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Countering The Currents Of Misinformation

Issue 7
The aim of CounterCurrent is to engender God-consciousness and spirituality in a material-
oriented society. It particularly aims to present the true picture of Islam and do away with the
false negativity that has been associated with it. It is not a business venture and relies mainly
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First & Foremost

Modern man is exposed to generalizations in regard Selective quotation is yet
so much misinformation to them too and label the another hideous crime.
with respect to Islam that he religion or all its followers as It is indeed a matter of
has become pathologically violent; By the same token, shame that out of the entire
averse to even attempting neither Islam nor the entire religion, containing millions
to carry out an objective Muslim community should of instructions for a peaceful
study of it. Such attitude is be put to trial for the crimes and harmonious existence,
utterly disgraceful and flies of a few miscreants. it is always the few select
in the face of high-sounding aspects dealing with rare
mantras like ‘everyone When quoting, many of occasions that are brought
deserves a fair trial’ and the verses of Qur’an are to the fore for critique.
‘innocent until proven normally taken out of And even those aspects are
guilty’ etc. context too. The Qur’an was Divine formulations which
revealed over a period of 23 are not without wisdom,
It is usually ignorance among years as and when required. rather essential for the
people that breeds suspicion Therefore one will find smooth and efficient running
and fear, leading to hate verses relating to almost all of the society, whether or
and possible hate crimes. A situations, including defence not we can appreciate.
recent research revealed that in the battlefield. Such
77% of non-Muslims in this commands for engagement This would be akin to
country were highly critical in fighting were for particular taking a tourist directly
of Islam, yet less than 7% situations, applicable only at to the operation theatre of
had any knowledge of it. those times, and were not a hospital upon his visit
meant for all occasions. This to a city, and ensuring he
The media, however, has underlines the importance sees nothing but that. All
to take its share of blame of the commentary of the scenic locations are
too. It portrays a few Qur’an, which must be deliberately kept out of
firebrand extremists as read simultaneously to sight. The spectacle at the
representatives of the whole give an understanding of hospital may not be very
community. The actions what is meant where. This sightly, but is nevertheless
of some deviant Muslims would come from Prophetic as important as every other
are presented as a typical statements and biography. aspect that constitutes the
representation of the Faith. The Qur’an, being highly beautiful city. In fact, truly
As anybody can realize, concentrated as it is, may speaking, the city would lose
such behaviour is not only not lend space to such details its real worth without the
outrageous but disgusting for fear of protractedness. existence of hospitals and
too. There are Jews in Israel It is the duty of the reader operation theatres within.
who routinely terrorize to research and investigate. Such is the case with some
the Palestinians; certain This is why it becomes so of the Divine Instructions.
Christian parties in countries important to teach Islam to But humans, with feeble
like Uganda terrorise Muslims as much as non- minds as they have, may
indigenous Muslims, and Muslims. Thus, if such verses not be able to grasp the all-
some Hindu fascist parties are read within their context encompassing wisdom of
in India promote hatred one would find that the the Almighty. Herein lies the
and violence against the Qur’an in no place promotes true meaning of submission.
minority there. However, we or condones intolerance
do not, and should not, make against non-Muslims.


What The Scientists Say

“There are too many I see nothing here in conflict centuries later. This proves to
accuracies [in the Qur’an] with the concept that Divine me that [Prophet] Muhammad
and I have no difficulty in intervention was involved in (pbuh) must have been a
my mind that this is a Divine what he [Prophet Muhammad messenger of God, or Allah. ...
inspiration or revelation...”  (pbuh) was able to write.” Because the staging of human
(Dr. T. V. N. Persaud, (Dr. E. Marshall Johnson, embryos is complex, owing
Professor of Anatomy, Professor Emeritus of to the continuous process of
Pediatrics and Child Health, Anatomy and Developmental change during development,
Obstetrics, Gynecology, Biology at Thomas Jefferson it is proposed that a new
Reproductive Sciences at University, USA) system of classification could
the University of Manitoba, be developed using the terms
Canada) “In a relatively few [Qur’anic] mentioned in the Qur’an and
verses is contained a rather Sunnah. The proposed system
“…It follows, I think, that comprehensive description is simple, comprehensive,
not only is there no conflict of human development from and conforms with present
between genetics and religion, the time of commingling embryological knowledge. 
but, in fact, religion can guide of the gametes through
science by adding revelation organogenesis. No such “The intensive studies of the
to some of the traditional distinct and complete record Qur’an and Hadith in the last
scientific approaches; that of human development, such four years have revealed a
there exist statements in the as classification, terminology, system of classifying human
Qur’an shown centuries later and description, existed embryos that is amazing
to be valid, which support previously. In most, if not since it was recorded in the
knowledge in the Qur’an all, instances, this description seventh century A.D... the
having been derived from antedates by many centuries descriptions in the Qur’an
God.” the recording of the various cannot be based on scientific
(Dr. Joe Leigh Simpson, stages of human embryonic knowledge in the seventh
Professor of Obstetrics and and fetal development century...”  
Gynaecology, Molecular and recorded in the traditional (Dr. Keith L. Moore,
Human Genetics) scientific literature.”  Professor Emeritus,
(Gerald C. Goeringer, Department of Anatomy and
“As a scientist, I can only Associate Professor of Cell Biology, University
deal with things which I Medical Embryology at of Toronto. Distinguished
can specifically see. I can Georgetown University, USA) embryologist and the author
understand embryology and of several medical textbooks)
developmental biology. I can “It has been a great pleasure
understand the words that for me to help clarify “I think it is almost impossible
are translated to me from statements in the Qur’an that he [Prophet Muhammad
the Qur’an. As I gave the about human development. (pbuh)] could have known
example before, if I were to It is clear to me that these about things like the common
transpose myself into that statements must have come to origin of the universe,
era, knowing what I knew [Prophet] Muhammad (pbuh) because scientists have only
today and describing things, I from God, or Allah, because found out within the last few
could not describe the things most of this knowledge was years with very complicated
which were described… So not discovered until many and advanced technological


methods that this is the universe.” do not know their scientific

case… Somebody who did (Professor Yushidi Kusan, level. If it is as we know
not know something about Director of the Tokyo about the low scientific level
nuclear physics 1400 years Observatory, Tokyo, Japan) in this ancient period, and
ago, could not, I think, be in the absence of technology,
a position to find out from “It is difficult to imagine then there is no doubt
his own mind for instance that this type of knowledge that what we are reading
that the earth and the heavens existed at that time, around nowadays in the Qur’an is a
had the same origin, or many 1400 years back. Perhaps light from God. He inspired
other questions that we have some of the things they may it in [Prophet] Muhammad
discussed here. have had simple ideas about; (pbuh). I had made research
but to describe those things in into the early history of
“If you combine all these great detail is very difficult. civilization in the Middle
and you combine all the So this is definitely not simple East in order to know if there
statements that are made in human knowledge. A normal was such perfect information
the Qur’an in terms that relate human being cannot explain as this. If there was no other
to the earth and the formation this phenomenon in that information like the Qur’anic
of the earth and science in much detail. So I thought the information in that ancient
general, you can basically say information must have come period, this strengthens the
that statements made there from a supernatural source.” faith that God sent [Prophet]
in many ways are true; they (Prof. Dorja Rao, Professor Muhammad [Prophet]; He
can now be confirmed by of Marine Geology at King sent to him a little amount
scientific methods... And that Abdulaziz University, Jeddah, from His large science, which
many of the statements made Saudi Arabia) we have discovered only in
in there at that time could not recent times. We are hoping
be proven, but that modern “…I believe that everything for continuous dialogue in
scientific methods are now mentioned in the Qur’an the subject of science with
in a position to prove what 1400 years ago is true and the Qur’an in the field of
[Prophet] Muhammad (pbuh) can be proven by scientific geology.”
said 1400 years ago.”  methods… This must be (Prof. Palmar, one of the
(Alfred Kroner, Professor by inspiration from God, or major scientists in geology in
of the Department of Allah, Who knows all science. the USA)
Geosciences, University of Thus, I believe that this is the
Mainz, Germany. One of time to say: ‘There is no god “After a discussion about
the world’s most famous but Allah and Muhammad is the function of mountains
geologists) the Messenger of Allah.’”  for the fixing of the earth,
(Prof. Tejatat Tejasen, I believe that this [the
“I say I am very much Head of the Department of Qur’an’s information] is
impressed by finding true Anatomy and Embryology, very very strange; it is nearly
astronomical facts in Qur’an. University of Chiang Mai, impossible. I believe truly that
We astronomers have been Chiang Mai, Thailand) if what you are saying is right,
studying a very small piece this book [the Qur’an] is very
of the universe. As, through “It [the Qur’an] discusses the valuable to be noticed.”
the telescope, we can only past, the recent period, and (Professor Syawda, a
see a few parts of the sky. So the future. I do not know the Japanese scientist famous in
by reading the Qur’an I think cultural level of the people Japan and internationally in
I can find my future field of in the period of [Prophet] the field of oceanic geology)
study for investigation of the Muhammad (pbuh) and I


The Honeybee
And your Lord revealed to [inspired] distribution of work among the bees
the female honeybee; ‘build homes in living in a hive; they did not know
mountains, and trees, and in the hives that those actively working in the hive
people build for you’. [The Honeybee, were females. They did not know that
16:68] the function of producing honey and
collecting nectar from fruits belonged to
In narrating the doings of the honeybee, female bees. Therefore, it is interesting,
the Qur’an uses the feminine gender. In indeed, that in listing the duties of bees,
Arabic, verbs are conjugated according the Qur’an used the mode of conjugation
to gender. The use in the Qur’an of the in the Arabic intended for the female
feminine gender in conjugation shows gender.
that the acts were performed by the
female bee. To translate the honeybee Mathematician Bees
in question with the addition of the The functions performed by the female
adjective “female” before the honeybee honeybee leave us in wonder. The design
would be natural. The working of the of the cells in which she will live call
female honeybee is described in the for the erudition of a mathematician.
Qur’an as follows: Honeybees produce their honeycombs
in the form of hexagons. (Bee fossils
1- Building of hive (verse 68) show that this was also the case millions
2- Collecting of nectar, new material for of years ago.) Mathematicians inquiring
honey production (verse 69) into the reason why this hexagon
3- Making of honey (verse 69) remained constant and why there were
no rectangles, heptagons, octagons, etc.
All the above three functions are found out that the optimum use of the
performed by female bees. The unique entire space of unit could be no other than
function of the male, more robust with a hexagon, which also accounted for the
big eyes, is to fertilize the young queen production of cells using the available
female bee. The male bees that fulfil this material in the most economical fashion.
function are expelled from the hive by Had the cells been of a different shape,
their females at the end of the summer i.e., triangular or quadrilateral, there
and, as they are used to being looked would be no vacuum as well. But less
after by their females, they then die of material is required to build hexagonal
starvation. cells than that required for triangular
or quadrilateral cells. In many other
At the time of the descent of the Qur’an, shapes there would be unutilized space
men did not know the details of the left. Thus the hexagonal cell is capable


of storing the greater amount of honey positions of their fellow workers display
with less wax. unbelievable exactitude.

This structure is the result of the The most renowned mathematicians

combined work of thousands of demonstrated the bees’ unerring
bees, each contributing to the entire calculation measured as 70 degrees 32
geometrical opus. Mathematicians have minutes. However, were we to suggest
proven that no larger space could be that these men of science take a ruler
arranged with a given amount of wax to in hand and make a hexagon with
fit the geometrical design. The worker perfectly fitting angles, and then add
bees show how they can realize it in the to the instructions given to these three
most economical fashion with what they professors, asking that the calculation
have. used to form the hexagons be regular
and flawless, they would fail in the
A French entomologist by the name of task. We see that the bees are not only
Antoine Ferchault posited a geometrical great theoreticians but also skilful
problem referred to as the “Bee practitioners. In the theoretical field,
Problem.” He stated that “a cell of regular this calculation is incredibly exact,
hexagonal cross section is closed by three while their dexterity in applying it is
equal and equally inclined rhombuses. unbelievably accurate.
Calculate the smaller angle of the
rhombus when the total surface area of How do these bees, whose lifetime is so
the cell is least possible.” Three leading short, achieve all these calculations and
mathematicians, a German, a Swiss and construction work? To call this ingenuity
a Brit, tried to solve this problem, and all mere “instinct” does not explain
of them found the following result: 70 anything. The Qur’an states that the bee
degrees 32 minutes. This exactly fits the received revelations according to which
angle of cells constructed by the female God’s design and programming were put
bees. Even the wisest of men could not into execution. Within the span of the
suggest an improvement on the female honeybee’s lifetime, the cleverest of men
bees’ technique of building. could not learn even to count, let alone
be the author of such a perfect design.
The worker bees’ points of departure We cannot account for the erudition of
in the production process of these cells bees, certainly not as pure luck. The
differ. As the work proceeds, the cells Creator who created the bee made her
converge toward a central point. The with all her potentialities, having solved
angles of cells at the point where they for her all these mathematical problems.
meet are perfect. It is clear that the The same Creator sees to it that the bee
construction of this design, the distances works for ends that also serve mankind
between the beginning and the end in general.
points and the precise calculation of the By the‘Quranic Research Group’


Islam - Not A New Phenomenon

It is a widely held misconception that Islam in the One God and all his messengers.
is a new religion and Muhammad (pbuh) This will bring him in harmony not just
was the founder of it. Nothing could be with himself, but with all the phenomena
further from the truth, as Islam has been around him and the entire universe. He will
with humanity since time immemorial. then find the inner peace that he inwardly
Since Islam means submission, all the yearned but had evaded him all along, and
Prophets were Muslims as they submitted will be at one with all existence.
to Almighty God. All the believers in
those Prophets were also Muslims for The question that may arise here is that
they surrendered to the Almighty. In fact, since everyone who followed the Prophet
anything and everything that submits itself of the time was a Muslim, why then do
to the Almighty is a Muslim. we not find the word Islam in the previous
As such, every ant, every fly, every particle scriptures? The answer to that is Islam
of dust, is a Muslim. The sun, the moon, is not a proper noun. It is a translatable
and every planet that orbits in space are Arabic word, which means submission,
Muslims, for they submit to God through and the message of submission abounds
their unquestioning behaviour. in the texts of previous scriptures, such as,
Even the person who denies God or treads ‘submit yourself therefore to God’. [James
the wrong path is, for the most part, and 4:7]
unwittingly, a Muslim. For, whether it
be the development of the foetus or the The Qur’an too endorses the fact Islam
departing of the soul, man is powerless; had existed prior to Prophet Muhammad
powerless in coming into this world, and (pbuh). Note how the context in which
powerless in going from here. There is the word ‘Muslim’ has been used in
a Force far beyond his comprehension the following verse, highlighting the
which takes care of all the stages of birth importance of the meaning over the
and physical growth and development, appellation, i.e., a Muslim is he who
through to his ultimate decline and death. submits to God Almighty.
During his life, every drop of blood, every
beat of the heart, every cell of the brain, all ‘Abraham was neither a Jew or a Christian,
flawlessly follow the paths designated for but he was a strict Muslim [having
them; they are hence Muslims. surrendered himself to God]. [Qur’an 3:
Take any system of the human anatomy:
the digestion process, blood circulation, the The current Muslim affirmation is thus:
functioning of the mind; all submissively ‘There is no god but Allah - Muhammad is
obey the One Dictating Force. All that the Messenger of Allah’. In respect to the
remains for the completion of the process is previous nations then, the second segment
for man to surrender his intellectual faculty of the affirmation would have changed
too and profess belief with all his heart to whoever had been the contemporary


prophet. And so in the time of Moses the Abraham’s servant

affirmation would have been, There is no ‘When Abraham’s servant heard their
god but Allah, and Moses is the Messenger words, he bowed himself to the ground
of Allah; and in the time of Jesus, there before the Lord.’ (Genesis 24:52)
is no god but Allah, and Jesus is the
Messenger of Allah. Joshua (pbuh)
‘And Joshua fell on his face to the earth
Since Islam is in no way a new religion and worshiped.’ (Joshua 5:14)
and faith, but merely an extension of the
previous revelations sent by God, there is, Ezra and the people
in essence, striking similarities between it ‘Then they bowed their heads and
and other faiths. In fact one will find that worshiped the Lord with their faces to the
many aspects of Islam which Muslims ground.’ (Nehemiah 8:6)
uphold so dearly are found within the
present-day scriptures of the very nations Praying from dawn to evening
who not only have abandoned these divine ‘From the rising of the sun to its setting,
instructions but look upon them with the name of the Lord is to be praised.’
surprise if not contempt. (Psalms 113:3)

Since the most recent revealed religion Offering prayers at specified times
preceding Islam was Christianity, in ‘One day Peter and John were going up to
paragraphs below, we present Islamic the temple at the hour of prayer...’ (Acts
practices that are found within the 3:1)
contemporary Bible.
Supplicating with hands raised
Bowing and prostrating on the ground Solomon (pbuh)
Jesus (pbuh) ‘He rose from before the altar of the Lord,
‘Going a little farther, he fell with his where he had been kneeling with his hands
face to the ground and prayed.’ (Matthew spread out toward heaven.’ (1 Kings 8:54)
Ezra and the people
Moses (pbuh) ‘Then Ezra blessed the Lord, the great
‘And Moses bowed to the ground and God, and all of the people answered,
worshiped.’ (Exodus 34:8) ‘Amen, Amen,’ lifting up their hands.’
(Nehemiah 8:6)
Moses and Aaron (pbut)
‘Then Moses and Aaron went away Making ablution before offering prayers
from the assembly to the entrance of the ‘And Moses and Aaron and his sons used
tent of meeting and fell on their faces...’ it to wash their hands and their feet. They
(Numbers 20:6) washed whenever they entered the tent
of meeting or approached the altar, as
Abraham (pbuh) the Lord commanded Moses.’ (Exodus
‘Then Abram [Abraham] fell on his face.’ 40:31,32)
(Genesis 17:3)


Taking off shoes while entering the place Pilgrimage

of prayer ‘But you are to seek the place the Lord your
Moses (pbuh) God will choose from among all your tribes
‘Then he said, ‘Come no closer! Remove to put his Name there for his dwelling. To
the sandals from your feet, for the place that place you must go; there bring your
where you are standing is holy ground.’ burnt offerings and sacrifices... There, in
(Exodus 3:5) the presence of the Lord your God, you
and your families shall eat and shall rejoice
‘Then the Lord said to him, ‘Take off the in everything you have put your hand to,
sandals from your feet, for the place where because the Lord your God has blessed
you are standing is holy ground.’ (Acts you.’ (Deuteronomy 12:5-7)
Muslims were instructed by Prophet
Joshua (pbuh) Muhammad (pbuh) to go to Makkah - a
The commander of the Lord’s army replied, place [in ‘the wilderness of Paran’ as the
‘Take off your sandals, for the place where Bible puts it, (Genesis 21)] blessed by God,
you are standing is holy’. And Joshua did where Prophet Abraham (pbuh) built a house
so. (Joshua 5:15) of prayer, or house of God, [‘Baitullah’ in
Arabic, and ‘Bethel’ in Hebrew (Genesis
Calling the temple of God ‘the house of 35:15, 28:18)] – to glorify God:
prayer’ (‘Masjid’ in Arabic)
As Jesus (pbuh) did ‘... It shall come, that I will gather all
‘He said to them, ‘It is written, my house nations and tongues; and they shall come,
shall be called a house of prayer.’(Matthew and see my glory.’ (Isaiah 66:18)
Consuming pork
Following the lunar calendar ‘The pig, for even though it has divided
From one new moon to another, and from hoofs, and is cleft-footed, it does not chew
one sabbath to another, all flesh shall come the cud. Of their flesh you shall not eat, and
to worship before me, says the Lord. (Isaiah their carcasses you shall not touch; they
66: 23) are unclean for you.’ (Leviticus 11: 7-8,
Deuteronomy 14:8)
It is obligatory for a Muslim to keep fast for ‘Those who eat the flesh of pigs are referred
a whole month (called Ramadan) in a year. to by God as rebellious people, who walk
in ways not good, pursuing their own
Jesus (pbuh) fasted for forty days (Matthew imaginations.’ (Isaiah 65:2,4)
Consuming wine
And about those who fast he is quoted as ‘Whoredom and wine and new wine take
saying: away the understanding. ... A spirit of
‘Blessed are those who hunger and thirst prostitution leads them astray; they are
for righteousness, for they will be filled.’ unfaithful to God.’ (Hosea 4:11,12)
(Matthew 5:6)


‘Wine is a mocker, strong drink a brawler, (Genesis 24:65)

and whoever is led astray by it is not wise.’
(Proverbs 20:1) Not covering the head is considered
‘And the Lord spoke to Aaron: Drink no ‘For if a woman will not veil herself, then
wine or strong drink, neither you nor your she should cut off her hair; but if it is
sons, when you enter the tent of meeting; disgraceful for a woman to have her hair cut
that you may not die; it is a statute forever off or to be shaved, she should wear a veil.’
throughout your generations.’ (Leviticus (1 Corinthians 11:6)
‘Do not be among winebibbers, or among Muslims greet each other by saying
glutton eaters of meat; for the drunkard ‘Assalamu Alaikum’, which literally means
and the glutton will come to poverty, and ‘Peace be upon you’. This was the practice
drowsiness will clothe them with rags.’ of Jesus (pbuh):
(Proverbs 23:20,21)
... Jesus came and stood among them and
‘Do not look at the wine when it is red, said, ‘Peace be with you’. (John 20:19, 21,
when it sparkles in the cup and goes down 26, Luke 24:36)
smoothly. At the last it bites like a serpent
and stings like an adder.’ (Proverbs 23:31,32) In fact, Jesus (pbuh) instructed his disciples,
when he was sending them on the mission,
Dealing in usury that they should use this greeting when they
‘If you lend money to any of my people, enter a house. This is the very teaching of
to the poor among you, you shall not deal Islam.
with them as a creditor; you shall not exact
interest from them.’ (Exodus 22:25) ‘As you enter a house, greet it [say ‘Peace
be with you’]. If the house is worthy let your
Circumcision peace come upon you; but if it is not worthy,
Jesus let the peace return to you.’ (Matthew 10:12)
‘And at the end of eight days, when he was
circumcised, he was called Jesus.’ (Luke ‘If God wills’
2:21) And so were Abraham (pbuh) and Muslims, as instructed by the Qur’an,
Ishmael. (Genesis 17:24,25,26) And all the frequently use the phrase ‘Insha Allah’,
Israelite prophets. which means ‘God willing’ or ‘if God wills’.
We find this instruction in the Bible too:
Dress code for women
A Muslim woman is required to dress ‘Why, you do not even know what will
modestly. Nuns dress themselves in a happen tomorrow. What is your life? You
similar way. The Bible says that Prophet are a mist that appears for a little while and
Isaac’s wife Rebekah was covering herself then vanishes. Instead, you ought to say, ‘If
with a veil: it is the Lord’s will, we will live and do this
or that.’ (James 4:14,15)
‘... So she took her veil and covered herself.’


94% Of Terrorists Aren’t Muslims

CNN recently published an article entitled, (if any) coverage to such events. If a terrorist
Study: Threat of Muslim-American attack does not fit the “Islam is the perennial
terrorism in U.S. exaggerated; according to and existential threat of our times” narrative,
a study released by Duke University and the it is simply not paid much attention to, which
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, in a circuitous manner reinforces and “proves”
“the terrorist threat posed by radicalized the preconceived narrative. It is to such an
Muslim-Americans has been exaggerated.” extent that the average American cannot
Yet, Americans continue to live in mortal remember any Jewish or Latino terrorist; why
fear of radical Islam, a fear propagated and should he when he has never even heard of
inflamed by right wing Islamophobes. If one the Jewish Defense League or the Ejercito
follows the cable news networks, it seems Popular Boricua Macheteros? Surely what he
as if all terrorists are Muslims. It has even does not know does not exist!
become axiomatic in some circles to chant: The Islamophobes claim that Islam is
“Not all Muslims are terrorists, but nearly all intrinsically a terrorist religion. The proof?
terrorists are Muslims.” Well, just about every
Muslims and their “leftist terrorist attack is Islamic,
allies” respond feebly, they retort. Unfortunately
mentioning Waco as the for them, that’s not quite
one counter example, true. More like six percent.
unwittingly affirming Using their defunct logic,
the belief that “nearly all these right wingers ought
terrorists are Muslims.” now to conclude that
But perception is not nearly all acts of terrorism
reality. The data simply are committed by Latinos
does not support such (or other communities).
a hasty conclusion. Let them dare say it…
On the FBI’s official they couldn’t; it would be
website, there exists political and social suicide
a chronological list of all terrorist attacks to say such a thing. Most Americans would
committed on U.S. soil from the year 1980 all shut down such talk as bigoted; yet, similar
the way to 2005. statements continue to be said of Islam,
According to this data, far more acts of without any repercussions.
terrorism were committed by other communal The Islamophobes live in a fantasy world
groups than Muslims, many of which were where everyone is supposedly too “politically
committed in the name of religion. Yet notice correct” to criticize Islam and Muslims. Yet,
the disparity in media coverage between the reality is the exact opposite: you can
the two. It would indeed be very interesting get away with saying anything against the
to construct a corresponding pie chart that crescent. Can you imagine the reaction if I
depicted the level of media coverage of each said that Latinos should be profiled because
group. The reason that Muslim apologists after all they are the ones who commit the
and their “leftist allies” cannot recall another most terrorism in the country? (For the record:
non-Islamic act of terrorism other than Waco I don’t believe in such profiling, because I
is due to the fact that the media gives minimal am–unlike the right wing nutters–a believer in


American ideals.) groups accounted for over allowed to be such a critical

The moral of the story is sixteen times as much issue that we are willing to
that Americans ought to terrorism as radical Islamic sacrifice our ideals or civil
calm down when it comes groups. Only a measly 0.4% rights for fear of it. Neither
to Islamic terrorism. Right of terrorist attacks from 2007 should we be reduced to a
wingers always live in mortal to 2009 could be attributed to status of absolute sissitude.
fear–or rather, they try to make extremist Muslims. We have analyzed data from
you feel that way. Nobody is Perception is not reality. Due America and Europe (a
saying that Islamic terrorism to the right wing’s influence good portion of the entire
is not a matter of concern, but and propaganda, people Western world), and the
it’s grossly exaggerated. mistakenly think that Islamic threat from Islamic terrorism
terrorism is the greatest threat is much more minimal
On The European Front to the Western world. It is than commonly assumed;
In respect to terrorism carried even a commonly held belief in the U.S., it accounts for
out on European soil, the that Islamic terrorism poses 6% of terrorist attacks, and
data gathered by Europol an existential threat – that the in Europe not even half a

On p.7, the 2009 Europol report concludes:

“Islamist terrorism is still perceived as being the biggest threat worldwide, despite
the fact that the EU only faced one Islamist terrorist attack in 2008. This bomb attack
took place in the UK…Separatist terrorism remains the terrorism area which affects
the EU most. This includes Basque separatist terrorism in Spain and France, and
Corsican terrorism in France…Past contacts between ETA and the FARC illustrate
the fact that separatist terrorist organizations also seek cooperation partners outside
the EU on the basis of common interests. In the UK, dissident Irish republican
groups, principally the RIRA and the CIRA, and other paramilitary groups may
continue to engage in crime and violence.”

too strengthens the argument very survival of the Western percent.

above. Europol publishes world is at stake. Of course, It is only through
an annual report entitled EU the reality is that there are sensationalism and fear
Terrorism Situation and Trend other groups that engage in mongering that the topic of
Report. On their official terrorism on a much larger Islamic terrorism is allowed
website, you can access the scale, yet these terrorist to be used to demonize a
reports from 2007, 2008, and incidents are minimized. religious community that
2009. Acts of terrorism committed happens to be a minority in
The results are stark, and by Muslims are purposely the West. When confronted
prove decisively that not all sensationalized and focused by such lunacy, we ought to
terrorists are Muslims. In upon, culminating in the idea respond with the facts and
fact, a whopping 99.6% of that “(nearly) all terrorists are the truth.
terrorist attacks in Europe Muslims.” In a future article, we hope to
were perpetrated by non- Terrorism from Islamic analyze the data for terrorism
Muslim groups; a good extremists is certainly a cause on the global level in order
84.8% of attacks were from for concern, but it need not to further strengthen this
separatist groups completely be an issue that creates mass argument…
unrelated to Islam. Leftist hysteria. Nor should it be Taken From -


The Bible Speaks Of Muhammad (pbuh)

By Ahmad Deedat

The advent of Prophet my words in his mouth; and demonstrate how Jesus
Muhammad (pbuh) had he shall speak unto them all (pbuh) was not the subject of
been prophesied by all the that I shall command him.” the above prophesy.
preceding Prophets and [The Bible; Deuteronomy
scriptures. The passages 18:18] Divinity
containing the prophecies, According to Christians Jesus
despite the interpolations, as Prophet Like Moses (pbuh) is divine but Moses
believed by Muslims, exist This verse is normally (pbuh) is not.
to this day. In this article the interpreted as referring
author, a renowned scholar to Jesus (pbuh), and the Redemption
of Christianity, embarks similarities from ‘like unto According to Christians Jesus
to establish what the Bible thee‘ are mentioned as: (pbuh) died for the sins of the
has affirmed in respect to world but Moses (pbuh) did
Muhammad (pbuh). In the [1] Moses (pbuh) was a Jew not.
forthcoming issues we intend and Jesus (pbuh) was also a
to highlight prophecies from Jew; Father and Mother
other religious scriptures too. [2] Moses (pbuh) was a Moses (pbuh) had a father
Prophet and Jesus (pbuh) was and a mother. Muhammad
Muhammad (pbuh) is also a Prophet (pbuh) also had a father and a
mentioned by name in the mother. But Jesus (pbuh) had
‘Song of Solomon’ - 5:16. Therefore Jesus (pbuh) is like only a mother, and no father.
The Hebrew word used there Moses (pbuh).
is Muhammaddim. The end Miraculous Birth
letters IM is plural of respect, If these are the only two Moses (pbuh) and
majesty and grandeur. Minus criteria for discovering a Muhammad (pbuh) were born
“im” the name would be candidate for this prophecy of in the natural way, whereas
‘Muhammad’ translated as Deuteronomy [18:18], then Jesus (pbuh) was created
“altogether lovely” in the in that case the criteria could miraculously, as described in
Authorised Version of the fit any one of the following the Gospel of St. Matthew.
Bible or ‘The Praised One’ Biblical personages after [1:18 and Luke 1:35]
‘the one worthy of Praise’ Moses (pbuh): - Solomon,
translated as Muhammad in Isaiah, Ezekiel, Daniel, Marriage Ties
Arabic. Hosea, Joel, Malachi, John Moses (pbuh) and
the Baptist etc., because they Muhammad (pbuh) married
Another passage which were also all “Jews” as well and had children, but Jesus
makes reference to Prophet as being “Prophets”. Why (pbuh) remained a bachelor
Muhammad (pbuh) is the one should we not apply this all his life.
in Deuteronomy. The English prophecy to any one of these
translation reads as follows: prophets, and why restrict it Response Of The People
Addressing Moses (pbuh), it only to Jesus (pbuh)? Both Moses (pbuh) and
relates God saying: My conclusions are that Muhammad (pbuh) were
“I will raise them up a Prophet Jesus (pbuh) is most unlike accepted as prophets by
from among their brethren, Moses (pbuh). I will present their people in their very
like unto thee, and I will put ten irrefutable facts which lifetime. No doubt the


Jews gave endless trouble power of governance and (pbuh) took pains to assure
to Moses (pbuh), but as a judgement over his people. them that he had not come
nation, they did acknowledge It is immaterial whether the with a new religion - no new
that Moses (pbuh) was a person wears a crown or laws and no new regulations.
Messenger of God sent to not. Both Moses (pbuh) and I quote him: ‘Think not that
them. The Arabs too made Muhammad (pbuh) enjoyed I have come to destroy the
Muhammad’s life difficult that. Jesus (pbuh) did not. Law...’ [Matthew 5:17-18]
initially and he suffered
greatly at their hands, but New Laws How they Departed
before his demise, the Arab Moses (pbuh) and Muhammad Both Moses (pbuh) and
nation as a whole accepted (pbuh) brought new laws and Muhammad (pbuh) died
him as the Messenger of new regulations for their natural deaths, but according
God. According to the Bible, people. Moses (pbuh) not only to Christianity, Jesus (pbuh)
however: ‘He (Jesus (pbuh)) gave the Ten Commandments was killed on the cross.
came unto his own, but to the Israelites, but a very
his own received him not.’ comprehensive ceremonial Heavenly Abode
(John 1:11). And even today, law for the guidance of his Moses (pbuh) and
after two thousand years, his people. Muhammad (pbuh) Muhammad (pbuh) both lie
people, the Jews as a whole, came to a people steeped in buried in earth, but Jesus
still reject him. barbarism and ignorance and (pbuh) is in heaven.
provided a new code and law.
Worldly Kingdom As regards Jesus (pbuh), All of the above proves
Moses (pbuh) and when the Jews felt suspicious irrefutably that Muhammad
Muhammad (pbuh) were of him that he might be an (pbuh), rather than Jesus
kings as well as prophets. A impostor with designs to (pbuh), bore resemblance
king is a person who has the pervert their teachings, Jesus with Moses (pbuh).


Muhammad (pbuh) has
said: “I have been sent with jawami’
al-kalim” (comprehensive but concise
language that is able to express a multitude of
meanings in a few words). [Bukhari]

Let us have a look at an example. He is reported to have said:

“Each of you is a mirror for his brother...” [Abu Dawud]

The analogy with a mirror is interesting as the similarity is in

more than one aspect.

[1] Mirrors always speak the truth; they will never lie to you [2]
Mirrors will tell you everything; they will never conceal anything, good
or bad, for whatever reason [3] Mirrors are never diplomatic or pretentious,
affording them a high level of credibility [4] Mirrors will tell you your
defects without embarrassment or hesitation [5] Mirrors present you with
your commendable features without flattery and point out your defects
without criticism [6] Mirrors maintain confidentiality; they will tell
each person their weak points without ever disclosing it to anyone else [7]
Mirrors maintain consistency and are never overcome by emotions when
reflecting your image. Even if one was to become violent and break a
mirror, it will still not desist from telling the truth [8]Mirrors will never
tire from pointing out your defects; you can approach them as many
times in a day as you wish, and they will still portray your image
as accurately as the first time  [9] Mirrors never exaggerate  [10]
Mirrors are sincere and never expect anything in return [11]
Mirrors only provide guidance and advice; they never apply
any pressure in trying to correct you. 

What kind of a world would it be if we all tried

to resemble mirrors in our treatment with
one another?


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