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Historia 1973-1979

Diciembre de 1972. Graduación de Ingeniero Electricista y Nombramiento como

Inspector de Misiles Otomat para la Inspectoría de Armamento en Italia,
Comisión Inspectora en Inglaterra.

Enero 1973. Oto Melara. Inspectoría de Armamento en Italia. CF D´Paola Lozada.

CN Oscar Ortega Jugo, Jefe de la Misión Inspectora en Inglaterra.

Asignación al Grupo de Diseño y Desarrollo del OTOMAT. Gral C.A. Crisanti.

Asignado al Grupo de Ingenieria, Dr Dario Sturmann. Asignado al Equipo del Ing.
Claudio Fornasiero.

MBDA Missile System

Styx The weapon's first kill was the Israeli warship Eilat in 1967.
When the Raduga bureau designed the P-15/4K-40 Termit (SS-N-2 Styx) anti-ship missile
during the late 1950s, little could they have imagined that it would remain in production a
half century later. The weapon's first kill was the Israeli warship Eilat in 1967.

The P-15 / SS-N-2 Styx was a far simpler and very different weapon to the larger P-5/P-6 /
SS-N-3 Shaddock, and ended up being produced in many different Soviet variants. The
Styx was powered by an Isayev P-15 liquid rocket rated at 1.213-0.554 tonnes thrust, using
toxic AK-20K/TG-02 propellant based on the Luftwaffe’s Wasserfall fuel. This highly toxic
and corrosive fuel presents serious handling problems in fuelling up and defuelling the
missile, the propellant mix comprising AK-20K/F oxidiser (80% nitric acid, 20% N2O4 with
fluorine or iodine additives) and TG02 fuel (50% xylidine and 50% triethylamine).

The Styx is armed with a 4G15 1,100 lb (513 kg) shaped charge warhead and mostly fitted
with a conically scanning active radar seeker. The 2 – 2.5 tonne launch weight Styx was
subsonic, with a range of up to 50 nautical miles, flying a shallow climb/dive profile at 0.9
Mach, and pre-programmed midcourse cruise altitudes of 25, 50 and 250 metres.
Midcourse guidance used an inertial autopilot, with two terminal seekers available, The P-
15TG infrared homing seeker was supplanted in production P-27 / SS-N-2D missiles by the
Snegir M seeker, and the widely used active radar seeker was used for all weather
Exocet en Latinoamárica
Ejemplo de trayectoria sea.skimmer
The Martel is an Anglo-French anti-radiation missile (ARM). The name Martel is a contraction of
Missile, Anti-Radiation, Television, referring to the guidance options. There are two variants, the
passive radar guided (AS 37) and the video guided (AJ 168).

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