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How to Get More Reps with Attraction


Most people who are still struggling to get leads, grab this training: to learn how to leverage
the Internet!

Are you still chasing people in order to sell your products or get people to join your team? It
gets discouraging after a while.

The people you are chasing are likely not interested in your product or opportunity. I hear
stories like this over and over. You end up feeling like a failure and people start to run away
when they see you coming. Sound familiar?
Just because you are excited about your network marketing business, don’t expect everyone
you know to be as excited as you are.

Don’t give up yet! I have a new method you can start using now!

Once you understand how to build your business using attraction marketing, you’ll see how to
turn your business around!

What is the Attraction Marketing Formula?

The attraction marketing formula is a way for people to find you online through specific
strategies. By providing helpful informational content, you can attract the people who are
searching for that information. You then continue building relationships with people who opt-in
to your subscriber list on your website by educating them on topics related to your niche

By building trust with your subscribers, you lay the foundation for making offers in the future
that can convert your prospects into customers. This is the best way to create relationships
with people you don’t know, who will view you as an authority on a particular topic.

How would it feel if people were chasing you instead of you chasing them? That is exactly how
attraction marketing works.

It’s the most powerful way to grow your MLM business (or any home business) online.

Although it is a passive marketing strategy, it works! I’ve gotten thousands of leads and
sponsored a couple of hundred reps into my business just by using this passive marketing

Did I also mention I have well over 11,000 customers? Yes, thank you attraction marketing!

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For example, if you have an online presence, like starting a blog, you would create content that
helps your target audience solve a problem.
It’s like teaching people something that gives value and helps them in some way. Create your
content in such a way that it grabs the attention of your target audience. You can become their
go-to person!

You can then have a free offer for them to opt into or a newsletter so you can continue the
relationship via email.

It’s really a simple formula to use attraction marketing technique to get people coming to you.

What Attraction Marketing Is NOT!

Most people online do not use an attraction marketing formula. In fact they do the opposite.
That’s good for you because once you learn it, you’ll be way ahead of the crowd who are all
doing it wrong.

Here are example of what NOT do. We see it all day on social networks like Facebook. Are
you doing this:

I have 5 spots open on my team, join now!

Join my team for free. This offer ends in 2 days.
Want free products? Join my team now!
Like my Facebook Page!

You get the idea.

Don’t do that! There is absolutely no value given or benefit to the reader with any of these

How to Build an Empire with Attraction Marketing Blueprint

If you are ready to break free of traditional network marketing methods, these tips will help you
understand how to use the attraction marketing blueprint for your MLM business.
1 – Using Attraction Marketing Strategies in Social Media
Now that you know what not to do in social media, let’s focus on how you can attract potential
customers instead. People don’t want to see your ads on Facebook or other networks. Focus
on providing social media content that is informative, helpful or inspirational. You can easily
engage people and start building relationships with them.

Here are 3 ways to use social media to attract prospects:

Join Facebook Groups that are congruent with your niche market. Don’t be a link dumper,
people won’t like that. Instead, be the most helpful person in the group. For example, I belong
to a few groups on Facebook where I have the expertise to answer a lot of questions and help
people understand certain concepts. By being a helpful participant, people want to get to know
me better and eventually learn about what I have to offer.

Post helpful information on your Facebook Page on a consistent basic. Using attraction
marketing Facebook is a powerful way for people to find you. If someone likes your Page and
then clicks Like on your post, their friends can see it in their timeline. Now your post can get
noticed by others in the newsfeed.

If people perform a search on Facebook, your post has a chance of showing up in the search
results. Another one of my favorite attraction marketing examples is using Facebook ads. You
can maximize your reach on Facebook and get more MLM leads. If you post on your Facebook
Page, you can boost that post to show it to a larger audience of your choosing. It works great.
These are people who might otherwise not be aware of you online. Here’s a post I boosted
recently and the results from a 24-hour timeframe:
For just $5, I had 861 post engagements. At just $0.006 per engagement, it was a worthwhile
investment. I simply followed the step-by-step instruction in this free training:

Grab this FREE COURSE: How a Beautiful Image and a Simple 3-Step FB Ad Strategy
Got 7,195 Targeted Page ‘Likes’ in 30 Days!

Use Facebook Live to engage with new people. The Facebook Live concept is similar to any
content you post. It’s gets noticed in the newsfeed of people not connected to your Page. It’s a
great example of how to use attraction marketing in social media. People love videos and tend
to pay more attention to them than static content. It’s also a way for people to get know and
trust you from the start.

If you are not already familar with Facebook Live, check out this “FaceBook LIVE PDF
Instruction Manual + Video Tutorial” – you’ll get everything you need to start using FaceBook
LIVE (and FB Mentions) RIGHT NOW to get leads for your business.

2 – Share Your Lifestyle

Instead of posting all that junk in social media, post about your cool lifestyle! People love
peeking into other people’s lives. For example, when I post in social media, I’m usually doing
the things I love: traveling, exercising (yep I love it!), spending time with my family, and other
fun adventures.

I get questions and messages from people about how I get to do all these things when they
have to slave away at a job all day.

By posting about your lifestyle, you can attract the right people to you who will be curious about
YOU. Then you start building a relationship from there and let them know what you’ve been up

3 – Provide Value through Online Content

If you have a blog, create YouTube videos or use Facebook LIVE, give your audience the
value they deserve!

Find out what your target audience struggles with the most and then give them tips and
solutions to help solve the problem. I can’t deal with people who create videos about how
successful they are ir brag about how much money they make. That does not help me at all.
Does it help you?

On the hand, when you use attraction-based marketing, you provide your audience with the
education they need so they can be successful too.

See the difference?

You can get more reps with attraction marketing than if you constantly chase people. It one of
the most powerful marketing techniques to attract customers be viewed as an authority who
provides value instead of a pain!

MLM Earner reveals how to Recruit Quality Leaders into YOUR MLM
business even if you are just getting started.

    

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Most people who want to be 7-Figure Earners learn from this simple step-by-step

Check it out here NOW!


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