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I remember the night my mother
was stung by a scorpion. Ten hours
of steady rain had driven him
to crawl beneath a sack of rice.

Parting with his poison - flash

of diabolic tail in the dark room -
he risked the rain again.

The peasants came like swarms of flies

and buzzed the name of God a hundred times
to paralyse the Evil One.

With candles and with lanterns

throwing giant scorpion shadows
on the mud-baked walls
they searched for him: he was not found.
They clicked their tongues.
With every movement that the scorpion made his poison moved in Mother's blood, they said.

May he sit still, they said

May the sins of your previous birth
be burned away tonight, they said.
May your suffering decrease
the misfortunes of your next birth, they said.
May the sum of all evil
balanced in this unreal world

against the sum of good

become diminished by your pain.
May the poison purify your flesh

of desire, and your spirit of ambition,

they said, and they sat around
on the floor with my mother in the centre,
the peace of understanding on each face.
More candles, more lanterns, more neighbours,
more insects, and the endless rain.
My mother twisted through and through,
groaning on a mat.
My father, sceptic, rationalist,
trying every curse and blessing,
powder, mixture, herb and hybrid.
He even poured a little paraffin
upon the bitten toe and put a match to it.
I watched the flame feeding on my mother.

I watched the holy man perform his rites to tame the poison with an incantation.
After twenty hours
it lost its sting.

My mother only said

Thank God the scorpion picked on me
And spared my children

Literary Devices - Night Of The Scorpion

Alliteration - stung by a scorpion, Parting with his poison, diabolic tail in the dark, risked the rain,

poison purfiy, through and through, poured a little paraffin, flame feeding.

Antonyms - previous/next, evil/good, sceptic/rationalist, curse/blessing.

Assonance - candle/lantern, buzzed/hundred, Mother's blood.

Metaphor - scorpion is the Evil One.

Simile - like swarms of flies.

Summary of The Night of the Scorpion

The Night of the Scorpion is the story of one night in which the mother of the speaker is stung by a
poisonous scorpion. She suffers for twenty hours while peasants, holy men, and her husband attempt
to heal her. They try curses, blessings, prayers, herbs, and all forms of ancient medicine that are not
practiced in most of the modern world. Their efforts are in vain. A sense of otherworldliness is created
by the beliefs and practices of these peasants in comparison to the world in which the reader is
existing, a barrier is put up. This barrier is torn down as the poem concludes and the reader realizes
how similar they are to the characters in the poem, united by their common humanity.

Night of the Scorpion Analysis

This poem begins at the beginning, with the speaker starting the story of how his mother was stung by
a scorpion. Ezekiel does not use unnecessary phrasing or extra words, he gets right to the point. He
describes how the scorpion had been driven inside by “steady rain” and has decided to hide beneath a
“sack of rice.” This first stanza is only four lines, a choice Ezekiel makes to urge the story forward. A
quick succession of stanzas allows for the poem to flow faster. The second stanza proceeds in the
same way, but this time with only three lines.
In this stanza Ezekiel’s speaker describes the actions of the scorpion. He portrays the creature as being
purposefully diabolical, a thought that will directly relate to the beliefs and actions of those that attend
the speaker’s mother. The scorpion moves quickly before anyone can do anything, he “part[s] with his
poison…” and runs back outside, to risk the weather again.

Throughout this piece Ezekiel makes a number of language choices that continue to reference the
movements and parts of different insects.These descriptors are very prevalent in the third stanza.He
describes the actions of the peasants as being like swarms of flies, they “buzzed” God’s name in a
hope to paralyze the “Evil One.”
The image that Ezekiel creates here is clear, the reader can easily visualize a swarm of people coming
down on the speaker’s mother, all with good intentions, but perhaps so numerous that no one can do
anything that would help. They are all devoted to the same purpose, praying in the hope of saving the

mother. They believe that she has been inflicted by the Evil One, or the devil, and pray in an effort to
drive him out.

The peasants came like swarms of flies

and buzzed the name of God a hundred times
The fourth stanza contains seven lines and describes the hunt that the peasants embark on in an effort
to find the scorpion. They search with both candles and lanterns, which throw shadows on the wall in
the shape of a scorpion. This image of the scorpion still being in the room (only in the form of
shadow) helps set the scene for the next lines as the peasants struggle to help the mother. The shadow
is representative of their primitive fears, that something Evil is lurking just where they cannot see it.
This fourth stanza continues, and the search for the scorpion has failed, they do not know, as the
reader does, that the scorpion fled the house at the beginning of the poem. This puts the reader in a
position above those in the poem, he/she has a greater knowledge of the situation than those
experiencing it. A technique that, on stage, or within drama, is known as dramatic irony.

The peasants say that,

With every movement that the scorpion made his / poison moved in Mother’s blood…
This gives the reader the sense that they believe if they are able to capture and kill the scorpion the
mother will be cured. A simple, primitive belief, that the reader would very well know to be
unfounded. Once again elevating the reader’s position above that of the peasants.

The fifth paragraph, also seven lines, holds the poem’s momentum steady. The peasants wish the
scorpion to be stilled, but offer a bit of consolation for the mother. They, deep in their superstitions,
say to the mother that the poison will burn away the sins of her previous birth, and decrease the
suffering of her next. This is a reference to the traditional Hindu belief of reincarnation. Due to their
lowly social status it was believed that the mother must have committed some kind of grievous sin to
be condemned to this life, and that perhaps this suffering she is going through will improve her
chances of being reincarnated into a higher position in her next life.

This stanza continues into the next in which the speaker continues relaying the words of the peasants.
They wish that the pain the mother is experiencing will purify her flesh,

of desire, and your spirit ambition,

The peasants have given up their search for the scorpion and are now sitting around the mother with
her at the center of a circle. The speaker describes each peasant as wearing a face that is peaceful with
understanding. The next two lines allow for quick progression of time. Ezekiel lists a number of
developments and additions to the story. All of the following are added to the situation:
More candles, more lanterns, more neighbors, / more insects, and the endless rain.
The mother is “twisting” on the floor, “groaning” into the mat. It can be assumed that quite a large
crowd has gathered around the mother. Many there to help, and probably some there just to observe.
At this point in the story the father is introduced into the poem. He is described as being a very
sensible man, rational, and a sceptic. Most likely doubtful of the beliefs of the peasants. At this
moment though he is desperate. Ezekiel’s speaker describes his father as trying

every curse and blessing, / powder, mixture, herb and hybrid.

His father has forgotten his reason and is trying everything he can think of in an effort to save his
wife. While the reader may have felt some distance from the characters at this point, the father’s
desperation feels real and acute. A man hopeful beyond reason that a curse or blessing will save his
wife. He even goes so far as to burn paraffin on her toe. The speaker watches the flames it creates
“feeding” on his mother. Just as the poison is moving through her body, so is the flame consuming her

skin. The reader is then informed that all of this has been going on twenty hours. A truly painful and
horrific death.
Throughout this poem a number of different remedies are tried in an attempt to save the mother, from
what the reader can infer, none of them help. Some of these practices will surely seem absurd to a
modern reader. These references to older medicinal practices put distance between the reader and the
speaker, especially in the final line of the seventh stanza in which a

holy man perform[s] his rites to tame the poison with an / incantation.
After this distance is in place, Ezekiel swiftly breaks down the barrier to show how truly similar the
reader is, no matter where he/she is from, to the characters in the poem. They are all human and are
united by the final stanza.

My mother only said / Thank God the scorpion picked on me / And spared my children.
While once again the scorpion is spoken about as if it chose to kill the mother, the mother’s dedication
and pure love for her children breaches the gap between the characters in the poem and any reader.
All can empathize with the love felt for a child, mother or father. This woman, although distant, living
in a different time and place, is just as human and real as anyone reading the poem.

About Nissim Ezekiel

Nassim Ezekial was born in Bombay in 1924 as part of Bombay’s Jewish community. He attended
Wilson College in Mumbai and received a BA in Literature. After graduating he taught English
literature, and continued his studies at Birkbeck College, London where he studied Philosophy. He
was married, and published his first collection of poetry in in 1952, The Bad Day. Another book, The
Dead Man, was published in 1960. His career also included working in the publication industry, as a
critic at The Names of India and editor of Poetry India. He also held a number of professorial
positions at the University of Leeds and University of Pondicherry. He would receive the Padmashri
award by the President of India in 1988. He died in January of 2004 at 79 years old.

Theme of Night of the Scorpion

The poem Night of the Scorpion by Nissim Ezekiel is drenched in rural background reflecting
high rural superstitious beliefs and ritualistic practices; here for a specific, vital and concern worthy
purpose of scorpion bite. The poem in general appears to be a simple narrative of a tragic incident of
scorpion bite. But the in-depth analysis of the poem reveals deeper meanings and themes that the
poem operates upon. There are a number of themes and sub-themes prospering within the poem in a
terse and inter-woven manner which makes the judgement of the main theme quiet complicated.
Various themes that simultaneously operates within the poem are superstitions, pauper village
conditions, motherly love, helplessness etc. Of these themes motherly love is amongst a significant
theme; but helplessness seems to be a more prospering one, throughout the poem

Setting, Tone and Mood

The poem is spatial, i.e. according to geographical space, set against the back drop of an Indian
village. The time is night and the climate is wet after a shower of ten hours. Temporally, i.e. according
to time, the poem is a reminiscence of the poet’s childhood. The tone of the poem though in a very
innocent way brings out the inherent irony in the poem. Here the mood of the poet is not directly
satirical but indirectly very biting and scathing. In the garb of innocence, the poet simply brings out
the complex bent of mind of the simple village folk. There is hardly any anger visible on the surface
but inside the poet seethes with rage at the ignorance and stupidity of the village folk including his
father. This is the characteristic detached way of Ezekiel’s satire where he says so much without

making a big effort. The fact that the satire involves his mother, who is the helpless victim of the
stupidity of the people, does not make the poem any subjective. Which itself becomes a point of
cruelty to us. We might chide the poet for his apparent detachment from the whole episode where he
claims that his mother was in great pain. However, we can also defend the poet by saying that the
event took place way back in his childhood and thus has lost its personal touch. However, when we
re-read the poem the anger that is present becomes easily apparent. The apparent innocence of the
narrative also undercuts the mock seriousness of the mythical and philosophical mumbo jumbo of the
poem where incarnation and reincarnations are talked of. The poem mocks in its narrative the over
dependence of the common people on divinity for anything and everything. And yet finally, the
solemnness of the poem is confirmed in the last lines of the poem where the mother wishes for the
pain of the children.


The place is full of worshippers.

You can tell by the sandals
piled outside, the owners' prints
worn into leather, rubber, plastic,
a picture clearer than their faces
put together, with some originality,
brows and eyes, the slant
of cheek to chin.
What prayer are they whispering?
Each one has left a mark,
the perfect pattern of a need,
sole and heel and toe
in dark, curved patches,
heels worn down,
thongs ragged, mended many times.
So many shuffling hopes,
pounded into print,
as clear as the pages of holy books,
illuminated with the glint
of gold around the lettering.
What are they whispering?
Outside, in the sun,
such a quiet crowd
of shoes, thrown together
like a thousand prayers
washing against the walls of God.

Imtiaz Dharker

Prayer” is another poem of discrimination against women. The scene is set outside the mosque where
the observer, perhaps the poetess herself, is denied entry. She expresses her strong resentment against
man’s writ which runs large here also in the house of God and He has also yielded to man’s dictate.
We are told that “The place is full of worshippers”, all poor; their sandals with soles, heels and thongs
“forming a perfect pattern of need” are ragged and mended many times. They are thrown together in a
heap –

“like a thousand prayers


washing against the walls of God.”

They appear to be the hopeful prayers of the poor. The observer is quite ironical when she questions
out of sheer curiosity –

“What prayers are they whispering?”


“What are they whispering?”

The answer to this question lies in not saying anything and the message is conveyed in willful and
tactical silence, in the subtle irony of the question itself.

Imtiaz Dharker (1954-) lives with the passion of an undaunted rebel, not to retreat and not to fail. The
intensity and eloquence of her life and poetic accomplishment have dumbfounded the male-
chauvinists and have left her female counterparts in soaring spirits not only inside the Islamic social,
cultural and religious setup but also outside it. That is why her life and poetry make a fascinating
study in the crushing indictment of the suppressive prescriptions against the freedom, dignity and
respectful living of women, especially in the Muslim society. Imtiaz confirms our convictions that
socio-cultural and socio-religious restrictions on women have robbed them of all their potentialities
leaving them not only physically and mentally handicapped but also psychological wrecks age after
age. The lived experiences of Imtiaz have been honestly expressed in her poetry with the courage of
conviction. Her humanistic and feministic concerns with her anguish and agony, sympathy and protest
give the message silently, though its deafening explosion has been felt everywhere. That is the reason
that her rebellion has caused a flutter in the petticoats of the guardians of orthodox religion,
custodians of culture and the pettifogging politicians. The substance, spirit and style of her daily
living hold everyone to sway.

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