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KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS I, ………………….., aged about …. years

S/o//W/o ……………………………., at present a resident of ………………………………, USA
designate my ……………. (relation) ………………………………….., aged about ………Years,
s/o. ………………………presently residing at ……………………………………………….. INDIA as
my Attorney In Fact in India for the following reasons and on following terms and
Whereas I am now residing in USA and I intend staying here for long
And whereas in the circumstances aforesaid it is necessary and also expedient for
me to appoint an attorney to look after my affairs in India,
I do hereby and hereunder nominate, appoint and constitute the above said
……………………………… as my True and Lawful Attorney, for me, in my name
and on my behalf, either solely or jointly with some other person or persons, to
do and execute all or any of the following acts, deeds and things that is to say:-

1. To demand, sue for, enforce payment of, recover, receive and give proper
receipt and discharges for, all moneys, debts, good effects, securities for
money, stocks, shares and other property, now belonging or hereafter to
belong to me which receipts and discharges will exonerate any or all
persons so paying without seeing the application thereof and on non-
payment or non-realization thereof to institute suits or appropriate
proceedings for receiving or compelling payment or delivery thereof.
2. To institute, commence, prosecute, carry on or resist all suits and other
actions and proceedings or be added as a party or be non-suited or
withdraw the same concerning anything in which I may be a party now or
hereinafter in any court in Small Causes, Civil, Criminal, co-operative,
Revenue or Revisional jurisdiction, including special jurisdiction of the High
Court under Article 226 of the Constitution of India, etc, before Income-
Tax, Sales-Tax and Wealth-tax authorities and to sign and verify all plaints,
Written Statements, accounts, inventories, to accept service of all
summons, notices and other judicial process, to execute any judgement,
decree or order and to appoint and engage any solicitor, pleader or
advocate and to sign and execute any Vakalatnama, warrant of attorney of
other authority to act and plead.
3. To sign and execute any paper or deed pertaining to any stocks, funds,
shares, annuities, properties, Gas and Electric Connection with the
appropriate authorities and other assets which shall or any time hereafter
be transferred to me by sale. Gift or otherwise.
4. To settle, adjust, compound, compromise or submit to arbitration all
actions, suits, accounts, claims and disputes, between me and any other
person or persons to compound or compromise the same.

Contd..... page 2

5. To Invest any of my moneys in such a manner, at such a rate of interest

and upon such securities as my said attorney shall in discretion think fit and
from time to time alter and vary the said investments or any of them into
any other investments, and in the meantime, pending such investments as
aforesaid, to deposit the said moneys or any part thereof with any banker
or bankers to whom my said attorney shall think fit to entrust the same.
6. To vote at the meetings of any company, or otherwise to act as my
attorney or proxy in respect of any stocks, shares, or other investments
now held or which any hereafter be acquired by me in such company.
7. To execute, carry into effect and perform all agreements and contracts
entered into by me with any person or persons, as my own act and deed
and/or to cancel and/or repudiate the same without making me liable for
any loss or damage by reason thereof.
8. To draw, endorse and sign any cheques, drafts, pay orders, dividend or
interest-warrants or other investments payable to me and to sign in my
name and to execute on my behalf all contracts, transfers, assignment
deeds and instruments whatsoever and to open Bank account, to operate
the same and to close the account, if deemed necessary.
9. To enter into any agreement for sale, to sell, exchange, surrender, lease or
otherwise dispose of any of my property or properties or portion or portions
thereof, which are presently mine or going to be mine by inheritance or
otherwise and to transfer, release any mortgage or charge and also to
execute or enforce any powers of sale or other powers under any such
mortgages or charges, or otherwise to realize or obtain the benefit thereof
in such manner as my said attorney shall think proper.
10. To raise loan and/or borrow from time to time such sums of money or
moneys on my account and upon such terms as my said attorney may think
fit for my benefit only upon the security of any of my properties, whether
or immovable, and for such purpose to execute such mortgages, charges,
pledges or other securities upon such agreements, terms, conditions, as
my said attorney may think proper.
11. To pay for and discharge any debt or debts, any part of time, contacted by
me or my said attorney as my said attorney from time to time think proper
to pay and discharge.
12. To purchase or take on lease or otherwise acquire for me and/or for my use
and benefit any property whatever as my said attorney shall think proper.
13. To appoint and engage, transfer, suspend and remove at pleasure any
employee or agent, staff workers, for or from permanent, temporary or
special service and to settle the terms and conditions and also retirement
benefits as my said attorney shall think fit and to determine their powers
and duties.
Contd.......Page 3

14. To delegate all or part of the powers, authorities and liberties hereunder
vested and to appoint any substitute or substitutes limited to any one or
more purpose or purposes as the said attorney shall from time to time
desire in that behalf.
15. And generally to do, execute and perform any other act or acts, deed or
deeds, matter or think whatsoever which in the opinion of my attorney
ought to be done, executed and performed in relation to my property or my
concern, engagements and business, or affairs ancillary or incidental
thereto as fully and effectually as myself could do the same as if I were
personally present.
16. In addition to the General Powers bestowed on my attorney vide para 9
Above, he is empowered herein to enter into any agreement relating to the
property mentioned in the schedule below and sign all the required
documents relating to the said property..

AND I hereby agree and undertake to ratify and confirm all and whatsoever
my said attorney, under the power in that behalf herein before contained,
shall lawfully do, execute or perform in exercise of the power, authorities and
liberties hereby conferred upon under and by virtue of this document.

SIGNED SEALED AND DELIVERED AT Fremont on the …. day of …………, 2017.


Mr/Mrs………………………... }

Schedule of Property
Nature of Property:
Street Address:
Survey No: Taluk:
District: State:

Accepted to act as Attorney In Fact for Mr/Ms...........................

(Signature of the Attorney In Fact)

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