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(Approved by AICTE, New Delhi & Affiliated to JNTUA, Anantapuramu)


Subject: MWE Academic Year: 2019-20

Choose the correct answer
1. __________ is a region of Electromagnetic spectrum having frequency ranging from
1GHz to 100 GHz [ ]
A. Micro wave B. UV C. IR D. None of these
2. Which of the following is the main advantage of microwave [ ]
A. Highly directive B. Moves at the speed of light
C. Greater S/N ratio D. High penetration power
3. Traveling Wave Tube is __________ [ ]
A. Oscillator B. Tuned Amplifier C. Wide Band Amplifier
D. Both Amplifier & Oscillator
4. Maxwell’s equation for electromagnetic waves in a waveguide is [ ]
a) ∇×E = -jωµ(vector H) b) ∇×E =-jωμ(vector E)
c) ∇×H=-jωμ(vector H) d) ∇×H=jωμ(vector H)
5. The value of ‘α’ for a lossless line is: [ ]
a) 0 b) 1 c) Infinity d) Data insufficient
6. For a lossless line, which of the following is true? [ ]
a) γ=jβ b) γ=α c) γ=α+jβ d) γ=α*jβ
7. Expression for phase constant β is: [ ]
a) √LC b) ω √LC c)1/ (ω √LC) d) None of the mentioned
8. The wave impedance of air for a wave propagating in it is: [ ]
a) 377 Ω b) 345 Ω c) Insufficient data d) None of the mentioned
9. Flow of power in transmission line takes place through: [ ]
a) Electric field and magnetic field b) Voltage and current
c) Voltage d) Electric field
10. The losses that occur in a transmission line is [ ]
a) Conduction losses b) Di-electric loss
c) Both of the mentioned d) None of the mentioned
11. In TM mode, if the direction of wave propagation is in ‘z’ direction, then: [ ]
a) HZ=0 b) EZ=0 c) EY=0 d) HY=0
12. The modes of wave propagation that a parallel plate waveguide can support are: [ ]
a) TEM, TE, TM modes b) TM, TE modes
c) TEM, TM modes d) TEM, TE modes
13. The wave impedance of a TM mode in a parallel plate waveguide is a [ ]
a) Function of frequency
b) Independent of frequency
c) Proportional to square of frequency
d) Inversely proportional to square of frequency
14. TE mode is characterized by: [ ]
a) EZ=0 b) HZ=0 c) Ex=0 d) Ey=0
15. For a parallel plate waveguide, which of the following is true? [ ]
a) No real power flow occurs in the ‘z’ direction
b) Power flow occurs in ‘z’ direction
c) No power flow occurs in any direction
d) Wave propagation in z direction is not possible in any mode
16. The modes of propagation supported by a rectangular wave guide is: [ ]
a) TM, TEM, TE modes b) TM, TE
c) TM, TEM d) TE, TEM
17. A hollow rectangular waveguide cannot propagate TEM waves because: [ ]
a) Of the existence of only one conductor
b) Of the losses caused
c) It is dependent on the type of the material used
d) None of the mentioned
18. For any mode of propagation in a rectangular waveguide, propagation occurs: [ ]
a) Above the cut off frequency b) Below the cut off frequency
c) Only at the cut-off frequency d) Depends on the dimension of the waveguide
19. Dominant mode is defined as: [ ]
a) Mode with the lowest cut off frequency
b) Mode with the highest cut off frequency
c) Any TEM mode is called a dominant mode
d) None of the mentioned
20. TEₒₒ mode for a rectangular waveguide: [ ]
a) Exists b) Exists but defined only under special cases
c) Does not exist d) Cannot be determined
21. In television systems the characteristic impedance of the cables used is: [ ]
a) 75Ω b) 150Ω c) 100Ω d) 50Ω
22. In Microwave circuit, wave guide section will act as a ______ [ ]
A. Low pass filter B. Band pass filter C. High pass filter D. Band reject filter
23. Due to the curvature of earth, microwave repeaters are placed at a distance of about[ ]
A. 10 km B. 50 km C. 150 km D. 250 km
24. At Microwave frequencies , the size of the antenna becomes [ ]
A. Very large B. Large C. Small D. Very Small
25. The phenomenon of microwave signals following the curvature of earth is known as _______
A. Faraday effect B. Ducting C. Wave tilt D. Troposcatter
26. Transmission line is a _________ parameter network. [ ]
A. lumped B. distributed C. active D. none of the mentioned
27. In a circular waveguide the dominant mode is [ ]
A. TE01 B. TE11 C. TE20 D. TE21
28. Which TM mode in rectangular waveguide has lowest cutoff frequency? [ ]
A. TM11 B. TM01 C. TM10 D. TM21
29. A waveguide section in a microwave circuit acts as [ ]
A. LP filter B. Bandpass filter C. HP filter D. Band stop filter
30. The cut off wavelength in circular waveguide [ ]
A. guide diameter B. square of guide diameter
C. cube of guide diameter D. square root of guide diameter
31. If f is the frequency of electromagnetic wave, fc is cutoff frequency, then in a rectangular
waveguide [ ]
A. attenuation is low when f > fc B. attenuation is low when f < fc
C. attenuation is high when f < fc D. either (b) or (c)
32. A cavity resonator is [ ]
A. a hollow metallic enclosure
B. a hollow enclosure having magnetic material as its walls
C. a hollow enclosure having dielectric material as its walls
D. either (b) or (c)
33. The electrical requirement on wall thickness of rectangular wave guide is [ ]
A. wall thickness is more than skin depth
B. wall thickness is less than skin depth
C. wall thickness is equal to skin depth
D. either (b) or (c)


1 A 6 A 11 A 16 B 21 A 26 B 31 A
2 A 7 B 12 A 17 A 22 C 27 B 32 A
3 C 8 A 13 A 18 A 23 B 28 A 33 A
4 A 9 A 14 A 19 A 24 D 29 C
5 A 10 C 15 A 20 C 25 B 30 A

Choose the correct answer

1. _______ is the best medium for handling the large microwave power [ ]
A. Coaxial line B. Rectangular wave guide
C. Strip line D. Circular wave guide
2. Microwave antenna aperture efficiency depends on _________ [ ]
A. Feed pattern B. Antenna aperture C. Surface losses D. low side lobe level
3. A Magic – Tee is nothing but [ ]
A. Modification of E- Plane tee B. Modification of H- Plane tee
C. Combination of E- plane & H- plane D. Two E- plane tees connected in parallel
4. One of the most important factors to be considered in the selection of a particular matching
network is: [ ]
a) noise component b) amplification factor
c) bandwidth d) none of the mentioned
5. Power dividers and couplers are ______ microwave components used for power division or
power combining. [ ]
a) Passive b) Active c) Linear d) Non linear
6. Isolation of a directional coupler is a measure of the: [ ]
a) Power delivered to the uncoupled port b) Power delivered to the coupled port
c) Power delivered to the second port d) None of the mentioned
7. Ferrite isolators are ____ port microwave devices. [ ]
a) Two b) Three c) Four d) None
8. Frequency range of K-band is _____GHz [ ]
A) 2 to 4 B) 4 to 8 C) 9 to 12 D) 18 to 27
9. At microwave frequencies normal transmission lines are not preferable due to ___ [ ]
A) No losses B) Less losses C) More losses D) None
10. Isolator provides minimum attenuation in ____ direction [ ]
A) Backward B) Forward C) Both A & B D) None
11. Evanescent mode attenuation in a waveguide depends upon the [ ]
A) Operating frequency B) Conductivity of the guide walls
C) Conductivity of the dielectric filling the waveguide D) Standing waves in the guide
12. Relation between group and phase velocity is [ ]
A) C2=Vp/Vg B) C2=Vp-Vg C) C2=Vp.Vg D) C2=Vp+Vg
13. Gyrator provides ______ phase shift in forward direction. [ ]
A) 100O B) 180O C) 108O D) 120O
14. Other name for series tee is [ ]
A) H-Plane Tee B) Hybrid Tee C) Rat race D) E-plane Tee
15. In a rectangular waveguide having a=width, b=height for a>b, the dominant mode
is [ ]
A) TE10 B) TM10 C) TE01 D) TM01
16. The relation between λg, λ o and λc is [ ]
A) 1/ λg2=1/ λ o2+1/λc2 B) 1/ λg2=1/ λ o2 - 1/λc2
C) 1/ λg2=1/ λ o2/1/λc2 D) 1/ λg2=1/ λ o2 x 1/λc2
17. E-H plane tee junction is also called as [ ]
A) Series Tee B) Shunt Tee C) Hybrid Tee D) Rat race junction
18. Efficiency of reflex klystron is _____ % [ ]
A) 18.78 B) 22.78 C) 35.64 D) 44.38
19. The frequency range of L-band is _________ GHz [ ]
A) 9-7 B) 6-4 C) 1-2 D) 2-4
20. Which of the following are the ferrite devices? [ ]
A) Gyrator B) Isolator C) Circulator D) All
21. Efficiency of two cavity klystron is _____ % [ ]
A) 88 B) 38.56 C) 78 D) 58
22. In a directional coupler [ ]
A. isolation (dB) equals coupling plus directivity
B. coupling (dB) equals isolation plus directivity
C. directivity (dB) equals isolation plus coupling
D. isolation (dB) equals (coupling) (directivity)
23. A magic tee is to be used as CW duplexer. Then port 1, port 2, port 3 (E arm),
port 4 (H arm) respectively should be connected to [ ]
A. matched load, antenna, receiver and CW transmitter
B. CW transmitter, antenna, receiver and matched load
C. CW transmitter, receiver, antenna and matched load
D. CW transmitter, matched load, receiver and antenna
24. Wave guides are pressurised above normal atmospheric pressure for [ ]
A. increasing the power handling capacity
B. improving conductivity of walls
C. preventing higher modes from propagation
D. varying the wave impedance
25. For a waveguide, which of the following statements is wrong? [ ]
A. It is usually made of brass or aluminium
B. It is usually rectangular or circular in shape
C. The dielectric region is usually air
D. The wall thickness is very small as compared to skin depth
26. The earliest uses of electromagnetic waves were [ ]
A. point to point communication B. radar
C. both (a) and (b) D. neither (a) nor (b)
27. A quarter wave line short circuited at load end behaves as [ ]
A. an inductance
B. an inductance and capacitance in series
C. a capacitance
D. an inductance and capacitance in parallel
28. Which of these statements is correct? [ ]
A. Ridge guide is essentially a form of capacitively loaded guide.
B. Ridge guide is essentially a form of inductively loaded guide.
C. Ridge guide is essentially a form of resistively loaded guide.
D. Ridge guide has higher power handling capacity than rectangular waveguide.
29. A rectangular waveguide has width a. Then at the cutoff frequency (with corresponding wave
length λc) [ ]
A. a = λc/2 B. a = λc C. a = λc/4 D. a = 2λc
30. At a frequency equal to cutoff frequency in a rectangular wave guide [ ]
A. the flow of electromagnetic energy is zero
B. the flow of electromagnetic energy is infinite
C. the flow of electromagnetic energy is 50% of maximum
D. the flow of electromagnetic energy is 10% of maximum


1 B 6 A 11 C 16 B 21 D 26 C
2 B 7 A 12 C 17 C 22 A 27 D
3 C 8 D 13 B 18 B 23 A 28 A
4 C 9 C 14 D 19 C 24 A 29 A
5 A 10 B 15 A 20 D 25 D 30 B

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