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Christine Nathalie M.


BSA 2-1

1. Discuss the Internet, including their origins, the three generations of the web, and the most common

> The Internet is an interconnected mesh of computers and data lines that connects millions of people
and organizations. It is the foundation of the digital revolution. It is a large global network, connecting
smaller networks all over the globe. It was launched in 1969 when United States funded a project to
develop a national computer network and that project is ARPANET (Advanced Research Project Agency

> World Wide Web (Web) is a part of the Internet – not the Internet and it was introduced in 1992 by
consortium in Switzerland.

Web 1.0 – it links existing information.

Web 2.0 – more dynamic content creation and social interaction.

Web 3.0 – computer-generated information requiring less human interaction.

> The common uses of the Internet are:

Communicating – most popular Internet activity. Includes exchanging e-mail, photos, videos etc.

Shopping – for e-commerce

Searching - using virtual libraries.

Education or e-learning – take classes remotely from almost any location and any subject.

Entertainment – for music, movies, magazines, computer games etc.

2. Describe how to access the Internet. What are the providers? Define browsers and discuss URLs,
HTML, JavaScript, AJAX, Applets, and mobile browsers.

> The common way to access the Internet is through a provider or host computer. Internet Service
Providers (ISPs) already connected to the Internet and it furnish a pathway for other users. Most
commonly used ISPs use telephone lines, cable and / or wireless connections. Typical providers includes
Verizon, Comcast, Sprint, T-Mobile and AT&T.
> Browsers allow you to explore the web. It helps you navigate, search for information and communicate
using the web.

> URL (uniform resource locator) is used to connect to other resources. URL is the address and contains
two parts. The first o e is protocol, rules for exchanging data between computersand domain name, the
specific address where the resource is located.

> Browsers interpret the HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) codes and formatting instructions and
displays the page. They may contain, hyperlinks or links which allow users to quickly connect to other
pages or web sites. It may also includes graphics, text, multimedia elements etc.

> JavaScript – language used with HTML documents to trigger interactive features such as opening a new

> AJAX – (Asynchronous Java Script and XML) used to create interactive websites that respond quickly.

> Applets – used to present animation, display graphics, provide interactive games.

> Mobile Browsers – designed to run on portable devices. Contain special navigational tools for
convenience to pinch and stretch.

3. What are Web utilities? Discuss plug-ins, filters, file transfer utilities, and Internet security suites.

> Web utilities are specialized utility programs that make using the Internet and web easier and safer.

> Plug-ins – programs that start automatically and operate as part of your browser.

> Filters – block access to selected sites. It can also monitor use and generate reports detailing the total
time spent on the Internet and specific sites.

> File Transfer Utilities are the programs that helps you to do downloading, receiving a file from the
Internet and uploading, copying a file to the Internet. Web-based file transfer services uses web browser
to upload and download files.

> Internet Security Suites – collection of utility programs designed to maintain your security and privacy
while you are on the Web. Suites Are the most cost efficient way to go instead of buying each
component separately.

4. Discuss Internet communications, including client-based and web-based email, instant and text
messaging, social networking, blogs, microblogs, webcasts, podcasts, and wikis.

> E-mail or electronic mail is use for transmission of electronic messages over the Internet.
> Client-based e-mail system – it requires installation of an e-mail client on your computer. Examples are
Microsoft Outlook and Apple Mail.

> Web-based e-mail system – it has no email program on your computer, access from any computer
through a Browser. Examples are Google Gmail, Microsoft Hotmail and Yahoo!Mail.

> Text Messaging or also know as texting is sending of short electronic messages between mobile
devices. SMS (Short Message Service) has become one of the most widely used ways to send short

> Instant Messaging is the extension of email that allows two or more people to contact each other via
direct, live communication. To use instant message, specify list of friends and register with an instant
messaging server.

> Social Networking is one of the fastest growing uses of the Internet, connecting individuals to one
another. Three most popular: Facebook, Google+ and LinkedIn.

> Web logs or blogs – personal news pages that are date/time-stamped and arranged with the most
recent items shown first.

> Microblogs – short status updates that answer the question: What are you doing now?

> Webcast – streaming technology for live broadcast of audio and video.

> Podcast-audio and video files that can be downloaded to your computer or media player.

> Wiki – a specially designed Web site that allows visitors to edit the contents, supports collaborative

5. Define search tools including search services. Discuss search engines and specialized search engines.
Describe how to evaluate the content of a web site.

> Search Tools are specialized programs that assist you in locating information on the Web and the

> Search services operate web sites that help you locate information; they maintain the database that
helps you get where you want. Special programs called spiders continually look for information and
updated services

> Search engines assist you to locate specific information. Use keyword or phrase search; know “rules”
i.e. use + or quotes to look for phrases rather than individual words
> Specialized search engines are programs that focus on subject specific Web sites. For example, GSU’s
library’s search engine.

> Content Evaluation – be sure to check the authority, accuracy, objectivity and currency.

6. Describe electronic commerce, including

business-to-consumer, consumer-to-consumer, and business-to-business e-commerce, and security.

> Electronic commerce or E-Commerce is buying and selling over the Internet.

> Business-to-consumer (B2C) is fastest growing type of e-commerce. Involves the sale of a product or
service to the general public or end user. Three types: online banking, financial trading and shopping. is one of the most widely used B2C sites.

> Consumer-to consumer (C2C) e-commerce involves individuals selling to individuals and is Web
auctions, similar to traditional auctions but no one sees each other. Buyers and sellers seldom meet
face-to-face. Example auction sites include eBay, QuiBids, eBid.

> Business-to-business (B2B) involves the sale of a product or service from one business to another.
Example: A furniture manufacturer requires raw materials such as wood, paint, and varnish. When a
company sells a cloud service to another company it is engaging in a B2B transaction.

7.What is cloud computing? Describe the three basic components of cloud computing.

> Cloud computing shifts computing activities from users’ desktops to computers on the Internet. It frees
end-users from owning, maintaining, and storing software programs and data.

>The three components are:

Client - corporations and end-users who want access to data, programs, and storage anywhere and
anytime a connection to the Internet is available.

Service provider - organizations that are willing to provide (usually for a fee) access to software and

Internet connectivity - there are two critical factors that determine the efficiency of cloud
computing, the speed and reliability of the user’s access to the Internet and the Internet’s capability to
provide safe and reliable transmission of data and programs.

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