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the global issue that connects both extracts is the sdg goal number 16, peace, justice and

instituitions.the pourpose of this goal is to Promote
peaceful and inclusive
societies for sustainable development, provide access to justice for all
and build effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels.

 The nefarious power of the military-industrial complex.

 Warmongers in government at the height of the Cold War (and beyond)

 "Masters of War" by Bob Dylan, was written in the winter of 1963. During the time of the release, the nation
was stuck in a conflicting time period where many Americans didn't support the nations involvement in the
cold war against the Soviet Union. It was published on Dylan's album "The Freewheeling' Bob Dylan". Dylan,
a young artists being only 30, was one of the first to stand out and voice his opinion against the politicians
and war profiteers. The song was a bold, direct protest to the Cold War that appealed to the cultures desire
for change. compared to the other songs he did such as the hurricane or john brown this is the boldest song
he has ever released

- Masters of war shows power and it shows control. The people he is addressing are the
ones who can start and end wars. he addresses the people who can start and end wars with an
anaphora “you”. he is indirectly addressing the politicians and the war profiteers as cowards as all
they do is build, hide in their office and make innocent people do their dirty works for money.
Repetition of “You that build” and then a negative thing they caused, he is calling them out
saying they can’t hide what they do. it is a Metaphor for them building death. Later Dylan
switches from “You that build” to “You who hide” which suggests they are afraid of the
things they have built and wantedly hide for them. Dylan uses the word mask to metaphorically
represent the two faces of the politicians, one face where they act nice to get votes and another face
for money.

Dylan says they have never done anything but build to destroy which is a reference to arms
builders who create weapons that cause a lot of suffering Refers to the world as their little toy,
suggests war profiteers are like children, they only act and don’t think of the consequences. They
aren’t taking real issues seriously and can’t think about anyone but themselves like children. Judges
arms dealers from not signing up and fighting in the war, they are just there to profit of the deaths
and suffering of other people.

Compares them to Judas (Jesus’ accomplice who sold him out which led to his death) which
is a biblical comparison which shows his opinion that by producing weapons the arms
dealers are selling out their fellow men and leading them to their death. “A world war can be
won you want me to believe” refers to the arms dealers trying to trick others into going to war by
providing hope. Even though they know its hopeless they want people to enter so they can sell
more weapons and profit of keeping the war going. Next lines are Bob Dylan saying he sees through
their lies and calling out that the war can’t be won and that he won’t go to war because he doesn’t
believe it can be won.
Fasten all the triggers is a metaphor for creating the guns soldiers use. Then Bob calls them
out for not being there next to their fellow countrymen and instead being at home relaxing with
the money earned from making all the others suffer. Criticizes them for not doing anything while
people are dying And buried in the mud refers both to the young soldiers being buried for no
reason and to the blood being buried into the mud (double meaning)

Start of stanza talks about how the war is making people afraid to start families which shows that
the worry about the war effects everyone not just the soldiers. Others are afraid that the war will
have consequences for them. They are worried enough to not have children.
Since the arms dealers are profiting of the war continuing they are making people afraid
that their children will have to fight in the war (“Threatening my baby” line) could also
suggest fear of potential counter attacks leading to the death of children.

“How much do I know to talk out of turn” Can be seen as Dylan saying he doesn’t know all
the answers and is just giving his opinion. Or can be seen as him claiming his opinion is
certainly right and that he is going to inform as many people as he can. Dylan points out that
his critics will say he is young and unlearned (not an actual word which can be seen as him playing
into the role of not being smart) but then he turns it around and states that even at his young age
he knows what the arms dealers are doing isn’t something that can be forgiven (Not even by Jesus
the son of God who is famous for being forgiving.)

Starts of by asking them how they are enjoying their money, comes of as curious about
what someone as evil as arms dealers would do with that money. Then starts to question if
the money they earned was worth all the violence and bloodshed they caused. Makes them
question whether or not what they did was worth the sacrifice of their soul (which represents their
moral integrity and their honor)

Admits he hopes they soon die, shows true hatred and anger about what these people do. By
saying he hopes they die he is also saying he doesn’t think there is redemption for what they did.
The only fitting punishment is death.
States he will only come to their funeral to see them lowered in their grave and to make
sure they are dead. He doesn’t care about the fact that they died, just like they didn’t care
about all the people who died through their weapons. He just hopes death sticks and that
they don’t find some way to hide from it or outrun it like they did with the war.

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