Concrete Railway Sleepers

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w State of art report

railway sleepers
Chairmun: A. van Acker, Belgium Secretory: R. Charlier, Belgium
M. Banic, Yugoslavia K. Gylltoft, Swkden J. Shimoni, Israel
M. J. Bare& France 0. Hegermann, Norway A. Skjelle, Norway
G. Berdichevslcy, USSR G. F. Huyghe, Belgium B. Stevens, Australia
K. G. Bemander, Sweden V. A. Jakushin, USSR A. Suikka, Finland
J. G. Bodhe, India G. F. Janssonius, The Netherlands M. C. Tandon, India
A. S. G. Bruggeling, The Netherlands A. Kajava, Finland H. P. J. Taylor, UK
N. Bunn, Canada M. Lappalainen, Finland T. Thomas, USA
J. Calavera, Spain M. Markus, Hungary H. Thonier, France
J. L. B. De A. Castanho, Brazil M. Menegotto, Italy D. Tiimler, FRG
Lu Changgeng, China F. M(innig, FRG J. N. J. A. Vambersky, The Netherlands
B. J. Corcoran, Australia D. W. Pfeifer, USA M. Vila Verde, Brazil
J. Dawani, Jordan D. Rafael Piileiro, Spain M. Vesa, Finland
J. Despeyroux, France H. Ripke, East Germany J. Vitek, Czechoslovakia
B. Engstrom, Sweden G. Rise, Sweden J. C. Walraven, FRG
F. R. Femandg Mexico H. Romanes, New Zealand F. P. D. Ward, UK
G. Gecsenyi, Hungary A. Sarja, Finland G. Zenobi, Switzerland
A. E. Goldstein, South Africa N. L. Scott, USA


Chairman: K. Gylltol?, Swedeu
Members Corresponding members
A. S. Darroch, England T. I. Campbell, Canada D. Tilmler, FRG
P. J. McQueen, USA G. Gecsenyi, Hungary T. Umehara, Japan
G. Tassi, Hungary A. N. Hanna, USA J. Vondrrisek, Czechoslovakia
W. J. Venuti, USA H. Kristenson, Sweden S. Westberg, Australia
J. G. White, J. Buekett, Canada K. B. Kumar, France L. A. Wildenboer, South Africa
G. Zenobi, Switzerland R. P. Sonneville, USA

Published by Thomas Telford Ltd, Telford House, 1 Heron Quay, London El4 9XF, England
First published 1987
Brjtish Library Catalofinp in Publicatio! Data:
Concrete railway &epers.-(FIP state ot art report)
1. Railro&Ties, Concrete
I. F&ration Internationale de la P&contra&e II. Series 625.1’43 T F 256.C6

ISBN 0 7277 0361 7

@ F&l&ration Intemationale de la Pr&ontminte, 198j

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During the past 40 years, concrete, especially prestressed concrete, has to a great
extent replaced wood as the preferred material for railway sleepers. Increased
requirements on stability of high speed rail tracks and the durability of concrete
account for this, and in some countries relative cost changes have led to a greater
cost-effectiveness of concrete sleeper track.
Development of concrete sleeper track in the past has been characterized by
various approaches to production, design, rail fastening and track-laying
procedures. Within the FIP Commission on Prefabrication it was felt that a review
of these procedures and current experience would be of great value. It was further
recognized that current design methods with regard to the response of the various
constituents of the track to the dynamic actions needed further development.
A working party was formed in 1982 to prepare this state of art report on
concrete railway sleepers. It covers the history of concrete sleepers as well as
current design considerations, rail fastening systems, manufacturing methods,
quality control and testing, track laying, field performance and ongoing research
in various countries.
The working party now plans to prepare a guide to good practice on the design
of concrete railway tracks and dynamic action on track, taking into consideration
the dynamic response of rail, rail fastening, concrete sleepers, ballast and subsoil.
The chairman of the working party is Dr Kent Gylltoft, Sweden. In addition to
the main contributions to this report which have been made by the working party,
valuable comments have been received from corresponding members of the
working group as well as individuals and companies all over the world.

K. G. Bernander
Chairman, I986
FIP Commission on Prefabrication

1. Introduction . . . . .

1.1. Concrete sleepers . . .

1.2. Historical development . .
1.3. New markets . . . .

2. Design considerations . . .

2.1. Loading conditions . . .

2.2. Design criteria . . . .
2.3. Other demands . . . .
2.4. Material and control specifications

3. Rail fastening systems . .

3.1. Functions of rail fastening .

3.2. Fastening types . . .
3.3. Fastening design criteria . . . . . . . 10
3.4. Assembly and maintenance . . . . . . . 12

4. Manufacturing . . . . . . . . . . 12

4.1. General . . . . 12

4.2. Production systems . . 12

4.3. Raw materials . . . 13

5. Quality control and testing . 13

5.1. Requirements . . . 13

5.2. Testing . . . . 13

5.3. Quality control methods ‘ 14

6. Installation and field performance 15

6.1. Installation methods . . 15

6.2. Field performance . . 16

4 6.3. Inspection and maintenance 17

6.4. Life expectancy . . . 17

7. Research and development . s 17

7.1. Work in progress . d 17

7.2. The future . . . . 18

8. Conclusions . . . . . . . . . . 19

8.1. Advantages of concrete sleeper track systems . . . 19

8.2. Concluding remarks . . . . . . . . 19

Appendix 1. Typical snecifiiation for a quality assurance scheme

covering the production of railway sleepers . . . . . 19

References . . . . . . . . . . . 21

Until the early 1940s railways generally had wooden 1.2. Historical development
sleepers. However, shortage of good quality timber in l-2.1. UK
many countries meant an increasing use of concrete Trials with reinforced concrete sleepers were made at
sleepers and more recently these have been used on the various times up to the Second World War. Then a
basis of technical superiority. Although the first timber shortage provided the impetus for an exhaustive
concrete sleepers were made in the late nineteenth examination of concrete sleepers which showed that
century, the real escalation of their production and use reinforced concrete monoblock could not withstand
in &rope coincided with the Second World War; the dynamic loading which occurs in main line
development has continued in countries such as the track.‘** Pretensioned concrete monoblock sleepers
USSR, Japan, South Africa, Canada, the USA, were more successful. This was probably the first
Australia, China and Africa.lm3 application of prestressing methods in mass production
and certainly the first application of prestressed
concrete for railway sleepers, These sleepers were made
1.1. Concrete sleepers by the long line method which was subsequently
Over the years several types of concrete sleeper have adopted in many other countries.
been developed and used in track systems. Owing to Bullhead rail, which was used before the war, was
the nature of the dynamic loading there are variations supported by cast iron chairs fixed to the sleepers by
in the pressure distribution between the ballast and the through bolts or screw spikes in wooden plugs. With
sleeper. The sleeper may be subjected to a wide range the change to flat-bottom rail in the 1950s a major
of bending moments, both positive and negative, and concrete sleeper installation programme began.
this has led to two different design systems. In the first Initially the sleepers were still base-plated but direct
system there is one rigid concrete block under each rail fastenings were introduced in 1955. The original
and a flexible (e.g. steel) central piece between them. In sleepers used with bullhead rail were designated class
this twin-block sleeper the rail loads will be transmitted E and designed for a rail seat reaction of 22 t. Sleepers
down to the bedding support in a well-defined way. for use with flat-bottom rail were designed for a higher
Bending moments in the sleeper will be small even if rail seat reaction of 28 t (760mm spacing) or 24 t
the bedding support is not quite uniform, but the (703 mm spacing) and designated class F.
relative twist and inclination of the rail seats may vary. Between 1953 and 1963 thirty-three different
In the-other system the sleeper consists of one single fastening systems were tried and eventually Pandrol
rigid beam-the monoblock sleeper-which must resist was adopted as standard because of its good
the larger bending moments that arise in different performance and compatibility with the extensive
sections of the sleeper. Monoblock sleepers are almost suburban third rail electrified system. Since the mid
exclusively prestressed to resist the assumed dynamic 1960s British Rail have standardized on concrete
bending moment distribution. They are normally sleepers for all track renewals except spot replacement
pretensioned although some post-tensioned types are in secondary lines and now have over 30 million in
also produced. track.
These two main types of sleeper are shown in Fig. 1. Trials with pretensioned concrete crossing sleepers
Table 1 shows where various types of sleeper were began in 1969 with direct fastenings glued into drilled
originally developed and where they are now used.5 holes. More recently bearers with cast-in fastenings
Some special types of sleeper are also needed in have been introduced and are now a significant
railways for switches and crossings, bridges and so on. proportion of crossing renewal work.
Other applications of sleepers concern sidings, The Tyne and Wear metro and the London
tramways, rapid transit tracks, industrial tracks and Docklands railway use conventional ballasted track
cranes. This report, however, deals mainly with with concrete sleepers, but Glasgow and Merseyside
monoblock sleepers for main line tracks. metro systems use reinforced concrete sleepers set in
The total number of sleepers in the world is three concrete slabs. London Transport has just started to
thousand million, of which more than four hundred use concrete sleepers for its surface track,
million are concrete sleepers. Two to five per cent of
this total have to be renewed every year. Concrete
sleepers currently cover more than 50% of the annual
sleeper demand in many parts of the world-in most
of Europe, in the USSR, in Japan and in some
countries in Africa. In other areas such as the USA,
Canada and Australia, concrete sleepers are used less. post-tensmed)
The total number of concrete sleepers made each
year throughout the world is about 20 million. Table 2
shows approximate data concerning their production (a) $4
and use.h Fig. 1. Basic types of‘ concrete sleeper: (a) monoblock; (b) twm-block
Table 1. Concrete sleepers: countries of origin and current use

Type of sleeper Originally Principal users


Monoblock: pretensioned and UK Australia, Belgium, Capada, China, Czechoslovakia,

prestressed Hungary, India, Iraq, Japan, Norway, Poland,
South Africa, Sweden, UK, USA, USSR,

Monoblock: post-tensioned West Gennany Austria, Finland, India, Italy, Mexico,

and prestressed I Turkey, West Germany

Twin-block France Algeria, Belgium, Brazil, Denmark, France, India,

Mexico, Netherlands, Portugal, Spain, Tunisia

1.2.2. Germany sleepers have been installed on nearly all main line
Since 1949 German Railways (DB) has laid more tracks. The new TGV (very high shed) lines are
than 44 million prestressed concrete sleepers in its equipped ~1% these sleepers and doubIe erastic
railway tracks.g-ll Early designs were all 2.30m long fastenings composed of nylon clips and spring steel
and used wooden plugs for fastening the system blades.
anchorage. The fastening system consisted of a fitted Monoblock sleepers, produced by a variety of
ribbed base plate previously used for wooden sleepers. pretensioning processes, are in limited use (less than
The twin-block design was tested but discontinued 10% of the SNCF concrete sleepers).13-16
because of high ballast pressures and concern about
deflexion of the central link causing a change in gauge 1.2.4. Nordic countries
and rail cant. Recent designs have been mainly post- The”Nordic countries-Denmark, Norway, Sweden
tensioned monoblock. Current sleepers are of type B70. and Finland-took an increasing interest in the use of
They are 2*6m long and use a progressive operation concrete sleepers in the 1950s. The reasons were
spring tension fastener with an angled guide plate. rapidly increasing prices of wooden sleepers and the
Older concrete sleepers are now being replaced with development of the prestressing technique., Concrete
the latest UIC 60 rail. The sleepers recovered are being sleepers provided longer service life than their wooden
transferred to branch lines which still use the lighter counterpart and the heavier weight, coupled with the
rail. use of long welded rail, promised improved riding
characteristics and reduced maintenance costs. ’ ’
1.2.3. France The Danish State Railways (DSB) started tests with
Between the First and Second World Wars the concrete sleepers in 1952 using German B12 post-
French railway companies used several hundred tensioned monoblock sleepers and French RS twin-
thousand concrete sleepers, designed by Weinberg, block sleepers. The twin-block was adopted as
Vagneux and Lefranc. These sleepers did not perform standard in 1957 mainly because of its lower first cost.
satisfactorily on main lines, primarily because of the The Norwegian State Railways (NSB) first used
rail fastening systems of that time.” concrete sleepers in track in 1957. These were German
After the Second World War a shortage of wood led post-tensioned B55s with wooden plugs for the Hey-
the French National Railways (SNCF) to revert to back rail fastenings. Since 1966 all NSB sleepers have
concrete sleepers. The new double elastic fastening been furnished with Pandrol fastenings. In 1973 a
concept (corrugated rubber pads and RN spring steel pretensioned monoblock sleeper of Norwegian design
clips) associated with continuous welded rail was first was standardized.
used with the SCOP and later with the VW The Swedish State Railway (SJ) made a few minor
prestressed sleepers. tests at the turn of the century. In 1953 four different
In 1949 Sonneville developed the SNCF/RS twin- types of post-tensioned sleeper were tested which,
block sleeper incorporating the RN fastenings he because of adverse climate and poor subsoil
invented in 1947. The most important features of the conditions, were later considered inappropriate for
SNCF/RS sleeper were a steel tie-bar produced by hot Swedish tracks. A perceived requirement for a flexible
rerolling of scrap rails, floating reinforcements and sleeper resulted in the use of a post-tensioned, twin-
production by immediate demoulding. In the 1950sthe block sleeper using the Fist rail fastening, where the
SNCF considered concrete sleepers as an alternative to concrete blocks were connected by a concrete filled
wooden sleepers and they were installed primarily on steel tube. In 1965 the SJ changed to a pretensioned
moderate rate traffic lines, where rail life exceeded that monoblock sleeper with Fist fastenings, and then from
of the wooden sleepers. The annual production of 1971 changed to Pandrol and Hambo fastenings. In
500000 concrete sleepers enabled the SNCF to 1977 the sleepers were lengthened and increased
negotiate for better wooden sleeper quality and prices. prestress was applied.
After twenty years’ experience, during which time The Finnish State Railways (VR) started concrete
improvements were made in ‘sleeper design and sleeper tests in 1962 with five different sleepers:
employment, the SNCF confirmed its preference for Russian monoblock with screw fastening, Dutch twin-
twin-block sleepers, (the Sonneville design and block with Deenik fastening, Swedish flexible twin-
Vagne x system) because of their lower cost and their block with Fist fastening, German post-tensioned
lateraJresistance in the ballast. Since 1970 twin-block monoblock with K or Delta fastenings and French
twin-block with RN fastening, After a further three Table 2, Concrete sleepers: approximate data*
years of extended trials with the Swedish twin-block Total number
Country Annual
sleeper, the VR adopted monoblock sleepers-two- in service: production:
thirds of which are post-tensioned and one-third pre- millions thousands
tensioned. Since 1969 all sleepers have used the
Pandrol fastening. Europe
Austria 3
1.25. USSR Belgium 1 loo
Research initiated in 1947 into the potentialities and Bulgaria 15-2
advantages of prestressed concrete sleepers led to trial Czechoslovakia 8 1000-1200
Denmark 1.5-2
installation on light traffic lines in 1949. Industrial East Germany 18
production started in 1951 with the adoption of Finland 15 50
concrete sleepers on heavy freight lines.18 France 35
The successful use of concrete sleepers pretensioned Hungary 18 600
with wire was followed by further large-scale tests, Ireland 15-2 24
Italy 9 7‘50
from 1955 onwards, of sleepers of different types Norway 1 250
including bar reinforced beam types and a number of Poland 13
variations of double articulated sleepers. After these Portugal 1.5-2
extensive tests the wire pretensioned sleeper became Spain 20 320
Sweden 5 350
the standard for Soviet railways and has been in mass Switzerland 1
production since 1959. UK 31 loo0
Soviet railways used a base plate type fastening USSR 84
system, initially anchored to the sleeper by screw West Germany’ 44 940
spikes in wooden plugs cast into the sleeper, and later Yugoslavia 25
by T-headed bolts inserted into preformed cavities in
the sleeper. The current KB type of fastening has the Africa
disadvantages of complexity and a large volume of Algeria 1
metal but does provide the opportunity to shim the Senegal 1
South Africa 20 1500-2000
fastenings and allow for two pads to be used, one Tunisia 1.5-2
between rail and base plate, and the other between Zambia 60
base plate and sleeper, An elastic fastening, the GeB, Zimbabwe 2 100
has also been used without a base plate but has been
found generally inferior to the KB type.rg Asia
China 60
1.2.6. Hungary India 15-2
The production of reinforced concrete sleepers in Iran 1
Hungary dates from 1903. Prestressed concrete sleepers Iraq 1.5-2
were first introduced in 1949 and production methods Japan 22
were improved until fully bonded pretensioned sleepers Korea 3
made by the short line system became standard in Malaysia
1958. This production system, also known as the Saudi Arabia
moving mould method, has been used to manufacture Turkey 5
13 million sleepers in Hungary and is also widely used Vietnam 1.5-2
in other eastern European countries.
North America
1.2.7, Canada Canada 3
Canadian National Railways (CNR) installed a few Mexico 6.5
reinforced concrete sleepers into track in the 1920s. In USA 3
1961 CNR started an extensive track test programme,
Initially 500 sleepers of different types, including twin- South America
block, were installed in various locations. The Brazil
definitive CNR test of 10000 UK-made pretensioned
concrete sleepers with Pandrol fastenings was Australia 7
undertaken in 1972 at Jasper, Alberta on a 6.5 km
length of their transcontinental main line with 450m *Fewer than 1 million sleepers per country in service in Holland,
and 300m reverse curves.zo CNR have now installed Botswana, Congo, Morocco, Pakistan, Thailand, Cuba, Costa Rica
and Jamaica.
over 2.5 million concrete sleepers pretensioned with 26
indented 5mm wires on their main line in areas of
900m curves and tighter. The Quebec North Shore and Labrador Railroad
Canadian Pacific Rail made their first concrete also started testing concrete sleepers in 1977. The new
sleeper test installation in 1974 at Beavermouth, BC Calgary Transit System uses concrete sleepers
and after several test sections to compare rail life, exclusively and both Vancouver and Toronto Transit
fastening performance and durability with different Systems have significant installations. In July 1984 a
sleeper types, have purchased 24000 sleepers for the one in twenty experimental turnout assembly on
Rogers Pass diversion track. They are now considering concrete sleepers was fitted into the CNR main line in
a major concrete sleeper programme. British Columbia.
1.2.8. USA Following ANR, Westrail embarked on the renewal
In the USA the first recorded use of concrete of their east-west main line, which links with ANR,
sleepers was in 1893 when 200 were installed by the with concrete sleepers. These include dual gauge
Reading Company in Germantown, Pennsylvania. In (narrow and standard) sleepers with Pandrol and Fist
1907 the Atchison Topeka and Santa Fe placed 20 fastenings. Hammersley Iron-a heavy haul railway
reinforced concrete sleepers in track.” taking iron ore to the coast--has also standardized on
The first use of pretensioned concrete sleepers in the pretensioned monoblock sleepers with Pandrol
USA was in 1960 when 500 were installed on the fastenings for its track renewal programme. This
Atlantic Coastline Railroad and 600 on the Seaboard railway has also recently decided to standardize on
AirLine Railroad, followed by 600000 sleepers on the concrete sleepers for turnouts. The State Railway
combined Seaboard Coastline Railroad. Bolted Authority of New South Wales has a programme for
fastenings were used. The first continuous North installing concrete sleepers in heavily used mixed traffic
American installation started in 1966 on the Florida lines from Sydney and also in new heavy haul lines
East Coast Railway on which over 900000 concrete handling coal. This is a standard gauge system and
sleepers with bolted fastenings have now been installed. Pandrol fastenings are used. Queensland Railways are
More recently Amtrak has installed 1.1 million the latest of the Australian lines to embark on the
concrete sleepers on the north-east corridor using large-scale use of concrete sleepers. Theirs is a narrow
Pandrol fastenings. Several other significant gauge railway but with some heavy haul coal lines.
installations have been made on the Santa Fe, Chessie, Fist fastenings are used.
Kansas City Southern, Union Pacific and Southern In general the standard gauge railways in Australia
Pacific Railroads. Concrete sleepers have also been use sleeper designs derived from British practice and
used on many transit systems. In 1984 a one in ten narrow gauge railways have adopted South African
turnout on concrete sleepers was installed in a siding and Swedish practice. All sleepers are pretensioned and
in Jacksonville, Florida by the Florida East Coast made by the long line method.
1,2.12. India
1.2.9. Mexico The development of concrete sleepers in India began
The National Railways of Mexico (FNdeM) first after a series of trials during 1967-68. Initial designs
installed twin-block concrete sleepers in 1959; post- adopted 4mm or 5 mm plain high tensile steel wires as
tensioned monoblock concrete sleepers were tendons. In an effort to reduce the transmission length,
introduced in 1966. There are now over 6.5 million 4mm crimped wire was used but its fatigue life was
concrete sleepers in track, of which just over 25% are found to be too short. 28 In current production 90% of
the twin-block type. 26 Current practice is to use post- tendons use three 3mmdia. strands2”
tensioned sleepers in main line track and twin-block
sleepers ‘in secondary track. The RN fastening which 1.2.13. Japan
was introduced with the twin-block sleepers is also Experiments in Japan with monoblock and twin-
used on post-tensioned monoblock sleepers. block concrete sleepers in the 1950s led to the
adoption of prestressed concrete monoblock sleepers
1.2.10. South Africn on narrow lines and for new standard gauge lines.
South African Railways (SAR) started testing small Currently both pretensioned and post-tensioned types
numbers of proprietary concrete sleepers from 1945 to are used with fastenings similar to the RN assembly.30
1952.27 In 1956 deliveries of the first sleepers Of the 28000 km of narrow gauge track 39% now has
manufactured in South Africa began. Of the first 4.4 prestressed concrete sleepers and only one per cent has
million delivered, 4.2 million were twin-block. The rest slab track. Prestressed concrete sleepers were used
were monoblock semi-flexible sleepers. through almost the entire length of the first
Apart from a small test in 1957, full length post- Shinkansen standard gauge line (Tokaido). Later
tensioned monoblock sleepers were not introduced Shinkansen lines have used an increasing proportion of
until 1963. In 1967 the production of twin-block slab track and of the 3600 km of track now in use 44%
sleepers ended. The short line pretensioned process was has prestressed concrete sleepers and 51% has slab
introduced to SAR in 1964 and the long line process in track.
1970. 1.2.14. China
As on other railways the dominance of nut and bolt Prestressed concrete sleepers were introduced into
type fastenings influenced the adoption of similar China in 1954 and by the end of 1984 there were
systems for concrete sleepers. Because of early failures about 60 million in use which account for about 50%
of nut and bolt designs, the SAR tested various elastic of track mileage.3’ Both pretensioned and post-
clip assemblies before standardizing in 1968 on the Fist tensioned types are used with a fastening derived from
and Pandrol systems. the Vossloh assembly. Broad concrete sleepers, 550mm
wide, are laid with only 50mm gaps between them.
1.2.11. Australia They are used especially in tunnels, stations and freight
The first major installation of concrete sleepers in yards. Because of their large bearing area ballast
Australia was by Australian National Railways (ANR)
settlement is reduced but access for tamping can be
on their trans-Australian route which opened in 1974.
Subsequently the new standard gauge railway to Alice obtained only from the ends of the sleepers.
Springs was built with concrete sleepers. The ANR 1.3. New markets
sleeper is similar to the British Rail F27 and uses Tables 1 and 2 show that concrete. sleepers have
Pandrol fastenings. been accepted in most countries. Key markets for

.pansion are Canada, the USA, India and south-east competitive sleeper and fastening systems a
Lsian countries. In the first two cases cost-benefit developed, and for turnouts. In developing countries
analysis is the key to the acceptance and expansion of with good quality aggregate and cement, concrete
concrete sleeper usage. There is potential for growth in sleeper production provides a cost-effective product
more frequently used lines, assuming that new and and many new local jobs.


This section deals exclusively with prestressed are traDezoida1 or triangular relating to non-
monoblock sleepers and is based largely on the results symmetrical axle loads as They occur (Lg. in sharp
of a detailed questionnaire sent to railway authorities curves of the track).
in 13 countries particularly experienced in the
production and use of prestressed concrete railway 2.2. Design criteria
sleepers. The track is of standard gauge in most of Since the onset of mass production in the late 194Os,
these countries but some narrow gauge and two broad pretensioned concrete monoblock sleepers have
gauge sleeper types were also studied. generally had the shape of a doubly symmetrical beam
with a trapezoidal section, often variable over the
2.1. Loading conditions length. The underside resting on the ballast is usually
Loading conditions in terms of actual wheel or axle plain whereas the contours of the side faces and of the
loads of locomotives, freight and passenger cars vary upper face are sometimes intricate. The inclination of
considerably because of the different rolling stock used the rail seats normally varies from 1:40 to 1:20
in each country. Normally it is the axle loads of the towards the centre.
locomotives or heavy freight cars which govern the Most sleeper lengths are between 2500mm and
dimensioning of the sleeper. However, passenger cars, 2600mm (extremes 2300mm and 2743 mm) for
although substantially lighter, often run at higher standard gauge and between 2000mm and 2200mm
speeds. Depending on wheel and bearing conditions, for natrow gauge. The dimensional requirements for
therefore, dynamic wheel-rail loads from passenger concrete monoblock sleepers can be summarized as
cars may sometimes be as high as these of heavy follows.
freight trains. Maximum static axle loads vary from
(a) The area of the underside must be such that the
approximately 20 t to 37 t for standard gauge and from average ballast pressure under full load does not
12 t to 28 t for narrow gauge sleepers. The range of the exceed a certain value, normally 04-05 N/mm2.
axle spacings normally extends from a minimum of
(b) The end faces should preferably be of a size and
1.7 m to a maximum of 3 m. shape to provide maximum resistance to lateral
2.1.1. Rail seat load (c) As the prestressing tendons are straight (i.e.
The loads acting on the sleeper depend not only on parallel to the bottom surface) the cross-section
the axle loads and spacing but also on the type of rail can be varied so that the geometry of a particular
(primarily its vertical stiffness) and the rail fastening section may be used to provide prestress
properties (primarily its vertical elasticity). Load peaks eccentricity to best match the bending moments,
depend to a large extent on the condition of the rolling positive or negative. Usually positive rail seat
stock (roundness and/or wheel flats on wheels) as well bending moments are the maximum although
as the condition of the rail joints (horizontal and negative centre bending moments may be even
vertical gaps) and rail surface conditions (spa&, higher for broad-gauge sleepers. Consequently the
shellings and corrugations). Many rail types are used typical shape of the sleeper body is tapered from
but most are in the weight range 50-67 kg/m (typical both ends to the centre in height and sometimes
UK 60). width with gentle changes of the sectional profile
The condition of the rolling stock and rails of the to prevent stress concentrations.
various railway networks considered is not known but
is normally expressed by general load impact factors The main dimensions of some typical monoblock
which may also take into account the elastic properties sleepers are shown in Table 3.
of the rail fastening system.
2.2.1. Service stage
2.1.2. Ballast pressure distribution The loading of the sleeper does not depend solely on
Most railway authorities assume a uniform the wheel or axle loads of the rolling stock, but on a
distribution of the pressure beneath the sleeper (at least variety of factors representing the complex elastic
as one loading case), allowing pressures of O-4-- system (rail/fastening/sleeper/ballast) as well as the
0.5 N/mm2. Often pressure is assumed to be more dynamics of the loading. However, it is difficult to
concentrated towards the ends of the sleeper because quantify accurately the various influences and so the
normally the centre of the sleeper does not (and should design parameters are based on the assumption of
not) rest on the ballast. Other pressure distributions safety factors resulting from long-term experience.
Table 3. Main dimensions of typical monoblock sleepers

Country Type Gauge: Length:

mm mm 1dim~~?m~ ./z\2‘

. At rail seat Mid-span

H w, w, H 41 w,
Australia (NSW) SRAl 1435 2500 212 250 200 165 250 200
Canada (CNR) CN6OB 1435 2542 203 264 216 159 264 226
China s-2 1435 2500 203 280 170 165 250 161
West Germany B70 1435 2600 214 300 170 175 220 150
UK F27BS 1432 251.5 203 264 216 165 264 230
Hungary LM 1435 2420 181 280 204 130 272 217
Italy FS V35 1435 2300 172 284 222 150 240 190
Japan 3H 1435 2400 220 310 190 195 236 180
Sweden s3 1435 2500 220 294 164 185 230 150
USA Amtrak 1435 2591 241 279 241 178 279 250
South Africa P2/F4 1065 2057 221 245 140 197 203 140
India BG 1673 2750 210 250 180 220
USSR 1520 2700 193 274 177 135 245 182

Considering that the axle spacing (normally 1*7-3m) (i) sleeper spacing
is at least two and a half times the standard sleeper (j) axle spacing
spacing (0~55--0~70m), it is normal to consider the These parameters are detailed in Tables 3-5.
individual axles separately. However, the stiffness of If the moment capacity is defined as the supporting
the rail is such that, although the sleeper directly under moment, taking into account the prestress and
the axle experiences the greatest load, there is some allowable concrete stresses, it must obviously be larger
distribution to the sleepers either side. than the corresponding applied bending moment
The loading case which determines the sleeper caused by external loading. This holds true for any
design is defined as the maximum wheel load acting section along the sleeper body if cracks are to be
directly above the sleeper. Modifications to this would avoided. The uncertainty of this principle lies in the
be an impact factor to account for the dynamic fact that the static moment capacity can be computed
loading (due to anomalies of rolling stock and/or rails) fairly accurately but that the determination of the
including fastening and ballast attenuation effects, and applied bending moment is difficult. Assumptions for
a distribution factor to account for the vertical stiffness the loads acting on the sleeper depending on impact
of the rail and the elasticity of the subsoil and ballast.
effects and the elastic response of the rail, fastening,
Under this loading a prestressed concrete sleeper and ballast system (including the ballast
monoblock sleeper will be subjected to an almost
pressure distribution) can lead to a variety of values
unlimited number of load cycles between zero and full
for applicable bending moments. Normally the bending
load but hopefully it will not crack. moment capacity is computed considering the
However, many railways have found cracks from prestressing force after all losses (20-250/, due to elastic
severe overloads, if infrequently, in sleepers. These shortening, shrinkage, creep and relaxation). The
’ cracks need not result in reduced service life so long as allowable concrete tensile stress is 2-3N/mm*
full prestress is maintained at the rail seat by a reliable (extremes zero and 6.9N/mm2) and the allowable
tendon bond-transfer or anchorage system. As a rule concrete compressive stress is 20-30N/mm* which, as
the most critical bending moment along the sleeper a rule, is not critical.
body occurs at the rail seat under maximum wheel A comparison has been made between the positive
load, causing tensile stresses at the underside. Those moment capacities a> the rail seat M,,, as indicated by
positive and negative bending moments which occur in the various railway authorities and a bending moment
other sections of the sleeper are usually less important.
M, derived from the maximum axle loads and using a
The design and the degree of prestressing is therefore
very simple static model for the symmetrical loading
primarily dictated by the conditions at the rail seat. case shown in Fig. 2, while neglecting the distribution
The most important parameters to affect the rail seat capacity of the rail and all other dynamic and elastic
bending moment are

(a) maximum static axle loads (symmetrical) and

wheel loads (non-symmetrical due to curves)
(b) impact effects due to the condition of rolling stock
wheels and rails
(c) maximum train speed
(d) minimum track radius
(e) sleeper length
(f) the bearing conditions of the sleeper on the ballast,
especially in the centre part
4 - a & = Amax kc
(g) the relative stiffness of the rail, sleeper and ballast 2 a
(h) the elastic properties of the rail fastening system Fig. 2. Simple static model for the applied loriding of a sleeper
MI. Parawters@Iwncitqfbendingnwmemts


Atmtmlia (NW) SRAl so-6oo 53160 L%m 200 1.5

z W’JR) CN6OB 610 16762743 132RE/136RE 194 l-5
s2 mk%n 350 1.6
wc!!at Germany BM iE-650 min. 1800 S54pJIC 60 l-5
UK F27RS 654700 2am BSllM z 2.5 (max)
HWWY aoq 710 1800 43/48+4k&n
Italy &35 600 1m30 UIC 60 iti
1200 :::
Japan 504/6081tg/m
SWdUl i? =d25oo
USA Amtrak ii+ 2130 i&kg/m iti l-5
south At&a 700 1753 48157 kg/m 150
India r 650 MO-2E90 UIC 60 550 l-5
- USSR 500-643 1850-2700 R5O/R65/R70 350

Maximum static A@ AUOtVCd DamaluM R a t i o

axle load rail sat concrete moment 1,s
A lu: moment tensile =mtY M”
kN M,: kNm strasszN/mmz &m
Australii (NW) . SRAl 162 23-8 l-5
Canada (CNR) CN6OB 2&l ;; 306
China s2 162 139 iii
-Y B70 16-O El 189
UK F27BS 16-5 es 254 :::
Hungary 124 43 15-z 1.3
Italy &35 119 4-7 15a
3H 9.8 0 17.3 ::;
SWCdUl s3 14-7 30 150
USA Amtrak 23.3 429 :t
South Africa p2/F4 13.8 ;: 11.2 08
India BG 149 2‘0 24.3 l-6
USSR 19.5 2il 13.5 07

properties of the system. The corresponding values are actually in use in one of the most dominating sleeper
shown in Table 5 for the same typical monoblock types in each country is also shown.
sleepers as in Tables 3 and 4. More refined design methods must take into account
For the sieeper types examined the ratio J,=M,JM” load impact factors (1-5-3-5) and elastic damping
lies between 07 and l-8. The variation of 1 reflects effects of the whole system and rail distribution
differencesinthedemandsfromvariousrailwayauthorities, capacities. However, such comprehensive design
which in turn are dependent on the various conditions methods are not generally in use and it is assumed
of the track and the rolling stock together with the that in practice estimates are based on experience.
general philosophy of safety in the countries taken into
account. (In the simple model shown in Fig 2 only the 2.23. Fatigue
maximum static load and the sleeper length are As railway sleepers are by detlnition subjected to
considered) Furthermore the differences in the cyclic loading during their entire life, special care must
demands can be viewed from the specified values of the be taken with the fatigue resistance of all materials
allowed concrete tensile stress (see Table S), which in involved, including that of the prestressing steel. A
addition to the demanded moment capacity is strongly crack-free sleeper body under dynamic axle loading is
related to the safety of the track. desirable because cracks in the concrete caused by
Nevertheless there appears to be some systematic bending moments lead to a large increase in the stress
relationship between the rail seat bending moment M, range of the ‘p&stressing steel which could cause a
computed according to Fig 2, and the demanded fatigue failure.
moment capacity M,, at the same place, expressed by As long as all sections of the sleeper body remain
the ratio 1= M&U,, averaging approximately l-3. homogeneous (i.e. crack-free) there is normally no risk
The factor rl permits at least a simple and fast of a fatigue failure of the prestressing steel. If cracking
preliminary design of a prestressed concrete mono- were to occur, however, the fatigue resistance could be
block sleeper (before the determination of allowable critical. A high quality prestressing wire or strand is
material stresses) under dynamic loading conditions. apt to withstand a stress variation of only WOO/, of its
Table 6 shows the demands t+om the railway ultimate tensile strength.32 For these reasons most
authorities on the bending moment capacities at both railway authorities are conservative in allowing
rail seat and mid-span. The type of prestressing tendon concrete tensile stresses as the basis for the moment
Table 6. Bending nwncnt ixpncitkd ad pvrhrsstnd tendons

At mid-span

Paaitivc NCgtltiVC Positive NegtiVC

kNm kNm kNm kNm

Austmlii (Nsw) SRAI 234 - 12.1 108 -160 18 wim 5

Canada (CNR) CN6OB 3M -158 15.1 - 18.5 26 wires
China 52 134 -11.2 44wim :
west ciannanv BM 184 - 12.1 E: -12.1 8wim 69
UK - F27Bs 250 -110 144 -135 6mands 93
Hungary 15.5 - 13.3 9.2 -96 6owim 2.5
Italy E”35 15-o -189 18.0 -130 Ewires
Japan 3H 17.3 - 107 12.2 -11-E 4bm 1:
SW&II s3 150 -11 60 wired 2
USA Amtrak 424 --a 2z -339 8 smnds 93
South Mica 11.2 - 102 16 wires 4
India r 24.3 -152 160’ - 15.3 22wires 5
USSR 135 -92

aspacities and a few of them even exclude any tensile Although anchorage of the prestressing steel in
SCreSseS. concrete monoblock sleepers by bond is more delicate
Fatigue loading, especially if it wmes to cracking, in various respects than the positive end-anchorage, it
has a noticeable effect on the transfer length of wires is a widely accepted method with a successful history.
or strands anchored by bond. An increase of up to
so”/, over the static transfer length has then to be 23aotbrdemads
taken into account to ensure the development of the 23.1. Electrical insulation
full prestressing force under the rail seat where the Most concrete sleepers are used in electrically
maximum bending moment capacity is required. controlled signal territory so it is necessary to provide
223. Ultimate failure insulation between the rails and the sleepers. This is
Ultimate failure moments are occasionally specified usually accomplished by means of plastic insulators
inserted between the spring clips and the rail
and then most often for the rail seat only. In the few (Pandrol), insulating plastic screw inserts (HM) or
cases where reliable figures could be obtained, the
failure moment is 14-2.6 times the corresponding insulated pins (FIST). In all cases the pad placed under
bending moment capacity. If possible, the failure mode the rail must also provide electrical isolation. A typical
should not be brittle, i.e. the compressive strength of value for signal insulation is the requirement of a
minimum impedance of 20000 R per sleeper when a.c.
the concrete should allow the prestressing steel to energy of lOV, 6OHz is applied to the rail fastening
elongate well into the plastic range before the ultimate assembly.
capacity is reached. One test to qualify components consists of soaking
2.2.4. Anchorage of prestressing steel insulators and pads in distilled, deionized water at
Concrete monoblock sleepers are prestressed either 38°C for eight hours. After removing the components
by high-tensile wires (2-7 mm in diameter) or strands from the water, a temperature of 32°C at a relative
(64-l 1.1 mm in diameter). For a reliable application of humidity of W”/, is maintained for one hour. ‘The
the prestressing force the effectiveness of the end- components are then assembled on a sleeper and 1OV
anchorage of the prestressing steel is of paramount a.c., 60 Hz is applied for 15 minutes. After 15 minutes
importance. the impedance is measured and recorded. The
A positive end-anchorage is specified by some requirements of the test are met if the impedance
railway authorities, excluding any slippage of the pre- exceeds 2oaloR.
stressing steel and consequently any loss of prestressing In cases of electric traction, insulation must also be
force due to anchorage deficiencies. This principle has provided to isolate the running rails from the sleeper.
been successfully implemented in various ways e.g. Rail fastening components which have successfully
using button-headed wires and anchor plates. Parallel passed the electrical isolation test specified for signal
to this, sleepers manufactured in pretensioning beds circuits q also operating successfully in electric
with tendons having good bond properties have gained traction applications. Railway electrical engineers
wide acceptance. For the development of a reliable should be consulted for special requirements.
bond the diameters of wires and strands must be kept
fairly small; individual wires are prefmbly provided 23.2. Durability
with an eff&ctive indentation. Furthermore the concrete The concrete used for the manufacture of prestressed
must be fully compacted in the anchorage zone and all concrete sleepers must be of high quality and
wires or strands perfectly embedded. The specified durability. Concrete ingredients should consist of high
concrete compressive and tensile strengths at the quality cement, sound aggregates and a low water-
transfer of the restressing force must be monitored cement ratio. In cold climates where concrete sleepers
and maintained. R are exposed to freezing and thawing conditions, air

entrainment can greatly improve durability, Relatively 2.4. Material and control specifications
low percentages of entrained air-3-4x (in plastic Standard material specifications should be include
concrete 4+60/,)---tan result in an extremely durable wherever possible in concrete sleeper specification
concrete without a marked reduction in concrete The specifications would include cement, aggregate ,
strength. Durability tests for freezing and thawing water and admixtures, specifications for prestressing
should be conducted using the actual mix materials to tendons and the rail fastening components. Sampling of
optimize the final mix design. Caution should be materials and testing in accordance with the standards
exercised in the selection of aggregates to prevent provides the means by which quality control may be
deterioration of the concrete through alkali-aggregate exercised. Often, a written quality assurance plan is
reaction with the cement. This reaction, which is often required which includes the quality control programme
long term, can have disastrous effects as complete necessary to assure the desired outgoing quality level
disintegration of the sleepers can result. of the end product (see Appendix 1).


3.1 Functions of rail fastening systems are expensive, do not have the required
The purpose of a rail fastening system is to transmit resilience when used with concrete sleepers and have
the forces exerted by the rail on to a sleeper and to been superseded by newer, elastic fastening systems.
hold the rail to gauge. These forces are primarily those Elastic fastenings have some form of spring or
from the action of the vehicle on the rail although the sprung element and are now the natural choice fo:
effects of the environment (e.g. temperature) also have modern railways. There are many ways in which a
an influence. As well as its primary load-carrying role, siring may be built into the system but they fall
the system has important requirements from the point broadly into three main groups: sprung spikes, screw
of view of installation, maintenance and other systems and clip systems.
operating requirements of the railway.35*36 The
following points are important performance criteria for 3.2.1. Sprung spikes
a fastening system. Sprung spikes are used almost exclusively on timber
sleepers (Fig. 3). They have the advantage of simplicity
(4 The system must hold the rails to the correct
but all the disadvantages of spike fastenings to
gauge and inclination. timber-fretting, wear and decay around the hole in
(b) The system must safely transmit the rail forces to
the timber.
the sleeper. These include vertical axle loads, side
forces and longitudinal creep. (All these forces are
3.2.2. Screw systems
present, even on straight track).
Screw systems are used with concrete sleepers. They
(4 The system must attenuate the shock loads to have the advantages of being able to increase the
prevent the sleeper from suffering vibration impact clamping force, and of having easily replaceable
or abrasion damage, and must not suffer from components. It is also possible to vary rail height in
wear caused by attrition. some versions. With these advantages come the
(4 The fastening must have sufficient elasticity and disadvantages that their successful fitting may be
fatigue resistance to have a long track life.
operator-sensitive (e.g. to get the correct clamping
(4 Installation and maintenance must be considered force) and that they may rust and seize up in use and
and the system should preferably be able to be
installed easily by manual and mechanized
Electrical insulation must be good so that track
circulating may be used if desired.
The system must not permit gauge spread.
The components must be inexpensive and should
be easily and inexpensively replaceable. Otherwise
they should have a durability equal to the life of
the sleepers (e.g. cast-in components).
(9 The components must also be designed so as not
to put expensive constraints on the sleeper design
and production method.
(A The system should be vandal-proof.

3.2. Fastening types

There are two main types of fastening: rigid and
elastic. Rigid fastenings are typified by the early
development of bullhead rail in chairs, rigidly bolted to
a sleeper or flat-bottomed rail on base plates. These Fig. 3. Typical sprung spike

so become difficult to dismantle. It may also be adjustable than screw systems. Fig. 6 shows the
necessary to check the torque frequently. Fig. 4 shows essential features of one clip system and examples of
the essential features of one screw system and Fig. 5 others currently on the market.
shows some of the other systems currently on the
market. 33. Fastening design criteria
Elastic fastening has four main features which are all
3.2.3. Clip systems present in one form or another in the main systems on
Clip systems provide elasticity with some form of the market. These features are the clip or spring to
sprung clip or fastening element bearing on the rail on hold the rail to the sleeper, an anchor for the clip or
one side, and fastened into some form of anchor or spring, an insulator and a rail pad between the rail and
insert cast into the sleeper. These systems are robust sleeper.
and less sensitive to operator error as their correct
installation is readily checked by visual inspection. 3.3.1. Rail clamping force
They lend themselves to mechanized fastening and Clamping forces vary, depending on the fastening
release but have the disadvantage of being less system and customer requirement. However, most
systems offer a clamping force within the range 75
125 kN with deflexions of lO-15mm. By their nature,
Means of adjustment clip systems have a greater deflexion range than screw
\ systems. It is important for the spring to have a large
load capacity beyond its working range as this gives a
good fatigue life. The rail clamping force requirement
comes from the rail size, vehicle weight and speed, the
nature of the track, the radii of curves, temperature
range and so on.

3.3.2. Cast-in anchor

The anchorage of the clips in the sleeper has an
important role in joining the resilient clip or spring
part of the assembly to the less resilient sleeper. A
failure of the pad or clip can result in impact loads
Fig. 4. Features of a screw system
and vibration being transmitted to the anchorage
which it must sustain without breaking the sleeper or
coming loose.
Sleeper screw
Anchorages for screw inserts are made of either
nylon or polypropylene plastic. Clip anchors are made

Plastic dowel . .



Insulated~pad’~4J’ ’

Fig. 5. Examples of screw systems on the market: (a) Vossloh; (b) RN; Cc) R~.~ian; (d) Nabla
. - (a) . .

InSUlaISd steel anchor pi

kISUlStor assembl

Fig. 6. Examples of clip systems: (a) Padrol: (b) Fsst; (c) Sidc~inh: (d) J-kk (4 SafM cf) Hambo

of cast iron or forged steel. It is important for an

anchor to have sufficient grip deep down in the sleeper - Head-
to give resistance to dynamic loosening and a high
torsional resistance at the top of its stem. The insert
must also be designed to transmit side forces safely on
to the concrete. Fig 7 shows a typical modern insert,
indicating how these functional requirements are met.
3.3.3. Insulator
The insulator is an important requirement where
track circuiting is used for signalling. Even if electrical
IIq and side force
insulation is not required it does have a role to play in
stopping the rail wear on’ the fastening insert. The
insulation requirements of track depend on the nature
of the signalling and other electrical systems used but a q Rag stem
dry assembly should have an infinite resistance and a for grip
wet one not significantly less than 20OOOR per
assembly. The insulator should be resistant to wear, to
degradation by ultraviolet light and to attack from
track chemicals. r;Flc. 7 Typical casl-h aecbor

3.3.4. Rail pads , defects. In France 9mm pads are used for high-speed
The main purpose of the rail pad is to spread the lines. However, many soft pads are less durable than
contact load from the rail to the sleeper. The rail pad harder alternatives. In most cases, the soft and
also has an important role to play in attenuating sometimes thicker pad permits greater deflexion of the
impact loads from bad joints, track irregularities and elastic rail clips. This places the clips in a more severe
faults in rolling stock. The pads must stay in place and fatigue environment and may reduce long-term toe
not work out in use, and, like the insulator, must not load, which in turn reduces the longitudinal resistance
degrade in normal use. of the fastener system.
Pads are made typically of rubber, rubber bonded This conflict between requirements for low stiffness
cork, high density polyethylene (HDPE), polyurethane against durability and longitudinal restraint is one of
and ethyl vinyl acetate (EVA). Pad thicknesses vary the biggest challenges facing the fastener supplier.
between 5 mm and 10mm. Pad stiffness is typically in
the range 100 x lo3 N/mm to 600 x lo3 N/mm. On 3.4. Assembly and maintenance
heavy haul railways the elastic behaviour of the pad is Normal methods of rerailing may involve the
of less significance than for track where the speed installation and removal of fastenings more than once,
exceeds 100 km/h. Therefore durability is the for installation of the running rail, de-stressing and so
overriding requirement and plastic materials such as on. It is important, therefore, for the system to be
EVA are used. HDPE becomes brittle at low capable of assembly and removal by a mechanized
temperatures and so is not suitable for use in freezing process.
conditions. In service, occasional maintenance will be necessary
On higher speed tracks the most widely used pads and for this an assembly in need of maintenance must
are made of profiled neoprene or styrene butadiene be visible and displaced insulators and a new clip or
rubber. Recent research has shown that a pad thicker spring must be capable of being inserted by the track
than the normal 5mm will provide better attenuation man using light hand tools. The testing of fasteners is
of the impact loads induced by rail head and wheel described in reference 34.


4.1. General each bed. The prestressing wires or strands are

The manufacture of concrete sleepers is a highly anchored with tapered wedges and tensioned in groups
specialized sector of the precast concrete industry. Its corresponding to a line or a complete bed using large
special features include double acting hydraulic jacks, which are also used for
detensioning. The end of each mould is closed by
(a) demanding tolerances, typically &-3mm for overall means of plates or bars, which can be removed before
dimensions and reinforcement location and the transfer of prestress, and these also maintain the
kO.8 mm for the position of cast-in fastening correct location of the wires or strands’ in the moulds.
components The moulds are positioned on the bed before
(b) for pretensioned sleepers, the development of high concreting usually by a special purpose machine which
early strength (35-40 MPa) at early ages (14-15 h) may incorporate internal vibrators or make use of
by means of heat curing
external vibrators on the moulds.
(c) concrete of high durability to withstand arduous Heat curing using free steam is giving way to steam
in-track conditions, especially high frequency stress or hot fluid enclosed in pipes under moulds, which is
changes. more efficient and capable of automatic control by
monitoring concrete temperature. Electrical curing is
4.2. Production systems also used3s-a low voltage alternating current is
Manufacturing methods can be grouped under three passed through the concrete between the mould and
types: long line-for pretensioned, fully bonded, the prestressing wires or strands (direct electric curing).
monoblock sleepers; short line-for pretensioned, fully Itis essential to cover the concrete during heat curing;
bonded and end-anchored monoblock sleepers; or thermally insulated covers improve the efficiency.
instant demoulding-for twin-block reinforced concrete Heat curing enables production to proceed on a 24
sleepers and post-tensioned monoblock sleepers. hour cycle with the main activity during the day and
heating overnight. After the gentle transfer of prestress,
4.2.1. Long line method the wires or strands are cut with abrasive discs or with
The long line method was first developed in the UK oxy-acetylene torches, and the sleepers are lifted from
in 1943-46.37 At that time, prestressing beds were their moulds and stacked for dispatch without further
designed to accommodate about 50 pairs of single curing. In some factories the moulds are pushed off the
cavity moulds placed end to end. These were filled at a sleepers before detensioning; this avoids the need to
central point and moved along the tensioned allow for elastic shortening in the moulds. Before
prestressing wires to their curing positions. dispatch, rail pads are sometimes fixed to the sleepers
Current methods generally use gang moulds with with an adhesive which permits them to be peeled off
four to eight cavities and 30-60 moulds end to end on for later renewal.

4.2.2, Short line method 4.3. Raw materials

The short line method is used for bonded wire and 4.3.1. Cement
end-anchored pretensioned sleepers, the prestressing For pretensioned sleepers, high early strength
wires being tensioned against the end of the moulds. Portland cement is normally used, sometimes specified
Moulds with one to six cavities can be used, and for with a low alkali content. Post-tensioned and twin-
fully bonded sleepers there may be several moulds end block sleepers can be made with ordinary Portland
to end in a structural frame. Fixed stations are used cement as early strength is less critical.
for each operation (tensioning, filling, curing, de-
tensioning and demoulding), and the moulds are 4.3.2. Aggregates
moved between them. Curing is in an insulated The main requirement is for well-graded materials
enclosure, generally using free steam heating. with a proven durability record especially in relation
Wire is used for prestressing, and positive end- to abrasion resistance, frost resistance and freedom
anchorage such as button heading is preferred to avoid from alkali-aggregate reaction. The latter is important
the loss in tension caused by wire slip which could be in the context of the high cement contents and heat
significant with wedge anchors over short lengths. In curing used in production.
end-anchored sleepers, a steel plate used as a reaction
for the button-headed wire is cast into the sleeper. A 4.3.3. Admixtures
24 hour production cycle is common, but the short line Water reducing admixtures are widely used to
method can also be operated on a continuous shift facilitate high early strength development. In frost
system with shorter or longer curing periods. zones, air entrainment is essential-35% air in the
i hardened concrete is a recommended minimum level.
4.2.3. Instant demoulding method The use of heat curing means that partial replacement
The instant demoulding method is used for of cement with fly ash is possible without serious effect
reinforced concrete twin-block sleepers and post- on early strength.
tensioned monoblock sleepers. With twin-block
sleepers, the reinforcement is preassembled into cages 4.3.4. Prestressing wire and strand
and is located with the tie-bar in single cavity moulds. A short transmission length is an essential feature of
Low workability concrete is then placed in the mould pretensioned sleepers. 5mm wire and 903mm seven-
and compacted on a vibrating table. When compaction wire strand are the most widely used tendons; smaller
is complete the sleeper is removed by inverting the diameter wires (down to 2.11 mm) and three-wire
mould and transferred to a curing chamber where strand (down to 6+3mm) are also used in certain
moist heat is used to avoid premature drying of the countries. For fully bonded systems the wire should be
exposed concrete surface. indented with the Euronorm or a similar pattern, and
With post-tensioned monoblock sleepers, the casting strand is also frequently indented. For end-anchored
procedure is similar to twin-block sleepers except that sleepers 7mm wire is mainly used. It is important that
longitudinal holes (usually four) are formed in the after indenting and button-heading wire and strand
sleeper. After curing and when the concrete has retain adequate tensile strength and fatigue life.
achieved the required strength for prestressing, the Crimped wire may not have the required fatigue life.
high tensile hairpin-shaped bars are inserted into the
holes and tensioned by running nuts along the 4.3.5. Steel bars
threaded ends of the bars. When prestressing is The typical hairpin-shaped prestressing steel used in
complete the holes are tilled with cementitious grout to post-tensioned sleepers is 11 mm high tensile bar with
protect the steel. threaded ends.


5.1. Requirements other hand that products will be made to too high a
The fundamental reason for any quality control and specification and be uneconomical. The quality control
testing procedure of a manufactured product is to and testing regime must ensure that these risks are
ensure that the product is made to its proper acceptably small. A narrow band of product properties
specification. In a concrete element this requires an is also desirable to ensure consistency of behaviour in
inspection and testing regime throughout the whole use.
process of the selection and control of materials, and
the control of the manufacturing process, right up to
the point of delivery. 5.2. Testing
In any manufacturing procedure the resulting A variety of types of testing are required in railway
products will have varying characteristics in meeting sleeper manufacture. These fall into three main areas:
specification levels, e.g. concrete strength will vary. testing of the basic design to confirm its acceptability,
There is therefore a risk that on one hand substandard testing of the materials and testing of the finished
products will be delivered to the client, and on the product to confirm acceptability to the specification.

5.2.1. QualiJication testing failure occurs the amount of testing is increased until
Qualification testing is carried out on the first the underlying problem is rectified.
prototype sleepers to ensure their basic design Sleeper testing also involves continuous dimensional
acceptability. These tests to destruction vary between checking of the completed sleepers to predetermined
authorities but usually involve structural tests on the sampling rates to ensure that tolerances critical to the
sleeper itself with short-term, long-term and repeated final gauge, the correct operation of the fastening
loading. This usually involves testing the flexural system, and any automated handling systems are all
strength of the section beneath the rail and that of the satisfied. Important dimensional aspects of the sleeper
mid point of the sleeper, a bond test to failure, a that are checked are height, insert position, rail seat
torsion test and fatigue testing of the section beneath flatness and twist, and track gauge.
the rail seat. In the stacking yard and before delivery there is
Qualification tests are also required on the fastening usually a tinal back-up inspection to reject any sleepers
assembly to measure pull-out strength, torsion suffering from physical damage and to ensure that all
strength, toe load and resistance to side forces, aspects of the rail fastening system (e.g. cleanliness of
longitudinal creep force and repeated loading. It is also holes) are in order.
common to have initial qualification tests on the
materials and aggregate and sand that are to be used. 5.3. Quality control methods
Qualification testing on materials is important. The The traditional method of quality control in the
aggregate must be examined petrologically to check its precast concrete industry is for the concrete
durability including susceptibility to alkali-aggregate manufacturer to have his own testing and inspection
reaction and, if there is any risk, appropriate measures department and to have outside surveillance from the
must be taken in the mix design and choice of cement client. The amount of client involvement will depend
supply. Cement must be monitored throughout the on the complexity of the work being carried out and
production period to ensure that alkali levels are the level of confidence he has in the precast concrete
within approved limits. The abrasion resistance of the manufacturer. From experience in the defence industry
aggregate--coarse and tine fractions-is important and methods of self-certification (quality assurance) have
should be checked at the qualification stage. been developed.
Qualification testing is usually accomplished at the start
of the sleeper manufacture contract and sometimes 5.3.1. Inspection by client
before the contract has been awarded. In railway sleeper production the level of client
inspection is usually high. A visit of the client’s
5.2.2, Materials testing inspector is usually made on a weekly, if not daily,
During the manufacture of the sleepers there must basis. The inspector will review the materials and
be a continual programme of testing and inspection of sleeper test records for the intervening period, patrol
the materials being used. These tests are similar to the factory and sometimes carry out some of the
those carried out for any structural precast prestressed routine sleeper tests. This method is expensive for the
product. client.

5.2.3. Indirect materials testing 5.3.2. Quality assurance

Indirect materials testing consists of the inspection Quality assurance is a formalized quality control
of moulds, before they are first used, and routinely’ method based on written production procedures
throughout their life. This inspection is to guarantee carried out by the manufacturer. The method being
the production of sleepers of the correct finish and carried out by the supplier has the advantage of saving
dimensional tolerances. Substandard moulds are inspection costs usually borne by the purchaser.
removed from the production line and are repaired or Observance of the procedure is audited either by the
scrapped. Other inspection carried out in the client or by an appointed agency. A quality assurance
production process involves the inspection of plastic system has a number of essential features.
concrete, checking prestress levels, the position and fit (a) The responsibilities for production and quality
of any cast-in inserts and checking that they are not must be separated within the manufacturer’s
contaminated with mould oil. organization.
(b) The system must be operated by appropriately
5.2.4. Sleeper testing qualified and trained staff who are familiar not
Sleeper testing requires that the finished sleepers only with the tasks that they are carrying out but
have structural strengths and dimensional properties also the whole concept of quality assurance and
within the specification. Often a simple structural test the end use of the product.
is used as part of the acceptance criteria. This is (c) There must be a quality manual defining
usually a three-point bending test at the rail seat to procedures .of material acceptance and testing,
ensure that there is no cracking under a specified production method and finished product testing.
moment or to record the load at the first visible crack, This manual may name individuals who are
This moment or load is usually calculated on the trained and authorized to carry out specific tasks,
assumption that some tension exists in the outer fibre e.g. stressing and testing.
of the sleeper. In some countries this rail seat test is (d) The system must ensure traceability of materials
not carried out and is replaced by a centre bending from acceptance to delivery and have self-
test. The acceptance criteria often involves some form certification to ensure that the work described in
of control procedure with simple rules so that if a test the manual is carried out correctly.

(e) There must be a system of audit carried out in- automatic and progressive increase of inspection
house to ensure that procedures are being adhered which is only relaxed when the target is met;
to, that paperwork is up to date and that changes
in the production procedures are recognized, with Quality assurance has developed from initiatives in
the system being modified to accommodate them. the defence and aerospace industries. The standards for
(f) There must be an external audit of the system these initiatives have been source documents from
carried out by the client or his test authority. which more general national standards have been
(g) The system must ensure that failure to meet developed. The basic requirements of a sleeper quality
predetermined quality levels results in an assurance scheme are presented in Appendix 1.


6.1. Installation methods grade ahead of the track-laying train. Working from
The installation of concrete sleepers can be divided an adjacent track British Rail has used twin side boom
into five basic systems, which in order of capital cost cranes. Panels can also be placed by the gantry system.
are single sleepers, lifting frame, panel, gantry system
and track-laying train or machine. Each method is 61.4. Gantry system
appropriate for specific locations, quantities and The gantry system is a medium production rate
infrastructure development. system used where the rail is jointed, or where worn
out CWR can be cut to length. CWR is set at a
6.1.1. Single sleeper installation constant wide gauge of 2.45-3m on the ballast
Single sleeper installation is most appropriate when shoulder-either on special chairs or on a ploughed
capital costs of specialized equipment have to be kept level area in the shoulder ballast. Two gantries
to a minimum, because the equipment used is generally straddling the rail cars with a lifting beam between run
available within the maintenance team of most on the .wide track and raise 12m or 24m panels of old
railways. Labour cost per sleeper installed is high and sleepers and rails and move them to a flat wagon on
the rate of progress is limited. This system is often the old track.
used for individual sleeper replacement or for small The gantries then pick up either 39 or 78 individual
test locations. Types of equipment used include sleeper concrete sleepers or complete panels of sleepers and
inserters, sleeper knock-out machines, scarifiers and service rails and set them down in the gap created by
cranes. removing the old track. A rail threading machine
running on the new track threads the CWR on to the
6.12 Lifting frame system sleepers. This is followed by clip application and so on.
The lifting frame system is often used for new track The rate of progress is about 1100 sleepers per day.39
construction. The lifting frame can handle between This system is used extensively in the UK, Europe and
four and twelve sleepers, the actual number being Australia.
dependent on the capacity of the crane used to lift the
frame and sleepers. 6.15. Track-laying train or machine
Attachment of the frame to the sleepers can be by Several track trains are on the market which can
chain and hooks through the eyes of the shoulder or renew track or install new track. A typical track train
fastening system. A more elaborate system uses consists of a self-propelled track-laying machine, with
hydraulically controlled end clamps, but these can 12-25 special sleeper wagons pushed ahead of the
become mechanically complex (if only to ensure safety machine. The sleeper wagons are fitted with bridges
of attachment) and add dead weight to the frame, between them to allow two or three crab-like gantries
reducing the number of sleepers which can be lifted. to traverse the whole length of the train to deliver
Chains are simple, low-cost, reliable and light. The concrete sleepers to the machine and remove the
chain and hydraulic clamps normally have the same displaced wooden sleepers.
spacing as the sleepers in the track, or at half the A large articulated beam spans the front and rear of
centres, in which case every other sleeper is set down the track-laying machine. The sleeper conveyors (new
at the first set down area. concrete and old wood), concrete sleeper placing, wood
tie removal equipment and the rail change-out
6.1.3. Panel system equipment are all supported from this beam. At the
In the panel system, track is pre-panelled using 12m front the old rail is spread out to allow a pair of forks
or similar service rails which are later removed, and to dig under the wooden sleepers and remove them. A
replaced by continuous welded rail (CWR) once the plough immediately levels the ballast. Concrete
panels have been set in place. Simple panel assembly sleepers are then placed. Pads are placed on the
plants can be set up adjacent to the point of use and sleepers by hand. Either the old CWR or the new
panels delivered to site on flat cars. CWR is then threaded on to the sleepers and the rear
A rail-mounted mobile crane sandwiched between end of the machine runs on the new track before the
two flat wagons can be used to set the panels down on rail is clipped. Clips and insulators are applied behind
an adjacent grade. In Russia, packets of panels are the machine. Later the ballast can be undercut if
pulled under a cantilever gantry and set down on the required, the rail de-stressed, more ballast applied and
the track realigned, lifted and tamped. The average and old wooden sleepers incIuding fastening assemblies
rate of production is 2500 sleepers in an eight-hour has been tested.46 Resistance values have been
possession.3g determined for different environmental conditions
The machines can be purchased in dillbmnt ranging from dry and clean to saturated wet states.
configurations for use on new construction or track Test results indicate that the rail to sleeper/ballast
renewal and with or without rail renewal facilities. This interface resistance can vary a great deal depending on
system is used in Europe, Canada, the USA and environmental conditionq particularly moisture
Australia. content. It may increase by one to two orders of
magnitude, going from a saturated to a comp\ette\ydry
6.2 Flebl perfomlana! state. The concrete sleeper assembly exhibits an
The primary function of a sleeper, whether it is electrical resistance comparable to or better than
made of concrete, steel or wood, is to hold the rail to wooden sleepers except when the sleepers are
the gauge, and to transmit train loads into the ballast saturated.
and sub-ballast. Secondary functions of a sleeper Other work4’ suggests that the predominant factors
include prevention of lateral track displacement, affecting the leakage resistance through the sleepers in
prevention of longitudinal rail movement (in a track circuit are
conjunction with the fastening system), maintenance of
the line and level of the rails and provision of the (a) the rail fastening system design
designed rail cant. The performance of any track (b) the insulation pad pattern
system must therefore be evaluated in this context. (c) the length of the conduction path from the rail to
the sleeper
62.1. lhck and train dynamics (d) the amount of foul ballast, dust and iron filings
Theories have been developed to show the around fastenings
relationship between the static wheel load and the (e) separation of the rail from the ballast.
dynamic forces referred to as Pl and P2. In this
context wheel flats are considered to have a similar 623. Rail corrugations
effect to low welds or joints, but the effects of soft Short-wave and long-wave corrugations have
spots in ballast or formation have not been ,anaIysed. become more apparent since the mid 1970s where a
P2 force is particularly sensitive to the unsprung mass substantial portion of traffic is carried in 120 t gross
bouncing on the track. The forces experienced by the weight wagona, particularly in unit train
track occur over a wide range of frequencies up to configuration.4* Operating on corrugated rail requires
2OOOHz. At low frequencies (IOHz) the nature of the more frequent cycles of lining and lifting and this
track is relatively unimportant and suspension forces shortens sleeper life. Unless remedial measures are
caused by vehicle and bogie motions predominate. At taken, the corrugation will accelerate. The immediate
medium frequencies (20-IOOHz) the track system and palliative is rail grinding
vehicle unsprung mass with its primary suspension are Studies have shown that the principle causes of
most important (i.e. P2 forces). At the higher corrugation on wooden sleepers are due to dynamic
frequencies (200-2OOOHz) impact- and impulsive gauge widening caused by soft or spike-killed sleepers
loadings (Pl forces) dependent on track and wheel-set and uneven hardness of the rail head metal. Concrete
masses and the elasticity of the wheel/rail contact zone sleepers minimize corrugations because of their
predominate.40v41 superior gauge holding characteristics. The
When resilient pads are used, the forces measured introduction of alloy steel rails*s and the correct
are less than the mathematical formula would profiling of the rail during grinding provide correct
indicate-particularly over 65 krnb Further work4’ wheel to rail contact which reduces curving forces and
has shown that the longer duration of the P2 force rail head stresses. .
(20ms) allows it to be transmitted into the sleeper and Concrete sleepers are sometimes blamed for
ballast, whereas the Pl force, which has a steep rise increasing the incidence of rail corrugations but there
time and short duration, mainly affects the rail. is no evidence that there is any significant difference
At higher speeds there is a higher frequency sleeper between wooden and concrete sleeper track in this
stress component superimposed on the quasi-static respect.4*~49
response to the P2 force. This can lead to fairly high
tensile stresses in sleepers and has led to problems of 62.4. Sleeper cracking
concrete ties cracking in Europe’ and in the USA.43*44 The most likely locations for sleeper cracks are at
This higher frequency response occurs at up to the top or the bottom of the rail seat area and on the
12OOHz and, although attributed to wheel defects, is top of the sleeper at the centre. Rail seat positive
not yet well understood. It may have been overlooked cracks, i.e. those at the bottom of the sleeper, generally
in earlier measurements which use lower frequency result from infrequent high impact loads caused by
wheel and rail defects,43 or by high speed passenger
filters to eliminate noise. Current research is directed
trains with locomotives with high unsprung weight.
towards reducing the peak sleeper stresses by means of
Rail seat positive cracks are not uncommon, but
more resilient pads but there is evidence that thicker
pads may be necessary to achieve any worthwhile although sleeper life may be reduced the sleeper is still
beneflts.43*45 capable of carrying out its primary functions of
holding the rail to the gauge and transmitting load
622. Electrical properties into the ballast.
The rail to sleeper/ballast interface electrical Rail seat negative cracks are more serious and less
resistance of concrete sleepers, new wooden sleepers understood. The dynamics of the concrete sleeper

system and the train can cause break-up of the rail bolts is that a low-speed visual inspection will indicate
seat, which can result in premature sleeper failure. whether or not the fastening system, pads, insulators or
Fortunately these cracks are rare. clips are in position. If fasteners are in position they
Centre negative cracks in the top of the sleeper are are in working order.
caused by centre binding of the track. They may be
cured simply by removal of the cause of the centre Inspections should check
binding Splitting of sleepers can be caused by (a) that clips are in position or bolted fastenings have
incorrect fastening application or too many the correct torque
prestrcssing tendons placed in one layer. (b) that the insulator is in position and not distorted
(c) that pads are in position and not working free
62.5. Sleeper damage (d) signs, for rail running and for indication of loss of
Dragging equipment or a broken axle can cause toe load caused by pad deformation and clip
sleeper damage, irrespective of sleeper material. If the distress
cribs are kept full to the top of the sleeper, damage to (e) for centre negative cracks which are a sign of the
the sleeper will be minimixed. Fastenings which extend centre binding of the track
beyond the foot of the rail by more than 5O-75mm are (f) for rail seat negative or positive cracks
more vulnerable than those which shelter under the 0 for damaged sleepers caused by dragging
head of the rail. equipment or bad maintenance practices
Although sleeper life may be curtailed it is only (II) for corrugations which can be detrimental to the
necessary to replace seriously damaged sleepers track system.
immediately if they cease to perform their primary
functions of holding the rail to the gauge and Although concrete sleepers should last 40-50 years,
transmitting load into the ballast. it is unlikely that insulators and pads will last that
long Most railways budget to replace pads and
6.2.6. Lateral stability insulators at rail change-out or replacement.
Sleepers also help to maintain track alignment. The Maintenance of the sleeper/fastening unit is therefore
main factor involved in lateral stability is friction both simple and infrequent. It will be directed mainly
between the sleeper softit and the supporting ballast. towards surfacing and lining the system and grinding
7Betu is also a significant contribution from out rail corrugations. Experience has shown that with
compacted ballast shoulders at the sleeper ends and the exception of rail grinding the period between
compacted ballast in the cribs. Sleeper spacing is maintenance cycles can be longer than with a
therefore important in maintaining track alignment traditional wooden sleeper track system.
and is sometimes reduced in curves. Typically a
660mm sleeper spacing might be reduced to 610mm in 6A Lifeexpedancy
curves of less than 800m radius. Life expectancy is a key component for any
On some systems there is reluctance to use concrete economic analysis. In North America and in some
sleepers in tight curves but this relates more to the other areas concrete sleepers are more expensive than
increased loading On some heavy haul railways, wooden ones, but in Europe and areas where concrete
however, concrete sleepers have been prefer& in tight sleepers are cheaper at first cost, life expectancy is less
curves because of the generally improved track important.
stability obtained and the corresponding reduction in In countries where significant numbers of concrete
rail sleepers have been removed the reasons have usually
been fastening obsolescence or a change to a heavier
63. Inspection and maiWenance rail with a larger base which would not fit on the
Current track geometry and track inspection cars original sleeper and faste&ng system. In one country a
have simplified routine inspections of overall quality of large number of sleepers were removed because of
line, level, cross level, and gauge of both concrete and alkali-aggregate reaction, which is an intrinsic concrete
traditional track systems. However, these inspections failure rather than a structural failure. There is no
are no substitute for low-speed inspection by history of correctly designed and manufactured
competent track maintainers. One of the distinct concrete sleeper track systems under 50 years old
advantages of modem elastic fastening systems without suffering from premature failure.


7.1. Work in pogws developments of new sleeper designs) is in fact in

A sample of research and development in progress progress in most countries.
on prestressed concrete sleepers worldwide is presented
in this section. The absence of references to work in a 7.1.1. U K
given country is no indication that work is not in Developments in the UK have been concentrated on
progress or has not been conducted. Much general the production process and mould design. Research on
work (e.g. improvements of the production process or new sleeper designs, including sleepers for switches and

crossings, is also being carried out by British Rail. safety, reduced maintenance costs and improved riding
Research into the performance of fastening systems characteristics. It is unique in that it is designed to
and the effect of pad materials on sleeper trains is also carry 32 t axle loads. The slab track carries 60 kg
active. continuous welded rail placed on a continuous 6mm
thick rubber compound pad.
7.1.2. France
Work is going on in France to find solutions to the 7.1.8. USA
problems generated by lines with sharp curves used by In Colorado, near Pueblo, there is a special 8 km
very heavy trains, and the application of ballastless long railway track for testing-the FAST track (facility
track systems on bridges. l6 SNCF is in the process of for accelerated testing). The track was designed to test
installing concrete sleepers on a concrete slab in a simultaneously rolling stock, track structures, rail,
1400m long tunnel on the new TGV line between sleepers, ballast, fasteners, switches, safety equipment
Paris and Tours. However, to reduce vibrations in a and maintenance methods.22
winery above the track, 22mm rubber pads will be As the result of clip fall-outs on concrete ties and
placed between the slab and sleepers. Also 4*5mm some flexural cracking of concrete ties in the north-
rubber pads will be placed at the rail seat. east corridor (track between Boston and Washington
DC), several performance issues have been raised
7.1.3. Sweden concerning the criteria for assessing the safety of
More flexible sleepers are being developed in concrete tie track. Two primary issues are tie integrity
Sweden. The bond capacities of strands and wires are (at what point a tie is considered to have failed) and
also being studied. The fatigue resistance of the clip performance (how many clips are off and what
sleepers is being studied at Luled University of patterns can result in a wide gauge or rail buckling).
Technology and by SJ.‘i The development of To address these issues, tests by the Federal Railway
prestressed concrete sleepers for switches started in Administration in collaboration with the Battelle
Sweden in 1970. Since then 500 sets of switch sleepers Laboratories are being conducted to determine tie
have been installed successfully. strength, tie failure modes and the vertical and lateral
strength of track. The results should provide enough
7J.4. kinland information to define the minimum safe limits of
Disintegration of the concrete by frost has been concrete tie and fastener performance in the north-east
observed in sleepers in Finland. This problem has been corridor.
examined by the Technical Research Centre of Finland The Florida East Coast Railway is experimenting
and others. The main cause of the damage seems to be with concrete sleepers in service on an open deck
improper heat curing which has caused hair-line bridge. They have also installed concrete switch
cracks, either physically or chemically (ettringite). sleepers on a number ten turnout near Jacksonville,
7.1.5. Czechoslovakia
7.1.9. South Africa
Development of fastening systems with larger
flexibility is in progress in Czechoslovakia. Static and A wing sleeper has recently been developed for use
in situations where additional lateral resistance is
dynamic stress relations in the end-anchoring zones
depending on the diameters and the properties of the required, e.g. sharp curves and long bridges. Testing of
sleepers for switches is in progress with a project
wires have been studied.52*s3 concerning the use of more resilient rail pads for high-
speed trains.
7J.6. Hungary
In Hungary the first switches with concrete sleepers 7.1.10. India
were installed in 1984; laboratory experiments and in- An investigation was conducted by the Structural
track measurements are now being conducted. Engineering Research Centre (SERC) in Madras to
Recently developed sleeper types and fastening types determine the transmission length, the loss in
are also being tested and examined.54* 55 prestressing force, the optimum steam curing cycle, and
the cracking, ultimate and fatigue behaviour of
7.1.7. Canada prestressed concrete sleepers with different prestressing
The performance of sleepers under heavy work-loads steels. In an investigation by SERC and the Research,
is being studied with specific emphasis on impact Design and Standardization Organization of Indian
attenuation by pads of different materials and Railways (RDSO) it was concluded that stirrups were
thicknesses. Research is in progress on the not needed.28
development of prestressed concrete sleepers for use on
open deck railway bridge structures,56 and on sleepers 7.2 The future
for switches.57 Concrete material research is being Perhaps the greatest opportunity for the sleeper
carried out as a result of the effects of aggressive producer operating the long line process is to reduce
environments compounded with dynamic loading the curing time of concrete and to cast twice daily
regimes on concrete sleepers. instead of once, thereby reducing by half the size of a
Canadian Pacific Rail is testing a 300m length of plant needed and improving return on investment. In
slab track predominantly for freight traffic. The most places continuous work will be in progress to
structure of cast in place reinforced concrete develop more effective and economical production
foundations is designed to replace ballast and sleepers. methods. The dynamic response of the entire track
It is expected that derived benefits will be increased system is still not fully understood. Work should be
done to optimize the mass of the system with fastening All new developments must be tested for durability
response to impact loads. More work is still required to satisfy the requirements of climate and ever-
to improve pad characteristics. increasing loads. It must be ensured that there are no
Concrete crossing and switch sleepers have been unforeseen problems before installation, despite the fact
tested in Sweden, the UK, West Germany and that there is no way of reproducing the track
Australia, and are being tested in Canada and the environment in a laboratory.
USA. The advantages of a concrete crossing and Related to sleeper track is concrete slab track. Such
switch sleeper are a constant track modulus and a track is about 24-3 times the base cost of an
accurate factory set geometry. Development work is ordinary sleeper track, but a growing interest can be
required on frog design and geometry to reduce impact attributed to ever-increasing train speeds, train
loads and manufacturing costs. frequency and higher labour costs.


8.1. Advantages of concrete skeper track tpdems (b) increased rail life-the achievement of this rail life
Recent developments show that concrete sleeper is a function of the complete track structure, not
track will not only perform under heavy axle loads but just concrete sleepers; important contributions to
also show distinct cost benefits in curved, high tonnage this increased life are good rail lubrication,
territory and in high-speed passenger lines.3gv40 In correctly profiled rail grinding and a consistent
many countries (e.g. in Europe) the cost of a concrete giNlgkP
sleeper track is lower than that of a wooden sleeper
track even on the first-cost basis. Other advantages of Maintenance-related advantages of concrete sleeper
concrete sleeper track over wooden sleeper track fall track are
into four categories. (4 more uniform settlement than with wooden sleeper
Sleeper-related advantages of concrete sleeper track track which provides a smoother, safer ride for
passenger comfort43
that concrete sleepers should last for 50 years (4 extended surface and alignment cycles which can
that shoulders are either cast into the sleeper or be reduced by one full cycle in a five-year periodJg
pre-formed, so there is consistent gauge holding (4 reduced derailment frequencyJg
and a consequent reduction in dynamic wide (4 that there is more time to run revenue trains-the
gauge problems primary objective of a railway
(4 that there is no plate cutting caused by high lateral (4 improved ride quality due to improved track
loads, which leads to static and dynamic wide geometry.43
gauge with loss of rail life on wooden sleepers Another advantage is that the increased track
(4 a higher vertical and lateral stiffness than with modulus of concrete sleeper track and the reduction of
wooden sleeper track due to the greater mass of the procession wave in the rail ahead of each wheel set
concrete sleepers and the more determinate-yet (and therefore a reduction in rolling resistance) reduces
resilient-fastening system energy consumption by a minimum of 2-3x depending
(4 that longitudinal restraint is built into the system on traffic mix and tonnage.
W that there is no spike kill during rail changeout
and transposition 82 conchldillg renlarkll
k) that a consistent and reproducible quality is The large-scale use of concrete sleepers in railways
achievable began in the 1940s. Nowadays they are used
(h) that fewer concrete sleepers per kilometre are successfully all over the world. There are still, however,
required (1640 concrete sleepers as against 1930 great possibilities for developing and extending the use
wooden ones). of concrete railway sleepers. Such progress will rely to
a considerable extent on experience in countries where
Rail-related advantages are concrete sleepers have been in use for a long time,
(a) easier and quicker rail transposition, which is very although special consideration must always be given to
important in high tonnage areas with short rail life local conditions in different parts of the world.



Qlnwyw-n orgallktloa
The supplier shall establish, document and maintain an The supplier shall appoint a management qnesentative,
inspection system capable of $roducing objective evidence preferably independent. of other functions, to be responsible
that the sleepers conform to the specified requirements, for all inspection matters. He shall have the necessary
whether wholly manufactured or processed by the supplier or authority to execute such responsibility to the satisfaction of
produced by subcontractors. The supplier shall ensure that the purchaser or his representative, hereinafter referred to as
essential inspection requirements are determined and satisfied the purchaser’s representative. .
throughout all phases of the work.
Review of the quality system - Receiving inspection
The inspection system shall be periodically and The supplier shall ensure that no incoming material is used
systematically reviewed by the supplier to -ensure its or processed until it has been inspected or otherwise verified
continued effectiveness. Records of the review shall be as conforming to specified requirements. In determining the
maintained and be available to the purchaser’s amount and nature of receiving inspection, consideration
representative. shall be given to the control exercised at source and
documented evidence of quality conformity provided.
Inspection and test procedures Verljication of purchased material
The supplier shall establish and maintain clear, complete The purchaser’s representative shall be afforded the right
and current written inspection and test procedures for each to verify at source or after receipt that purchased material
inspection operation, including those relative to the conforms to specified requirements. Verification by the
assessment of the adequacy of process controls. (Exceptions purchaser’s representative shall not relieve the supplier of the
will be allowed when such procedures form an integral part responsibility to provide acceptable material nor shall it
of detailed manufacturing or process control documents, or preclude subsequent rejection. When the purchaser’s
when a lack of written procedures will not adversely affect representative elects to perform verification at source the
product quality.) supplier shall include, in his purchasing document, a
The supplier shall identify to the purchaser’s statement that stipulates such requirements, as directed by
representative, on request, those inspection operations for the purchaser’s representative.
which no written procedures are provided. Criteria for
approval or rejection shall be included in all written Workmanship
procedures. Inspection equipment to be used shall be The supplier shall establish criteria for acceptable
identified and its uncertainty of measurement stated. workmanship through written standards or representative
samples. Where applicable, the supplier’s proposed standards
Records shall be satisfactory to the purchaser’s representative.
The supplier shall maintain records of all inspections and
tests performed to substantiate conformity with specified Corrective action
requirements. Pertinent subcontractor records are an element The supplier shall establish and maintain documented
of these data. Records shall include, as appropriate, procedures to provide for
identification of the item, the lot or batch, the nature and
number of observations made, the number and the type of (a) a continuing analysis of concessions granted and of
deficiencies found, the quantities approved and rejected and material scrapped, reworked, modified or otherwise
the nature of any corrective action taken. Records that repaired to determine the cause and the corrective
substantiate conformity with the specified requirements shall action needed
be retained for an agreed period and made available on (b) a continuing monitoring of processes and work
request. operations and analysis of records to detect and
eliminate potential causes of nonconforming material
Technical data and changes (c) the initiation of appropriate action with subcontractors
The supplier shall ensure that the pertinent issues of on receipt of nonconforming material
appropriate documents, including authorized changes (d) an assurance that corrective actions are effective.
thereto, are available at all locations where operations
essential to the effective functioning of the inspection system Completed items inspection and test
are performed. The supplier shall perform all inspections and tests on the
finished product necessary to complete the evidence of full
Inspection equipment conformity to specified requirements. Procedures for final
The supplier shall be responsible for providing, controlling, inspection and test shall ensure that inspections and tests
calibrating and maintaining inspection, measuring and test that should have been conducted at earlier stages have been
equipment and services to the specified requirements. performed and that the data are acceptable.
Equipment shall be used in a manner which ensures that the
measurement uncertainty is known and is consistent with Sampling procedures
required measurement capability. Such responsibility shall Sampling procedures used by the supplier shall be in
include, as necessary, the validity of the subcontractor’s accordance with the specified requirements or shall be
measurement system. subject to agreement by the purchaser’s representative.

Inspection of purchased material Control of nonconforming material

Purchasing The supplier shall establish and maintain procedures for
The supplier shall ensure that all purchased material controlling material that does not conform to the specified
conforms to specified requirements. When evidence of requirements. These procedures shall include provision for
conformity depends solely on inspections performed by the identification, segregation and disposition, as appropriate. All
subcontractor, the. supplier is responsible for ensuring that nonconforming material shall be clearly identified to prevent
such evidence is satisfactory and that appropriate records are unauthorized use, shipment or mixing with conforming
maintained. All purchasing documents and reference data material.
shall be available for review by the purchaser’s Holding areas or procedures, mutually agreed between the
representative. supplier and the purchaser’s representative, shall be provided.
Repair, rework or concessions or nonconforming material
Purchasing data and reinspection shall be in accordance with documented
Each purchasing document shall contain a clear procedures. Adequate records, clearly identifying the
description of the material ordered, including, as applicable, material, the nature and extent of nonconformity and the
the type, class, grade or other precise identification, and the disposition, shall be maintained.
title or other positive identification and applicable issue of
specifications, drawings, process requirements, inspection Indication of inspection status
instructions and other relevant data. The supplier shall establish and maintain a system for

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