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No so1o42016-RaR ‘Government of nia May of Power ‘Sram Shalt Bhayan, Raf Marg, ‘New Der, October, 2078 Chairperson, CEA, Sewa Bhawan, RK. Puram, New Da Secretary (EnergyiPower), Al Stale GovsiUTS ‘Secretary, CERGIFOR, ChanvderlokBuidng, Janeth, New Dah Secrotary Al SERCs (ClO, Al CPSUs under the adminisvatve contol of Ms of Power, Present, FICC! Tansen Marg, New Deh President ASSOCHAM New By Indian Copive Power Prosucers Associaton 106, APP. New Doth, ‘Subject Claricatn on Orders relates to Renewable Puchase Obigaton sr, | am drcte to refer tothe Ministry of Powers Order of evan number dated 22" uy, 2018 ant +4tn supe, 2018 regarding long term gronth ajecary of Renewable Purchaes Dbigaton (RPO) for Solar and Non-soar forthe period 2016-19 and 2018-22 respectvey. 2.__Acasfeaton was isued by Ministry of Power vie later dted 1" Febrary, 2019 regering Capping of RPO fr Captive Power Pants (CPP) (copy enclosed} 3. Based on he concer raised by various stakeholders and ater due consutaton wh MINRE, (EA and CERC tis urher clad Hat 1) Fee GPPs commissioned belore 1.042016, RPO should be atthe level as mandates by the ‘propa Commission forthe Year 2015-5. For CPPs commissioned from 704 2016 ‘Onwards, the RPO lovel as mandated by the spproprisie Commason er Naisty of Power, ‘ahicheversnigher, forthe year of eommssioning of the CPP eal be apoleate. | Incase of any augmontato nthe capac, the RPO for augmented capadty shall be the RPO ‘pple forthe yearn which the CPP has Deen augmented i) Incase, for meetng the RPO oblgaton, CPP hat supus power tran its consumpton ‘aurerment such @'CPP may sell fe supe power to the DISCOMS unde the prevaling ‘Srangemenis orn the power exchange. 4 This issues wth he apcoval of Honble MeS(UC) for Power and NRE. ‘Yours fatal Enel As above Bee. (0. chatopachyay) Under Secratay nine Got of nda "rel 2973 0255 (Copy: Shri P.C. Matinany, Ader, NRE, New De, No. sonaraore Ran ‘Government of ne Minty Power Sham Shalt Bhavan, Rl Meg, Now Delhi, Ftiuy, 2018 ‘Chaperson, CEA, Sowa Bhawan, RK Pur, New Dh Secretary (nergyiPower Al Sais Gots Te. ‘Secrelty, CERCIFOR, Chardstok Bung, Jenoath New Dah Secretary All SERCs (CMO. A CPSU under the srintratve conta of Minis of Power President FICC, Taneen Marg New Des Presiden” ASSOCHANE New Gh Indian Cele Power Producers Associaton BG. APP. New Den, ‘Subject tartan on Orders related to Renewable Purchase Obligation si | am directed offer to the Nnisiyof Power's Order of ven number dated 22" Ju, 2016 and 14m lune, 2018 regarding long tom growth teecery of Renewne Purchase (bison (RPO) for Sela nd Non-clrfor the plod 2016-19 an 2018-29 respochvely. 2___qThe request of various sakehalders regarding capping of RPO for Captive Power Plants (CPP) hes been examined in cnsutzion wi Misty of New and Renews Enea) ‘2d is cli thal RPO ofthe CPP may be pegged af the RPO level applica nthe ost in wich he CPP was commisioned Asan we the company ads fo he cepa othe PP. wi have to provide for adauona RPO ae abigsed Inthe yearn when ew casa 's commissioned. There shou not be an cree in REO of CPP witout oy sadonal Tosi ul eapacty Being see 3. This fesues wit ne approval of Hobie MoS(UC) for Power and NRE. Yours ary, Mee, (©. chatopesnyay) Under Secretary oe Bo of na “ah 2573 0265 (Copy to: Shri P.C Maths, Air, MNRE, New Det

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