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Frontend Developer


About Us
Coutloot is India’s Fastest growing O2O fullstack service e-com platform,
where you can easily open up your online store and start your business
within 30 seconds. With millions of users everyday buying and selling
fashion, electronics, home decor - coutloot is building trust and next
digitized supply chain in India.
We are building a team who has in them to understand and execute our
vision of enabling 5 million Indians making money for the first time in
their lives using our platform.
Find Us here - https:/ /

This Challenge has two parts :-

First and Important is Developing and designing of COUTLOOT Product
details page (Mockup design: “Android 12"). Please develop all the
components from the mockup and its related events. The Design
(Mockups) are mobile oriented so its important that they should look
good in mobile view plus you also need to take care of desktop version
of it.
Second This is simple product list page (Mock up design :- Android
mobile 19) similar this is also mobile oriented you can increase the girds
for desktop version.

Design’s :

UI :

API’s :

For Product List :
For Product Details :

Use same product list service in product details for more from seller
and recommend product.

Thank You
All the Best

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