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Expert Systems with Applications 24 (2003) 273–280

Computer systems to facilitating organizational learning:

IT and organizational context
Shih-Wei Chou*
Department of Information Management, National Kaohsiung First University of Science and Technology,
2 Juoyue Road, Nantz District, Kaohsiung 811, Taiwan, ROC

A comprehensive model that delineates the interrelationships among computer systems, organizational context and organizational learning
is absent. This study aims to fill this void. Unlike previous research, this study investigates the role of computer systems, i.e. organizational
learning computer systems (OLCS), in facilitating organizational learning. In our framework, we argued that contextual variables mediated
the impact of OLCS on organizational learning. In order to test the feasibility of this framework, we conducted an empirical study. This study
employed a survey instrument, which contained data collected from 500 organizations in manufacturing, service industry, and academic
institutions. A total of 165 usable responses were analyzed. The results indicate that OLCS have a positive impact on the organizational
learning processes. Both ‘problem characteristic’ and ‘organizational culture’ moderate the influence of OLCS on organizational learning.
The implications of the study are provided, and future research is suggested.
q 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Organizational learning computer systems; Organizational context; Organizational learning

1. Background 1984), coordination (Rice & Shook, 1990), and colla-

borative work (Kraut, Galegher, Fish, & Chalfonte,
A comprehensive framework concerning organiz- 1992). Despite previously mentioned criticism, there are
ational learning has been proposed by Huber (1991). relatively few field studies that examine the effect of
This framework identified four constructs, which are computer systems on facilitating organizational learning
crucial to the effectiveness of organizational learning; (Constant, Sproull, & Kiesler, 1996; Goodman & Darr,
they are knowledge acquisition, information distribution, 1998; Orlikowski, 1993a).
information interpretation, and organizational memory. Orlikowski (1993b) argued that ‘organizational context’,
Since Huber’s comprehensive view of organizational such as corporate strategies and structure and culture, is one
learning theory was published, at least four researchers of the critical factors that influence the adoption and using
have referenced this framework in conducting related of IT. A similar concept was presented in Orlikowski
studies (Goodman & Darr, 1998; Hernes, 1999; Nonaka (1993a), which reveals that a number of organizational
& Takeuchi, 1995; Robey, Boudreau, & Rose, 2000). elements, such as mental models (which affect how people
However, other researchers criticized that Huber’s frame- understand and appreciate IT) and structural properties
work did not examine the role of computer systems for (reward systems and workplace norms), significantly
acquiring knowledge and enhancing the effect of influence the implementation and usage of IT. Although
organizational learning. They have proved that computer several researchers (Dutton & Dukerich, 1991; Henderson
systems are changing many organizational processes & Clark, 1990; Orlikowski, 1993a,b) have investigated the
including communication (Kiesler & Sproull, 1987), impact of organizational context on the applicability of IT in
group decision making (Kiesler, Siegel, & McGuire, an organization, there are relatively few empirical studies
that examine the role of organizational context, which
* Tel.: þ886-7601-1000x4114; fax: 886-7601-1042. serves as a moderator between IT and organizational
E-mail address: (S.-W. Chou). learning. The purposes of this study are: (a) to examine
0957-4174/03/$ - see front matter q 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
PII: S 0 9 5 7 - 4 1 7 4 ( 0 2 ) 0 0 1 5 5 - 0
274 S.-W. Chou / Expert Systems with Applications 24 (2003) 273–280

the role of computer system in facilitating organizational solutions to be exchanged. Multiple attributes are needed to
learning; (b) to realize the impact of organizational context describe a complex problem and the environmental
on the effect of adopting OLCS to facilitate organizational conditions surrounding it. Also, for complex problems,
learning. there are many possible solutions and applicable rules to
implement those specific solutions. Therefore, it is usually
1.1. Conceptual framework more difficult to formulate and deliver complex solutions for
those contributors. On the other hand, when the problem
Many definitions of organizational learning have been statement has few attributes and there is only one solution
proposed. For example, Argyris (1993) emphasized that with few implementation rules, problem-solution exchanges
organizational learning is a process of detecting and should be easy. Given the unclear functions of OLCS in
correcting errors. Similarly, Fiol and Lyles (1985) claimed facilitating organizational learning, and the unspecified
that organizational learning contains the procedures to effect of mediating organizational context on the impact of
improve actions through knowledge acquisition and cre- OLCS on organizational learning, we therefore conducted
ation. Huber (1991) argued that organization learns through our research accordingly.
its process of information. He proposed an organizational
learning framework, which contained four constructs:
knowledge acquisition, information distribution, infor- 2. Research methodology
mation interpretation, and organizational memory. Good-
man and Darr (1998) employed Huber’s framework and In order to explore the impact of OLCS and organiz-
argued that organizational level learning occurred when the ational context on organizational learning, we developed the
problem-solution exchanges and consequences were com- research framework in Fig. 1. There are two research
municated and known by other organizational members questions. (a) Does OLCS play a role in facilitating
(broadcasting ). As Brown and Duguid’s (1991) research organizational learning? (b) What types of organizational
indicated, in order to have significant learning and context may moderate the effect of OLCS on facilitating
innovation in the informal communities-of-practice in organizational learning?
which they work, it is necessary to have a mechanism for The research design of this research contains the
organizations to share their interpretation about the following issues.
problem-solving exchanges and to update the organizational
memory about their experiences (updates ). Walsh and 1. Purpose. The purpose of this research is ‘hypotheses
Ungson’s (1991) research indicated that there was some testing’. In order to do so, we conducted a study that
form of organizational memory storing problem-solution contained both correlational and causal study. The causal
exchanges and consequences. The basic processes that study was conducted to verify the relationship between
contribute to the occurrence, breadth, and depth of OLCS and the organizational learning process. The other
organizational learning depend on organizational memory question that we wanted to investigate was the effect of
(memory ) (Huber, 1991). Since the system with the organizational context. In our research, organizational
aforementioned functions (broadcasting, updates, and context served as a moderator. Since contextual variables
memory) may have great impact on the organizational can be viewed as increasing or decreasing the costs
learning, we call this type of system ‘organizational learning inherent in the decision to contribute or to adopt
computer system (OLCS)’. knowledge, we examined the effect of the moderator
The organizational context also plays a critical role in between OLCS and the organizational learning process.
affecting technology and learning processes (Goodhue &
Thompson, 1995; Tyre & Orlikowski, 1994). Contextual
variables can be viewed as increasing or decreasing the
effect of OLCS on organizational learning processes. A
wide variety of organizational variables have been pro-
posed, such as rewards systems, performance measure,
problem-solution characteristics (Goodman & Darr, 1998),
corporate strategies, structure, culture (Goodman & Darr,
1998; Orlikowski, 1993b), trust (Scott, 2000), and manage-
ment style (Nonaka & Takeuchi, 1995). A culture of
collaboration and mutual trust should facilitate the role of
OLCS and organizational learning. However, organizations
with a conservative culture and bureaucratic structure
should substantially reduce the propensity to exchange
problems and solutions. Further, the nature and complexity
of the task structure will influence the form of problems and Fig. 1. Research framework.
S.-W. Chou / Expert Systems with Applications 24 (2003) 273–280 275

2. Extent of researcher interference with the study. This be considered as OLCS. Therefore, OLCS is not a
research was conducted in the natural environment of the specific IS. Instead it is simply an organization’s IT
organization with the normal flow of work. infrastructure as an enabler for organizational learning.
3. Unit of analysis. The unit of analysis in our research is an Hypothesis 1 was developed to examine the possible
individual. features of OLCS that facilitate organizational learning.
4. Time horizon. Our research is a one-shot or cross- We adopted factor analysis, Pearson correlation, and
sectional study. We examined the hypotheses through a regression analysis to verify this hypothesis. The second
questionnaire where quantitative information was type of variables selected for analysis is organizational
collected. context. Although a lot of organizational variables may
5. Method of analysis. (a) Regression analysis: Regression have impact on OLCS in facilitating organizational
analysis is a statistical technique that can be used to learning, we only selected two of them, i.e. ‘problem
analyze the relationship between a single dependent characteristic’ and ‘organizational culture.’ The reason
(criterion) variable and one or several independent for such a selection is that the nature of the task
(predictor) variables. Each independent variable is structure will influence the form of problems and
weighted by the regression analysis procedure to ensure solutions to be exchanged. The demands on the
maximal prediction from the set of independent vari- communication, search, acquisition, and organization for
ables. When the problem involves a single independent information of OLCS may be quite different provided the
variable, the statistical technique is called simple problem characteristic is different. Organizational culture
regression (Hair, Anderson, Tatham, & Grablowsky, is one of the most critical factors that may either
1979). (b) Pearson correlation analysis: In order to facilitate or constrain the employment of OLCS for
improve the predictions of regression analysis, corre- organizational learning. A culture of creativity and
lation analysis is adopted to identify the correlations sharing should facilitate the role of OLCS and organiz-
among variables. Pearson correlation analysis is one of ational learning. However, a lack of trust will usually
the most popular statistical techniques that can select the lead to reluctant to contribute knowledge to or adopt it
‘best’ independent variables based on the correlation from the learning community. Finally, the processes of
coefficients (Hair et al., 1979). The higher the correlation organizational learning consist of ‘decision to contribute’
coefficient, the stronger the relationship and hence the and ‘decision to adopt.’ For an individual to contribute
greater the predictive accuracy. Therefore, in order to knowledge, one has to formulate the tacit and explicit
assure the accuracy of regression analysis, a correlation knowledge about what has been learned, what the
analysis is usually conducted first. (c) Cluster analysis: problems were, what kind of know-how I used to solve
Cluster analysis is a technique for grouping individuals, the problems, and what the context for a solution was.
cases, objects, or entities (firms in this study) into groups. The other activity for ‘contribute’ is to delivery such
It differs from other techniques such as discriminant knowledge to the person who needs it. In order to do so,
analysis primarily because of the data inductive approach knowledge has to be represented in a way that is
in deriving the number and characteristics of the meaningful and easy to understand to others. In order to
groups/clusters, which are not known prior to the adopt knowledge, an individual has to search for the
analysis (Afifi & Clark, 1990). This approach seeks to possible solutions and match the problems to the
draw out groups whose internal membership is highly appropriate solutions.
coherent in terms of the various attributes/characteristics
of objects/entities that are of interest while simul- 2.2. Data
taneously distinguishing each group from other groups.
Data were collected from firms of Taiwan through a
2.1. Description of the variables survey instrument. An initial version of the survey
instrument was developed based on the theory-grounded
There are three types of variables in this study. The operationalization of the various constructs. This version
first type of variable is OLCS, which represents the was subsequently revised through pretesting with academic
computer systems that facilitate organizational learning. and industrial experts who have knowledge concerning
Given that the objective of this study is to explore the ‘computer-aided system that facilitates organizational
features that computer systems may have in facilitating learning.’ The instrument was further pilot tested with
organizational learning, we therefore defined a term CIOs from different firms. The multiple phases of instru-
OLCS as representing such computer systems. As the ment testing and development resulted in a significant
literature indicates (Brown & Duguid, 1991; Constant degree of refinement and restructuring of the survey
et al., 1996; Goodman & Darr, 1998; Huber, 1991; instrument as well as establishing the initial content validity
Walsh & Ungson, 1991), the computer systems with (Nunnally, 1978).
‘knowledge acquisition,’ ‘knowledge distribution,’ The responding firms represent a wide variety of
‘broadcasting,’ ‘updating,’ and ‘memory’ features can organizations in manufacturing and service industry, and
276 S.-W. Chou / Expert Systems with Applications 24 (2003) 273–280

academic institution. There was an even distribution Table 2

among the types and sizes of these organizations. A total Result of simple regression analysis
of 165 usable responses were returned, providing a Independent variable BETA coefficient T value Significance
response rate of 33%. Given that the survey was
unsolicited and the instrument quite complex, this response (Constant) 3.146 0.002***
rate can be considered satisfactory and comparable to other OLCS 0.799 18.574 0.000*****
studies in IS research (Raho, Belohav, & Fiedler, 1987; Dependent variable: organizational learning process, *****p , 0.0001;
Jain, 1998). ***p , 0.01.

other words, we may claim that the functions of OLCS have

3. Results a significant impact on the organizational learning process.
The second research objective is to examine the effect of
3.1. Validity and reliability organizational context, which serves as a moderating
variable between OLCS and organizational learning pro-
Factor analysis using principal components factor cess. Contextual variables can be viewed as increasing or
analysis with factor extraction and VARIMAX rotation decreasing the effect of OLCS on organizational learning
was conducted to examine the unidimensionality/conver- process. Factor analysis of the eight organizational con-
gent and discriminant validity (Price & Mueller, 1986). The textual items resulted in two constructs. As can be seen from
four commonly employed decision rules were applied to Appendix A, these two constructs represent the problem
identify the factors (Hair et al., 1979): (1) minimum Eigen characteristic and organizational culture. Therefore, the
value of 1; (2) minimum factor loading of 0.4 for each original hypothesis 2 becomes hypotheses 2a and 2b. They
indicator item; (3) simplicity of factor structure; and (4) are:
exclusion of single item factors. Reliability was evaluated Hypotheses 2a. The complexity of problem within an
by assessing the internal consistency of the indicator items organization is negatively related to the effect of adopting
of each construct by using Cronbach’s a (Cronbach, 1951). OLCS to facilitate organizational learning.
The results of factor analysis relating to unidimensionality/ Hypotheses 2b. The culture of encouraging creativity
convergent validity are shown in Appendix A. within an organization is negatively related to the effect of
adopting OLCS to facilitate organizational learning.
3.2. Findings Given the exploratory nature of the research study
concerning problem characteristic and organizational cul-
The first objective of this research is to investigate the ture, we experimented with culling out a different set of
causal relationship between OLCS and organizational clusters consisting of two, three, four, five, and six groups,
learning process. Therefore, the first hypothesis is: and used different options (Euclidean and Mahalanobis
Hypothesis 1. The functions of OLCS are negatively distance). To evaluate the distinctiveness of each derived
related to the organizational learning process. cluster, equality of variable means across the cluster was
We used simple regression analysis to achieve this tested, using the F-test. A two-cluster solution was chosen
objective. However, in order to assure the accuracy of based on meaningfulness of the pattern of relationships
regression analysis, a correlation analysis is usually among the variables. Table 3 shows variable means and
conducted first. Therefore, we employed Pearson corre- standard deviations related to each of the two clusters. F-
lation to examine the linear association between constructs. values and significance levels associated with are shown in
The result of Pearson correlation analysis in Table 1 the last column.
indicates that OLCS and organizational learning process are As can be seen from Table 3, there are two types of
related. Therefore, we employed simple regression analysis clusters for each context variable. Cluster one, relative to the
to examine the causal relationship between OLCS and other cluster, represents a group of firms with simpler
organizational learning process. This result is shown in problem characteristic and with more creative organiz-
Table 2. From this table, causal relationship between OLCS ational culture. In order to examine hypotheses 2a and 2b,
and organizational learning processes seems to exist. In Pearson correlation analyses was used to test for perform-
ance differences that were produced by adopting OLCS to
Table 1 facilitate organizational learning between two clusters. The
Result of Pearson correlation analysis
results are shown in Table 4. The conclusions from Table 4
Construct Organizational OLCS are twofold (a) while the problem characteristic becomes
learning process more complex, the performance by adopting OLCS to
facilitate organizational learning becomes less and (b) the
Organizational 0.877** effect of adopting OLCS to facilitate organizational learning
learning process (0.000)
is higher provided that the organizational culture is more
** Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed), N ¼ 165. creative. Therefore, hypothesis 2a is substantiated, however,
S.-W. Chou / Expert Systems with Applications 24 (2003) 273–280 277

Table 3
Cluster analyses of organizational context

Problem characteristic

Variable Simple (N ¼ 40), mean (SD) Complex (N ¼ 125), mean (SD) F

Most of the problems are complex 4.850 (1.040) 5.945 (0.806) 30.094*****
Employees can exchange problems and solutions 3.650 (0.745) 5.848 (0.680) 179.300*****
without difficulty
Organizational culture

Variable Creative (N ¼ 130), mean (SD) Conservative (N ¼ 35), mean (SD) F

Employees are willing to share their 5.750 (0.779) 3.880 (1.201) 101.697*****
knowledge and expertise
Employees are encouraged to share their 5.136 (1.213) 3.560 (1.121) 36.596*****
knowledge or creativity
Employees will discuss their problems and 5.693 (0.698) 3.920 (1.152) 109.073*****
difficulties with other colleagues
Employees compete with the other members 5.586 (0.857) 3.320 (1.249) 127.316*****
of the organization
Employees may exchange their working practices 5.586 (0.786) 3.000 (1.414) 172.552*****
in the current environment
Our firm is trying to transfer 5.414 (1.039) 3.440 (1.294) 70.882*****
to a learning organization

*****p , 0.0001; ****p , 0.001; ***p , 0.05; *p , 0.1.

Table 4
Pearson correlation analyses of clusters

Cluster Variables OLCS Organizational learning process

Problem characteristic
Simple (N ¼ 40) OLCS 1.000 0.785**(0.000)
Organizational learning process 1.000
Complex (N ¼ 125) OLCS 1.000 0.413**(0.000)
Organizational learning process 1.000

Organizational culture
Creative (N ¼ 130) OLCS 1.000 0.908**(0.000)
Organizational learning process 1.000
Conservative (N ¼ 35) OLCS 1.000 0.533**(0.000)
Organizational learning process 1.000

**Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).

hypothesis 2b is rejected. We summarize the results of all Table 5

Results of hypotheses test
the hypotheses in Table 5.
Hypothesis Result Reference

4. Discussion Hypothesis 1: the functions of Rejected Tables 1 and 2

OLCS are negatively related
to the organizational learning
The purpose of this study is to contribute to a more
complete understanding of computer system that plays a role Hypotheses 2a: the complexity of Substantiated Tables 3 and 4
in facilitating organizational learning. While there are problem within an organization
several studies concerning organizational learning (Good- is negatively related to
man & Darr, 1998; Nonaka & Takeuchi, 1995; Hernes, the effect of adopting
OLCS to facilitate organizational
1999; Robey et al., 2000), there have been few discussions
on how to facilitate organizational learning by a broader Hypotheses 2b: the culture of Rejected Tables 3 and 4
perspective, in which we may examine the combination of encouraging creativity within an
the functions supported by computer systems and their organization is negatively related
adopting contexts. The objective of this study is to address to the effect of
adopting OLCS to facilitate
the following questions: (a) Can computer system facilitate
organizational learning
organizational learning? (b) What are the possible
278 S.-W. Chou / Expert Systems with Applications 24 (2003) 273–280

influences that organizational context may have on the effect 2000), and management style (Nonaka & Takeuchi, 1995).
of adopting OLCS in facilitating organizational learning? We only selected two of them, i.e. ‘problem characteristics’
Our study indicates that organizational learning pro- and organizational culture. We have explained the reasons
cesses relate positively with the functions of OLCS. for such choices in Section 2.1.
Moreover, we also found that the specific contextual
variables of organization have a significant impact on
organizational learning processes. The major contribution 5. Conclusion
of our study is delineating the relationship among
organizational learning processes, OLCS, and organiz- This study investigated the role of computer systems, i.e.
ational context. This is actually an extension of Huber an OLCS, in facilitating organizational learning. Based on
(1991) framework of organizational learning. Also, unlike 165 respondents from organizations in manufacturing, the
previous researches (Goodman & Darr, 1998), we examined service industry, and academic institutions, we found that
the roles of OLCS, which are helpful for the processes of the functions of OLCS have a positive impact on the
organizational learning from a broader point of view. organizational learning processes. We also examined the
Moreover, we specified the contextual variables that behave impact of organizational context on the adopting of
as facilitators or inhibitors of organizational learning when computer systems to facilitate organizational learning.
OLCS is employed. Two interesting results were found. First, the complexity
The implications of this study are three-fold. First, this of problems within an organization is negatively related to
research explores the IT features that may facilitate the effect of adopting OLCS to facilitate organizational
organizational learning. Some of the features are new in learning. Second, the culture of encouraging creativity
supporting organizational learning. They range from within an organization is positively related to the effect of
representing information (e.g. multimedia), mechanisms to adopting OLCS to facilitate organizational learning. Unlike
match problems and solutions, storage and organization of previous research, this paper examines the impact of
expertise for easy retrieval, to mechanisms to maintain up to computer systems on organizational learning in a more
date knowledge. Understanding the features of IT that comprehensive way. First, we extended the IT features
facilitate organizational learning is very helpful for manage- proposed by previous researchers (Constant et al., 1996;
ment. Managers should emphasize the exploitation of IT Goodman & Darr, 1998; Walsh & Ungson, 1991), and
capabilities; yet realize both its short-term and long-term proved that these functions of OLCS all have a positive
limitations. Second, understanding the characteristics of the impact on organizational learning. These functions of OLCS
organizational learning process in an IT-based environment include multimedia style of information presentations,
may help us to design the facilitating mechanisms accord- synchronous and asynchronous of information transfer
ingly. The difference of the organizational learning process (Goodman & Darr, 1998), bandwidth of information
between an IT-based and regular environment is therefore transmission, anonymity of sender, information indexing
worth for future research. Finally, most of the previous and sorting (Walsh & Ungson, 1991), and variety of
researchers ignore the effect of the intervening conditions functions to acquire, update, and manage knowledge for
that may influence the effect of IT adoption. Our empirical easy retrieval. Second, we conducted an empirical study to
study identified two such important intervening conditions: specify the organizational context that mediates the
problem characteristics and culture. It is therefore suggested influences of the adoption of OLCS on facilitating
that in order to obtain the most effective way of organizational learning. Some researchers (Goodman &
organizational learning, it is crucial for managers to develop Darr, 1998; Nonaka & Takeuchi, 1995; Orlikowski, 1993a;
a strategy for incorporating OLCS, which combines Scott, 2000) claimed the importance of such intervening
‘technology exploration’ and ‘organizational context for conditions, such as trust, organizational structure, but did
adopting OLCS.’ In other words, managers may have a not specifically identify ‘problem complexity’ and ‘culture’
checklist of ‘functions of OLCS’ as well as their company’s and proved their impact empirically as our study did.
specific contextual variables to achieve the most effective The research results support the theoretical framework
organizational learning. shown in Fig. 1. By emphasizing the features of OLCS, we
may facilitate the effect of organizational learning. On the
4.1. Limitations other hand, we cannot overlook some salient organizational
contexts while adopting IT, since it may increase or decrease
There major limitation in this study is the selection of the effect of organizational learning. The implications of this
contextual variables. As we have mentioned in Section 1, a study are three-fold. First, this research explores the IT
wide variety of organizational variables have been pro- features that may facilitate organizational learning. Some of
posed, such as rewards systems, performance measure, the features are new in supporting organizational learning.
problem –solution characteristics (Goodman & Darr, 1998), Understanding the features of IT that facilitate organizational
corporate strategies, organizational structure, culture learning is very helpful for management. Managers should
(Goodman & Darr, 1998; Orlikowski, 1993b), trust (Scott, emphasize the exploiting of IT capabilities; yet realize both
S.-W. Chou / Expert Systems with Applications 24 (2003) 273–280 279

its short-term and long-term limitations. Second, under- Table 7

standing the characteristics of the organizational learning
Factor loadings
process in an IT-based environment may help us to design the
facilitating mechanisms accordingly. The difference of the 1. Employees are wiling to contribute 0.663
organizational learning process between an IT-based and their expertise
regular environment is therefore worthy of future research. 2. I can contribute my working 0.876
Finally, most of the previous researchers ignore the effect of experience very easily
3. A computer system is necessary 0.849
the intervening conditions that may influence the effect of IT
for employees to contribute their working
adoption. Our empirical study identified two such important experience
intervening conditions: problem characteristics and culture. 4. A learning community may eliminate 0.830
In order to obtain the most effective way of organizational temporal and spatial constraints
learning, it is crucial that managers develop an OLCS 5. My problems will be solved 0.707
by adopting colleagues’ opinions
adopting strategy, which combines technology exploration
6. I can obtain the solution 0.879
and organizational context. Future studies may examine for a specific problem from a
other contextual variables, such as organizational structure, learning community
management style, rewards etc. Moreover, identifying ‘why’ 7. A computer system may facilitate 0.865
and ‘in what situations’ the organization context may the adoption of colleagues’ opinions
8. To solve the problems that 0.876
intervene the adoption of OLCS to facilitate organizational may have in work practice, I
learning will be another interesting topic. need more innovative ideas
9. Learning community will facilitate the 0.752
creation of innovative ideas
Table 8
We would like to acknowledge data collection and Factor loadings
statistical analysis in the early stage of this research from Mr
Shin-Bon Chen. This project was supported by National 1. Most of the problems are 0.829
Science Council (NSC) of Taiwan, ROC. complex
2. Employees can exchange problems and 0.839
solutions without difficulty

Appendix A
Table 9

1. OLCS (nine indicator variables; Cronbach’s Factor loadings

a ¼ 0.9499; mean (SD) ¼ 5.265 (0.992)) (Table 6)
2. Organizational learning process (nine indicator 1. Employees are willing to share 0.706
variables; Cronbach’s a ¼ 0.9359; mean (SD) ¼ 5.369 their knowledge and expertise
2. Employees are encouraged to share 0.67
(0.871)) (Table 7) their experiences, knowledge, or creativity
3. Organizational context 3. Employees will discuss their problems 0.783
A. Problem characteristic (two indicator variables; and difficulties with other colleagues
Cronbach’s a ¼ 0.6768; mean (SD) ¼ 5.697 (0.828)) 4. Employees compete with the other 0.851
(Table 8) members of the organization
5. Employees may exchange their working 0.796
practices in the current environment
6. Our firm is trying to 0.764
Table 6
transfer to a learning organization
Factor loadings

1. Communicating with different formats (text, 0.862

voice, video, image etc.)
B. Organizational Context (organizational culture) (six
2. Synchronous and asynchronous communication 0.806 indicator variables; Cronbach’s a ¼ 0.8682; mean
3. Enough bandwidth for communication 0.861 (SD) ¼ 5.344 (0.804)) (Table 9).
4. Anonymity of sender 0.742
5. Providing information indexing and sorting 0.848
6. Matching the problems with solutions 0.856
7. Providing appropriate solutions from experts 0.874
8. Providing adequate solutions by an 0.889 References
up-to-date knowledge base
9. Transferring employees’ knowledge and 0.882
Afifi, A. A., & Clark, V. (1990). Computer-aided multivariate analysis (2nd
experiences to a public mechanism
ed.). New York: Van Nostrand Reinhold.
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