DEAD STARS Fajardo Felias Gales

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DEAD STARS Alfredo’s wedding so he congratulated him.

Alfredo needs to
Paz Marquez- Benitez make a very difficult situation. Would he choose what he
wants to? Or would he choose what he has to?
Characters:  Denouement
Julia didn’t want Alfredo not to honor his understanding
 Alfredo Salazar- son of Don Julian, a more than 30
with Esperanza and she said goodbye. Alfredo went home to
years old man and a bachelor. He is engaged to
Esperanza, and there, the last word has been said.
Esperanza but he is in love with Julia Salas.
 Esperanza- wife of Alfredo Salazar. She is a homely  Resolution
woman, literal minded and intensely acquisitive. She Alfredo and Esperanza got married. After eight years, he
is one of those fortunate women who have the gift of was searching for a lady name Brigada Samuy, who is
uniformly beauty. important for his defense in the court in Sta. Cruz Julia’s
 Julia Salas- sister-in-law of Judge Del Valle. She is the hometown. He went to Julia’s house and he found there still
other girl of Alfredo Salazar that remains single in her unmarried. And he realized that his love for Julia was like a
entire life. Dead Star, it was nonexistent.
 Don Julian- an old man, a father of Alfredo Salazar
 Carmen- sister of Alfredo Salazar Point of View:
The author tells the story in Third Person. We know
 Judge Del Valle- brother-in-law of Julia Salas
only what the character knows and what the author allow
 Donna Adella- sister of Julia Salas
him/her to tell us. We can see the thoughts and feeling of
 Calixta- note- carrier of Alfredo Salazar and Esperanza
characters if the author chooses to reveal them to us.
 Dionisio- husband of Donna Adella
 Vicente- husband of Carmen
Tone/ Mood:
 Brigada Samuy- she is the illusive woman who
Alfredo is looking for. Also known as Tandang Binay.  Being in love
 Happiness
Setting:  Confusion
Time: Summer, particularly Lenten Season because  Pity
they are celebrating the Holy Week since there is a procession  Regret
made for Our Lady of Sorrow.
Place: Symbolism:
 Sta. Cruz particularly in Calle Luz, hometown of Julia  Dead Stars
 Calle Real Image:
 Tanda a place of coconut plantation and a house on The story of Dead Stars is a representation of a dream
the beach for something that is nonexistent.
 Church of Our Lady of Sorrow
 House of Don Juan and Judge Del Valle Theme:
 Forbidden Love
 Responsibility
 Man vs. Himself
 Man vs. Society
 Man vs. Circumstances

 Exposition:
At Don Julian’s house, Carmen was asking Don Julian
about Alfredo and Esperanza. Alfredo reminiscence how he
met Esperanza.
 Rising Action
He had gone neighboring with Don Julian to Judge Del
Valle’s house and he met Julia Salas. All the time he was calling Reporters:
her Mrs. Del Valle which led him to embarrassment. He come Fajardo, Mariane S.
to the judge house often and then he realized he was in love Felias, Glorianne Gail A.
with Julia despite he is engage with Esperanza. Gales, Ian Alvin G.
 Climax
After the procession for the Lady of Sorrow, Alfredo
caught up with Julia. It was when Julia found out about

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