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I. Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions given below.
Martin the Monkey

Martin the Monkey lives in an oak tree at Crag Park in Bananaville. He works for the Banana
telephone company. He is the best worker they have because he can climb the telephone poles very
fast as compared to others. On Saturdays, Martin pitches for the Crag Baseball team. The team is a
semiprofessional team. Martin has become extremely famous for his "Primate Pitch." The "Primate
Pitch" is thrown straight up. The pitch then comes straight down and travels directly over home
plate. The pitches travels at over one hundred miles per hour. On Wednesday nights, Martin takes
painting lessons with Sarah Able. She is a famous oil painter who lives in the same town as Martin.
Martin is one of the only artists in the area that paints with his tail.

Answer these questions:

1. Where does Martin live?

2. Where does Martin work?
3. What does Martin do on Wednesday nights?

State True or False:

1. The ‘Primate pitch’ is thrown straight down. ________
2. Martin takes painting lessons with Sarah Able. _________
3. Martin the monkey lives in a pine tree. __________
4. The pitches travel at over one hundred miles per hour.__________

Fill in the blanks.

1. Martin is one of the only artists in the area that paints with his ______________.
2. Martin has become extremely famous for his "_____________ Pitch".
II. Answer the following questions:
1. Where did the mother tiger and her small tiger cub live?
2. What happened to the little tiger cub when he chased the frog?
3. Who does the postman bring letters for?
4. What does the child decide to do?

III. Fill in the blanks:

1. Most always, when the _________________ comes with letters.
2. The tiger’s _____________ eyes glistened as he watched the tiger cub.
3. I’m going to ____________ some letters, though.
4. If the moon was ___________, the mother tiger lay down and waited for the dawn.
5. The tiger _____________ up closer to the little tiger cub.

IV. State true or false:

1. The mother tiger and her small tiger cub lived near a river in a shady jungle.
2. The tiger cub caught a cat one night. _____________
3. One night the mother tiger was tired and closed her eyes. _____________
4. Ruskin Bond is the author of “Little tiger, big tiger”.______________
5. The postman comes with letters for my brother or my friend.______________

V. Frame sentences:
crept- ________________________________________________________________
dawn - _______________________________________________________________
twitch- ________________________________________________________________

VI. Fill in the blanks with the correct present tense form of verbs given in the brackets.
1. The zoo ___________ at 5:00 P.M in the evening. (close)
2. Tanya __________ Maths to young children. (teach)
3. Tina and I are good friends. I ________ her and she ________ me.(like)
4. Appu never ________ breakfast. (eat)
5. They ________ in a very big house. (live)
6. We _________ eight hours a night. (sleep)
7. I usually _______ to work by car. (go)

VII. Fill in the blanks using the past tense form of the verbs given in the brackets.
1. They ______________ their garden. (water)
2. Jack _____________ his homework. (finish)
3. I ____________ poems for my friends. (compose)
4. The boys ________ to their neighbour’s house. (run)
5. Sia ___________ to complete her homework. (hurry)
6. My mother ___________ her finger while chopping vegetables. (cut)
7. Mita ____________ for clothes before her birthday. (shop)

VIII. Fill in the blanks using the future tense form of the verbs given in the brackets.
1. The players ___________________ for their teammate. (pray)
2. The students __________________ for the final exam. (study)
3. I _________________ a new car soon. (buy)
4. Dad ________________ the heavy box. (lift)
5. We ________________ in the summer. (swim)
6. She ________________ here very soon. (be)
7. They _______________ some cakes. (bake)

IX. Creative writing (Picture composition)

Write ten lines on the given picture.


X. Paragraph writing
Complete the given paragraph.
My dog

Once upon a time there was a dog named ________________. The dog was as strong as a
________________ and as fast as a ________________. One day _______________ was so
hungry, so he went to find something to eat. _______________ had an amazing sense of smell and
could smell ______________ from a distance away! As he walked through the ____________, he
caught the scent of a delicious bone somewhere near him. It was so _______________ he could
almost ________________ it! He searched for ______________ but couldn’t find it. Suddenly, a
man as tall as the _________________ passed on eating a chicken leg. Milo drooled so much it was
like a _____________ flowing from his mouth. The man laughed and then handed the bone to
______________. _______________ was so happy beacause he could

स्व-अभ्यास पत्रिका - 1

नाम .......................... अनुक्रमााँक ................ दिनााँक .................

प्र.1 ननम्नलिखित वाक्यों में क्रक्रया शब्िों के नीचे रे िा िगाइए |

क) बच्चे पढ़ाई कर रहे हैं |

ख) मोहन को आज बाज़ार जाना है |

ग) चचड़िया पेि पर बैठी है |

घ) मीरा भागते-भागते चगर गई |

ड.) फूल सुन्दर लगते हैं |

च) लोमिी चालाक जानवर है |

छ) गीता सो रही है |

प्र.2 उचचत क्रक्रया शब्ि के साथ ररक्त स्थान भररए |

1) मेरा भाई फुटबाल....................रहा है |

2) गाय घास ...................रही है |

3) तुम्हारा नाम क्या ...........|

4) नानी कहानी ....................रही है |

5) हम टी.वी. ................रहे हैं |

6) यह पुस्तक मेरी ........|

स्व-अभ्यास पत्रिका -2

ननम्नललखखत चचत्र को दे खकर उस पर आठ से दस पंक्क्तयों की कहानी ललखें (अनुच्छे द रूप में ) |

स्व-अभ्यास पत्रिका - 3

पाठ-14 “मीरा बहन और बाघ”

प्र.1 ननम्नलिखित प्रश्नों के उत्तर िीजिए |

क) मीरा बहन का जन्म कहााँ हुआ ?


ख) मीरा बहन ने अपने आश्रम की स्थापना कहााँ की ?


ग) मीरा बहन ककससे प्रभाववत होकर भारत आईं ?


घ) बाघ ने गावाँ में घुसकर ककसे मार डाला?


ड. पाठ के अंत में क्या हुआ ?


प्र.2 उचचत शब्ि के साथ ररक्त स्थान भररये |

चककत, गोपाल आश्रम, बाघ, वपंजिे, लिकार, गें बली

क) मीरा बहन ने ........................ गााँव में ....................................... की स्थापना की |

ख) जंगल कटने के कारण ...................की तलाि में बाघ कभी-कभी गााँव तक पहुाँच जाता है |

ग) ..........................के अन्दर एक बकरी बााँधी |

घ) आसपास के जंगलों में ........................ जैसे खतनाक जानवर भी रहते हैं |

ड.) वपंजिा खाली दे खकर लोग ..........................रह गए |

प्र. 3 वाक्य बनाइए |

क) धोखा -

ख) आश्रम -

ग) वपंजिा -

घ) दे खभाल

ड.) खतरनाक


1. Solve the following

a. Meena gets Rs 42 every week, so she gets Rs ________ for each day.
b. 120 beads were used to make 10 necklaces. So each necklace had
_____ __ beads.
c. 56 chocolates were distributed among 8 children. So each child got ___________
d. The cost of 6 pens is Rs 90. What is the cost of each pen?
e. A theatre has 420 seats spread in 7 rows . How many seats are there in each row?
2. Workout the following division.
a. 360 ÷ 3 b. 947 ÷ 4 c. 418 ÷ 5 d. 549÷ 5
f. 713÷ 6 f. 651 ÷ 7 g. 827÷9 h. 356 ÷ 6
3. Fill in the space.
a. 0 ÷ 7 = ______ b. 13 ÷ _____ =13 c. ______ ÷ 5 = 1
d. 8 ÷ 1 = ______ e. ____÷ 26 = 0 f. 4 ÷ _____ = 4
4. Ten packets of chocolate contain 200 pieces. How many pieces of chocolate will be there in 5
5. A businessman travelled 4500 Kms in five months. How much did he travel in one month?
6. A farmer has 9 bags. He has to put 603 Kgs of potatoes in all these bags equally. How much
potato will he put in each bag?
7. Amit had 981 candies with him. He distributes them equally among 9 of his friends. How
many candies does each one of them get?
8. The donation collected for poor children by 8 students is Rs 904.Find the amount donated by
each child?

1. Write the fractional number for the following.
a. 18 out of 50 students is absent. _____________
b. 3 out of 16 mangoes are ripe. _____________
c. 4 out of 10 students are girls. _____________
d. 2 out of 25 books are old. _____________
e. 1 out of 6 balls are red. _____________

2. Write the fraction of the following.

a. Seven- thirteenth _____________
b. Two- thirds _____________
c. Four- fifths _____________
d. One – eighths _____________
e. Three- thenths _____________

3. Write the fraction whose numerator and denominator are given.


a. 5 13 ______________
b. 8 23 ______________
c. 12 13 ______________
d. 11 35 ______________
e. 14 42 ______________

4. Answer the following.

a. of a dozen = ____________________

b. of 25 eggs = ____________________

c. of 36 children = ____________________

d. Quarter of 24 = ____________________

5. Rita ate 2 parts out of 5 equal parts of a cake. What part of the cake did she get?
6. Ritu got 5 parts out of 9 equal parts of the water melon. What part of the water melon did
she get?
7. In a theatre out of total 500 seats 325 seats were occupied. Find out the fraction of the
occupied seats.

8. See the figure of each question. Create your own shaded and unshaded parts. Make a
fraction and fill in the blanks.

a. The figure is divided into ___________ equal parts.

Shaded part = ___________
Fraction of shaded portion = ____________
Fraction of unshaded portion =___________

b. The figure is divided into ___________ equal parts.

Shaded part = ___________
Fraction of shaded portion = ____________
Fraction of unshaded portion =___________

c. The figure is divided into ___________ equal parts.

Shaded part = ___________
Fraction of shaded portion = ____________
Fraction of unshaded portion =___________

d. The figure is divided into ___________ equal parts.

Shaded part = ___________
Fraction of shaded portion = ____________
Fraction of unshaded portion =___________



Chapter- 14 Story of Food

Q1. Who buys the vegetables and cooks the food at home?


Q2. What are the things you can do to help out in the kitchen? Name one thing you can make and
the ingredients used in it.


Q3. Match the following.

a) Turnip i) Flower
b) Tomato ii) Seed
c) Potato iii) Root
d) Cauliflower iv) Fruit
e) Green pea v) Stem

Q4. Name any three medicinal plants and their uses.



Chapter- 14 Story of Food

Q1. Give three examples of vegetables whose edible parts we eat :

a) Leaves - _________________________, ______________________,
b) Fruits - _______________________, _________________________,
c) Stems- ________________________, ________________________,
d) Seeds- ________________________, _________________________,
e) Roots - _______________________, _________________________,

Q2. Fill in the blanks.

a) We use milk to make __________________, ____________________

b) ________________ and eggs are a good source of vitamin A which is good for our eyes.
c) Green leafy vegetables like _____________________ and ______________________ are a
good source of vitamin K.
d) Ginger helps in treating ______________ and cough.
e) Meat is a good source of __________________ which helps us in our growth and is good for
our bones and ________________.
f) Holy basil, also known as __________________ helps in treating indigestion.

Q3. Name four food items that we get from animals and their health benefits.


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