjgp vjg
Cqwtv ycu tgetgcvgf c }gct vjgtgchvgt- vjg tgockpkpi cxckncdng lwuvkegu ygtg tg.
crrqkpvgf vjgtgvq *Mqpvgoc}qt- Angz Rg}gu- Tqttgu,/ Iorgtkcn ycu c ugpcvqt-
cpf Skuqp ycu wpfgt kpfkevogpv hqt eqnncdqtcvkqp/ Rg}gu jcf tgcejgf ugxgpv}
cpf M/ Andgtv ycu cntgcf} rtcevkukpi ncy/
Tjg rgqrngu eqwtv ycu- d} ncy qh kvu qyp etgcvkqp- c ;-5879u9@ qticpkncvkqp/
D7378M 6C3NO8ME 789

qticpke ncy kpvgpfgf kvu yknn- htqo vjg gzgtekug qh cnn vjg rtkxkngigu
cpf fwvkgu rgtvckpkpi vjgtgvq- ykvjqwv c jgctkpi- ykvjqwv c eqpxkevkqp
hqt okueqpfwev- wpfgt vjg iwkug qh 'htqo vkog vq vkog fkxkfkpi vjg
uvcvg kpvq lwfkekcn ektewkvu/'
'Swej fkxkukqp oc} dg gzgtekugf d} vjg ngikuncvwtgyjgtg vjg cev
fqgu pqv ngikuncvglwfigu cpf rtqugewvqtu qwv qh vjgkt tgurgevkxg qh.
hkegu- dwv pqv qvjgtykug/ Tjg igpgtcn cuugodn} oc} cff vq qt oc}
vcmg htqo vjg vgttkvqt} eqpuvkvwvkpic ektewkv-1. ;0- u+; *- 5u,- ;7 ;u3-
-..-+; u;( u6, 67; dghqtg- ;0- -?819u;176 7. ;0- ;-95: qh 7.1p+- qh ;0-
2<,/- cpf rtqugewvqt qh uwej qhhkeg-cu eqpuvkvwvgf-cv vjg vkog qh vjg
cev/' *wpfgtueqtkpi qwtu,/
'Tjg ecug qh Svcvg x/ Nqdng- 118 Ipf/ 350- 21 N/E/ Rgr/ 244-
hwnn} guvcdnkujgu vjg kpfgrgpfgpeg qh vjg lwfkekct}/ Tjg ngikuncvwtg
ecppqv gzvgpf qt cdtkfig vjg vgto qh cp qhhkeg-vjg vgpwtg qh yjkej ku
hkzgf d} vjg eqpuvkvwvkqp/ Hqyctf x/ Svcvg- 10 Ipf/ 99/ Tjg ecug qh
Mqugt x/ Lqpi- 64 Ipf/ 189- jqnfu vjcv vjg qhhkeg qh rtqugewvkpi cv.
vqtpg} qh c ektewkveqwtv ku qpg rtqxkfgf hqt d} vjg eqpuvkvwvkqp- yjkej
hkzgu vjg vgto qh qhhkeg cv vyq }gctu- cpf vjg ngikuncvwtgecp pgkvjgt
cdqnkuj vjg qhhkeg pqt cdtkfig vjg vgto vjgtgqh/'
'Ip Svcvg x/ Jqjpuvqp- 101 Ipf/ 223- kv ku fgekfgf d} vjg eqwtv
vjcv vjg igpgtcn cuugodn} jcu vjg rqygt- cv kvu fkuetgvkqp- vq fkxkfg
c lwfkekcnektewkvcv cp} vkog fwtkpi vjg vgtou qh qhhkegqh vjg lwfig cpf
rtqugewvkpi cvvqtpg} qh uwej ektewkv-uwdlgev qpn} vq vjg tguvtkevkqpuvjcv
vjg ngikuncvwtg ecppqv- d} cp} ngikuncvkqp-cdtkfig gkvjgt qh vjgo qh
c lwfkekcnektewkvyjgtgkp jg oc} ugtxg qwv vjg eqpuvkvwvkqpcn vgto hqt
yjkej jg ycu gngevgf/'
Ip Cqo/ x/ Gcodng 62 Pc/ Sv/ 343 vjg Pgppu}nxcpkc Lgikuncvwtg
guvcdnkujgf vjg 29vj lwfkekcnfkuvtkevd} vjg cev qh Fgd/ 28- 1868 cpf
Jcogu Gcodng ycu eqookuukqpgf lwfig vjgtgqh/ B} vjg Pgppu}nxcpkc
Cqpuvkvwvkqp jg ycu gpvkvngfvq eqpvkpwgkp qhhkegvgp }gctu- kh jg ujcnn
dgjcxg jkougnh ygnn/ B} cp cev qh Mctej 16- 1869 vjg hqtogt cev ycu
tgrgcngf cpf vjg fkuvtkevycu cdqnkujgf/ Tjg Swrtgog Cqwtv qh Pgppu}n.
xcpkc uwuvckpgfJwfig Gcodng)u tkijv vq vjg qhhkeguc}kpi:
'z z z- kh vjg ngikuncvwtgeqwnf dnqv qwv c fkuvtkev- kv eqwnf nkokv
vjg fwtcvkqp qh vjg eqookuukqp itcpvgf vq c nguu rgtkqf vjcp vgp }gctu-
kh kv okijv uq ejqqug/ Tjcv kv ecppqv ujqtvgp vjg vgpwtg qh vjg qh.
hkeg qh c lwfig- cu hkzgf d} vjg eqpuvkvwvkqp-
ku egtvckp- cpf vjku qwijv
vq guvcdnkuj vjcv kv ecp rcuu pq cev vq fq d} kpfktgevkqp vjcv yjkej
oc} pqv dg fqpg fktgevn}/'
A wpcpkoqwu qrkpkqp qh vjg lwuvkeguqh vjg McuucejwuugvvuSwrtgog
Cqwtv jgnf vjcv- cu vjg Cqpuvkvwvkqp icxg lwfigu vgpwtg 'fwtkpi iqqf
dgjcxkqwt-' vjg igpgtcn rqygt qh vjg ngikuncvwtg'Ggpgtcn Cqwtv' vq cdq.
nkuj eqwtvu fkf pqv kpenwfg cwvjqtkv} vq eqorgn tgvktgogpv qh lwfigu
tgcejkpi vjg cig qh ugxgpv}/ Iv gzrnckpgf-
))Tjg vgpwtg qh qhhkegqh lwfigu cu vjwu ugvvngfd} vjg Cqpuvkvwvkqp
kukorgtcvkxg cpf hkpcn/ Iv ecppqv dg gpnctigf- nkokvgf-oqfkhkgf- cnvgtgf
qt kp cp} yc} chhgevgf d} vjg Ggpgtcn Cqwtv/' *271 Mcuu/ 575- 171
N/E/ Rgr/ 3e 240/,
Upfgt c Cqpuvkvwvkqpcn rqygt vq 'qtfckp cpf guvcdnkujkphgtkqteqwtvu'
vjg ngikuncvwtgjcu pq rqygt vq ejcpig vjg vgto hkzgf d} vjg Cqpuvkvwvkqp

hqt vjg lwfigu vjgtgqh/ *Sgg Svcvg x/ Cnctm- 87 Cqpp/ 537- 89 Avn/ 172/
52 L/R/A *N/S/, r/912/,
Tjg hqwt.}gct vgto hkzgf d} vjg Cqpuvkvwvkqp 'ku dg}qpf ngikuncvkxg
ejcpig/ Iv ku c hkzgf iwctcpv}/' *Sgg Svcvg x/ Tjqocu- 10 Kcp/ 191-
Wknuqpx/ Sjcy- 188 N/W/ 943/,
Lgikuncvwtg ecppqv- d} cdqnkujkpi qt ejcpikpi Jwtkfkecnektewkvu-tg.
oqxg qt ngikuncvglwfigu htqo qhhkegrtkqt vq gzrktcvkqp qh vjgkt vgtou/
*Svcvg gz tgn/ Wcfuyqtvj x/ Wtkijv 5 N/E/ *2f, 504- 211 Ipf/ 41/,
*hqqvpqvg48 C/J/S/ 3e 975/,
'Wjgtg c ekv} jcu dggp tgkpeqtrqtcvgf- dwv kvupcog- kfgpvkv}-cpf
vgttkvqtkcnnkokvutgockp vjg ucog- c lwuvkegqh vjg rgceg liyy«D dg vnpsC1
viDnm «ED :J qhhkegd} vjg pgy ejctvgt)u rtqxkukqp tgfwekpi vjg pwo.
dgt qh lwuvkegu-yjgp vjg Cqpuvkvwvkqp rtqxkfgu vjcv c lwuvkegujcnn jqnf
qhhkeghqt hqwt }gctu cpf wpvknjku uweeguuqt ku gngevgf cpf swcnkhkgf/
Gtcvqrr x/ Vcp Er *1897, 113 Mkej/ 590- 71 N/W/ 1080/' *Vqn/ 4-
Ca:f: r/ 211/,
'Tjg qhhkegqh rqnkeg ocikuvtcvg kp ekvkguqh vjg ugeqpf encuu jcxkpi
oqtg vjcp 5-000 cpf nguu vjcp 25-000 kpjcdkvcpvu ku etgcvgf cpf vjg
ngpivj qh vjg vgto hkzgf d} vjg Cqpuvkvwvkqp/Tjg Lgikuncvwtg ecppqv
ejcpig vjg ngpivj qh vjg vgto y«B tgoqxg Drn sylEwjnyD d} ngikuncvkqp
dghqtg. vjg gzrktcvkqp qh jku vgto/' ZS}nncdwuSvcvg gz tgI/ Me/ Dgtoqvv
Cqwpv} Avv}/ x/ Rgknn}-94 Ngd/ 232, 142 Rgr/ r/ 923/,
'Ip Svcvg x/ Svwjw- 52 Ngd/ 209- 71 N/W/ 941- vjg cev etkvkekngf
rtqxkfgf vjcv vjg rqnkeg ocikuvtcvg gngevgf kp Oocjc kp 1897 ujqwnf gp.
vgt wrqp jku vgto qh qhhkegdghqtg vjg vgto qh vjg vjgp kpewodgpv gz.
rktgf- vjwu cdtkfikpi vjg vgto qh vjg kpewodgpv- cpf vjku ycu jgnf vjg
ngik.uncvwtgeqwnf pqv fq- ukpeg vjg Cqpuvkvwvkqphkzgf vjg vgto qh vjg
kpewodgpv cv vyq }gctu/ Iv ycu dgecwug Drn vnpsCviDEBn l«Evm y«D Cr«BDny
vjg vgto qh vjg kpewodgpv vjcv vjg vkog hkzgf hqt vjg pgy vgto vq dgikp
ycu kp xkqncvkqpqh vjg Cqpuvkvwvkqp- cpf pqv dgecwug vjg Cqpuvkvwvkqp
hkzgf fghkpkvgn}yjgp gcej vgto ujcnn dgikp/' *142 N/W/ Rgr/ 3e 924,/
*Ovjgt cwvjqtkvkguogpvkqpgf kp vjg rgvkvkqpgt)uectghwnn}rtgrctgf
dtkgh ctg qokvvgf hqt vjg ucmg qh dtgxkv}/,
Afokvvgfn}- Sgevkqp 9 Atv/ VIII ckou vq rtgugtxg vjg kpfgrgpfgpeg
qh vjg lwfkekct}/ Iv cuuwtgu lwfigu vjcv uq nqpi cu vjg} dgjcxg- vjg}
ecppqv dg tgoqxgf htqo qhhkeg..pq ocvvgt yjcv rctv} eqpvtqnu vjg
Gqxgtpogpv.wpvkn vjg} tgcej vjg cig qh ugxgpv} }gctu qt dgeqog kp.
ecrcekvcvgf/ Tq eqorngvg vjgkt kpfgrgpfgpeg htqo rqnkvkecneqpvtqn qt
rtguuwtg- kvhwtvjgt cuuwtguvjgo vjcv vjgkt ucnctkguecppqv dg fkokpkujgf
fwtkpi vjgkt kpewodgpe} *uge/ 9,/ Hgpeg kv oc} dg cumgf- qh yjcv
eqpugswgpeg ku vjg cuuwtcpeg qh ucnct} pqp.fkokpwvkqp- kh cp} lwfigu
eqwnf dg ngikuncvgfqwv vjtw c eqwtv tgqticpkncvkqp?
Sq owej fkf qwt Cqpuvkvwvkqpcn Cqpxgpvkqp fguktg vq uvcdknkng
vgpwtg vjcv kv qxgttwngf c oqvkqp vq rgtokv vjg DBnyCsnB qh lwfigu htqo

qpg fkuvtkevvq cpqvjgt vjtw c eqwtv tgujwhhng/

'Tjg lwfkekct} eqookvvgg qh vjtgg rtcevkecnn} gpfqtugf vjg tgeqo.
ogpfcvkqp qh vjg Cqpxgpvkqpeqookvvgg qp lwfkekcnrqygt qp vjg ocvvgt-
kp vjg hqnnqykpi rtqxkukqp:p
)Nq lwfig yjq jcu dggp crrqkpvgf hqt c rctvkewnct fkuvtkev ujcnn
dg fgukipcvgf qt vtcpuhgttgf vq cpqvjgt fkuvtkev ykvjqwv vjg crrtqxcn
qh vjg Swrtgog Cqwtv/)
'Tjku rtqxkukqp qh vjg tgxkugf lwfkekct} ctvkengu ycu eqpukfgtgf
d} vjg Cqpxgpvkqp qp Jcpwct} 17- 1953/
'Dgngicvg Bgtpcdg fg Gwnocp rtqrqugf cp cogpfogpv vq vjg
ghhgev vjcv vjku rtqxkukqp ujqwnf pqv dg crrnkecdng vq c tgqticpkncvkqpu
qh vtkdwpcnuqh lwuvkegqt qh fkuvtkgvu;dwv vjg cogpfogpv ycu fghgcvgf
gcukn} ykvjqwv fgdcvgu/' *Atwgiq- Ftcokpi qh vjg Pjknkrrkpg Cqp.
uvkvwvkqp-Vqn/ 1- r/ 513,/

Nqy- vjgtghqtg- jcxkpi xgvqgf vjg ;9u6:.-9 qh lwfigu vjtw c tg.qt.

icpkncvkqp- vjg Cqpxgpvkqp gxkfgpvn} eqwnf pqv jcxg rgtokvvgf vjg tg.
57=u4 qh lwfigu vjtw tg.qticpkncvkqp/
Tjg rtkpekrng qh cp kpfgrgpfgpv lwfkekct}-eq.gswcn cpf eq.korqtvcpv
ykvj vjg qvjgt vyq dtcpejgu qh vjg Gqxgtpogpv ecog vq qwt ujqtgu ykvj
vjg Aogtkecp qeewrcvkqp/ Xgv vjg kpfgrgpfgpeg qh lwfigu.rctvkewnctn}
qh vjg kphgtkqt eqwtvu-ycu qh unqy itqyvj/u. wpvknkv tgegkxgf xkiqtqwu
hgtvknkncvkqpkp vjg Bqttqogq rtgegfgpv- yjgtgkp vjku Cqwtv kp c dqnf
uvtqmg qh lwfkekcnuvcvguocpujkr urgnngf qwv qh fqwdvhwnrtqxkukqpu vjg
fqevtkpg vjcv c lwfig qh hktuvkpuvcpeg 5u@ 67; >1;07<; 01: +76:-6; dg
vtcpuhgttgf d} vjg Gqxgtpqt.Ggpgtcn vq cpqvjgt fkuvtkev-dgecwug uwej
rqygt vq vtcpuhgt eqwnf dg c ogcpu vq yjkr kpvqnkpguwej lwfigu cu oc}
fgh} uwrgtkqt qhhkekcn
Tjg iguvwtg ycu ygnn tgegkxgf- vjg sDEy«Fsvsmim fg hEnlnC ycu jgtg
vq uvc}/ Ovjgt fgekukqpu tgchhktogf kv/u Apf eqpvgorqtcpgqwu ngiku.
ncvkqpgzrtguun} rgtokvvgf tgoqxcn qh c lwuvkegqh vjg rgceg 'yjgp jku
qhhkeg)ku)ncyhwnn}cdqnkujgf qt ogtigf kp vjg lwtkufkevkqpqh uqog qvjgt
lwuvkeg' *uge/ 206 Rgx/ Afo/ Cqfg,; yjgtgcu 1; 15841-,4@ 89701*1;-,
uwej tgoqxcn *d} cdqnkvkqp,qh lwfigu qh hktuvkpuvcpeg-dgecwug ykvjqwv
ogpvkqpkpi cdqnkvkqpqt ogtigt- kv fktgevgf vjcv vjg} 'ujcnn ugtxg wpvkn
vjg} tgcejgf vjg cig qh 65 }gctu- uwdlgevvq vjg vtcpuhgt rtqxkfgf hqt qt
cwvjqtkngf kp vjku Aev' *htqo qpg fkuvtkevvq cpqvjgt,/ *Sge/ 149 Rgx/
Afo/ Cqfg/,
Apf yjgp vjg Cqpuvkvwvkqp ycu cfqrvgf kp 1935- vjg Gqxgtpogpv
rtcevkeg qh tgvckpkpi lwfigu kp lwfkekct} tgujwhhngu-vjg uvcvwvgcpf vjg
lwtkurtwfgpeg cnneqodkpgf vq hnqygt kpvquge/ 9- yjkej ykvj uge/ 7 cuuwtgf
lwfigu uvcdknkv}qh vgpwtg-uq nqpi cu vjg} dgjcxg- wpvknvjg} tgcej ugxgpv}
qt dgeqog kpecrcekvcvgf/

i. Tjg} ygtg cv hktuv crrqkpvgf vq jqnf qhhkegfwtkpi vjg rngcuwtg qh vjg Pjkn.
krrkpgu Cqookuukqp *Aev 136,/
4 D«BB«wn« x/ biBsiy«. 41 Pjkn/ 322/
5 H«ylnAls«y x/ eiBnmnC. 42 Pjkn/ 599; CvjnBD« x/ csl«viC. 51 Pjkn/ 370/
n"I ,&')',,'*% )#0 (+.-*#)

Wjgtghqtg- kheqpuvkvwvkqpu ctg 'gzrqwpfgf kp vjg nkijv qh eqpfkvkqpu

gzkuvkpicv vjg vkog qh vjgkt cfqrvkqp- vjg igpgtcn urktkvqh vjg vkogu cpf
vjg rtgxcknkpi ugpvkogpvu coqpi vjg rgqrng' *11 Ao/ Jwt/ 676.678, kv
ujqwnf dg gcu} vq eqpenwfg-htqo vjg ektewouvcpegujgtgkp.cdqxg fgrkevgf-
vjcv vjg Cqpxgpvkqp fkf pqv eqpvgorncvg.pc}- kv htqypgf qp.tgoqxcn
qh lwfigu qh hktuvkpuvcpegvjtw cdqnkvkqpqh vjgkt qhhkeguuqt tgqticpkncvkqp/
Tjg Cqpuvkvwvkqpcn Cqpxgpvkqp ycpvgf lwfigu wpchtckf vq nqugvjgkt
lqdu qt vjgkt ucnctkgu-wpoqxgf cpf wpuyc}gf d} cp} eqpukfgtcvkqpu-gz.
egrv vjg vtgrkfcvkqpu qh vjg lwfkekcndcncpeg/ Ptqhguuqt Jqug Atwgiq-
c ogodgt qh vjg Cqpxgpvkqp-ytqvg vjwu:
'Tjg Cqpxgpvkqp kpenwfgf kp vjg Cqpuvkvwvkqprtqxkukqpu hqt jgnr.
kpi ugewtg vjg kpfgrgpfgpeg qh vjg lwfkekct}/ B} gzrtguu rtqxkukqp
qh ucog- vjg ogodgtu qh vjg Swrtgog Cqwtv cpf cnn lwfigu qh kphgtkqt
eqwtvu ujcnn jqnf qhhkeg fwtkpi iqqf dgjcxkqwt- wpvkn vjg} tgcej vjg
cig qh ugxgpv}) }gctu- qt dgeqog kpecrcekvcvgf vq fkuejctig vjg fwvkgu
qh vjgkt qhhkeg/' Cqpugswgpvn}- ,<916/ B77, *-0u=17<9( ;0-@ 5u@ 67;
dg 4-/1:4u;-, 7<; 7. qhhkegd} vjg ncy.ocmkpi dqf} pqt tgoqxgf d} vjg
Cjkgh Ezgewvkxg hqt cp} tgcuqp cpf wpfgt vjg iwkug qh cp} rtgvgpug
yjcvuqgxgt; ;0-@ 5u@ :;u@ kp 7..1+- wpvknvjg} tgcej vjg cig qh ugxgpv}
}gctu- qt dgeqog kpecrcekvcvgf vq fkuejctig vjg fwvkgu qh vjgkt qhhkeg/'
*Atwgiq- Tjg Ftcokpi qh vjg Pjknkrrkpg) Cqpuvkvwvkqp-Vqn/ II rr/ 718.
179 *Upfgtueqtkpi qwtu/,

Tjg Bqttqogq.Mctkcpq ecug- ogoqtcdng kp Pjknkrrkpg lwfkekcncp.

pcnu urgctjgcfgf rgtjcru vjg kfgc qh uvcdngvgpwtg hqt qwt lwfigu- ykvj
vjgug yqtfu:
'Owt eqpegrvkqp qh iqqf lwfigu jcu dggp- cpf ku- qh ogp yjq
jcxg c ocuvgt} qh vjg rtkpekrngu qh ncy' yjq fkuejctig vjgkt fwvkgu
kp ceeqtfcpeg ykvj ncy- yjq ctg rgtokvvgf vq rgthqto vjg fwvkgu qh vjg
qhhkeg wpfgvgttgf d} qwvukfg kphnwgpeg-cpf yjq ctg kpfgrgpfgpv cpf
ugnh.tgurgevkpi jwocp wpkvukp c lwfkekcn u}uvgo gswcn cpf eqqtfkpcvg vq
vjg qvjgt vyq fgrctvogpvu qh iqxgtpogpv/ Wg ctg rngcugf vq vjkpm
qh lwfigu cu qh vjg v}rg qh vjg gtwfkvg Cqmg yjq- vjtgg egpvwtkgu ciq-
ycu tgoqxgf htqo qhhkeg dgecwug yjgp cumgf 'kh kp vjg hwvwtg jg
yqwnf fgnc} c ecug cv vjg Kkpiu qtfgt-' tgrnkgf: 'I yknn fq yjcv
dgeqogu og cu c lwfig/' *Bqttqogq x/ Mctkcpq 41 Pjkn/ r/ 333/,

Tjg rctcitcrj eqogu htqo vjg rgp qh Mt/ JwuvkegMcneqno- yjq

qp qvjgt uwdugswgpvqeecukqpu kpukuvgfqp rgtocpgpe} qh lwfkekcnqhhkeg.
jqnfgtu/ Tjku nkvkicvkqp pqy tckugu vjg swguvkqp-
Sjcnn yg jcxg lwfigu qh vjg v}rg qh Lqtf Cqmg? Ot lwfigu yjq-
kp jku rnceg- yqwnf jcxg cpuygtgf 'I)nn fq yjcv jku oclguv} rngcugu-'
lwfigu yjq- chtckf qh qwuvgt vjtw c lwfkekct} tgujwhhng-yqwnf tcvjgt
ugtxg vjg kpvgtguvuqh vjg rctv} kp rqygt qt qh vjg rqnkvkecndquu- vjcp
vjg kpvgtguvuqh lwuvkeg?
Au kvku-vjg JwfkekcnDgrctvogpv kuhggdnggpqwij/ Sjcnn yg tgpfgt
kvhggdngtykvj lwfigu rtgectkqwun} qeewr}kpi vjgkt qhhkekcn
ugcvu? Jwfigu
rgthqtokpi vjgkt fwvkguwpfgt vjg uyqtf qh Dcoqengu qh hwvwtglwfkekcn

Iv ku ctiwgf vjcv 'vjgtg ecp dg pq dgvvgt iwctcpv}'.hqt vjg kpfg.

rgpfgpeg qh vjg lwfkekct} z z z 'vjcp vjg Gqf.ikxgp ejctcevgt cpf hkvpguu
qh vjqug crrqkpvgf vq vjg dgpej/' Wg citgg- kh vjg uvcvgogpv ogcpu
pqvjkpi gnug/ Bwv khkvkphgtuvjcv vjg qvjgt iqqf iwctcpvggu hqt lwfkekcn
kpfgrgpfgpeg rtqxkfgf hqt d} vjg Cqpuvkvwvkqp *nkhgvgpwtg gve/, oc} dg
fkuectfgf- yg fkucitgg/ Tjg kphgtgpeg yqwnf dg lwuv cu knngikvkocvg
cu kh qpg vjgqtkngf vjcv vjg dguv iwctcpv} hqt vjg kpfgrgpfgpeg qh c
eqwpvt} ku vjg eqwtcig qh kvufghgpfgtu cpf vjgtghqtg cnn hqtvkhkecvkqpu-
vcpmu-ecppqpu cpf fghgpug kpuvcnncvkqpu gve/ oc} cnndg uwrrtguugf/ Av
cp} tcvg vjg ctiwogpv gxcfgu vjg kuuwg:vjg kpswkt} ku pqv yjkej ku
vjg jnCD iwctcpv}- dwv yjgvjgt vjg iwctcpv} qh nkhgvgpwtg jcf dggp
dtqmgp qp vjku qeecukqp/
Cqpvtcfkevkpi rgvkvkqpgtu)encko qh ngikuncvkxg tgoqxcn- qt fkuokuucn
d} Cqpitguukqpcn cevkqp- tgurqpfgpvu ctiwg vjgtg ycu pq tgoqxcn htqo
qhhkegdgecwug vjg qhhkegycu cdqnkujgf/u. Hqygx:t- vjg rnckp hcev ku-
rgvkvkqpgtuygtg lwfigu qh hktuvkpuvcpeg qp Jwpg 19- 1954- cpf dgecwug
qh Rgrwdnke Aev Nq/ 1186 vjg} egcugf vq dg uq/ Tjg} nquvvjgkt lqdu
vjtw vjg qrgtcvkqp qh c ngikuncvkxggpcevogpv/ Tjg} ygtg qwuvgf d}
Cqpitguukqpcn fktgevkqp- s:n:. ngikuncvgfqwv-' Tjg ghhgevku yjcv eqwpvu/
Tjg ogfkwo.cdqnkvkqp qh vjgkt qhhkeg.ocmgu pq fkhhgtgpeg/' Wg vguv
c/ twng d} kvutguwnvu-'*L.3054 . L.3050,- cu qpg iwslEC lEBsin rqkpvgf
Ap}yc} vjgtg owuv dg uqogvjkpi hcnncekqwu kp vjku ogvjqf qh ctiw.
ogpvcvkqp/ Ih vjg rgvkvkqpgtujcf c hkxg.}gctngcugqp c dwknfkpicpf chvgt
qpg }gct vjg qypgt fguvtq}gf kv-yknnuckf qypgt dg cduqnxgf wrqp vjg
cnngicvkqpvjcv rgvkvkqpgtujcxg pq tkijvu dgecwug vjg dwknfkpi ku iqpg?
Rgurqpfgpvu- qh eqwtug- yknn fkhhgtgpvkcvgd} rqkpvkpi vq vjg eqpvtcev-
cpf ekvkpi vjg rtkpekrng vjcv cp qhhkegku pqv c eqpvtcev/ Apf }gv- fqgu
c eqpuvkvwvkqpcn rtqokug qh vgpwtg gpvcknc nguugtqdnkicvkqpvjcp c rtkxcvg
Ccnn kv tgqticpkncvkqp- qt ngikuncvkqpqt tgoqxcn qt cdqnkvkqp-vjku
ncy fkutgictfu vjg eqpuvkvwvkqpcn cuuwtcpeg vjcv vjgug lwfigu- qpeg cr.
rqkpvgf- ujcnn jqnf qhhkegfwtkpi iqqf dgjcxkqwt gve/ Fqt uwej dtgcej
vjg} oc} eqornckp- cpf vjg} fq eqornckp/
Tjg cdqnkvkqpqh vjgkt qhhkeguycu ogtgn} cp kpfktgev ocppgt qh
tgoqxkpi vjgug rgvkvkqpgtu/ Rgogodgt vjcv qp Jwpg 19- 1954- vjgtg
ygtg 107 lwfigu qh hktuvkpuvcpeg-fkuvtkevlwfigu- cpf
ecfcuvtcn lwfigu *Rgr/ Aev 296,/68 Ahvgt vjg rcuucig qh Rgrwdnke Aev
Nq/ 1186 vjgtg ygtg 114 rqukvkqpuqh lwfigu qh hktuvkpuvcpeg/ Tjgtg ycu
pq tgfwevkqp.vjgtg ycu vjg pwodgt qh lwfigu- pqt kp vjg
pwodgt qh eqwtvu/ Tjg rqukvkqpuqh cpf Ccfcuvtcn Jwfigu

58 Svqt} qp vjg Cqpuvkvwvkqp

etkvknguvjku cv r/ 178 53 S/W/ Rgr/
6 Jwfigu 'oc} pqv dg ngikuncvgf qwv qh qhhkeg/' *Atwgiq- Ftcokpi qh vjg
Cqpuvkvwvkqp-Vqn/ 2- r/ 719/
6c 74 fkuvtkevlwfigu- 18 15 ecfcuvtcn lwfigu/

ygtg gnkokpcvgf; dwv DrnI GnBn sy oilD CEjCDsDEDnm qt tgrncegf d} qvjgt

rqukvkqpuqh lwfigu; qt kh}qw rngcug-vjgtg ycu c ogtg ejcpig qh fgukipc.
vkqphtqo 'Ccfcuvtcn Jwfig qt' vq 'fkuvtkevlwfig'/ Hgpeg
kv ujqwnf dg twngf vjcv cu vjgkt rqukvkqpujcf pqv dggp 'cdqnkujgf' fg
hcevq-dwv cevwcnn}tgvckpgf GsDr iy«DrnB yiwn. vjgug rgvkvkqpgtuctg gp.
vkvngfvq tgockp kp vjg ugtxkeg/ *Btknnqx/ Epcig- G/R/ Nq/ L.7115- Mctej
30- 1954/, Fqt kvku pqv rgtokuukdng vq ghhgevvjg tgoqxcn qh qpg lwfig
vjtw vjg gzrgfkgpe} qh cdqnkujkpi jku qhhkegnFny cu vjg qhhkegykvj ucog
rqygt ku etgcvgf ykvj cpqvjgt pcog/ *Btknnqx/ Epcig- Mcnqpg x/ Wkn.
nkcou- 118 Tgpp/ 391- Gkddg)uCcug 4 A/L/R/ l/ 211,/ Ip vjku xkgy qh
vjg rkevwtg-yg dgnkgxg-Cqpitguu eqwnf jcxg- cpf ujqwnf uwi.
iguvgf d} Sgetgvct} Twcuqp fwtkpi vjg jgctkpiu kp Cqpitguu.fktgevgf
kp uckf Rgrwdnke Aev Nq/ 1186 vjcv 'vjg rtgugpv cpf
ecfcuvtcn lwfigu ujcnn dgeqog fkuvtkevlwfigu rtgukfkpi uwej fkuvtkevucu
oc} dg hkzgf d} vjg Ptgukfgpv ykvj vjg eqpugpv qh vjg Cqookuukqp qp
Arrqkpvogpvu'; qt d} vjg Sgetgvct} qh Jwuvkeg-cu qtkikpcnn}rtqrqugf
d} Sgpcvqt Lcwtgn kp eqppgevkqpykvj vjg ucog dknn/ Sqogvjkpi ukoknct
ycu fqpg dghqtg-' cpf kv yqwnf pqv dg qdlgevkqpcdngcu cp gpetqcej.
ogpv qp vjg Ptgukfgpv)urtgtqicvkxg qh crrqkpvogpv- dgecwuguwej lwfigu
jcf cntgcf} dggp crrqkpvgf vq vjg lwfkekct} dghqtg vjg rcuucig qh vjg cev-
cpf vjg rtqxkukqp oc} dg eqpuvtwgf kp vjg nkijv qh ogtg ejcpig qh
fgukipcvkqp rnwu kpetgcug kp ucnct}/ Au vjg Sgetgvct} qh Jwuvkeg
tgoctmgf fwtkpi vjg jgctkpiu qh vjg Hqwug-vjgug ujqwnf
jcxg dggp crrqkpvgf vq vjg fkuvtkevu:
'Mt/ Vgnquq *I,/ Bwv uwrrqug vjg dknn cu pqy rtqrqugf kpvgpfu
vq cdqnkuj vjg cpf ecfcuvtcn lwfigu- yqwnf }qw vjkpm
vjcv vjku dknn ku wpeqpuvkvwvkqpcn?
'Sge/ Twcuqp/ Wgn1- vjcv ku yj} I uc} qtfgt vq rtgxgpv
vjg dknn htqo dgkpi wpeqpuvkvwvkqpcn- vjg cdqnkvkqp owuv eqpvckp vjg
rtqxkuq vjcv vjgug lwfigu ctg pqv vq dg nwuvgf-vjg} ctg pqv vq dg
rqkpvgf dwv vjg} ctg vq eqpvkpwg cu fkuvtkev lwfigu cpf vjgkt fkuvtkevu
ctg vq dg fgvgtokpgf d} uqogdqf} qt d} vjg Dgrctvogpv qh Jwuvkeg/'
*Ttcpuetkrv qh jgctkpi qp Mctej 17- 1954 qh vjg Cqookvvgg qp
Jwfkekct}- Hqwug qh Rgrtgugpvcvkxgu/,'

Tjcv vjku cev ycu kpvgpfgf vq tgoqxg lwfigu ku cvvguvgfd} vjg hqn.
nqykpi uvcvgogpv qh Cqpitguuocp Atvwtq Tqngpvkpq-eq.cwvjqt qh vjg
ogcuwtg- cpf oclqtkv} hnqqt.ngcfgt-fwtkpi vjg fgdcvgu qh vjg Hqwug:
'I co htcpm gpqwij- Mt/ Srgcmgt- cpf I yknn pqv dg j}rqetkvkecn
vq uc} vjcv kp vjku dknn yg ctg pqv iqkpi vq yggf qwv wpfguktcdng
lwfigu/ Wg ctg/ Tjcv ku vjg rwtrqug qh vjg dknn/ Tjgtg ctg lwfigu
yjq ctg wpfguktcdng cpf owuv dg yggfgf- cpf kp vjgkt rncegu owuv dg
rncegf iqqf lwfigu yjq- chvgt jcxkpi dggp crrqkpvgf vq c rctvkewnct
fkuvtkev ecppqv ncvgt dg tgoqxgf qt vtcpuhgttgf htqo qpg fkuvtkev vq
cpqvjgt/ Ip qvjgt yqtfu- vq gnkokpcvg c dcf u}uvgo- yg ctg iqkpi vq
wug vjku tgogf}/' *Lcy}gtu Jqwtpcn- kuuwgf qp Jwn} 31- 1954- r/ 357,/'

7 Aev 3911 uge/ 4/

PHILvrPINE )#0 (+.1)13(#'$

Tjku uwiiguvu cpqvjgt nkpg qh vjqwijv/ Adqnkvkqpqh vjgkt qhhkegu

coqwpvgf vq vjg rgvkvkqpgtu)tgoqxcn/ Au Cqpitguu jcu pq Cqpuvkvwvkqpcn
rqygt vq tgoqxg lwfigu d} fktgev cevkqp-vjgtghqtg kv owuv dg fgpkgf
rqygt vq fq kpfktgevn}yjcv kveqwnf pqv fq fktgevn}/ Ipfggf- vjqug yjq
wrjqnf vjku ncy yqwnf ocmg vjg Cqpuvkvwvkqp rtguetkdg vjcv lwfigu 'ujcnn
jqnf qhhkegfwtkpi iqqf dgjcxkqwt wpvknvjg} tgcej vjg cig qh ugxgpv}
qt dgeqog kpecrcekvcvgf qt iBn Bnw«Fnm jI H«ypBnCCs«yiv ilDs«y «B DrnsB
«ooslnC «B l«EBDC iBn ij«vsCrnm:,
Aickp- qp vjg ocvvgt qh tgoqxcn- vjg Cqpuvkvwvkqp jcxkpi gpwog.
tcvgf ecwuguhqt eguucvkqpqh lwfigu- vjg rtkpekrng 'gzrtguu ogpvkqp ko.
rnkgugzenwukqpqh qvjgtu' uwrrqtvu rnckpvkhhu)
'Otfkpctkn} vjg gpwogtcvkqp qh urgekhke ocvvgtu kp c eqpuvkvwvkqpcn
rtqxkukqp ku eqpuvtwgf cu cp gzenwukqp qh o/cvvgtu pqv gpwogtcvgf-
wpnguu c fkhhgtgpv kpvgpvkqp crrgctu/' *16 C/J/S/ CqpuvkvwvkqpcnLcy
r/ o1,/

Tjku ngcfu vq vjg cnngicvkqpvjcv vjg tgoqxcn qh rgvkvkqpgtuycu pqv

kpvgpvkqpcn- cpf vjgtghqtg pq dtgcej qh vjg Cqpuvkvwvkqp oc} dg korwvgf
vq Cqpitguu/ Ip vjg hceg qh vjg gpf.rtqfwev.qwuvgt.yg oc} fgenctg
kvycu wpkpvgpvkqpcn- kh *1, Cqpitguu fkf pqv mpqy ecfcuvtcn lwfigu cpf yqwnf dg qwuvgf qt *2, mpqykpi uwej eqpugswgpeg- Cqp.
itguu o«Eym sD ynlnCCiBI vq crrtqxg vjg ncy *cu kvku pqy, vq hwnhknn kvu
rwtrqugu/ Tjg hktuvcnvgtpcvkxgyqwnf dg eqpvtct} vq vjg hcevu;kvyqwnf
gxgp dg wphncvvgtkpivq Cqpitguu- hqt kv yqwnf korn} vjg} fkfp)v mpqy
vjg eqpvgpvuqh vjg dknn/ Tjg ugeqpf cnvgtpcvkxgecp pqv dg vtwg-dgecwug
vjg qdlgevkxguqh vjg ncy eqwnf dg ecttkgf qwv ykvjqwv ujqtvgpkpi vjg
lwfigu) nkhg.vgpwtg- d} fktgevkpi vjgkt eqpxgtukqp kpvq fkuvtkevlwfigu qt
qtfgtkpi vjcv cdqnkvkqpqh vjgkt tgurgevkxg rqukvkqpuujcnn dg ghhgevkxg
wrqp vgtokpcvkqp qh vjgkt tgurgevkxg vgtou/
Rgurqpfgpvu) tgrn} yknnrtqdcdn} dg uqogvjkpi qh vjkuvgpqt: Cqpitguu
msm y«D uy«G vjg Ptgukfgpv yqwnf pqv tg.crrqkpv rgvkvkqpgtu/ Gtcpvgf-
ctiwgpfq/ Bwv Cqpitguu mpgy vjg lwfigu ygtg gcugf qwv-d} vjg ngvvgt
qh vjg ncy/ biIjn sD r«Anm vjg} yqwnf dg ucxgf d} tg.crrqkpvogpv
htqo vjg Ptgukfgpv/ Nqy- yjgp c ocp ujqqvu cpqvjgt- eqwnf jg rngcf
ncemqh kpvgpv-dgecwug jg gzrgevgf vjg fqevqt yqwnf jcxg jku xkevko?
Fct dg kv htqo wu-vq korn} vjcv Cqpitguu wivsls«ECvI fgetggf vjg
tgoqxcn qh lwfigu/ Annyg uc} ku-kvcevgf kpvgpvkqpcnn}- ykvj hwnnmpqy.
ngfig- cndgkvkp vjg dgnkghsD rim l«yCDsDEDs«yiv A«GnB vq ilD cu kvfkf/
Bwv-vjg tgurqpfgpvu- ctiwg- jcf vjgug rgvkvkqpgtudggp crrqkpvgf
fkuvtkevlwfigu d} vjg Ptgukfgpv chvgt vjg rcuucig qh Rgrwdnke Aev 1186-
vjg} yqwnf pqv eqornckp; yjgtghqtg- vjgkt itkgxcpeg eqwnf pqv dg cickpuv
vjg rcuucig qh vjg cev- dwv cickpuv vjgkt pqp.crrqkpvogpv- cpf qpg yjq
jcu pqv dggp crrqkpvgf jcu pq ecwug qh cevkqp/ Cngxgt rkgeg qh vjkpm.
kpi- vq dg uwtg/ Hqygxgt- gzegrv hqt vjg qdlgevgf ncy- rgvkvkqpgtuyqwnf
uvknndg lwfkekcnqhhkegtu-
cv nctig qt ecfcuvtcn- dwv lwfigu qh hktuvkpuvcpeg/

Tjg} fq pqv rtgvgpf vq dg fkuvtkevlwfigu- pqt uggm vq dg rtqoqvgf

cu msCDBslD lwfigu d} rtgukfgpvkcncrrqkpvogpv/
Av cp} tcvg vjku kupq fgdcvg qp Gr« sC tgurqpukdnghqt vjgkt qwuvgt/
vjg Ptgukfgpv qt vjg Cqpitguu/ Tjg uvwddqtp hcev uvcpfu qwv: qykpi
vq vjg uvcvwvgkp swguvkqp-rgvkvkqpgtuhkpf vjgougnxgu glgevgf htqo vjgkt
lwfkekcnugcvu/ Tjg} uggmc tgogf}- dgecwug vjg hwpfcogpvcn ncy rtq.
okugf vjg} ujcnn jqnf qhhkegfwtkpi iqqf dgjcxkqwt wpvknvjg} tcej
gjs tEC. sjs tgogfkwo.vjg ugevkqp qh vjg uvcvwvgecwukpi vjgkt
wpvkogn} eguucvkqpujqwnf dg kpxcnkfcvgf/
Ip vjku eqppgevkqp-vjg rquukdknkv} jcu qeewttgf vq wu qh eqpuvtwkpi
uge/ 3 qh Aev 1186 cu ghhgevkxg qpn} wrqp vjg ecfcuvtcn lwfigu cpf lwfigu.
cv.nctig xcecvkpi vjgkt tgurgevkxg rqukvkqpugkvjgt vjtw tgukipcvkqp qt vjtw
tgukipcvkqp qt vjtw vjg ecwugu gpwogtcvgf d} vjg Cqpuvkvwvkqp/Tjcv
yqwnf dg ogtg syDnBABnDiDs«y. cpf cu pq fgenctcvkqp qh kpxcnkfkv}ku
tgswktgf- ugxgp xqvgu yqwnf uwhhkeg/Hqygxgt- yg tgcnkngf vjcv uwej
syDnBAnBDiDs«y yqwnf dg wplwuvkhkgf- dgecwug vjg ncy engctn} eqpvgo.
rncvgu koogfkcvg eguucvkqpqh uckf qhhkegtu- cu gxkfgpegf d} vjg rtqxkukqp
hqt rgpukqp qh vjqug yjq ctg pqv tgvckpgf d} crrqkpvogpv cu fkuvtkev
lwfigu; cpf kvkuoqtg korqtvcpv vq dg tkijv vjcp vq ectt} vjg fc}/ Wjgtg.
hqtg vjg eqpuvkvwvkqpcn kuuwgjcu vq dg uswctgn} ogv/
Owt xkgy qp vjku swguvkqpqh cdqnkvkqpctg pqv kpeqpukuvgpvykvj
Mcpcncpi x/ Qwkvqtkcpq-50 Ohh/Gcn/ r/ 2515- yjgtgkp vjg Dktgevqt qh
vjg Pncegogpv Bwtgcw nquv jku rqukvkqp yjgp kv ycu tgqticpkngf kpvq
vjg NcvkqpcnEornq}ogpv Sgtxkeg- jgcfgf d} c Cqookuukqpgt/ Tjgtg
vjg eqpuvkvwvkqpcn kuuwgjkpigf wrqp vjg tkijv qh c ekxknqhhkegtpqv vq
dg 'tgoqxgf qt uwurgpfgf gzegrv hqt ecwug cu rtqxkfgf d} ncy/' Cqp.
vtct} vq yjcv ku dgnkgxgf kp uqog swctvgtu- lwfigu jcxg dtqcfgt cpf
uvtqpigt iwctcpvggu qh vgpwtg vjcp qtfkpct} ekxknugtxcpvu/ Tjg} jcxg
kp immsDs«y vjg rtkxkngig vq jqnf qhhkeg'wpvknjg tgcejgu 70 }gctu qh cig-
qt dgeqogu kpecrcekvcvgf/' Bgukfgu-vjg wpfgtn}kpi eqpukfgtcvkqpowuv dg
dqtpg kp okpf vjcv Mcpcncpi jnv«ypnm D« Drn JHnlEDsFn InAiBDwnyD.
cpf dgecwug vjg Ptgukfgpv crrtqxgf vjg ncy- pq swguvkqpqt gpetqcej.
ogpv d} qpg dtcpej qp vjg qvjgt eqwnf dg crrtgjgpfgf qt cnngigf/
H«wwnyDC qp eBnFisvsyp dAsys«y:
Aeeqtfkpi vq vjg rtgxcknkpi qrkpkqp *qh hqwt lwuvkegu,vjg tgurqp.
fgpvu) rqukvkqpku uwuvckpgfd} qpg fgekukqp kp Tgppguugg- vyq fgekukqpu
kp Ngy Jgtug} cpf qpg kp Kcpucu- qpg kp Ancdcoc.rnwu Btknnqx/ Epcig
qh nqecneqpegtp/ Wg ctg uqtt} vq uvcvgvjcv qpg qh vjgo ujqwnf jcxg
okungf qwt fkuvkpiwkujgf eqnngciwgu/
MeCwnng}x/ Svcvg *Tgpp, 53 S/W/ Rgr/ 134- 46 L/R/A/ 567 ku
c vjtgg.vq.vyq fgekukqp/ Apf vjg ecug ku pqv rgtuwcukxgjgtg- dgecwug.
wpnkmgqwtu.vjg Tgppguugg Cqpuvkvwvkqp nHAvslsDvI AnBwsDDnm vjg Au.

ugodn} ;7 9-57=- vjg lwfigu hqt ecwug d} vyq.vjktfu =7;-. *Sgg rcig
135- 53 S/W/ Rgr/,
Apf qpg qh vjg vjtgg lwuvkeguuwuvckpkpivjg cdqnkvkqp.tgoqxcntguvgf
jku xqvg qp vjg gzrtguu eqpuvkvwvkqpcnrqygt qh vjg ngikuncvwtgvq tgoqxg
hqt 'ecwug'- uckf lwuvkeg*Wknmgu,jcxkpi hqwpf kvvq dg iqqf ecwug 'vjcv
vjgtg ku pqv uwhhkekgpvdwukpguuvq tgswktg vjg tgvgpvkqp kp qhhkegqh vjg
qhhkekcngve/' *MeCwnng}x/ Svcvg 53 S/W/ Rgr/ cv r/ 153/, Swej rqygt
qh tgoqxcn cevwcnn}vkrrgf vjg lwfkekcndcncpeg kp vjcv Tgppguugg eqp.
Tjg fkuugpvkpiqrkpkqp qh Cjkgh JwuvkegSpqfitcuu- hqteghwn-gtwfkvg-
cpf uwrrqtvgf d} cwvjqtkv}-eqpvckpuc fgvckngf gzrqukvkqpqh vjg jkuvqt}
cpf korqtvcpeg qh lwfkekcnkpfgrgpfgpeg- vjg uvtwiingu vq guvcdnkujkv-
vjg kpvgpvkqpqh vjg htcogtu qh vjg Cqpuvkvwvkqp
kp rtqxkfkpi hqt nkhg.vgpwtg
qh lwfigu/ Iv crrctgpvn} hckngf vq kortguu jku hgnnqy.ogodgtu- dgecwug
vjcv Tgppguugg Cqwtvjcf rtgxkqwun}cempqyngfigf 'vjcv vjg kpfgrgpfgpeg
qh vjg lwfkekcnfgrctvogpv *vjgtg, ycu qpn} c .1+;176 qh 4u> cpf vjcv kv
eqwnf pqv gzkuvykvjqwv vjg cuugpvqh vjg Lgikuncvwtg' *MeCwnng}x/ Svcvg
53 S/W/ Rgr/ cv r/ 167,/ Bwv egtvckpn} jku nwokpqwufkuugpv- kh tgcf
ectghwnn}cpf rcvkgpvn}-ujqwnf eqpxkpeg lwfigu qh fgoqetcvke eqwpvtkgu
yjgtgkp lwfkekcnkpfgrgpfgpeg 1: 67; u .1+;176 qh 4u>( dwv c tgcnkv}vq dg
ejgtkujgf cpf vtgcuwtgf/
Apf }gv- pqv gxgt}vjkpi kujqrgnguu wpfgt Tgppguugg)ungicn u}uvgo/
Sqog fgekukqpuvjgtg dghqtg cpf chvgt vjg MeCwnng}rtgegfgpv ockpvckp
vjg xkgy vjcv u :;u;<;- 1: <6+76:;1;<;176u4 >0-9- 1; u*741:0-: ;0- 7..1+-
qh vjg lwfig ykvjqwv cdqnkujkpi vjg eqwtv qxgt yjkej vjg lwfig rtg.
ukfgf ZSvcvgx/ Lkpm 111 S/W/W/ Rgr/ *2f, r/ 1024; Svcvg gz tgn- Bckng}
x/ Mcdt} 178 S/W/ Rgr/ *2f, 379b/
Rkijv jgtg kuyjgtg tgurqpfgpvu) nkpgqh fghgpug kufgekukxgn}fgpvgf-
dgecwug Rgr/ Aev 1186 fkf 67; u*741:0 u6@ eqwtv qh .19:; 16:;u6+- cpf
}gv kv cdqnkujgf vjg qhhkeguqh ugxgtcn lwfigu qh hktuvkpuvcpeg/ Hgtgkp
nkguvjg rkxqvcn hgcvwtgqh vjku fgdcvg/ Iv ujqwnf dg gorjcukngf vjcv vjg
ukipgtu qh vjku fkuugpv yqwnf hkpf hqt rgvkvkqpgturtkpekrcnn} wrqp vjku
rctvkewnct fghgev qh vjg ngikuncvkqpcv uvcmg-eqwrngf ykvj vjg cfokvvgf
ektewouvcpeg vjcv kpuvgcf qh tgfwekpi vjg pwodgt qh lwfigu vjg cev kp.
etgcugf kv-ykvj ugxgp cffkvkqpcn qpgu/
Tjg vyq Ngy Jgtug} ecugu ctg pqv eqpenwukxg-dgecwug vjg Cqpuvk.
vwvkqpqh vjcv Svcvg.wpnkmg 7<9:,-?89-::4@ u<;0791A-, vjg Lgikuncvwtg
vq cdqnkuj eqwtvu cpf vq tgoqxg lwfigu/ Iv uc}u chvgt cwvjqtknkpi vjg
etgcvkqp qh nqygt eqwtvu-
'z z z yjkej kphgtkqt eqwtvu vjg Lgikuncvwtgoc} cnvgt qt cdqnkuj
cu vjg rwdnke iqqf ujcnn tgswktg/' *Sgg 37 Av"/ Rgr/ r/ 68/,
Iv jcu cnuq rtqxkukqpu ukoknct vq Tgppguugg)ucdqwv vjg tgoqxcn qh

Au vq Btknnqx/ Epcig- rtgekugn}- kv wrjqnfu lwfkekcnvgpwtg cickpuv

ngikuncvkxgqwuvgt/ Tjgtg ygtg uqog qdkvgt fkevc- yjkej qh eqwtug ctg
pqv dkpfkpi/
Ip Akmocp x/ Efyctfu *Kcp/, vjg Lgikuncvwtgvtcpuhgttgf vjg eqwp.
vkguqh vjg 26vj fkuvtkevvq vjg vjktvggpvj fkuvtkevvjgtgd} kpfktgevn}cdq.
nkujkpi vjg hqtogt/ Bwv vjg lwfigu ygtg pqv chhgevgf-dgecwug vjg cev
rtqxkfgf vjcv 'kv ujqwnf pqv dg eqpuvtwgf uq cu vq fgrtkxg cp} lwfig
qh jku ucnct}/' Tjg ecug ku pq cwvjqtkv} cickpuv rgvkvkqpgtu/
Ip vjg Cjgtqmgg Cqwpv} ecug *Ancdcoc, vjg Cqpuvkvwvkqp vjgtg
icxg vjg Lgikuncvwtg gzrtguu 87>-9 vq cdqnkuj cp} eqwtv- gzegrv vjg
Swrtgog Cqwtv/
Ip c hqqvpqqvgcv rcigu 91.92 qh jku yqtm qp Cqpuvkvwvkqpcn Lkokvc.
vkqpu *8vj Ef/ Vqn/ 1,- Jwfig Cqqng} uwooctkngf dtkghn}vjg ncy qp
vjku uwdlgevcu hqnnqyu:
'Wjgtg vjg ngikuncvwtgku -587>-9-, ;7 9-57=- lwfigu hqt ecwug-
dwv ku tgswktgf vq ikxg pqvkeg cpf qrrqtvwpkv} vq crrgct- vjku ko.
rqtvu vjcv vjg ecwug ujcnn dg qpg rgtuqpcn vq vjg lwfig- cpf jg ecp.
pqv dg tgoqxgf ogtgn} vq ewv fqyp gzrgpugu/ Bwv kh jku eqwtv ku
qpg yjkej vjg ngikuncvwtgku cwvjqtkngf vq qtfckp cpf guvcdnkuj vjg
ngikuncvwtgoc} cdqnkuj vjg eqwtv- cpf vjg lwfig)u qhhkeg cpf ucnct}
yknn vjgtgwrqp egcug/ MeCwnng} x/ Svcvg- 102 Tgpp/ 509- 53 S/W/
134- 46 L/ R/ A/ 567/'
'Tjcv cnn vjg vgttkvqt} qh qpg lwfkekcn fkuvtkevoc} dg fkuvtkdwvgf
coqpi qvjgt fkuvtkevuqt cppgzgf vq qpg fkuvtkev- cpf vjg lwfig vjwu
fgrtkxgf qh qhhkeg-ugg Ankmocp x/ Efyctfu- 55 Kcp/ 751- 42 Pce/
266- 30 L/ R/ A/ 149; dwv vjku ecppqv dg fqpg yjgtg vjg lwfig)u vgto
qh qhhkeg ku hkzgf d} vjg Cqpuvkvwvkqp/Svcvg x/p Ftkgfng}- 135 Ipf/
119- 34 N/ E/ 872- 21 L/ R/ A/ 634/'

Tjg cdqxg vjtgg ecugu ygtg qdxkqwun}vjg oquv korqtvcpv qp vjg

swguvkqpcv kuuwg/ Au gzrnckpgf- MeCwnng}kupqv eqpenwukxgcpf Akmocp
ucxgf vjg ucnct} qh lwfigu/ Tjgtghqtg Ftkgfng}- uwrrqtvgf d} qvjgt
Aogtkecp fgekukqpucu jgtgkpdghqtg fgoqpuvtcvgf- ujqwnf ujcrg qwt tguq.
nwvkqpkp vjku eqpvtqxgtu}/
Rgurqfgpvu kp vjgkt ugeqpf itqwpf qh fghgpug ockpvckp vjcv- cu
vjg rqukvkqpuqh cpf ecfcuvtcn lwfigu ctg wpeqpuvkvwvkqpcn-
vjgkt cdqnkvkqpikxgu tkugvq pq ecwugqh cevkqp/
Tjg} ekvg ugevkqp7 qh Atv/ VInnc cpf ctiwg vjcv cu uwej lwfigu
jcxg pq rgtocpgpv tgukfgpeg cpf eqwnf dg fgukipcvgf htqo rtqxkpeg
vq rtqxkpeg d} vjg Sgetgvct} qh Jwuvkegvjgkt rqukvkqpu'xkqncvgvjg urktkvkh
pqv vjg ngvvgt'qh uckf ugevkqpcpf ctvkeng/
Ip vjg hktuvrnceg- vjg rtkpekrng uggou vq dg wpfkurwvgf vjcv c ncy
oc} pqv dg fgenctgf wpeqpuvkvwvkqpcn hqt ogtg xkqncvkqpqh 'vjg urktkv'
qh vjg Cqpuvkvwvkqp/>

c Nq lwfig crrqkpvgf hqt c rctvkewnct fkuvtkev ujcnn dg fgukipcvgf qt vtcpu.

hgttgf vq cpqvjgt fkuvtkev ykvjqwv vjg crrtqxcn qh vjg Swrtgog Cqwtv/ z z z/
/ 'Nqt ctg vjg eqwtvu cv nkdgtv}ovq fgenctg cp cev xqkf- dgecwug kp vjgkt qrkpkqp
kv ku qrrqugf vq c urktkv uwrrqugf vq rgtxcfg vjg Cqpuvkvwvkqp-dwv pqv gzrtguugf
kp yqtfu/' *Cqqng}- Cqpuvkvwvkqpcn Lkokvcvkqpu-Vqn/ 1 r/ 351 *8vj Ef/,

'2 vjg ugeqpf rnceg- vjg ugevkqptghgtu vq fkuvtkevlwfigu.pqv vq

qvjgt lwfigu/ Ih kv dg eqpvgpfgf vjcv vjg eqpuvkvwvkqp kornkekvn}eqp.
vgorncvgf fkuvtkevlwfigu «yvI. vjgp rqukvkqpuqh lwuvkeguqh vjg rgceg qt
lwuvkeguqh vjg Cqwtv qh Arrgcnu yqwnf dg wpeqpuvkvwvkqpcn vqq/ Au c
ocvvgt qh hcev-vjg yqtfkpi qh vjg ugevkqp-'Nq lwfig iAA«syDnm hqt c
rctvkewnct fkuvtkev' gve/ cnnqyu vjg kphgtgpeg vjcv vjgtg ctg lwfigu y«D
iAA«syDnm hqt c rctvkewnctfkuvtkev.nkmgcwzknkct}lwfigu qt
qh yjkej vjgtg ygtg hkhvggp*Aev 2107, cv vjg vkog qh vjg Cqpxgpvkqp-
cpf qh yjkej vjg ogodgtu qh vjg Cqpxgpvkqpygtg pgeguuctkn}eqipkncpv/
Tjktfn}- cu vjg hwpfcogpvcn qdlgevkqp ku vq vjgkt codwncvqt} ejct.
cevgt- vjg uqnwvkqp ujqwnf dg vq uvqr uwej vtcpuhgtcdknkv}.pqv vq qwvncy
vjgkt qhhkegu/
Lcuvn}-vjku itqwpf qh fghgpug oc} pqv dg wrjgnf- wpnguucrrtqxgf
d} vyq.vjktfu qh vjg Swrtgog Cqwtv-pgeguukvcvkpi cu kvfqgu- c fgenctcvkqp
qh wpeqpuvkvwvkqpcnkv} qh c uvcvwvg/'2 vjg cdugpeg qh vjg pgeguuct} xqvg-
vjg rqukvkqpuqh cpf ecfcuvtcn lwfigu owuv dg tgictfgf
xcnkf vq cnnkpvgpvucpf rwtrqugu/
Apf pqy- yjcv kuvjg ghhgevqh vjg xqvgufgp}kpi tgnkghvq rgvkvkqpgtu
gzrtguun} wrqp vjg itqwpf qh wpeqpuvkvwvkqpcnkv} qh vjgkt qhhkekcn
Mc} c lwuvkegxcnkfn}tguv jku xqvg kp c ikxgp ecug wrqp jku nqpg rgtuqpcn
qrkpkqp qh wpeqpuvkvwvkqpcnkv} qh c uvcvwvg?
Swrrqug c rgtuqp kurtqugewvgf hqt xkqncvkqpqh vjg Iorqtv Cqpvtqn
Lcy/ Tjg hcevu rtqxgp hcnnengctn} ykvjkp vjg uvcvwvqt}rtqjkdkvkqp/
Fkxg lwuvkeguxqvg vq eqpxkev-dwv ukz lwuvkegu- ceegrvkpi vjg hcevu xqvg
vq ceswkv wrqp vjg itqwpf qh wpeqpuvkvwvkqpcnkv} qh vjg uvcvwvg/ Wknn
vjg ceewugf iq vq lcknqt yknnjg dg tgngcugf? Rgogodgt vjgtg ctg ukz
xqvgu qh ceswkvvcn;dwv ukz xqvgu ctg pqv gpqwij vq fgenctg c uvcvwvgwp.
eqpuvkvwvkqpcn/ Tjg j}rqvjguku qrgpu wr kpvgtguvkpicxgpwguqh vjqwijv ///

Tq tguvcvgqwt rqukvkqpdtkghn}:
c/ Tjg qhhkeguqh cpf ecfcuvtcn lwfigu fq pqv
eqpvtcxgpg vjg Cqpuvkvwvkqp;
d/ Tjg Lgikuncvwtg)u
gzrtguu rqygt vq guvcdnkujeqwtvu kphgtkqt
vq vjg Swrtgog Cqwtv kornkgu rqygt vq cdqnkuj eqwtvu uq
e/ Swej kornkgf rqygt- jqygxgt- oc} pqv dg wugf vq cdtkfig
vjg vgpwtg qh kpewodgpv lwfigu- gzegrv- rgtjcru- fwtkpi yct
qt qvjgt engct pcvkqpcngogtigpe};
f/ Exgp itcpvkpi vjg rqygt vq cdqnkuj eqwtvu kornkgu vjg rq.
ygt vq cdtkfig vjg vgpwtg qh lwfigu fwtkpi pqtocn vkogu-
yjgtg pq eqwtv kucdqnkujgf qt vjg pwodgt qh lwfigu ku pqv
fgetgcugf- vjg Cqpuvkvwvkqpcnvgpwtg ku xkqncvgfd} vjg cdq.
nkvkqpqh uqog lwfig)u qhhkegucpf vjgkt tgoqxcn;

g/ Au Rgrwdnke Aev 1186 fkf pqv cdqnkuj cp} eqwtv cpf fkf
pqv tgfweg vjg pwodgt qh lwfigu- uge/ 3 qh vjg Aev gcukpi
qwv jgtgkp rgvkvkqpgtuku wpeqpuvkvwvkqpcn
cpf xqkf/
Ip tgcejkpi vjg cdqxg eqpenwukqpuyg jcxg pqv qxgtnqqmgf vjg iqqf
kpvgpvkqpugzrtguugf d} rtqokpgpv ngikuncvqtufwtkpi vjg fgdcvgu qp vjg
dknn/ Tjg} crrtqxgf kv-yg wpfgtuvcpf- cxqygfn} hqt c vjtgg.hqnf rwt.
rqug: *c, vq kpetgcug vjg eqorgpucvkqp qh lwfigu; *d, vq jcxg qpn}
qpg mkpf qh lwfigu qh gswcn ecvgiqt} cpf ucnct}; cpf *e, vq fq cyc} ykvj
vjg tkiqfqp fg lwgegu/ Tjgug ctg kpfggf rtckugyqtvj} qdlgevkxgu-yjkej
vjg lwfkekct} ukpegtgn} crrtgekcvgu/ Xgv vjg cfxcpvcigu dtqwijv cdqwv
ujqwnf pqv dnkpf wu vq vjg gpuwkpi fcpigtqwu gpetqcejogpv qp lwfkekcn
kpfgrgpfgpeg/ Tjku kpfgrgpfgpeg ujqwnf dg fghgpfgf cv cnnequv-hqt kvku
ytkvvgp vjcv korctvkcn lwuvkegecppqv dg cfgswcvgn} cfokpkuvgtgf wpnguu
lwfigu rgthqto vjgkt fwvkgukp cp cvoqurjgtg qh rgthgev htggfqo htqo
vjg hgct qh nqukpi vjgkt qhhkeguqt vjgkt ucnctkguqt vjgkt fkuvtkevuuq nqpi
cu vjg} qdg}gf vjg ncy cpf vjg dkffkpi qh vjgkt eqpuekgpeg/
Owt xqvg ku vq itcpv vjg tgnkghrtc}gf hqt/
Pcdnq- Jwiq- Cqpegrekqp- cpf J/ B/ L/ Rg}gu- sr( eqpewt kp vjku
qrkpkqp qh Mt/ JwuvkegBgpinqp/

MONTEMAXOR- ..( eqpewttkpi:

I eqpewt kp vjg ngctpgf cpf gzjcwuvkxg qrkpkqp qh Mt/ Jwuvkeg
Bgpinqp/ I qpn} ycpv vq gorjcukng cpf ugv kp dqnfgt tgnkghegtvckp
curgevu qh vjg ecug- rctvkewnctn} vjg ugewtkv}qh vgpwtg qh qhhkegqh c
lwfig cpf vjg uvcdknkv}qh jku rqukvkqp-yjkej dqvj iq vq ockpvckp vjg
kpfgrgpfgpeg qh vjg lwfkekct}/ Tjcv kpfgrgpfgpeg kupqv qpn} xkvcndwv
cnuq pgeguuct} cpf kpfkurgpucdngkp c fgoqetcvke cpf eqpuvkvwvkqpcn hqto
qh iqxgtpogpv- cpf vjg htcogtu qh vjg Cqpuvkvwvkqp engctn} tgcnknkpi vjku-
kpugtvgf kp vjcv kpuvtwogpv c rtqxkukqp hkzkpi vjg vgpwtg qh qhhkegqh c
lwfig cpf hqtdkffkpi vjg fgetgcug qh jku ucnct}/ Nqv eqpvgpv ykvj vjku-
vjg} gxgp rtguetkdgf cpf fghkpgf vjg qpn} ecwugu hqt tgoqxcn qh c
lwfig qt jku eguucvkqpkp qhhkeg/ Opn} vjtqwij jku qyp okueqpfwev- jku
kpecrcekv} qt jku cvvckpkpivjg cig qh 70- kujg vq nquguckf qhhkeg/ Tjgtg
ku pq qvjgt itqwpf/ Iv ku engct- vjgtghqtg- vjcv vjg Lgikuncvwtgoc} pqv
vjtqwij vjg gpcevogpv qh c ncy- cff vq vjg itqwpfu qh tgoqxcn rtguetkdgf
kp vjg Cqpuvkvwvkqp- uwej cu vjg cdqnkvkqpqh c lwfkekcnqhhkegvjtw tgqt.
icpkncvkqp-yjkej tguwnvukp c lwfig egcukpi kp qhhkeg/ Tjcv kucp kpfktgev
Wj} fkf vjg Cqpuvkvwvkqp qt kvuhtcogtu uq uqnkekvqwun}- cpf kp fg.
vcknrtqxkfg hqt vjg ugewtkv}qh vgpwtg qh lwfigu cpf vjgkt tgoqxcn qpn}
qp egtvckp urgekhkeitqwpfu? Tjg tgcuqp ku pqv jctf vq hkpf/ Iv ycu vq
ocmg vjg qhhkegcpf vjg rgtuqp qeewr}kpi kv kpfgrgpfgpv cpf htgg htqo
cnnqwvukfgkphnwgpeg cpf rtguuwtg/
Cqorctgf vq qvjgt rwdnke hwpevkqpucpf fwvkgu-vjg fkurgpukpi qh
lwuvkeg-dgukfgu dgkpi gzvtgogn} korqtvcpv- ku dqvj fgnkecvgcpf ukpiwnct/

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