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Page 1 of 10 Service News A900170F COMPONENT CODE [15] PARTS & SERVICE NEWS REF NO. | A900170F DATE | Oct.19.2042 This PARTS & SERVICE NEWS supersedes the previous issue No. A900170E dated Dec. 13, 2010 which should be discarded. SUBJECT: TRANSMISSION FLUSHING PROCEDURE FOR D/T, M/S, BULLDOZER, WL, AND MOTOR GRADER PURPOSE: —_To introduce flushing procedures for dump trucks, motor scrapers, bulldozers, wheel loaders and motor graders. APPLICATION: Refer to pages 2/10 to 8/10 FAILURE CODE: 500Z9 DESCRIPTION: 4. Introduction This PARTS & SERVICE NEWS introduces how to flush the hydraulic cirouit on the transmission, The hydraulic circuit needs to be flustied because the dit (Such as metal chips) penetrated in the circuit can cause the intemal damage and earlier damage of the torque converter and transmission, The flushing is needed especially when: (1) The torque converter and transmission or hydraulic equipment are broken and the metal chips and the metal povider caused by wearing of parts get in the hydraulic circuit, (For the machine model with the transmission circuit that is used as the retarder circuit, flush the circuit when the retarder is broken, t00.) @) When the torque converter or transmission is overhauled or repaired. (For the machine ‘model with the transmission circuit that is used as the retarder circuit, flush the circuit ‘when the retarder is overhauled or repaired, too.) Sanne KOMATSU ‘A900170F 1. Percent, dir catching (%) Time @) Forreference, the amount ofthe dit that was caught ny flushing after overhauling the torque Fig. 4 converter and transmission on a HU3OOA unit is shown by Fig. 2 below. emit (fi Max, grain size, caught dit: 94.6 um * it T 7 Average grain size, caught dirt) 6.9 ym “ei LL r Amount of dirt caught: 7979 »| » — art No, element se1-155507 a Absolute ftration grain size: 6 um oP ebb bie | Conditions for flushing: same as Grain size, caught dirt (um) Pushing Fig. 2 procedure Page 2 of 10 Service News A900170F Purpose and effect of flushing (1) Importance and merits of flushing ‘The dirt penetrated in the hydraulic circuit on the transmission can cause decreased functioning and shorter life of the torque converter and transmission. The dirt penetration in most cases lead to the internal damage and a big loss. ‘The mojor causes for the dirt penetration in the hydrauilc circuit on the transmission are 2s follows: <1> Ifthe inside of the torque converter or transmission is broken, the metal chips or fractions get in the hydraulic circuit and itis impossible to remove these matters, completely from the circuit by changing the cil only, <2> Dirt can get in the circuit during disassembly and reassembly that need to be made to overhaul or to repair. <3> Machine operations can cause such as metal powder produced by wearing of parts. When the machine is operated with a large load for instance, the amount of metal powder produced by wearing of the clutch disc can increase. If the dirt as described above penetrates in the hydraulic cit damaged, thus leading to more metal powder produced by the damaged sliding surface or leading to improper operations of the valve. To avoid these troubles, the Because the flushing can decrease the rate of the troubles that occur (Fig. 1) less repair costs and improved operating rate of the machine will be possible to obtain, thus decreasing the life cycle cost on the machine. The cloaness ithe hydraulics \imeroved By fusing ut the epecod lve Stable Wearing |.Pe4, period | period Rate of trouble that can accur Inia ‘A900170F Page 3 of 10 Service News A900170F 2. Applicable element types and parts required tor flushing Elements for flushing are designed to be smaller in thei iter mesh size than that of standard elements to make their removal affective Since the standard filters marked with % are small filter mesh size, use them for flushing, too.) After flushing, replace the element withthe standard one (brand new) according a the parts book. When replacing the element, replace the O-rings (sealing parts) with new ones, too. Hacine pe [Machine rose] SeialNo pa scinans | Patrare [OW] carat 02555 ® [00% anaup fs 25670[evewenT | 1 [Between pump andvave noses [00% onde sco 72150 rutwcwr | + [aster ead ond ol 05055 & aaa anaup fss-1585670 —|eLewenT | 1 [Between pup and vate noses [200% snap fss2072150 [evewent | 2 [exten eter naan 05256 600% andup fs 55670|eLeNenT |_1_[Bstveensurp anévave noses ® [e001 anaup fsr-ss5070|eewenT | 2 [sxtween pump andvave 0505.7 [s00% andup fe.c031150[evewenr | 1 [Beiween eae nda [HOW 7-&a00% anaup fs-15 35070 ELEMENT | 2 [esteen pump andvave Hoos. 7-000" anaup fow-s0ar150 [ELEMENT | 1 [Betweenrstaae anda Hosos.7 [4101 dup lsi-sas670 _levewent | 2 [eetweensur and ave [Ho405.7-& [710% and uo fz-c031150[evewewT | 1 [eeteenretaaer and oni Howes. 3 200% anaup fsi-585670 Jevenent | 2 [extueen pum and vane Itacine va nr bresure ster Nacrine mia Aceorngto Serves Nowe Hae 0:5 046532005 and up fon 6031150 —[evEMEnT | 2 [Beteenretarae andi HOSS aa wo 84505 5-5 25670|FLENENT | 2 [Between pump and ave Hoses fas25 na up fsi-565670 |eLewent | 2 [Bsteenpump andvave 046.7 [47001 andup lor1s25670 _letewent | 2 [Between sump andvave fo4e5:7 &—a7o01 andup fs6031130 —[evewewt | 1 [Beiween reac and O46. 7E0 [10001 an vp fs 55070 [evewent | 2 [Bstieenpup ansvave ana. 7F0- Feat an Pancanarran—[eLFMENT | + [wen rir and tnd oes arco: a1012 fsi-s25070 [evewent | 2 [Bsteensurp andvave 06057 &— f700%anaup fsr-555670 |evenenT | 2 [Bstveensump andvave jioeos-7-& [00% onde fe a-a1120 —[euewewt—[ 1 [Beton ead ord io 060. 7E0 [600% anaup fos-16 85670 [ELenenT | 2 [Bstveenpump and vave [Ruse rev oor ana up [earevarray [event [1 [osteen eraer ane an) (Shee element ypes makes wah have ier into lees, at boto hose paces.) ‘A900170F Page 4 of 10 Service News A900170F Machine tee | Machine model Serial No, (omeaeiea | batman) OU ier jno7es:2 —aeeor andup fzs-0-72150__[evewent | 1 [Between punp and vate wores 5 e001 andup [51-15-5670 |evewent | 4 [Between puro and vane woracr 700% any sorrc-csoreJruewent | + [ootweon pny and vate wores7& —a7001anaup foo.o-31120 levewent | 2 [Between tarde and tr fnoees-s——ez0001 an ue for-12-c0070 —evement | 4 [eeneen pnp ard vane jHoses'5 eco anaup fsst-s-s5670[evewent | 4 [Between punp end vate [norzo-1 & fri wo s1ue8 fzwsrsrtay evemen! | 1 [setween pump anavane norz0oM-t [1131 and up fo.0-s1130[evewent | 1 [Between punp and vate IHOTZ0ON-1 [F110% and up f209-6031130 [ELEMENT | 3. [Between tarde and tan juors00s 000% aa up poses ELEMENT | 2 [Bsteeen pump andvave stander sssciication [sian {soot andue fHots00-7 [01 ae up Peseta ELEMENT | 2 [Beteeen sump and vane fexenamon f°" 204 [notecow-t [025 andup [zwean-iio0 [evewent | 1 [petween pan andvate [Rurouni fru: anaup [aworsriov |evemen | eewoon oarcer ane any fauscoa.1—ar00%anaup fssr-5-55670[evewent | 1 [between punp and vate javecoas-7—ar00t anaup [st-s-s5570_—|evewent | 1” [Between punp and vane aso-2 & 2001 andup [rv407-26713 [canTRIoGE| 1 [Between puro andvave aso-2 2001 andy foe.0-31790__eLewENT _| 1 [eetweenearce and tn uaoo-r roo ana [rv407-26713% [CARTRIDGE 1 [Between purp ensvane soo-1 &at001 andy fze20-31790__[eLewENT | 1 [Between etarde and tan soo-2 &az00% andy fr407-26719% [CARTRIDGE | 1 [Between punp and vate jsoo-2 &azo0%andup fzo-so31120 levemenT | 1 [Between tarcer and tani fs00-3 &as00% and fre07-26719% lcaRTRIOGE| 2 leetween cure and vate sons #—g300% ae up fzu-eozra70 [eveweNt [1 [Between tarde and ar faso-+ rons anu [reanr-7a719% [CARTRIDGE | 7 [Between pnp and vate jusso-r &oro01andup fzoo-so31120 _[eLeMeNT | 2 [Between tarde and tak feuosoa & e200" ena [rssor25713& lennTROSE| 2 [Beween sume and vane nsso-2 &rz001 andy fzoe.0-31790_[evewent [2 [Between retarder and tn imaoo-r &or00% andy [rsor-2o719% JcantrioGe| 2 |Oeween pune end vee uaoo-r &at001anaup fae-so3tt20_[evemenT | 2 [Botwoon tarde and tani fone fear anu [reurzarism [oaRiRDGE| 2 [Between pump ana ave jaoo-2 & e200" andy fz-oostt20 [ELEMENT | 2 [Between tarde and tani non S005 ae up [r1¢07-20719% JCARTRIOGE | 2 |eetween pump and vate dons #3003 ae up fz20-71770 _[eveweNt | 1 [Between tarde and tr Weorseraper —|WwS16S3_—[9900% and up fazan6-0550_ELEWENT | 1” [Between punp and vate fvszas-2 101 and up faz086-3550 ELEMENT | 1 [Between punp and vate ws232 _—_|e2002 ad up foe-2e6-3550__levewent | 2 between puno end ve (Since element types marked wih have iters in two places, ‘hush at both of those paces.) ‘A900170F Page 5 of 10 Service News A900170F Machine ype [Machine model] SeralNo, [a anNSatt ment | Partname [Oty] qamiest ten, Frazer [pais oi anda ex 40577504 [FLEET | + [Ramen suo anda bss 45001 ano f4637750% [ELEWENT | 1 [Between pup anvahe bes 1280001 an vp fx 1032760 [ELEMENT | + [between punpandvahe oss.15 67001 and up fax-o-27s0% [ELEMENT | _1_[Betveen pump andvahe bse: owt ana up exca-serouw [ecenen! [1 [between pompane vane oss-16 A000 ond up f.o7.26713% [GARTROGE| + [Between punp endvae oss.17 [001 andup fx4632750% [CARTRIDGE | 1 [Between pump andae oss-15 0001 and up fzs6e550 |eLewent | + [Betveenpumpandvave oss.1860 [1001 andup lxzseessso _levenent_| 1 |setveensumpandvane vssa.9 eco ae bor.s66550 —Irvewewt | 1 [Rate um and ve vssA.5 —os001 and up fz s663550 [evewent [1 [Batveenpumpandvave orssix3 60001 and vp fe ess 3560 —[euewent | 1 [Between pump andvave ovs5axS 70001 and up fzs663550 —_[evewen_| 1 [Betveenpumpandvave ssAce Weu00| ans vp fexzsees550 ELEMENT | [ostveen pune ano vane [Ov85A.68 8001 ond up frz.s663550 [evewenT | 1 [Between ump and vave [85AX7 80001 and up fre. s663550 [ELEMENT | 1 [Betveen ump and vate l2rsA2 —_jr0001 and up fzs663550 _|evenent | 2 [Betveenpumpandvave oarsaxs 20001 andup fez-e6-3s50__levewent | 2 [Betveenpunp end ve orsas —l2s001 anu fz.s66550 Ievewent | 2 [patveen ue and vane [bersax.sE0 20001 an up fazs663550|euewent | 2 [Batveenpupandvave 95001 ante fx c663550 [evewenT | 2 [Bstveen pum andvave Osrsa.1 S001 and up fos-c0-72150 —_[evewent_| 2 [Betveenpumpandvave sana t6001 anv faso-72iso JeLEMENT | 2 [ostveen pup ano vane [7sa3 17001 and» fos6072150 _[evewenT | 2 [Betveen ump andvave [a5 [6001 and up fos6072150 [evewenT | 2 [Betveen ump and vate losrsA.5€0 80001 and up fos6072150 |etewent | 2 [Betveen ump andvave [scoot and fos.c072150 _leuewent | 2 [Betveensumpandvave rane Ie0001 anv fx60-72150 levewent | 2 [aatveen ue and vave [sr5A.6R 63001 and up fos60.72150 |evewent | 2 [Batveen pump and ave brsa.1 10001 ans foe.c031150 [evewent | 2 [Batveen pump andvave losrsa2—_ftcZ01 and up fosc031130 — [evewent | 2 [Between pump anévave asa Wi0801 andy fz6072150 [ELEMENT | 3. [osivewnpenp ad wave basa 20001 and» fos6072150 _[evewenT | 3 [Betveen up andvave [475A R000 and up fs-0-72150 ELEMENT | 3. [Between punp and vate losrsa2 10001 and up foscor130 |etewent | 3 [Betveen ump andvave sro i010" and foseot130 _levewent | 3 [Betveensupandvave ‘A900170F Page 6 of 10 Service News A900170F acne ype [Machine model] SeralNo, [FANS eng | Partname | Oty] acer er rney [netoader —[waicnt GO anc Isi585570 FTENENT | 1 [Baten um and aie fvasoo:s—|reooorw rawes4026) |sst-5-ss070[evewenT | 1 [Betveenpunp and vate fwatcos raison and up [rrr 26719 [CARTRIDGE] + [beween pump anavane waicosn 50001 w rnees203q) [sar-588670 [ELEMENT | 1_[Betveen pump andvahe fwaivsn [nieces ansup_—[rieurzo/isie [LARIRUGE | 1 |seween pump ana ene [WwAi20-1 —_ROODT ond up fsiis5670 _[eLeNeNT | 1 [Betveen ump and vave [war203 50001 w ramos) [sats 88670 [ELEMENT | _1_[Betveenpunp andvave lwar203 —Tm#6astt)and up |7r407.28715% [CARTROGE| 1 [Between punp and ave lwarzosn _as0001 wo rneszos) _[sorisese70 _levemenT | 1 [between punp andvave lwas7oa —lmussoaasiandun ——[7s¢07-971 [CARTRIDGE] + petween sump and ve lWwarso-1 10001 an up si-s5070 _[evewent | 1 [Batveenpumpandvave warso:s s0001 w (TMOG) [5-15-5570 [ELEMENT | + [Betveenpompandvae lwaiso3[Tn268560|and up |rr4av.25715% [CARTROGE| 1 [Between punp andvave Wwaieo-1 ——WIG001 au fei-535670 —|eENENT | [estveen pip ano vane Wwateos 950001 w raoos6e) [sorts 88670 [ELEMENT | 1_[Betveen punp endvave lwareo:s—|rmves56e) ond up [r1407-26719% [caRTRIDGE| 1 [Betveen punp end vate jwazcost —]r0001 andup fs-585670 [ELEMENT | 1 [Batveen pump and vave wa20o.s —lecoot we 26472 (s..5670__[eveweNT | 1+ [Between pump andvae wagon 1965473 an uo freorzerise IcaRTROGE| + [aeveenauno andvabe wa2so-1 A600 and up ss35670 _[evewent | 1 [Batveen pump and ave lwaaso.1H 20051 nap [5-15-5870 [ELEMENT | + [Between pomp andvaie WwA2s0-iKG_f000% ndup —___5-1555670__[ELEMENT | 1 [Betveen pump andvae fwazsouc waeusoransyp peras070 [euement | 1 [asween panp ana vave jwazso3 —|asoo1 #65000 [sa-16-s5670_—_[eLEMENT | 1_ [Between punp endvae WA2s0-3 5040 an up freav-26715% [CARTROGE | _1_[Betveenpunp andvehe jwascot —]r0001 andup Js-55670 _|etement | 1 [Betveen ump andvave Jasco _|ri001 andp Jsiss5070 _levewent | 1 [Betveensump and vane lwasco-sa —lso001w #54000 [s-16.5570 IeveweNT + [Between ouno and vate lWwAs0o-3A 54001 and up r.o7.26713% [CARTRIDGE | 1 [Between punp andvae—|pstor w #52060 [se-1-s5e70 [ELEMENT | 1_[Botveen pump andvahe lwaccn.3¢s 2001 and up frear.25715% [caRTROGE| 1 [Betveenpunp andvane fwaszo-1 10001 wd wp fsi-sas670 fevenent | 1 [osivewnsnp ad ve lwao20-1R 10001 and up fs-5 55070 [evewenT_|_1_[Betveensumpandvave wA020-1¢ ROO0T and up fst-5-55670 [ELEMENT | 1 [Between punp and vate jwaca03 —_jpso001 #54000 [st-16-5570 [ELEMENT | 1 Betveenpompandvae jwacz0-3 —_se00t an up seo7-26715% [caRTROGE| + [Between pup andvabe wA3s0-1 10001 an wo lesi1s5670 _levenent | 1 leetveen uno anévave [asso |roooo #64060 [sa--ssaro [ELEMENT | 1_[Betmen pump andvahe jwaase-s 64001 and up Frcoraeria% [eaRTROSE| + [soieenpunpandvahe lwaoso-aa scoot #54000__[si--570 [ELEMENT 1 [betveenpumpandvae [wAS5034 —00% roy FrcoraeriakARTRDGE| 1 [Benen pap anda lwaas0-1 0001 and up ss 85070 [evewent | 1 [Betveenpump and vave WwAS60:3—S000T we #54000 [5-15.57 [ELEMENT | + [Botveen pump ndvae lwass0-3 54001 and up fror2671s% [eaRTROGE| + [Between punpandvave lwacsos [ecto and up seor26713% [cartR0cE| + [Between ump andiave Wass. 65001 and wo fr07.26713% IcARTROGE | 1 [between suno andvae ‘A900170F Page 7 of 10 Service News. A900170F Wsshnespe [Mestine nose] Semaine, [Rau acimay | Patrame [OW] gain fwasco-s—|reoor we a6ac0—[sr-16-ee70 —evewent —| 1 [between panp and ave fwaacos [rato andup fesorzeriea Joantr@oce| 1 [bctween pa onde waeo.A [sonar #4000 [st-1665670 [ELEMENT | 1 [Between up andvane waa fran anaup TS Wwaazo-1 —[aonorandup[st-1585670__JeLewent | 1_[etveen pup andvane fwaazos6 —|roact andup —[t-6-s70 —evewenT | 1_[aeveen pup andvebe fwaszos —[w00st ang up [st1s.ss70 —[evewenT | 1 [between gunpandvabe lwaazo' —|asoootw #200 fst 65670 event | 1_|etveen pu andvane wasn asa ann Panronria@ Ieanteinae | 1 [Rewnen ann ata lwaa20 _[recootandup Iiaor2e7194 [oaRTRDGE| 1 [seween pure andvave lwaaeo. —[ecoot aap sor zeriea_Joartmoce| 1 [ecween pare andvone lwassos —[roaotandup —fst-s-s70 _[evewenr | 1_[betveenpunpandvebe lwasco.s —freuat wound —for-tasoro —Jexeaeni | 1_[utveen up anvane [aac ——pe01 and up fear.zertax |oarTROGE| 1 [pereen up ardvae [waso-an Asoo wo a54000 ——[s-1-s70 —euewent | 1 [betveen pomp andvave [asso 401 and up 1407287104 [oARTRIOGE| 1 [Between pune endvene [wnaro-1 —|eroot andup ———f-t 55670 —evewenr | 1 [Betveen pa and vave fwaaros Scot ann r¢0728710% [oARTROGE| 1 [Between pure andvane lwaa7o=—[7co0t ane fsorze7104 Joartmoce | 1 [ecteen pare endvone [waaros soot s00000 _|rreor2ertea_[caRTRIOGE | 1 [Betveen pump andvabe linaroe 1 [osteen pomp nave faasos 1 JBetveen pu ana lwaaeos —[psoot io 0000 [rearaertew JoaRTROGE | 1_[petveenpanpardvahe jwaaeo8 — ocoot andup fnaarcerrx |oaRTRDGE| 1 [Betveenpanpardvahe [wnsoo+ toot andup ——_fst-1 55670 levewenr | 2 [petveen perp and vate fwasan Tact arctan ci ae0 Irv ew 1? [tween us anv [asco ——pssot anf up ——fst-t5 55070 —euenenr | 2 [eetveen pap ard ave lwasoo 7 ®[rooor aap fxm ersi0w lenTmDce| 2 [peweenpenp aneveve lwasco7 ® —[cootandup exaersiow |CARTRDGE|_1_ [Between np ardvahe fwacant—jriuatanaup —ot--soru —feuemnt | -seeen pap arovane jwaecoa—[esoot and up [ot--ss70 —[evewent | 3-[stveenpnpandvabe fwasco.s [pact and up t-6-ss70_—ELewenT | 3-[aeveen up andveke Wwarcos —|roactandup fst-esse7o [ELEMENT | 4 [Between punpandvehe lwareos _lesootandue __stasso7o_fevenent | 4 [aetveensunpandvebe fwaeco-1_—lao00(andun —ln-1¢ 45570 —IevewenT—|6_[etveen ure anv foo soot any fst-15 55670 —euenenr | 6 [eetveen perp and vate lwnsco360_—|rooctanup ere aera [evewewr [beeen pnp andvave lwascos—[roactandup —_[st-6-se70_[ELEwENT | 6 [between punpandvabe fwnae-s rout anaup ots Jeuewn1 [sees eanparovane Wwasc0€0 [pact andup —_[t-6-ss70_ELEwENT | 6 [beveenpunpand vibe [wai200.3 —Asoot end up —poo-s0-120 [ELEMENT | 2[Betveen pomp and ave lwar2008[esoctangup __faco.ars0 [eLewenT | 2- [Between punpandvebe (Since element types marked wth have ites in two paces, fush at both of those places, ) ‘A900170F Page 8 of 10 Service News A900170F Machine ype [Machine model] SeralNo, [a anNSatt ment | Partname [Oty] qamiest ten, ahr [Was [C004 anu stncsnr0 —InTeNT —|1_ [Raton nna van [wesoor.r —[ri001 snap fs1555070 [evewent | 2 [Batveensum andvave [wares 0001 and vp Jet16 65670 [ELEMENT |_1_[Beteon pump andvave writ 26005 an up Jst-5-55670_[evewent | 1 [Between punp and vate farris_fosoon w os) pere-sser —feuemen! [1 ]seween pump na vane lwar-3 [5968 and up [7107-26713 [CARTRIDGE] 1 [Between pomp and ve [WRr16S-7 26005 and up fs16 85670 _[ELeNENT | 1 [Betveen pump and vane weet 6001 and up fs-1535670 _|eLenenT | + [Betveenpumpandvave lwuros-1 [0007 and up lerssse70 _levenent_| + |setveensumpandvave [neetanrer —fvoeno-1 toon anc s1585570[rueuewT |= [Ratveen sum andvae jwoec0 S000" an up fs s5070[evewent | 3. [Batveenpupandvave lwosoo 6 5001 and up Jet 16 65670 [euewent | 3. [Betveen pup andvave lwosee3 80001 anu» fes-585670 _[evewent | 6 [Betveenpumpandvave Rowan semen cangLwasu-s [rast snap fe-teseer0 leven | [between sim anovave wasn aK 21001 ond up fes-5 35670 [ELEMENT | 1 [Betveen pump and ave Lw250 SH 53001 we (TMT) [155670 _[FLEWENT | [Betveen pomp andvave lwaso-sH_[Tma153t)and up |7r407.28715% [CARTROGE| 1 [Between punp and ave —as0001 wm raees39)_fsorises670_[euemenT | 1 [betveenpunp andvave wren sx —Imustsivendue—[7s@07-719% [CARTRIDGE] + petween sump nd ve Lwsoo.1Hato001 w ciaasio7#y —fsortse8670 _[evewenT [1 [Between punp andvahe lwso0.H[tnis1072andup___ [7407 29719 [CARTRIDGE] + [Betveen pompandvae lwsoo-rx —_arroor w rags1o7#y —fpar-5 88670 [ELEMENT [1 [betveenpunp andvave weoo-ix _[rmiaiar2 ansup —_[rieu-297is® [CARTRIDGE] 1 [osteen panp ana ave Wor reder —[0sria.1 [0001 w 10860 _pses-2v720 [ELEMENT | +_[Between pump endae lsostta-t i036 we tosao__fase.5-21720_ [ELEMENT | + [Betveen pump andvave [sosttact 10561 and up fst.15-1010 [CaRTROGE| 1 [Bstveen ump and vate jsoeesa.2 [3001 andup lst.s-eo10 lcarTRoce | 1 [Between ump and vave lso7osa-« —Jar001 12088 foe.5-21720__[eveweNT [+ [petveenouno andvae [so70s8-« 13001 and up fzes21720 [evewent | 1 [Batveenpumpandvave Jgo7osn-« fat001 we 29000 faoa.21720 [ELEMENT | + [Between pompandvae [so7asks 23001 and up fzse521720 —_[evewenT | 1 [Between pump andvave [so526k-2 11001 anu fsi55070|evEMeNT | 1 [ostveen pup and vave [s08553€0 __sr80t we 51896 ___[71407-28713R_ [CARTRIDGE] 1 [Betveen pump andvaive [S05555 S001 and up fracor2e7i3%_[CARTROGE | 1 [Between punp andvae [s0855 85001 and up fror2erisy [oarTROGE | 1 [Between punp anda 067s soot andp feor2er19% [caRTROGE| + [Betmen pup andvabe [so7555% so001 anu Isrss5670 Tevewent | 1 [aatveen ue and vane [i208 so001 and up ss15 35670 [evewenT | 1 [Batveen pump and ave [G07555m 80001 ante Jsr155670 [evewenT | + [Batveenpump andvave ‘A900170F Page 9 of 10 Service News ‘A900170F 3. Howto flush ‘Work in that order as described. 1) Reaseemble the machine. | 2) Fit the flushing element to the filter case. i 2) Add new oil in the transmission case. | 4) Start the engine, then make flushing | 5) Replace the element on the filter with the standard one that has been obtained as replacement. (2) Details of how to flush 1) Reassembiing the machine (Do as described in Shop Manual) <1> On the parts or assemblies disassembled, clean to remove metal powder and dirts deposited on the inside, then assemble them. <2> When disconnecting the tubes, do by taking care so that no dirt or mud can get in the portions disconnected. 2) Installing the element for flushing (To replace the element, refer to the Operation Manual) <1>_ Drain the oil from the filter case. (Only the machine model requiring draining of oil from the filter case.) <2> When disassembling the filter case, do by taking care so that not dirt get in the outlet on tne case. (Before disassembling the filter case, clean the cover portion on it) <3> Clean the case inside and removed parts, then assemble the pars. <42. Before installing the element for flushing and the standard element, check their Part Nos, to avoid mistaking, <5>_ Replace the O-rings (sealing parts) with new ones, 2) Adding oil in the transmission case (See Operation Manual to add up to the specified level) <1>_ Pick up proper oil type to meet the conditions of use. <2> On the amount of cil to be filled, readjust the oil level after starting and low idling the engine, ‘A900170F Page 10 of 10 Service News A900170F 4) Flushing <1>_ Start the engine and low idle for about 20 minutes without operating the shift lever During the low idling, occasionally raise the rpm up to about 1500. If the weather is cold and the engine water temperature does not rise up to the ‘green range on the gauge, continue to low idle to warm up the machine. For the machine models that require releasing of alr trom the fiter case release alr during running the engine at tow idling <2> Next. drive the machine about 20 minutes, During driving, make all gear shifts ( and R) and also use the retarder. (The machine may be driven for up to 24 hours during actual work. When done 50, als0 follow work step 4-1 above.) <3>_ After driving, low idle the engine about 20 minutes (in the manner same as 4)- <1) (Do the same also when the machine has been driven during actual work.) ~\ 5) Replacing the element for flushing (To replace the element, also refer to Operation Manual) <1> Replace the flushing element with the standard one (brand new) according to the procedure in (2) - ( Ifthe flushing element is used many hours, eartier clogging will be caused, } 0 be sure to replace with the standard element <2> Replace the O-rings (Sealing parts) with new ones, <> Start the engine, then release air from the filter case. (Only the machine model requiring releasing of air from the filter case.) <4>_ Readjust the oil level 4, Others (1) When disassembling and reassembling the torque converter and transmission, do by taking special care not to let drts in them (and also in the tubes), (lf dirts get in, trouble can occur suddenly in short time after reassembly.) (@ After disassembling and reassembling the torque converter and transmission, be sure to check the hydraulic pressure, the rotation on the torque converter stalling oil leak, abnormal sounds, abnormal vibrations, and abnormal driving on the machine, (To check, see Shop Manual) ‘A900170F

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