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Roll No. B.J 658808

Allama Iqbal Open University Islamabad

April, 2019





Roll No: B.J 658808

Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirement for

B.Ed. [1.5 years] program in Teacher education at

the department of Early Childhood Education and

Elementary Teacher Education Department



April, 2019

© Aamir Shabbir, 2019

Faculty of Education

Allama Iqbal Open university, Islamabad


The research project attached hereto, titled “EFFECTS OF FORMATIVE ASSESSMENT IN

SECONDARY SCHOOLS” proposed and submitted by AAMIR SHABBIR

Roll No. B.J 658808 in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the degree of B.Ed [1.5 Years]
is hereby accepted.

Supervisor: ----------------------------------------- [Signature]

[ Nasrullah khan Niazi ]

Evaluator: ------------------------------------------ [Signature]

Dated: April , 2019



Roll No: B.J 658808 Registration No…… 16-PMB-01830….

A student of B.Ed. [1.5 years] program at Al lama Iqbal Open University do hereby solemnly
declare that the research project entitled “Effects of Formative Assessment in Secondary Schools
“Submitted by me in partial fulfillment of B.Ed. [1.5 years ] program, is my original work, and
has not been submitted or published earlier. I also solemnly declare that it shall not in future, be
submitted by me for obtaining any other degree from this or any other university or institution.

I also understand that if evidence of plagiarism is found in my thesis/dissertation at any

stage even after the award of a degree, the work may be cancelled and the degree revoked.

Date:- April 15, 2019. ______________________________

Signature of Candidate


[Name of candidate]

Research project submission approval form


Research Project entitled “Effects of Formative Assessment in Secondary Schools” Submitted

by Aamir Shabbir Roll No B.J 658808

Registration No…16-PMB-01830… Program B.Ed. 1.5 Years has been read by me and has
been found to be satisfactory regarding its quality, content, language , format, citations ,
bibliographic style, and consistency, and thus fulfils the qualitative requirement of the study. It
is ready for submission to Allama Iqbal Open University for evaluation.

Nasrullah Khan Niazi

[Name of Supervisor]


Date………………………….. [Signature of Supervisor]


I am [Aamir Shabbir] preparing this report for my B.Ed. study research topic Research

report on “Effects of formative assessment in secondary schools” under the supervision of “Sir

Nasrullah Khan Niazi” the objective of this study is to understand how students in Mandi

Bahauddin district are assessed and how their academic assessment effects their learning ability..

The basic purpose of this research on formative assessment is to examine the effects of

formative assessment on students’ academic achievement at Mandi Bahauddin private sector

and govt. schools. The attitudes of students toward their lessons and self-regulation

assessment skills in the secondary social studies class were studied. For this research program a

mixed method of research was adopted. Students assessment performance tests were also

checked, questionnaire were also distributed among students to check the level of their

educational standard.. With regard to the students’ self-assessment skills, although the

formative assessment had a very positive effect in private sector schools of Mandi Bahauddin,

no improvement was seen in their academic success where teacher had less command over his

subject. According to my observations and the interviews conducted with the teacher and

students at Mandi Bahauddin secondary schools, I have found that the common view on the

method of formative assessment was notably positive.


Chapters Page #


1.1 Back ground of the Study 1

1.2 Statement of the problem 2

1.3 Research objective 2

1.4 Research question 2

1.5 Significance of the Study 3

1.6 Scope and limitations of study 3

1.7 Delimitations of the study 4

1.8 Research methodology 4

1.8.1 Population 4

1.8.2 Sampling technique 4

1.8.3 Sample 5

1.8.4 Research instrument 5

1.8.5 Data Collection 5

1.8.6 Data Analysis 6

2.1 Theoretical Framework 7

2.2 International research about formative assessment 8

2.3 Teacher’s point of view 9


3.1 Research design 11

3.2 Population. 11

3.3 Sample & sampling techniques 12

3.4 Instrumentation 12

3.5 Validity of instrumentation and reliability 14

3.6 Data collection 15

3.7 Data analysis 15


4.1 Applied research through Questionnaires 16

4.2 Inferential Statistics 28



5.1 Summary of the Research 31

5.2 Findings of the research 32

5.3 Conclusion and General Recommendations 33

5.4 Recommendations for teachers 34





1.1 Back ground of the study

Formative assessment can be regarded as one of the most important factors in assessing learning

ability and the learning processes at secondary levels of education. From this point of view, the

research conducted in Mandi Bahauddin by me was on commonly encountered examples of

formative assessment practices in the world .Giving particular importance to the students af

secondary level is essential to understand how formative assessment improved a constructivist

learning approach. Formative assessment also improves the teaching process by eliminating

mistakes and defects of student’s ability. According to the related research, formative assessment

has a positive impact on many student behaviors in the world. In developed countries, formative

assessment is regarded as extremely useful method. These techniques generally improve the

performance of student. However some critical studies of formative assessment in recent

decades also find some deficiencies and shortfalls in this method of assessment.

1.2 Statement of the problem

In recent years it has become a big problem in our educational system that students some how

pass the exam but they are not able to comprehend their lessons in an effective way. Formative

assessment method can be a great help in improving the ability of students in secondary schools.

1.3 Research objectives

Despite the fact that formative assessment is extremely necessary, most of the teachers in schools

of Mandi Bahauddin do not bother about the education policy and they never check the ability of

their pupil through formative assessment method. Keeping in view this problem following

question was investigated by the researcher.

1:- Research was aimed to assess the effects of formative assessment in secondary schools of

Mandi Bahauddin.

2:- The purpose of the research was to examine the reasons for not applying formative

assessment in secondary schools of Mandi Bahauddin.

1.4 Research Question

These three questions were investigated by the researcher during this thesis.

1:-What are effects of formative assessment in secondary schools of Mandi Bahauddin?

2:-why teachers fail to carry the formative assessment tests regularly?

3:- The difference between the students who go through formative assessment and the students

who are not tested regularly.

1.5 Significance of the study

Govt. Educational policymakers and teachers with researchers are very much interested in

formative assessment as it shows and promotes student learning ability. Formative assessment is

used at schools of high standard private sector schools. It is considered as an essential strategy

for producing the results set by head of the school. All over the world formative assessment is

considered an essential part of education but unfortunately in Pakistani schools especially the

schools of Mandi Bahauddin district the formative assessment system is not given any value.

Mandi Bahauddin secondary schools have extremely low standard of students in almost every

subject and it is very sorry to note that the when tested most of the students cannot answer even

general questions. This is because of weak educational system and students usually never ask

any questions to their teachers during the lesson. Most of the schools in the area of Mandi

Bahauddin never use formative assessment method to improve their skills and education standard

of the students.

1.6 Scope and limitations of study

This research report about is effects of formative assessment in secondary schools of Mandi

Bahauddin district. The secondary schools teachers are required to have the ability to teach

properly and assess the students. Most of the teachers interviewed from private sector schools

exaggerated the results and data provided by school administration was also unreliable.

1.7 Delimitation of the Study

The research regarding formative assessment is limited to the Govt. funded elementary schools

of Mandi Bahauddin. There is no discrimination in this research on the basis of gender and both

male and female govt. funded schools were visited by the researcher.

1.8 Research methodology

This is descriptive type of research which involves observation and interviews of the related

teachers. Mixed method of research was used and the research was carried out within the

framework of mixed method design. In the mixed method designs for the research about

formative assessment, the data provided acted as a secondary supporting function in the study.

1.8.1 Population

Mandi Bahauddin is a prosperous and populated district of central Punjab and the total

population of Mandi Bahauddin district is around 2.2 million people according to latest census.

Government funded schools of Tehsil Mandi Bahauddin were visited for this purpose.

1.8.2 Sample and sampling techniques

The research regarding formative assessment was conducted on the basis of teachers sampling

form different schools. No discrimination was made on the basis of gender. 100 teachers were

given questioner for filling.

In order to get better results from this study, the interviews were conducted with the secondary

school teacher who carried out the formative assessment technique in govt. schools of Mandi

Bahauddin district. Twelve teachers were selected from 6 schools for a group to get sampling

method advantages. In order to get maximum diversity for the research, teachers’ gender and

their social status and academic achievement were taken into consideration before selection as a


1.8.3 Sample

Probability sampling technique was used. A group of teachers was considered as one sample for

formative assessment research. Individual Teachers were considered on sample for a formative

assessment answers.

1.8.4 Research instrument

Interviewing the students and teachers and discussing the issue of formative assessment with

senior teachers of govt. secondary school teacher’s questioner was the basic instrument for this

research regarding formative assessment. Special care was taken to avoid any false figures given

to researcher by private schools.

1.8.5 Data collection

Data about formative assessment was collected from 100 schools and written down, later it was

analyzed in detail with the help of some senior teachers. The data collection was done by the

researcher himself and for this purpose one hundred schools from government and private

sectors in Mandi Bahauddin were visited. Objective research on effects of formative assessment

aims to examine pure facts in the light of results, surely, it is not just to get information; but it is

also important to see results in practice in secondary schools. Data collection on formative

assessment could only be obtained through interviews of the secondary school teachers. In this

regard many interviews were conducted and reports past were also studied about the govt.

educational policy in secondary schools.

1.8.6 Data analysis

For this research report I developed an observation form to support the data that I obtained from

the quantitative method and interviews regarding formative assessment. The content validity of

the observation form was confirmed and discussed with senior and retired teachers who were

specialists in the field of educational programs and teaching studies in district Mandi Bahauddin.

The observation form consists of two parts about formative assessment.

In the first part, the date regarding the observation, the time of observation, the information

about the subject were studied and discussed. The second part was the structure of the monthly

and weekly test in terms of size.



2.1 Theoretical Framework

The fundamental outcome of formative assessment which is also known as assessment for

learning investigated by researches and education specialist in the past is necessary to understand

the back ground of formative assessment. This can be found in previous studies of the subject

regarding formative assessment which provide a better understanding of this topic. The different

components of formative assessment have also been studied separately. The basic subject of

study is learning objectives. Although most of the research have been conducted at higher level,

but the findings indicate the intentions of learning among various groups of students.

It has been concluded through research that formative assessment has positive effects on learning

ability of students [1]

Previous studies also indicate that students achieve their educational objective much more easily

when they work in a fixed schedule and are regularly assessed by their teachers.

As a student of Education I found that the teacher had not only limited command on his course

but they were also not aware of the method , how to teach the course and how to check the level

of his students, what methods of teaching should not be used and what method should be used.

There are advantages and losses. In his course, a specialist teacher will complete children's

lessons soon but we cannot guess what the child has learned in this quick and fast teaching. Now

that is reality which is happening in schools and academies around us, the biggest reason is that

Teachers are not aware of modern methods of teaching.

The word teacher has lot of meanings. The teacher's responsibility is not to go to school only for

teaching children from books, but a teacher should know what resources he has and how to use

these resources to get result. Teacher should utilize modern technology and should also be able

to teach in the absence of any facility. [2] A teacher who is aware of the effects of formative

assessment can be much more successful than others.

2.2 Formative assessment research in foreign countries

When we analyze formative assessment in different parts of the world we can say that it is

regarded most important factor in educational activities and learning at all levels of education. In

a research conducted in Turkey it was found formative assessment can contribute to the

improvement in education very much positively. In terms of quality education formative

assessment is regarded as constructive practice. This program was carried out in 2005. It was

also found formative assessment reduces the impact of student’s bad behaviour as well.

According to literature it is an established fact that formative assessment impacts in a positive

way. However critical studies also show through meta-analysis that problematic methodological

assessment is needed in complicated students [3]

It is proven from this point of view that formative assessment improves the attitude of students

towards their learning of lesson, but as mentioned the problematic cases need much complete

analysis in secondary schools. The self regulation rules can also be very much helpful to students

along with periodical formative assessment tests.

From time to time and optional evaluation of students will allow teachers to determine whether

their methods are applied effectively in reaching the goal or they need to change their strategy

regarding formative assessment?

Daily assessment is a teaching tool used on daily basis to determine how many students have

learned and how much they still have to learn. This goal can be achieved by homework,

questions and class discussions.

Early evaluation teachers use the learning formative assessment and its impact and change their

methods and to make students more able in understanding that they are being discussed in the

classroom. This provides students a confidence they are being taught properly.

Hearing formative assessment is a teaching method based on the performance and the basis tool

for determining their performance of a student.

2.3 Teachers point of view regarding formative assessment

Teacher’s views have always been positive regarding formative assessment at secondary school

level. Most of the teachers find formative assessment to be of great value in increasing learning

capacity. Different activities of teachers like talking to students about their learning and sharing

their success has been a great idea. The homework and class activities including group works

have always played a vital role in the development of student’s ability. Self assessment and peer

assessment coupled with quiz examinations increase the educational level of students very much.

It was also noted by the teachers that students enjoy formative assessment because it makes the

education many times more effective. When students are guided by their teachers in achieving

their goals it is always much more interesting for them.


Most of the senior teachers interviewed during this research report commented that independent

examination programs in secondary schools of Govt. and privately administered schools are

conducting exams with the help of the performance of students during monthly tests, and this is

not done at the appropriate time and in appropriate way. Students who do not attend formative

assessment program are not able to improve in annual exam at secondary school level.

Due to the lack of ability to assess the quality of students in secondary schools of Mandi

Bahauddin, it is not possible to compare the teaching system of public, private and international

schools with the schools of Mandi Bahauddin, nor can we compare the equality and accuracy in

these three systems.

An effectively monitored school through formative assessment, it is important that we set

specific goals in schools administration by all government policy for secondary level schools, but

we should help them set up a policy that focuses on formative assessment programs.

The performance of schools and monitoring of the students for formative assessment is quite

difficult process, due to which it is ignored, but the fact is that the performance of schools can

only be improved through formative assessment programs. [4]




3.1 Research design

Formative assessment in secondary schools of Mandi Bahauddin was judged and researched by

me for the purpose of preparing this report. Most of t the teachers usually do not cooperate in

providing correct statistics regarding formative assessment. For the purpose of doing this

research a questioner was prepared asking the teachers about the way students are assessed by

their teachers. The teachers especially in government sector take things for granted because there

is no check and balance on them.

3.2 Population

Mandi Bahauddin is a big district and total number of secondary school is very high. The

research regarding formative assessment was done keeping in view the validity of the data

collected. Only 100 schools were selected on the criteria that the number of students in this

school should be more than 500. It was noted that formative assessment technique was applied

but it was not regularly applied.


3.3 Sample and sampling techniques

The research about formative assessment in secondary schools was carried out keeping in view

the diversity of subjects taught in different schools. It was necessary for this research that most

important subjects should be checked regarding formative assessment. Out of 100 school

checked it was kept in mind that same subject should not be repeatedly checked in other schools.

It was necessary for this research because some subjects are regarded easy and teachers do not

care much about the results of these subjects.

3.4 Instrumentation

Questionnaires and tables regarding formative assessment were distributed among teachers and

they were asked to fill them out without any external pressure. The data collected from teachers

was written down for later analysis.

The questionnaire were distributed among 100 selected secondary schools teachers with

instructions to fill it out carefully. This data was collected and carefully examined.

Question Agree Strongly Disagree Strongly Undecided

agree disagree

1:- Teachers are usually aware

of the formative assessment


2:- teachers are forced by

school administration to act

upon the program of formative



3:- Teachers are avoiding

formative assessment for fear

of extra work burden.

4:-There are effects on lesson

learning and comprehension

of the student because of

formative assessment

5:- verbal assessment

conducted by the teachers

6:- teachers assess the

student’s knowledge by

asking questions from out side


7:- Teachers teach in academy

8:-What actions are taken in

case of failure in assessment?

9:-: There is role of school

administration in conducting

formative assessment test.

10:- I apply assessment


11:- formative assessment is a


positive thing.

12:- there are adverse effects

of applying formative

assessment technique.

13:- students are on Monthly


14:- students are assessed on

Weekly basis.

15:-Students are assessed on

Daily basis.

16:- verbal tests are conducted

17:- Multiple Choice

Questions is a better way of


3.5 Validity and reliability of instrument

During the research regarding formative assessment in secondary schools it was kept in mind

that the subject teachers interviewed should not be terrified or confused. Therefore special care

was taken in asking the questions to the students about formative assessment.

3.6 Data collection

The research on formative assessment and its positive effects was aim to examine the effect on

learning ability of student. The research was not just intended to get information but it was also

important to see results of formative assessment in practice. Data collection on formative

assessment was a difficult task as it must be authentic and correct. In this regard many senior

teachers were interviewed and questioner was prepared.

3.7 Data analysis

We know that independent examination programs for formative assessment in secondary schools

and Govt. administered schools are being conducted, but this is not done at the appropriate time.

Students who do attend this assessment program never improve at any level of education.

Due to the lack of ability to assess the quality of secondary schools education of Mandi

Bahauddin, we cannot compare the teaching system of government funded public schools and

private schools.

To effectively monitor secondary schools formative assessment programs, it is important that we

set specific goals in schools with the help of school administration. The educational systems for

secondary level schools focuses only on brilliant students who can produce good marks while the

other students are left alone without any assessment.

The performance of schools regarding formative assessment and monitoring of the performance

of students is quiet time taking, due to which it is ignored, but the fact is that the performance of

schools can be improved in schools by adopting formative assessment test on serious basis.



4.1 Applied research in Effects of formative assessment in secondary school

Formative assessment creates a path for students to go further and progress in learning. It can

identify the following:

 What can students do and what not?

 What do students find difficult?

 Is there any differences and misunderstandings that the student may have.

The basic method of formative assessment contains talking to the student, discussing the targets

and goals of learning. One essential part of the formative assessment is being active for the

student's academic goal. Monitoring progress of the student is one major part of formative

assessment. Timely and useful feedback process is also important as it helps the students

improve. It is also important that both the student and the teacher participate in achieving their

goals, unless the student achieves their goals, for which the teacher will have to make

adjustments in his teaching to meet the student's needs.[ 5]

Therefore, there is a very different purpose and approach than the estimative estimation of

students. The formative assessment takes place in the context of the classroom and develops on

the foundation of the relationship between the teacher and the student.

The main features of the Formative Assessment are:-

 It is timely and corrective.

 Teacher makes provision for effective feedback.

 It provides a platform for active participation in the students' self-learning.

 It enables teachers to adjust to teaching while keeping the results of the assessment.

 It identifies the impractical effect that puts on assessment students' motivation and self-

esteem, which have significant impact on the learning process.

 Formative assessment recognizes the need to be able to assess the students' self-estimate

and how to improve this.

 It develops on the foundation of the knowledge and experience of the students prior to the

idea of ​ ​ what is taught.

Benefits of formative assessment in secondary schools

 This method includes different styles of learning to decide how and what to teach.

 Encourages students to understand the criteria that will be used to test their work.

 Students are given an opportunity to improve their work after the response.

 Helps students and their counterparts, and assist them. [6]


The creative assessment gives the teacher an opportunity to move forward from where the

student is there and gives the student the opportunity to understand what they have to do to

succeed. Therefore, the constructive assessment involves the student and gives the student

ownership of his learning.

Formative assessment main emphasis is on the continuous progress, ensuring students'

intellectual, emotional, physical, cultural and social development and therefore they will not be

limited to the student's educational qualifications. Teacher uses the assessment as a means of

motivating the students to provide information to provide feedback and follow-up work so that

the learning process in the classroom can be improved and presented a comprehensive picture of

the student's profile.

Applied research methods which are being used in schools for formative assessment as follow

Below is a description of those estimation opportunities that can be used in classes at school.

Teacher should create two columns using class learning diary, one for a constructive assessment

and one for a regular assessment. He should place the assessments in one of the columns from

the list.

This is an activity that teacher can do themselves. It will be helpful in managing regular tests,

Assessing progress and performance. It can be useful to share it with teachers when they start

discussions about the role and style of assessment in same school, and see which methods can be

used for assessment and how a mandatory activity of the classroom can be made. [7]

Modern teacher always uses to monitor the progress of every student of their class in various

ways. He feels proud to make his lessons relevant and useful to different students of his class,

and he knows that this is possible only if he is aware of the status of every student in his class.

Good teachers also believe in recording of some format that what the students are doing in their

activities and give feedback to each student about their learning and progress. Based on the

recording and analysis, they make plans to teach their students how to improve their learning


Teachers are often quick to talk about how difficult it is for them to teach students who are on

different stages in one chapter, they are not able to recognize that if they were present in the

current teaching process of the students .

Cumulative responses of Questionnaire presented to Group of teachers

4.1.1 :- Teachers are usually aware of the formative assessment technique

Status Agree Strongly Disagree Strongly Undecided Total

agree disagree

Number of 30 0 30 15 25 100


percentage 18% 0% 18% 15% 10%

The number of teacher agree and disagree to this question was found to be equal


4.1.2 :- Teachers are forced by school administration to act upon the program of

formative assessment

Status Agree Strongly Disagree Strongly Undecided Total

agree disagree

Number of 18 7 24 25 25 100


Percentage 18% 7% 24% 25% 25%

Responding to this question the teachers expressed mixed up response and there was not much

difference in their opinion.

4.1.3 :- Teachers are avoiding formative assessment for fear of extra work burden

Status agree Strongly Disagree Strongly Undecided Total

agree disagree

Number of 40 5 3 17 37 100


Percentage 40% 5% 3% 17% 37%

Teachers believe that the most of the teachers avoid formative assessment because of extra work


4.1.4 :- There are effects on lesson learning and comprehension of the student because of

formative assessment

Status agree Strongly Disagree Strongly Undecided Total

agree disagree

Number of 40 47 0 3 10 100


percentage 40% 47% 0% 3% 10%

On this issue we find the least difference in the opinion of teachers.

4.1.5 :- Verbal assessment is conducted by the teachers

Status agree Strongly Disagree Strongly Undecided Total

agree disagree

Number of 80 0 3 10 7 100


percentage 80% 0% 34% 10% 7%

Majority of the teachers believes that almost all the teacher conduct verbal assessment in classes.

4.1.6 :- Teachers assess the student’s knowledge by asking questions out of syllabus

Status agree Strongly Disagree Strongly Undecided Total

agree disagree

Number of 10 5 60 5 20 100


percentage 10% 5% 60% 5% 20%

Majority of the teachers feel that students are never assessed by asking out of salybus questions.

4.1.7 :- Teachers also teach in private academies.

Status agree Strongly Disagree Strongly Undecided Total

agree disagree

Number of 95 15 9 2 39 150


percentage 65% 5% 4% 1% 23%

Majority of the teacher agree that the teachers have to teach in evening academies to meat

expenses and this affects their performance at school.


4.1.8 :- Failure in assessment is major reason for failure in exam

Status agree Strongly Disagree Strongly Undecided Total

agree disagree

Number of 90 10 0 0 0 100


percentage 90% 10% 0% 0% 0%

A heavy majority of the teacher thinks large number of children in one class fail because the are

not assessed regularly.

4.1.9 :- There is a role of school administration in conducting formative assessment test

Status agree Strongly Disagree Strongly Undecided Total

agree disagree

Number of 95 2 3 0 0 100


percentage 95% 2% 3% 0% 0%

There is heavy opinion among teachers over the issue of administration role in assessment.

4.1.10 :- I apply formative assessment technique

Status agree Strongly Disagree Strongly Undecided Total

agree disagree

Number of 50 9 10 20 1 100


percentage 50% 9% 10% 20% 1%

Almost half of the teachers agree with the fact that they use formative assessment method.

4.1.11 :- Formative assessment as positive thing

Status agree Strongly Disagree Strongly Undecided Total

agree disagree

Number of 100 0 0 0 0 100


percentage 100% 0% 0% 0% 0%

Every teacher agrees that formative assessment is a positive thing.


4.1.12 :- There are adverse effects of applying formative assessment technique

Status agree Strongly Disagree Strongly Undecided Total

agree disagree

Number of 0 0 41 60 9 100


percentage 0% 0% 41% 60% 9%

The teacher agrees for course not being suitable. They have to select additional books to make

students understand.

4.1.13 :- Assessment of students on Monthly basis is must

Status agree Strongly Disagree Strongly Undecided Total

agree disagree

Number of 39 2 9 40 0 100


percentage 39% 2% 9% 40% 0%

The number of teacher that agrees and disagrees to this question is almost equal.

4.1.14 :- Assessment of students on Weekly basis is must

Status agree Strongly Disagree Strongly Undecided Total

agree disagree

Total 30 17 24 5 24 100

Number of


percentage 30% 17% 24% 5% 24%

The teachers express almost equal opinion over this issue.

4.1.15 :- Daily basis assessment is must

Status agree Strongly Disagree Strongly Undecided Total

agree disagree

Total 35 12 20 9 24 100

Number of


percentage 35% 12% 20% 9% 24%

Again we can see that teachers express a mixed opinion over the issue of daily assessment.

4.1.16 :- Verbal tests is better than written test

Status agree Strongly Disagree Strongly Undecided Total

agree disagree

Total 65 10 25 0 0 100

Number of


percentage 65% 10% 25% 0% 0%

Majority of the teachers agree that verbal tests are better than written test.

4.1.17 :- Use Multiple Choice Questions for your test

Status agree Strongly Disagree Strongly Undecided Total

agree disagree

Total 75 10 5 0 10 100

Number of


percentage 75% 10% 5% 0% 10%

Majority of the teachers agree that multiple choice questions are better.

4.2 Academic improvement as a result of formative assessment in

Secondary School

Assessment is broadly associated with success or failure in examinations. Success in the exam is

important and it is linked to admission in good college, social status and success in later life.

However, concentration on preparation for the exam can adversely affect learning experience.

Teachers are always worried about the bad effects that the examinations put on the efforts to

make studies meaningful and joyful for the children. At present, board exams negatively impact

all examinations and assessments in all the years spent in the school.

In order to encourage students to become involved and active students, the teacher must

ensure that they are aware of their own learning process.A good teacher takes action to

improve their learning process and check their estimates and findings. Experience has shown

that school students feel that what they classify as extremely difficult is not that complicated,

so they can put the lesson into situations much easier and faster. The student has the task of

demonstrating the maximum of his / her abilities and skills at a specific time. The goal in the

text production is, as it is said, the targeted combination of learning and creative self-

contained, but this was practiced and intensified in advance as described, so that the pressure

to perform in a stressful situation is minimized. Schoolwork is very poorly suited to trying


things. Most the student’s independent writing is difficult task. For difficult vocabulary or text

types [e.g. text commentary, reasoning ...], the answer sheet principle has been successful.

The students should have the opportunity to improve performance through their mistakes.

But this is not the traditional way of improving the school work in the school notebook, which

is delivered only at the next school work, but the complete revision of their school work as

homework in the homework book. The text improvements of the schoolwork can also be

collected in a separate folder and thus have a portfolio character. [8]

The discussion of the bound tasks [that is, grammar which is found to be most difficult in

element schools of Mandi Bahauddin] takes place together in the hour, the revision of the

unbounded tasks [i.e. text production] is carried out by the individual students both in terms of

grammar and vocabulary especially in terms of content, text specifics and complex sentence

structures. There a significant and clear visible difference between experimental groups of

students’ academic performance and studies achievement after the formative assessment in

secondary schools of Mandi Bahauddin. It was found during this research program that most of

the govt. schools stress upon formative assessment method as a govt. education policy whereas

in private sector schools it was not properly being practiced upon. Method of formative

assessment was not properly understood by 70% teachers among govt. schools of Mandi

Bahauddin district schools. Students as secondary school level found formative assessment test

as an additional burden on them, they were never given the lectures about formative

assessment programs. Most of the senior teachers interviewed by me during this research

admitted that formative assessment test were not being carried out in different schools

according to satisfactory level.


The Given table shows some statics of the formative assessment in secondary

schools survey in Mandi Bahauddin District

Name of weekly tests Monthly tests Verbal tests Practical tests

conducted in for science

class students

Govt. Boys 20% 25% 5% of the total 5%

school Bhiki
Govt. Girls 14% 28% 3% of the total 2%
Govt. Girls 5% 12% 7% of the total 3%
School Phalia
Govt. Boys 6% 10% 5% of the total 3%
school Malakwal
Govt. Girls 1% 7% 3% of the total 1%
School Miana

[Questioner provided to teachers can be viewed in chapter 3 Research instrument]





5.1 Summary

Formative assessment being one of the modern techniques in teaching is largely ignored in the

secondary schools of Mandi Bahauddin. There are many reasons behind this negligence and

teachers interviewed most answered in the way as if they were not serious in adopting such

useful techniques.

Following points are the summery of my research.

 There is a clear and huge difference between students’ academic performance where

teachers us formative assessment technique in secondary schools of Mandi Bahauddin.

 It was witnessed during this research thesis that most of the govt. schools adopt formative

assessment method as an education policy and private schools consider it an additional

work burden.

 Most of the teacher had no work diary to note down their lesson tests. It was totally left to

student rather than the teacher.

 Students as secondary school level are not aware of self assessment methods and usually

they try to memorize the lesson to get passing marks.


 Senior and experienced teachers admitted the fact that Mandi Bahauddin schools

especially on government sector are far behind in proper educational techniques.

5.2 Findings

It is important that teachers make the criteria clear to the students in the joint preparation of the

school work in the classroom and for formative assessment so that they know them well. Teacher

also need to take into account the school work and can use it competently in the self-assessment.

Variations Pupils can compare and evaluate the assessments of their work before they come to

the Teacher's Table but these types of hardworking students are also disturbed when they find

they teacher is not interested in assessing their level.

The criteria of the assessment are transparent and known to all. The students know that the

school grade is not achieved by mere memorizing the lesson. Besides, they know that teachers do

not give their mark for sympathy. Thus, this method corresponds and prepares students

according to the concept of the syllabus. Secondary school students should be aware of self

assessment techniques. Awareness rating can be a guide to self-assessment and positively

influence students' motivation, perseverance and self-confidence. Students need to be

increasingly involved in the planning, design, control and analysis of their work processes and

work results so that they can progressively take responsibility for developing their own learning


The students should train the self-assessment in case of emergency. I think it would be cruel if

the student whose work is judged insufficiently leaving him in doubt whether his work is correct

or incorrect. Formative assessment is designed to overcome such deficiencies in work of school.

Teachers have to pay strict attention to the observance of the rules of formative assessment if

they want to improve their performance. Only with great sincerity a teacher can do this.

Formative assessment enables him for intensive work. Comment The aim of these design ideas is

to use formative assessment for learning opportunities. Pupils should know more after the test,

etc. than before. Only under certain conditions, it is possible and useful to perform these different

variations. For example, the experimental character of the performance assessment must be clear

to the students, and the basic conditions as with any assessment must be clear and accepted by all.

General conditions for formative assessment as follow

• The assessment of the students in the first semester takes place in the traditional way and

there is neither sufficient record maintained nor lessons are repeated.

• Pupils are perceived by their teachers neither as "lazy" nor as "underachieving".

• Teachers are sure of their authority and never estimate their work from critical point of view.

5.3 Conclusions

Here are some recommendations of formative evaluation activity that teachers can offer students.

• Summarize the essential elements which students get from a course individually.

• Answer true or false questions or multiple choices to verify their understanding of a

concept taught.

• As a team, explain to colleagues what they understood about the content presented.

• Create a concept map of the important concepts seen in class.

• Answer a quiz after reading a book chapter to make the students understand what hey

have read.

• Deliver part of a session work to obtain qualitative feedback on the work done.

• The formative assessment activities you choose should be directly related to your

lesson evaluations, to make them consistent for students and to encourage them to

complete them.

• Before conducting a summative evaluation, teacher can offer students the opportunity

to demonstrate their learning in a formative context that allows them to make mistakes,

identify them and adjust them for the formative evaluation.

Formative assessment evaluation is used to certify or recognize learning. It occurs at the end of a

teaching process and serves to sanction or certify the degree of mastery of student learning. It is

under the responsibility of the teacher and must be carried out in a fair and equitable way,

reflecting the achievements of the students.

5.4 General Recommendations for teachers

How to choose between session work, mid-term exam, multiple choice questions, and

dissertation? To develop a formative assessment activity, teacher must first identify the

objectives he wants to evaluate and specify what level of performance he expects from his

students. He must then think about the best assessment activity to enable students to demonstrate

the range of their learning. Each method has its advantages and disadvantages and makes it

possible to measure objectives of different levels of complexity. To determine the appropriate

evaluation method for course, teacher should refer to the following documents: Table of Types,

Definitions and Methods of Evaluation and Table of Instructional Activities and Assessment

Methods. In addition, when giving a course that is offered by other teachers as well, make sure

that formative assessment activities are equivalent, as well as marking criteria.


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