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E ‘Value’ Ation

Evaluation is a systematic determination of a subject's merit, worth and

significance, using criteria governed by a set of standards.

Linguistically Evaluation is a (noun.) "action of appraising or valuing," from

French évaluation, noun of action from évaluer "to find the value of," from é- "out"
(see ex-) + valuer, from Latin valere "be strong, be well; be of value, be worth" (from
PIE root *wal- "to be strong"). Meaning "job performance review".

Research vs. evaluation (Research and evaluation are ways of answering


1- Research = aims to generalize findings to outside world.

2- Evaluation = findings are specific and restricted.
Types/models of evaluation
1. Needs assessment: What are some gaps that the program will fill?
2. Feasibility study: Given the constraints, can the program succeed?
3. Process evaluation: How is the implemented program progressing?
4. Outcome evaluation: were program goals and objectives achieved?
5. Cost analysis: Was the program financially worthwhile or valuable?
6. Research: Will the program work elsewhere?
What Is Evaluation? E-Value-Ation
E = estimation or assessment or measuring
Value = importance or value
Ation = action
(A Systematic Process of Determining Value)
Determining how to assess the value of action
Measure What Matters
Comparative assessment of measuring something
Reasoning about values involves more than the exercise of logic upon factual
data. The rationality of value determination invokes the subject’s personal reaction
to his environment.
Berman, M., Finkelstein, J., & Powell, M. (2005). Tall ships and social capital: A
study of their interconnections. International Journal of the Humanities,
Moutafakis, N. J. (2013) Rescher on Rationality, Values, and Social Responsibility:
A Philosophical Portrait. De Gruyter (Reading Rescher). Available at:
Priest, S. (2001). A program evaluation primer. Journal of Experiential Education,
24(1), 34-40.

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