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CodeIgniter Inventory and Sales

Management System
This Inventory and Sales Management System project is developed using PHP and MySQL (Codiginter
Web framework). This project manages products with stock report, billing management, print billing
report, Graph analysis, Employee management, Report, Tax and discount. Barcode scanner and
import/export database is the additional features of the project.

Features CodeIgniter Inventory and Sales Management System:

 Items and Stock management module

 Billing module
 Viewing and Printing of Billing
 Barcode Scanner for billing
 Customer entry option for billing
 Graph report for earnings, payment methods (yearwise)
 Employee Management
 Monthly and Yearly income Overview
 Tax module
 Discount module

Scope of the project:

 Multiple Administrator or employees can handle this project.

 This project allows to add new employee record with login credentials
 Different kinds of report can be viewed (Year wise report, Month-wise report).
 New items can be added. Item records can be modified or deleted. Item list can be viewed
in this.
 Item stock can be added.
 Item stock and sales history can be viewed.
 User can view transaction receipt and Transaction report
 Thermal printer supported to print the bill.

Software Requirements:

 Front End: PHP (5.4 is recommended)

 Back End: MySQL (This will support for Sqlite3 databases)

How to install:
 .htaccess in the root folder and change the root folder name. Leave blank if it is directly
inside your www or htdocs directory.
 Import the database
 Configure the database settings.

Database information:
This Inventory and Sales Management System is written in PHP (codeIgniter) with support of
MySQL or Sqlite3 databases. This project has 5 tables, The tables are:

 admin : This table stores administrator or user details

 eventlog : This table stores log or history records
 items : This table stores item records
 lk_sess : This table stores user login details with ip addres, date and time
 transactions : This table stores sales transaction

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