Truth and Untruth

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The Truth and Untruth about The word peerless caught in the throat of Jerry

Electrically Small Antennas Sevick, W2FMI who had written a book

entitled “Transmission Line Transformers”, 2nd
John S. (Jack) Belrose, VE2CV, VY9CRC Edition published by the ARRL in 1990. Jerry
considered that his transformer type, a bifilar wound
The title of my talk suggests that there are controversies choke type balun on a toroidal core, was superior ---
concerning the performance of electrically small and perhaps only he knew how to design them.
antennas, and indeed there are concerning in particular
two very different types of antennas: the so-called This resulted in a controversy that went on for a year or
crossed field antenna (CFA) and a follow on version the two. Jerry wanted QST to publish a rebuttal article. I
EH antenna, and compact transmitting loop antennas. never did see his draft manuscript, which was never
published by the ARRL. But his views were published
But there is a wider range of controversy: concerning under the collective title “Baluns Revisited” in
the basic concepts of transfer of power generated by a Communications Quarterly in 1992, four articles, and in
high frequency tuned power amplifier to the CQ Magazine in 1994.
propagation media. I have been involved in this debate
for about 15-years, and so I will begin with a brief There is nothing wrong with bifilar wound choke
discussion of this topic. baluns, so called transmission line baluns, but provided
the VSWR is not too high --- in some cases for example
But first concerning controversies there is also a at MF this type is the preferred balun. For example see
controversy concerning the use or non-use of baluns, the Figure below.
and which balun to use. Since many antenna types are
balanced, and present day HFTPA’s are unbalanced,
and, since the preferred method of feeding antennas is
to use coaxial cable, rather than 2-conductor balanced
transmission line, a balun should, often must be used in
the overall antenna system design.

I have during the past 50-years published about eighty

papers, technical articles and technical correspondence
on antennas (and an equal number concerned with radio
propagation). The basic theme of my work has been
concerned with providing an understanding of the
characteristics of various antennas, and in particular
addressing the topic: performance of antennas in their
operating environments. Most of what I have written
has not generated controversy, at least prior to about

CONTROVERSY BEGINS--- WITH JERRY For the amateur in radio the W2DU ferrite
SEVICK, W2FMI CONCERNING BALUNS bead over coax is a good balun (Figure) --- it
exhibits slightly lower loss (Figure).
In 1991 QST published an article I wrote entitled
“Transforming the Balun”. The QST Technical
Editor added the byline:

“In this QST breakthrough, W2DU’s peerlers 1:1

current balun design serves as the basis for excellent
ferrite-bead-choke current baluns capable of 4:1 and
9:1 impedance transformation”
Presented at the QCWA 2004 International Convention,
Amateur Radio Technical Session, Friday, October 15,
held at the Lord Elgin Hotel, Ottawa, ON, Canada
Walter Maxwell, W2DU, Tom Rauch, W8JI, John
Fakan, KB8MU and I corresponded with WB for
several years, in an attempt to publish a QST article that
addressed our differing views --- but with no success.
In 1997 we gave up and published an extended article
in Communications Quarterly Fall 1997 issue,
expressing our view that for maximum power transfer
the HFTPA should be conjugately matched, and that the
effective output impedance of the amplifier under such
conditions was equal to the load impedance. We
further stated that this impedance was non-dissipative.
We presented the results of seven experiments, and one
of the experiments was the set-up initially exactly like
that used by Bruene, that supported our view (not his).

The following issue of Communications Quarterly,

Spring 1998 published Bruene’s rebuttal, a detailed
rebuttal claiming that every one of our experiments
were flawed, flawed, flawed.

Let me begin at the beginning by quoting from the

IEEE Dictionary:

“Resistance is also defined as the real part of an

impedance. Because the impedance of a network
Jerry send me several of his best baluns, which deals with energy transfer, it has nothing to do with
unfortunately we destroyed during testing --- blue flame where the energy came from, or what became of it.
arcing and smoke when subject to high VSWR and high The real part of the impedance of a network
power (1 kilowatt). The W2DU ferrite bead over coax therefore does not dissipate energy of itself. Only
balun did not destruct, excepting loss and heating that portion of the real part of an impedance that is
increases with increasing VSWR. in fact a dissipative resistance will dissipate energy”.

Whatever type of balun is used a current balun should If we measure Vout/Iout, measured at the output
be used, and the balun should be on the input (tuned) terminals of a properly adjusted PA, tuned for
side of ther ASTU --- see my QST article in the maximum design power transfer, which in the practical
October 2004 issue of QST. case is an antenna system, we can infer an impedance
Zout = Vout/Iout, which is equal to the load
A CONTINUING SAGA impedance. But to measure Zout we have, as my long
time colleague Jim Wait, now deceased, told me, we
But the most controversial topic, I have folders and have to dissipate power. In other words operate the
folders full of correspondence, arose from the article by power amplifier into a 50 ohm resistive load. To
Warren Bruene, W5OLY entitled “RF Power measure Zout change the load a little bit, 5-10 percent,
Amplifier and the Conjugate Match”, published in and observe the change in Vout and Iout (rms values).
QST November 1991 issue. Warren wanted to discredit We have to make a small change in the dissipative load
Walter Maxwell, W2DU’s book “Reflections- resistance, because we do not want to change the
Transmission Lines and Antennas”, published by the operating characteristics of the PA tube(s).
ARRL in 1990.
This means we have to accurately measure very small
Bruene showed measurements (a curious set of changes in current and voltage. I show in the next
measurements) that in his view showed that the output Figure a comparison between what we (Walter
source impedance (referred to by him to be the source Maxwell) measured compared with the controversial
resistance) of a tuned RF power amplifier was 5-times curve presently by Bruene.
the load impedance. This of course is wrong, but
Bruene has stuck to his guns to the present date. He
still thinks Walt Maxwell and I are wrong!!
comparable to a mobile whip --- for example a 1.7 m
diameter loop at 1.8 MHz and at 3.75 MHz, and that
traditional formula for radiation resistance, developed
about 60 years ago was correct.

And present day simulation agreed with experiment.

Mike Underhill, G3LHZ for whatever reason disagrees

with most of what has been written on compact loops,
beginning with his attention grabbing paper “Magnetic
Loop or Small Folded Dipole”, published in an IEE
Conference Proceedings in 1997. And since that date
he has written five or six papers/articles, each more
controversial than earlier papers. In an article entitled
“The Truth about Loops”, published in the RSGB
International Antenna Collection, 2003 he states:

“the very low efficiencies (the few percent for the

very small loop size that I spoke about above),
predicted by simulation and existing theory are,
Now let me return to transfer of power to an antenna shown (by his measurements (??)) to be quite
system. Zout inferred from Eout and Iout is a frankly wrong by up to 1000 times (30 dB). How
nondissipative impedance --- we do not dissipate power can such measurements have been overlooked for so
there --- this is the impedance associated with the long? It is a bit of a mystery and arguably a bit of a
generation of power. We want to transfer that power to scandal.”
the antenna system. Therefore the antenna system must
be tuned to provide a conjugate match to the PA. The G3LHZ considers the efficiency of such small loops
feeder coax is associated with an impedance --- to be 80-90 percent, not a few percent.
typically Zo = 50 ohms. Zo is the characteristic
impedance of the transmission line --- it also is a Pat Hawker, G3VA, in his Technical Topics column in
nondissipative impedance. RadCom, December 2002, I have contributed his TT
Column, discusses this difference of opinion, and he
The matched antenna system presents an impedance challenged the antenna establishment to comment. My
looking in Zas = Rr + Rloss. For an efficient antenna response was a 2-part article published in the June/July
system Rr (the radiation resistance) >> Rloss. Rr is a 2004 issues of RadCom.
non dissipative resistance, since power is not dissipated
in this resistance. Rr is an impedance associated with But the controversy has not ended. In the
the power that is transferred to the propagation August/September issues of RadCom G3LHZ has
medium. published an even more controversial article entitled
“New truths about small tuned loops in a real
Now before I run out of time let me discuss the topic of environment”.
this talk, The Truth and Untruth about Electrically
Small Antennas. But my loops were in their operating environment.

COMPACT LOOPS Mike seems to have gone completely bananas, but since
he writes under the title of a Professor in the School of
I have operations used, evaluated by experimental Electronics and Physical Sciences, University of
measurement and by simulation (numerical modelling) Surrey, I suppose there are some who believe that he
and written on small compact transmitting loops, knows what he is talking about??
dating back to the mid-eighties --- in the amateur
literature let me refer to my November 1993 QST He claims that his inferred intrinsic efficiencies, 80-90
article “An Up-date on Compact Transmitting Loops”. percent, inferred not from measured field strengths but
from Q-factor based on measured VSWR, to be
I considered that the performance of such antennas confirmed by his proposed extensions of EM theory ---
(perimeter/wavelength as small as 0.03 to 0.06) was Maxwell’s EM theory is not quite right, according to
about what one would expect, a few percent, Underhill,
and the Somerfeld-Norton ground wave propagation
theory needs revision. He also disagrees with the Chu-
Wheeler Q criterion. And field strength measurements
over ground need to re-evaluated.

I could go on --- but I will stop there. My

recommendation is that we should stop reading what
G3LHZ has written --- since this will avoid further

I cannot believe that such nonsense is published. We

do read nonsense published in some amateur literature,
but papers published by the IEE??

Let me tell you what I measure, and what I infer from

our numerical simulation studies ---- Figures.
I have numerically modeled various loop antenna using
Since the loop is a high_Q inductive reactance antenna, NEC-4D, as a simple 1-turn loop, tuning capacitor at
it can be tuned by means of a capacitor, and power the top (open squares), source on conductor, circles at
couped into it by means of a small auxiliary loop, the the bottom of the loop.
size of which is adjusted so as to realized a 50-ohm
input impedance.

The Figure below shows the vertical radiation pattern

for a vertical 3.4m diameter loop, frequency 3.75 MHz,
base height 2m, compared with a half-wave dipole at
10m. Compare this figure with measured NVIS
performance, see below.

The measured bandwidths of AMA loops, VSWR < 2:1

is shown below.

The following Figure shows measured performance for

reception of a near vertical incidence skywave signal
(D2 for the dipole, and A2 for the loop). Notice that the
narrow bandwidth of the loop results in improved
reception of the monitored signal, in spite of the fact
that the received signal is about a S-unit less than for
the dipole.

The Figure below shows the vertical radiation patterns

for horizontal loops (diameters 1.7m and 0,8m),
frequency 14.15 MHz, compared with a horizontal
In the figure below we show measured gain (dBi) for dipole, antenna heights10m. A part of the gain
a commercial loop (vacuum variable capacitor used difference, loops compared with dipole, is that the
to tune the loop), for a NVIS path (100 km length), dipole has directional gain, the horizontal loop has an
compared with theory (numerical modeling using omni-directional pattern.


Professor Maurice Hately, G3HAT, Brian Stuart, and

Fathi Kabbary, a student of Maurice’s have dreamed up
a super controversial antenna. Not only has this
antenna type, and the new EM theory developed by
For the amateur in radio, he wants to know the them to explain how the antenna works, confused the
space wave gain for distance communication links. amateurs in radio, but this antenna type has been
patented, and as well presented to a learned audiences,
The Figure below shows the calculated gain in free the IEE in an Antennas and Propagation forum, and the
space for three AMA Loops. IEEE Broadcast Technology Society, but it has
attracted wide attention and is being sold.

The original CFA concept was a cylinder over a disk,

both fed, and fed in phase quadrature. The disc was
said to generate an H-Field, and the cylinder an E-field,
and these fields generated an out-going Pointing vector.
E/H, by adjusting the power fed, was said to be 377
ohms in the near field, which is what E/H is in the far
field --- perfect coupling to the propagation medium.
The intrinsic impedance of free space is 377 ohms.
Kabbary has sold several of his antennas (costing as
much as $100,000) to MF broadcasters in Italy, Brazil,
Australia, and China. A broadcast consultant group in
Germany erected a CFA, copied in collaboration with
Kabbary, and one of his antennas was erected in the UK
for testing. Performance to be overseen by the Marconi
Research Laboratories, Chelmsford and the BBC.

But none of these antenna systems performed

satisfactorily --- efficiencies very low and bandwidths
too small for MF broadcasting.

The CFA works only in Egypt, and best at only one

location, Tanta, Egypt --- where it is mounted on the
roof of building (Figure), and its ground plane is well It is a very electrically small antenna system, a few
connected to ground --- yet this antenna system is has electrical degrees in height, yet it is said to achieve a
attracting wide interest. radiation efficiency equivalent to a well ground quarter
wave monople --- and as well it is said to possess other
attractive features --- high angle skywave is a minimum
--- high angle skywave during nighttime hours limits
the useful range of MF broadcast transmission.

I consider that the basic theory on which the antenna is

said to work is flawed, that the method of feed leads to
increased difficulties, and if the antenna works at all it
is due to current flow on grounding wires (the antenna
is usually elevated) or on current flow on the outer
surface of the feeder coax --- I was in the audience and
said so following the initial presentation of a paper
before a learned audience (the IEE) in 1991.

So finally we decided to numerically model the CFA, in

1996/97, but this only resulted in further controversy --
CFA antennas,Tanta, Egypt. - the inventors claim that the Numerical EM Code I use
cannot model the CFA --- so we built experimental
model(s) of the CFA and measured the characteristics,
and radiation efficiency --- in 1998/99. But it was not
Other installations installed at ground level did not before the autumn of 2000 that we succeeded in tuning
work so well (how well???). and matching the antenna.
I only have time in this presentation to give you a brief
overview of our work.

This is seen in our numerical modeling (the resistive

component of the disc is negative.

Experimental model.

This makes for very difficult tuning, to achieve (say

equal powers to the both elements, and currents in
phase quadrature.

Clearly no one but us have ever achieved quadrature

feed --- the inventors only imagined they did. No one
Numerical model. who has fabricated a CFA has ever observed the
problem of return power.

Not discussed by the inventors of the CFA, it is merely

two electrically small antenna system, comprising two
elements mutually coupled. And, when fed in
quadrature this results in power going out, and power
coming back, in fact the return power, returning to the
disc, is almost as large as the outgoing power, from the
AGARD LS 165, Modern Antenna Design using Computers
and Measurement: Application to Antenna Problems of
Military Interest, Specialized Printing Services Ltd.,
Loughton, Essex, U.K., September 1989 (overview 30 pages).

Belrose, J.S., “Transforming the Balun”, QST, June 1991, pp.


Belrose, J.S., W. Maxwell and C.T. Rauch, "Source

Impedance of HF Tuned Power Amplifiers and the Conjugate
Match", Communications Quarterly, Fall 1997, pp. 25-40.

Belrose, J.S. and L. Parker, "A tunable all-bands HF

Camp/Mobile Antenna", Communications Quarterly, Fall
1998, pp. 47-57.

Belrose, J.S., “Characteristics of the CFA Obtained by

Numerical and Experimental Modelling”, CFA Panel Forum,
IEEE Broadcast Technology Symposium, Vienna, VA, 27-29
September 2000.

Belrose, J.S., “Compact Loops Re-Visited”, AntenneX Online

Magazine, March 2001 (see Archives IV reference No. 70).

Belrose, J.S., “CFAs on the Roof of Buildings”, AntenneX

Online Magazine, June 2001 (see Archives IV reference No.
Field Strength (dB microvolts/m) versus distance 88).
meters for the conical extension model of the CFA,
Belrose, J.S., “On the EH Antenna”, Published in the on-line
transmitter power 10 watts.
magazine antenneX April 2003.

Belrose, J.S., “On the CFA and EH Antennas”, TCA –

The measured field strength at 200 m for a Canada’s Amateur Radio Magazine, pp. 24-26, May/June
transmitter power of 10 watts is 87.3 dB 2003.
Belrose, J.S., “On the Quest for an Ideal Antenna
The field strength predicted (according to NEC-4, for Tuner”, QST, October 2004.
tuner coil Q-factors equal to 75) is 88.7 dB
microvolts/m (difference 1.4 dB). Belroser, J.S., “A Brief Overview of the Performance of Wire
Aerials in their Operating Environments”, International
Antenna Collection (Edited by Dr. George Brown, M5ACN),
The measured FS referenced to a short vertical over a Published by The Radio Society of Great Britain, 2003, pp.
perfectly conducting ground reveals that the gain of 137-153.
our CFA is about
Belrose, J.S., “Performance of Electrically Small Transmitting
- 14.5 dB assuming no loss in the tuners; Loop Antennas: Part I, RadCom, pp. 64-67; Part II, RadCom,
and - 16.5 dB including tuner losses (about 1.5 dB). pp. 88-98, June/July, 2004; Technical Feedback, June 2005, p.
78; and Technical Note, August 2006.

Belrose, J.S., “Characteristics of the Crossed Field Antenna

obtained by Numerical and Experimental Modelling”, IEEE
REFERENCES AP-S Symposium, Washington, 3-8 July 2005.

Belrose, J.S., "Scale Modelling and Full Scale Measurement Belrose, J.S., “Electrically Small Transmitting Loops”, IEEE
Techniques with particular reference to antennas in their AP-S Symposium Digest, Washington, 3-8 July 2005.
operational environments", in AGARD Lecture Series No.
131, The Performance of Antennas in their Operational
Environment, October, 1983. Available: NTIS Access No.

Belrose, J.S., G.M. Royer and L.E. Petrie, “HF Wire Antenna
over Real Ground: Computer Simulation and Measurement”,

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