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Healthy Schools

1) Category:

2) Issues:
Children are exposed to numerous risks: o o o o o o o o sedentariness, poor eating habits and obesity; developmental delays; learning disabilities and dropping out; behavioral problems and delinquency; physical, psychological and sexual abuse; taxing, bullying, violence in love relationships; psychological distress, suicide; infectious diseases.

Rather than target problems, ealthy !chools recommends pre"emptive action on the set of key factors that influence the choices of young people and the problems that affect them. #his is $hy it is important to coordinate action to develop and consolidate young people%s skills and competencies, support them in the choices they make, prevent problems that may affect them, and provide them $ith harmonious living environments.

3) Objectives:
o ealthy !chools combines education and health"related concerns by: making the promotion of educational success, health and $ell"being and the prevention of social and health problems central to the school%s educational pro&ect and success plan; inviting partners, including parents, to combine their promotion and prevention actions $ith those of the school; supporting a rene$al of practices that reflects educational reform. facilitate the acquisition of competencies and develop behaviors that promote educational success, health and $ell"being; promote a school and community environment this is stimulating, healthy and safe; create harmonious relations bet$een the school, families and the community.

o o o o o

#he goals of ealthy !chools are to:

4) Environment:
'rimary and secondary schools

#his factsheet $as taken from the follo$ing $ebsite: $$$

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#he community *organi+ations, Centre de sant, et services sociaux *C!!!-, etc.-

) !arget "rou#:
!tudents from . to (. years old

$) %ey &or's:
ealthy !chools, coeur,action, school"family"community partnership, approach, Association qu,b,coise d%,tablissement de sant, et de services sociaux *A/0!!- ( 1inist2re de l%3ducation, du 4oisir et du !port *104!- ( )inist2re de la !ant, et des !ervices !ociaux *1!!!-, youth health and $ell"being, educational success, self"esteem, social skills, living habits, healthy and safe behaviors, prevention

*) +escri#tion:
ealthy !chools is a comprehensive and concerted promotion, prevention and intervention approach by the school and its partners $hich is deployed in the many living environments of young people. #he school plays a central role and rallies the community%s resources. 'romotion and prevention actions are directed to$ards key factors: o o 4inked to the individual: !elf"esteem, social skills, living habits, healthy and safe behaviors; 4inked to the environment: !chool, family and community, prevention services.

Actions must simultaneously target students, the school, the family and the community so that all stakeholders $ork together and complement each other. #he program also has links to: o o o o o o the school%s educational pro&ect and success plan; the /u,bec 0ducation 'rogram; complementary educational services; the clinical pro&ect *local public health action plan-; partners% action plans and activities; parents% priorities.

,) Ste#s:
5. Rally the education community and promote concerted action o o 55. 6oster the participation of the main players *recruit people interested in the approach and introduce them to the 7overning 8oard!et up a team responsible for the process, adopt a common vision and ensure follo$"up

Analy+e the situation

#his factsheet $as taken from the follo$ing $ebsite: $$$

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Revie$ the situational analysis *document the school%s characteristics, academic success profile, state of students% health and $ell"being, and summari+e the situational analysisAsk questions and dra$ conclusions

o 555.

5mprove the success plan o o Agree on priorities *basic needs, need for physical and psychological safety, a proper diet and physical activity, violence, choice of prevention services, etc.5dentify the ob&ectives and actions for a healthy school *0very three years, revie$ the ob&ectives, desired improvements, timeframe, evaluation, and choice of ob&ectives most likely to lead to achievement of the ob&ectives of the success plan.Continuously support the mobili+ation and concerted action of all individuals and groups involved in the action *attain concrete gains that match the interests of the partners!pecify $hat needs to be evaluated, ho$, by $hom, and $hen *the implementation process and the effects of the program can be evaluated-.


5mplement a success plan for a healthy school o


Critically examine actions o

-) .ctivities/.ctions:
ealthy !chools is an approach. #here are no activities per se. #he idea is rather to reinforce and maximi+e the school%s activities on the health front. A fictional example of an educational pro&ect and success plan of a healthy school *,cole 4a&oie-

10) 1esources 1e2uire':

o uman resources: #he ealthy !chool committee *implementation committee composed of the school principal;vice"principal, parents, students, physical education and health teacher, a childcare service representative, a C!!! representative, and other interested partners<perating budget

6inancial resources: o

11) 1oles o3 the Sta4ehol'ers:

o o o o ealthy !chools committee: plays a leading role in implementing the program and rallying the community%s resources; crafts the educational pro&ect and the success plan; oversees teachers% professional development; supports and coaches the parents;

#his factsheet $as taken from the follo$ing $ebsite: $$$

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o o o o o o o o o o o

$orks $ith the partners. offers the student support and coaching; is involved $ith the school, lends it support, and $orks in tandem $ith it. plays a role $ith school"age children *social services and health services draft and carry out a clinical pro&ect-; offers students and families support, services and coaching; fosters students% social participation; establishes policies, rules and standards; ensures support and &oint action. succeed at school; get involved in the pro&ects proposed by the school; have healthy and safe social relations.



>e $ant students to:

12) Scienti3ic 5asis or 6ali'ity:

ealthy !chools is rooted in recogni+ed principles and the results of international studies *> <, (??@; 6etro, (??A; Bational ealth and 1edical Research Council CB 1RCD, (??.; !t. 4eger, (???; !t. 4eger, Butbeam, 9EEE-. 5t also taps into the productive testing conducted over several years in several /u,bec school environments *Feschesnes, 4efort et al., 9EEG-. ealthy !chools is a component of the 6rame$ork 'olicy on ealthy 0ating and Active 4iving, $hich is based on Cohen et al. *C< 0B, F. A., R. A. !CR58B0R and #. A. 6AR40H *9EEE-. IA !tructural 1odel of ealth 8ehavior: A 'ragmatic Approach to 0xplain and 5nfluence ealth 8ehaviors at the 'opulation 4evel,I Preventive Medicine, =E *9-: p. (G."()-. 5t also embraces the values of the > < and the Center for Fisease Control *J!A-. >hile its impact has yet to be evaluated in /u,bec, the kno$n as being the most effective $ay of: o o o o o meeting children%s needs; linking health and education goals to promote young people%s success; giving added value to $hat is already being done; avoiding compartmentali+ation and preventing burnout; putting the recogni+ed conditions for success into practice. ealthy !chools approach is

13) )aterial:
7uide for the education community and its partners 7uide for the education community and its partners *summary#he 104! $ebsite offers other tools and reference material related to the 7oing the ealthy Route at !chool 6rame$ork 'olicy, including:

#his factsheet $as taken from the follo$ing $ebsite: $$$

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o o

!even detailed information sheets to help stakeholders better understand the 6rame$ork 'olicy and assist them $ith its implementation; !everal documents about ealthy 0ating and Active 4iving.

14) .''itional In3ormation:

Conditions for successful implementation of the ealthy !chools program: o o Adoption of a comprehensive and systemic vision of young people%s needs and of the most appropriate strategies for meeting them !ystematic planning of actions in the short, medium and long term, based on a comprehensive vie$ that goes beyond a mere selection of activities; follo$"up of actions throughout their implementation 5ntensiveness of the actions implemented, through substantial and recurrent interventions, as $ell as their continuity throughout the course of young people%s education and development #he school%s synergy $ith parents and community stakeholders through a rallying partnership <rgani+ational conditions of superior quality; liberation from other duties for the persons involved; presence of a person in charge of the process and an implementation team; flexible coordination; partnership; political and financial support; and coaching for stakeholders 5mportance of evaluation as the means of supporting effective implementation of this type of approach

o o

#he information contained in this factsheet $as taken from the Guide for the Education Community And its Partners For the Educational Success, Health and Well- ein! of "oun! Peo#le$ http:;;$$$;en;contenus"communs;education;going"the"healthy" route"at"school;

1 ) Contacts:
Catherine 1artin, 'rogram Author and 'lanning <fficer 5nstitut national de sant, public du /u,bec *5B!'/Firection du d,veloppement des individus et des communaut,s (?E, boulevard Cr,ma+ie 0st 1ontr,al */u,bec- 9' (09 #el.: *)(G- A.G"(.EE, extension =)(9 0mail: 4yne Arcand, 'rogram Author and 1edical Consultant 5nstitut national de sant, public du /u,bec *5B!'/Firection du d,veloppement des individus et des communaut,s #el.: *)(G- A.G"(.EE, extension =)(( 0mail:

#his factsheet $as taken from the follo$ing $ebsite: $$$

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