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The 20th International Symposium on High Voltage Engineering, Buenos Aires, Argentina, August 27 – September 01, 2017


P. Cardano1, A. Pigini2, M. Sehovac2, G. Testin1, P. Valvassori1

1GE Energy Connections, Grid Solutions, Sesto San Giovanni, Italy

2Consultant, Milano, Italy

*Email: <>

Abstract: The voltage at the converter transformer bushings in the DC side includes a DC component plus
harmonics. Since it is not possible to design and test insulators with exactly the above stresses, equivalent
voltage stress must be defined to verify the performance of the bushing external insulation under steady
state conditions. Based on available experimental results, the paper proposes to perform tests with an AC
equivalent voltage. Consequences for the design under pollution and icing conditions are discussed, making
also reference to recent experimental results.

1 INTRODUCTION by the effect of a possible severe fault inside the

active core of the component. On the contrary, in
Examples of bushing for converter applications are other HVDC substation, the transformers are still
shown in Fig.1 [1] located in the AC yard, but relatively far from the
valve hall building. In this case the valve bushings
installed on the transformer are consequently
exposed to the external environmental conditions,
often related to pollution, heavy rain and also ice.
The design of the external insulation of bushings in
these last conditions will be examined in the
following, taking into account the specific distorted
voltage condition and the impact of environment
especially in case the transformers should face
severe environmental conditions.



The steady state voltage on the bushings and on

the post insulators connected to the bushings
results as a combination of DC and different
harmonics, as shown in the examples of Fig. 2

Figure 1. Examples of bushings for HVDC
converter applicationsn: a) bushings to be installed
inside the DC hall; b) bushing for outdoor

In many of the recent HVDC projects, while th

transformer is placed externally, the bushings are
Figure 2 Examples of the steady state voltages on
installed with their air side insulator inside the valve
the converter transformer bushings.
hall. In this conditions they are protected by the
effects of the external ambient conditions. On the
Peak voltages of short duration as those in Fig. 2
other hand the design of these bushings is driven
can be assimilated to overvoltages and the
by the high temperature normally present in the
strength under the above peaks is not considered
valve room, by the installation conditon close to
in the engineering practice to verify the
horizontal and by the necessity to minimize the risk
performance under steady state conditions (as
of fire or damages to the surrrounding equipment
under pollution or icing). For example, in the case
of AC the design under pollution and under 3 RATED VOLTAGE SELECTION
freezing condition is not carried out with reference
to overvoltages or to the peak voltages but to the As shown by laboratory tests for air gaps and
rms voltage, which is the value that determines the external insulation, in general the flashover under
insulator lengths. Nowadays results of tests with composite overvoltages is dominated by the upper
voltage stresses as in Fig. 2 are not available and part of the voltage, with no appreciable influence of
even feasible for actual HV apparatus and the DC component. Considering the above fact, SI
insulators, so it is necessary to define an and LI tests which verify the performance of the
equivalent voltage stress to be taken as a basis for external insulation of DC apparatuses are made
design purposes. This is the approach followed by without the need to simulate any DC superimposed
the dual logo IEC-IEEE Standard for DC bushings service voltage, as in AC.
[2], which makes reference for the design and
testing of external insulation to an equivalent Less information is available about the influence of
the DC stress when AC and DC components form
voltage U1 defined as “rated voltage”.
an important part of the service voltage.
In particular, as per this Standard [1] U1 is defined
as “the rated continuous DC voltage (in case of Recent pollution tests made on small insulator
pure DC regime) or the rms value of the combined samples by applying different proportions of AC
DC and AC phase to earth voltage, depending on and DC voltages have indicated that the flashover
the point of application of the bushing in the voltage UF under the mixed voltage AC+DC is
electrical scheme (kV)” to be evaluated according higher than the value expected under pure AC [3],
to the following formula: as shown in Fig. 3, which reports the U value,
evaluated according to equ. 2 starting from the
data in [3], as a function of the ratio
Udc/(Udc+Uacrms). The Figure shows that in the
range of interest for converter bushings (of about
(1) 0,7) the UF value is generally higher than the value
Where for the DC=0 case (only AC component,) and that
the testing with only AC voltage (DC=0) could be a
• Udm is the highest DC voltage for valve conservative approach. This conclusion is also
bridge; supported by a qualitative analysis of the voltage
shape in Fig. 2, which appears closer to an
• Uvm is the maximum phase-to-phase AC
oscillating than to a direct voltage.
operating voltage of the valve windings of the
Anyway, additional investigation on large insulator
converter transformer on which the bushing
samples to confirm and verify the above
will be assembled;
assumption would be very useful.
• N is the number of six-pulses bridges
connected in series from the neutral of the DC
line to the rectifier bridge connected to the
In practice the rated voltage U1 represents in a
simplified way the stress by considering only the
DC component, Udc, and the AC component Uac
rms value, disregarding the other harmonics.
Then the voltage U1 is evaluated as the square
root of the sum of the squares of the previous AC
and DC component appearing on the bushing:
Figure 3 – Pollution tests on a small composite
U1=(Udc2+Uac2) (2) insulator sample (10 cm length) with SDD=0,05
and 0,11 mg/cm2 with positive and negative
The problem remains if U1 can be really
polarity. Data derived from [2] by applying equ 2.
assimilated to an AC voltage from the point of view
of design and testing or if it would be better to
consider it as an equivalent DC voltage. What mentioned above is valid for the design of
the external insulation and cannot be extended to
This aspect is discussed in the following. the design of the internal insulation, to be
The impact of the adoption of a AC or DC voltage dimensioned on the contrary by considering both
on the design is also discussed, especially from the transient and DC stress.
the point of view of the performance under In the following the impact of the selection of DC or
pollution and icing. AC voltage on the design will be analysed with
special reference to two demanding design
conditions: design under pollution and icing.
4 DESIGN UNDER POLLUTION CONDITIONS designed for an environment characterized by
ESDD=0,5 mg/cm2.
For the design under polluted conditions primarily
reference can be made to the recent IEC
Specifications. Considering a reference case of
bushings with an average diameter of 250 mm, the
comparison of the required specific creepage
distances, according to [5], are reported in Fig. 4.
For AC IEC suggests same USCD values for
ceramic and composites, conservatively not
considering the better performance to be expected
for composite insulators. The curve for AC in Fig. 4
is an extrapolation of the indications in part 2 and 3
of [4] to permit a direct comparison with the
indications given in part 4 of [4] for DC. For DC IEC
suggests different curves for ceramic and
composites, taking into account in this case the
Figure 6: AC voltage. USCD evaluated according
better expected performance of composites.
to the statistical design approach: continuous
curve: ceramic, dotted curve: composites.


Ice and snow can significantly affect the insulator

performance and have an impact on the electrical
system reliability as shown by the many flashover
problems occurred in the world [7].
Presently design and testing is dealt with only by
IEEE standards [8], which relates the insulator
Figure 4: Unified specific creepage distance strength to the ice thickness evaluated in the test
USCD versus equivalent salt deposit density through a measurement of the thickness reached
ESDD. on a reference cylinder adjacent to the insulator
under test. An important parameter is also the
The Figure 4 indicates that remarkable higher water conductivity that characterizes the water
creepage distances and thus insulator lengths forming the ice: IEEE makes basically reference to
would be required if the design should be made a conductivity of 100 μS/cm. As far as the
based on DC voltage rather than on AC voltage. geometrical parameters are concerned, for the
The importance of a correct selection of the case of heavy icing, with the insulator practically
voltage type may be even more appreciated if a short circuited by ice, only the arcing distance (and
less conservative approach is applied for AC, the insulator maximum diameter) influences the
adopting the same approach as for DC, with two flashover.
reference curves for composites and ceramic [5]. The maximum voltage per unit meter allowed in
withstand condition, evaluated in a deterministic
way according to the available experimental
knowledge [7] is reported in Fig. 7 for a bushing
with maximum diameter of 250 mm, referring to a
water conductivity of 100 μS/cm.

Figure 5: USCD versus ESDD assuming the same

approach for AC and DC as far as composite
insulators are concerned.

A more accurate design from the pollution point of

view for AC can be obtained applying the statistical
approach suggested in [5] and [6], as shown in the
example of Fig. 6, which reports the risk of
flashover, for each pollution event, versus the Figure 7: Maximum withstand voltage per unit
pollution severity for the reference case of a meter as a function of equivalent ice thickness,
bushing with an average diameter of 250 mm, bushing 250 mm diameter. Water conductivity 100
Also in this case the selection of DC voltage The Figure reports the risk of flashover, for each
against AC one would appear more demanding icing event, versus the bushing arcing distance.
and unnecessary conservative. The example refers to the design for a voltage of
It should be underlined that a parameter which 242 kV AC and an equivalent ice thickness of 30
influences remarkably the insulator strength is the mm.
water conductivity as shown in Fig, 8 which
compares, in case of AC voltage, the insulator
withstand with 100 μS/cm. with that expected for 6 CONCLUSIONS
30 μS/cm.
• Conservative pollution and icing tests on
converter bushings can be made by
adopting equivalent AC rated voltages.
• Tests with DC voltage would bring to an
• Statistical design approaches are
suggested to optimize the design.

[1] P. Cardano, T. Gargano, S. Iacono A.Pastore,
Figure 8: Maximum withstand voltage per unit S. Pellegrino, G. Testin,, E.P. Valvassori, A.
meter as a function of equivalent ice thickness, Pigini, M. Sehovac “Design and testing of
bushing 250 mm diameter. AC voltage. Influence bushings for HVDC Converter Transformers
of water conductivity. with special reference to severe operating and
environmental conditions” VIII WORKSPOT-
In particular, for clean areas, as mountain areas, International Workshop On Power
where heavy ice and snow phenomena may be Transformers Recife, 2016
more probable, a conductivity value of 30 µS/cm [2] IEC/IEEE 65700 International Standards -19-
may be the more representative one, while the 03 Bushings for DC applications
“standard” reference conductivity of 100 µS/cm as [3] A. Wagner, J. Knauel, R. Puffer, J.M. Seifert,
in IEEE standard would lead to an excessive M. Brückner, B. Rusek, S. Steevens, K.
design [9]. Kleinekorte “Performance of Polymeric
Insulators In Hybrid AC/DC Overhead Lines
A more accurate design from the pollution point of under Polluted Conditions” CIGRE 2016 paper
view for AC can be obtained again by applying the D1-112
statistical approach suggested in [9], as shown in [4] IEC 60815-4 Ed. 1.0: Selection and
the example of Fig. 9 dimensioning of high-voltage insulators
intended for use in polluted conditions - Part 1-
2-3 and 4
[5] A.Pigini ,I. Gutman “Evaluation of the
performance of polluted insulators: the IEC
simplified approach against the statistical
approach” INMR World Congress 2013
[6] A. Pigini, R. Cortina ”Evaluation of the
performance of polluted insulators under DC: a
statistical approach” ISH 2011“
[7] M. Farzaneh, W. A. Chisholm “Insulators for
icing and polluted environments” Jon Wiley &
son’s publication
[8] IEEE Std 1783-2009 “IEEE Guide for Test
Methods and Procedures to Evaluate the
Electrical Performance of Insulators in
Freezing Conditions”
[9] A.Pigini, R.Cortina, M.Marzinotto,
Figure 9: Bushing 250 mm diameter. AC voltage G.Lagrotteria “Line insulator performance in
242 kV phase to ground. Required insulator length presence of ice and snow” ISH 2017
for the water conductivity of 100 μS/cm (upper
curve) and 30 μS/cm (lower curve). Ice thickness
30 mm.

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