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"Saum" in Arabic, means to restrain and keep silence. The Holy Quran defines "Saum" as "patience" too
which means "self-control, perseverance and determination". Thus, Saum stands, according to Islam, for
guarding oneself against selfishness, sensual and carnal desires and protecting one's instinctive restraint
and perseverance. Like other tenets of Islam, Saum also inculcates spirituality and piety in Muslims. The
basic objective of Saum is not only to abstain from eating, drinking and bodily pleasures but to protect all
organs and instincts of human body from committing evils and vices. That’s why the Holy Prophet (PBUH)
has declared Saum a shield against evils. The Holy Prophet (PBUH) said, ‘Who does not give up telling
lies and implementing over it during the month of Ramadan, then the Almighty Allah does not need
his/her abstention from eating and drinking.’

Ramadan is a month of blessing for the Muslims. During this month the reward of each Obligatory
worship is enhanced seventy times by Allah Almighty and the reward of recommended worship or Nafal
Ibadat becomes equal to that of obligatory worship. The Holy Prophet (PBUH) has said, ‘The first ten
days of Ramadan are blessing, 2nd ten days are forgiveness and last ten days are freedom from the
blazing fire of hell.’

Narrated By Abu Huraira, The Prophet said, “Whoever fasts in the month of Ramadan out of sincere faith,
and hoping for a reward from Allah, then all his previous sins will be forgiven”, Sahih Bukhari

LAILAT UL QADR: The prestigious night of Power/destiny i.e. Lailat-ul-Qadr also falls on any one of last
five odd nights of this month. The importance of this night can be judged from Surah Al-Qadr/Chapter the
Power that states,

‘(1) Behold, we revealed this Quran on the Night of Power.

(2) And what do you know what the Night of Power is?

(3) The Night of Power is better than a thousand months.

(4) The angles along with the Spirit descend in it by the permission of their Lord with all kinds of decrees.
(5) All peace is that night until the rise of dawn’.

TARAAWIH: The Holy Prophet (PBUH) used to recite the whole of the Holy Quran before the Muslims
during this month. During the last Ramadan of his life, he (PBUH) recited the whole of the Holy Quran twice
before the Muslims. Following in the footsteps of the Holy Prophet (PBUH) and his great companions (May
Allah be pleased with them), the Muslims also enhance recitation of Holy Quran in this month especially in
this month’s special prayer of Tarawih that is offered daily during this month at night.
The worship of Fasting is a hidden one that is not manifest. That’s why the Almighty Allah says ‘Fasting is
for Me and I shall give reward for it. ‘No one can do hypocrisy in performing fasting.

ITIKAAF: or Seclusion is another important spiritual aspect of Ramadan in which a Muslim retires to a
mosque from a little before sunset on the 20th of Ramadan to the sunset of the 29th or 30th i.e. till the
appearance of new moon. During this period, he is required to spend as much as possible time in
worship. It is a kind of worship which if offered by someone in the locality discharges the obligation of all
the inmates of the locality.

CONCESSIONS: Those people who are ailing or undertaking a journey for less than 15 days are exempted
from fasting; similarly, the women who are experiencing their menstrual cycle and after birth discharge are
also exempted from fasting. However, they’ve to keep the missed fasts later i.e. after recovery. A pregnant
woman or one with a sucking baby may not fast for the fear to herself or baby and should keep the missed
fasts later. If one is too old having no strength to fast or is so ill that there is no hope of recovery, then
he/she may not fast and for each fast he/she may give FIDYA (re compensation) equal to Sadaqatul-Fitr
i.e.1.75kg of wheat to the poor or feed sufficiently a poor for two times. This aspect has been explained in
verse No.184 of Surah Al-Baqara/Chapter the Cow which states, ‘Fasting is for a fixed number of days, and
if one of you be sick, or if one of you be on a journey, you will fast the same number of other days later on.
For those who are capable of fasting (but still do not fast) there is redemption: feeding a needy man for
each day missed. Whoever voluntarily does more good than is required, will find it better for him; and that
you should fast is better for you, if you only know’•. The compensation (kaffara) of breaking a fast of
Ramadan without a genuine excuse is to fast continuously for two months without any break, which clearly
exhibits the value of the fasts of the month of Ramadan


1. Aim of servitude of God

2. Ibadat—training of servitude
3. Fasting is a Hidden Ibadat
4. Fasting—sign of strength of Iman
5. One month’s Continuous Training
6. Long Practice of Obedience
7. Favorable Collective Environment for Training

1. Abstention from laying
2. Faith and self-scrutiny:
3. Shield for protection from sins:
4. Temptation of Goodness:
5. Reward for Providing Iftar‟

Spiritual Impacts:

i. Discipline and self-control

ii. Attainment of Piety

iii. Obedience to God

iv. Closeness to God

v. Fasting Infuses Spirit of Jihad

vi. Shield against sin

vii. Immunity from Hypocrisy

viii. Distinctive Position

ix. Internal Security, Humanitarian and Spiritual Spirit

Moral Impacts:

i. Building Moral Character

ii. Attainment of Moral Uplift

iii. Fasting Controls Passion

iv. Fasting Destroy the Pride of Man

v. Fasting Increases Moral Resistance of Man

Social Impacts:

i. Brotherhood and Sympathy

ii. Social Congregation

iii. Social Unity

iv. Economic Benefits

v. Manifold Reward of Zakat, Sadaq, Fitrana

The purpose of fasting is manifold. Allah mentioned in the Holy Quran, that the fasting is
prescribed for the believers as it was prescribed for the people before them, so that they
may acquire self-control and God-consciousness. Therefore, the purpose of the fasting is
to develop God-consciousness, self-control, improvement of health by reducing or
eliminating impurities from the body, and to become aware of the plight of the poor,
hungry, and the sick. Ramadan is a month of spiritual consciousness and high sense of
social responsibility. The fulfilment of one’s obligations during the month is rewarded by
70 times.

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