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Ori Sanilevich

Miss Duffy


27 April, 2010

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Intro Sentence 1: Since the dawn of time, slave rebellions around the world have been a

desperate rolling of the dice at freedom.

Intro Sentence 2: The fatal mistake with the slaves was that they believed if they showed

any sign of rebellion, their captors would simply let them go.

Intro Sentence 3: They did not put into account that in order to achieve freedom, they

either had to be in the good graces of their captor or they had to eliminate the need for

their use.

Succinct Thesis: Instead of putting effort into hopeless rebellions, slaves should have

taken a more diplomatic or peaceful way to achieve freedom.

Body Paragraph 1 Topic Sentence: One of the above mentioned examples is the

controversial Gabriel’s Rebellion.

Body Paragraph 1 Concluding Sentence: Had Gabriel used his great influence to plan

protests instead of rebellions and gain private audience with Governor Monroe, perhaps

he could have made the slaves’ lives a lot easier.

Body Paragraph 2 Topic Sentence: A slave-preacher from Virginia, Nat Turner believed

that god had given him the job of setting the slaves free no matter the cost.
Body Paragraph 2 Concluding Sentence: Had he preached the word of god and instilled

love and hope inside his followers, Nat might have been revered as one of the influential

blacks of the slave era.

Body Paragraph 3 Topic Sentence: Yet another futile rebellion was The Denmark Vesey


Body Paragraph 3 Concluding Sentence: This, like many other plans, had its own share of

flaws to come along with the potential, the biggest flaw being that the plan was only half

thought out.

Citation Examples:

1. They would recruit thousands of slaves from all over Virginia, storm the capital

square, and take Governor James Monroe hostage in order to negotiate with

authorities (Postma, 25).

2. Though Gabriel had an army which consisted of thousands of slaves, their army

was no where near as strong as the American government’s (Aptheker, 35).

3. They mainly used axes, hatchets and basic garden tools so to not alert the

villagers with the sound of firearms (Aptheker, 52).

4. Denmark Vesey was a slave purchased from Captain Joseph Vesey from the

Danish-Caribbean island of St. Thomas (Postma, 67).

5. When he heard the story of the Haitian Rebellion and the heroics of Toussaint

L’Overture, Vesey became inspired and began to plan his own rebellion which

would take place on Bastille Day of July 14, 1822 (Postma, 72).
Restatement of Succinct Thesis: In conclusion, slaves were wasting their time planning

rebellions instead of using their smarts and whatever influence they had to gain a

peaceful freedom.

Restatement of BP sentence 1: Instead of trying to murder governors, the slaves should

have tried to become an assistant to one or even to gain office by voting as a block.

Restatement of BP sentence 2: Instead of preaching hate and revenge, the blacks should

have preached love and patience so to prove to the whites that they are of the same level.

Restatement of BP sentence 3: Instead of attempting to take over cities, the blacks should

have helped them to gain trust.

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