Getting Implement Your Application With The Newly Introduces Xamarin - Forms 4.4

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Getting Implement your application with the newly introduced Xamarin.Forms 4.

The Xamarin is a single cross-platform application development technology that gets frequently updated
and loves to introduce a bundle of joy for the developers to add some exciting features in the Xamarin
mobile application and in a similar way is has launched the upgraded version of the Xamarin.Forms as
Xamarin.Forms4.4. Lately, the developers would not have any option to add the gif or animated effects
in the mobile application, but adding a fig animation in the mobile application is the most exciting
feature in the recent updation of the Xamarin.Forms 4.4.

Now sum some fine gif animation into an app becomes a simpler process also it can make the
application a bit more user engaging. While to implement such functionality in the app, all you need to
have an along with a new IsAnimationPlaying property of the updated Xamarin.Forms that makes it
enable and disable to play the animated effects of the application. Also to make the application a better
one as per the user's point of view, this animation property of the Xamarin 4.4 has a loop by default
while to stop the animation all you need to set the IsAnimationPlaying property to the false.

<Image Source="" IsAnimationPlaying="True"/>

While in a way to add a similar base control like the collection view, in an application the new carousel
view the CarouselView makes it simpler and delivers the similar working functionality to run the
application in a vertical or horizontal direction. As with the CollectionVew property, you will get the
following by implementing the mentioned code:

● ItemsLayout
● ItemsSource
● ItemTemplate
● EmptyTemplate

<CarouselView HeightRequest="160">


<x:Array Type="{x:Type x:String}">








<Image Source="{Binding .}"/>




While to get full controlled access on the few properties of the CarouselView like to control the distance
between the previous or next slide of the slide or animation in the app you have to make some more
setting the CarouselView of the project as:

<CarouselView PeekAreaInsets="50"

Besides that in order to add the IndicatorView to arrange the position of the gif, you need to associate it
with the carouselView with the name as:

<CarouselView x:Name="walletCarousel">

// implementation here





IndicatorSize="10" HorizontalOptions="Center"


Apart from adding the gif animation on the website, now you can also, implement a swipe effect in it as

Well, the swipe effect will basically work on the listical objects of the application and allowing the users
to swipe the listed objects in any particular direction as left, right, up and down. While, in order to use
these controls and make then in action, just wrap the respective elements with the requires swipe
action or the SwipeItem. A SwipeItem requires the implementation of a short command on the click
handler of the application as:



<SwipeItems Mode="Execute">
<SwipeItem Text="Favourite" Command="{Binding Favourite}">


<FontIconSource Glyph="&#xE74D;"/>





<!-- Swipeable content -->


// content here



Howto set up the Xamarin.Forms 4.4?

In a route to getting started with the Xamarin.Forms 4.4, the all you need to update and install the
NuGet Package manager in your newly started or already exist project. While if you are using and
updating the older version of the Xamarin then keep a note that the Xamarin.Forma and the
Xamarin.Essentials is now depended on the Android Support, so in case if you are looking to update
these with any other package you are using might have depended on the Android support library.

Before the run, the app code makes sure yo enable its preview feature by using the setting as SetFlags
and then add the mentioned code in the App.xaml.cs file of your project:

public App()


Device.SetFlags(new[] {



} );

MainPage = new AppShell();

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