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Patient: Amna, Mahmoud, Attya ABO-EL-EAZED ID: FL1082841 DOB: 10/4/1992

Age/Gender: 25Y, F Procedure: PET CT Study Date: 12/27/2017 10:32:31 AM

Order #: FL1120382

Report Status: Finalized

Whole Body F18- FDG PET/CTstudy

Clinical history:-

25 years old female patient , known case of HL with left cervical lymph nodes year- old patient,
received 6 sessions of CTH

Type of the study: initial study.

Correlation :previous CT dated 21/5/2017 ( neck and upper chest )


Radiopharmaceutical: 18F FDG, 0.7 mCi I.V.

Blood glucose level at time of 18F-FDG injection 88 mg/dL .

Time from 18F-FDG injection to scan: 60 min

Technique :MDCT diagnostic post contrast examination was taken after I.V. non-ionic contrast
administration for attenuation correction anatomic localization followed by PET images from the skull
vault to the mid thigh were obtained.

Images of CT and corresponding functional PET images are taken in axial, coronal and sagittal planes.

Patient's height: 156 cm patient's weight: 80 kg

SUV average of reference hepatic activity = 1.5

SUV was corrected according to lean body mass g/Ml *


Head and Neck:

Remarkable regression as regard size and number of previously reported metabolically active multiple
lymph adenopathy as follows :

left group V , now largest is measuring 2.6 cm with SUV max of 5.2

At left group VI largest is 2.9 with SUV max 7.7

The brain exhibited normal FDG bio-distribution

Physiologic FDG uptake is seen in the oropharynx, salivary glands, and larynx.

No focal or diffuse thyroid gland FDG uptake could be elicited.


Noted regression as regard size and number of multiple metabolically active lymph nodes at :

Left level II pectoral group largest is 1.2 cm with SUV max of 3.2

Left hilar sub centrimeric with SUV max 3.2

Small left posterior basal 10 mm nodule is seen with SUV max of 1.7

Non FDG avid left basal , posterior segment (para vertebral) pulmonary nodules , largest is 7 mm

There are no pleural or pericardial abnormalities.

Physiologic FDG uptake is noted in the myocardium.

Abdomen and Pelvis:

Multiple metabolically active FDG avid lymph nodes are seen involving:

splenic hilum , measures 2.4 cm with SUV max

Celiac largest measures 1.3 cm with SUV max

Left para aortic measuring 10 mm with SUV max 3.4

No evidence of lymphomatous infiltration of the liver , kidneys and pancreas

There are no FDG avid adrenal nodules.

No evidence of FDG avid peritoneal nodules

Physiologic FDG excretion is seen in the kidneys and bladder.

No evidence of ascites


[Normal FDG activity is seen along the surveyed skeleton. No sclerotic or lytic lesions are noted on CT.


A known case of Hodgkin lymphoma, initial PET/CT revealed positive study for multiple metabolically
active FDG avid supra and infra-diaphragmatic nodal lesions, as described(Stage 4)for follow up PET/CT
to evaluate the metabolic response

Thanks for referral;

Amal Ibrahim.,MD

Radio-diagnosis department ,

Nuclear Medicine unit ASUH

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