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3a. | 32. | 8) b) 1, PRINCIPLE OF CELL : | 2. E.M.F.OF A CELL: | 3. CLASSIFICATION OF CELLS : All the cells operate on the same principle though the plate and electrolyte may fitfer. When the battery terminals are joined together by a conductor, the electrolyte jonize and the ions are attracted to or repelled by the plate. The plate losing the electron become the positive plate the plate gaining the electron become the negative plate. The accumulated electron on th negative plate are under the pressure of attraction exerted by the positive plate and tend to move toward it through the conducting path. This pressure is called as the electromotive force or volt- age. i) The emt. induced will depend only on (1) the material from which the plates are ‘made and (2) the type of electrolyte used. ii). The size of plates or distance separating them has no effect upon the voltage generated in a particular cell. But the capacity of a cell depends on the area of plate exposed to the electrolyte. Cells are divided into two main types. The primary cell and the secondary cell Primary Cells : The Primary cell once it has exhausted its activity is of no further use, Le, ‘once discharged cannot be recharged. * Ex : Copper zinc cell Classification of primary cells : Primary tells may be either wet or dry typ= Wet cell : In wet cell, the electrolyte is in completely liquid form. In this cell, the postive plate is copper and the negative plate is zinc and electrolyte is dilute sulphuric acid. The voltage level is 1.5 V. Dry cell : In dry cell, as absorbent material is satu‘ated with the electrolyte and is then placed in contact with the plates. © () In dry cell, zinc case is acting as negative if The number of plates ina lead acid is an odd r ee » > wD \ away \ W a wn wee av =I plate and carbon rod as the positive plate. The clectrolyie is the Ammonium chloride (NH4C)). It delivers an emf of 1-5V when itis in good condition. Dry cells deteriorate even when not in use ‘owing to the evaporation of the electrolyte and decomposition of zinc electrode. Polarisation : Polarisation Is due to an accumulation of hydrogen on positive plate, which results in increased internal resistance and lower battery voltage and capacity. The use of depélarising agent manganese dioxide, (MnOz) tends to prevent this. Local action : Local action refers to counter voltage set up in a plate because of chemical impurities. itis prevented in the dry cell by amalgamating with zine and mercury. Secondary cells : “The secondary cell can be recharged by sending current through it inthe reverse direction. The secondary cells are also called as storage cells Ex : lead-acid cell. The advantages of storage cell over primary cell are i) itcan be recharged ii). itcan be built to provide heavier current capabilities ii) itis more economical in the long run ‘A hydrometer is used to determine the specitic gravity of lead-acid cells. eger. The reason for this is that the fegative group has one more plate than pos tive group. The lead acid cell depends on its action on the presence of two plates cover with PbOz and Pb respectively in a solution of dilute 1,80, of specific gravity 1-21 or near about. When a lead acid cell is fully charged, the positive plate is dark chacolate brown in colour and negative plate is in slate gray colour. During discharging both anode and cathode become PbSOx which is whitish in TRICAL ENUG. MASIC PRICAL, ENGINEERING frasce=7]) Comparison of lead acid & Edison coll : tem Lead acid cell Edison cell Positive Plate Lead Poroxide PbOz Nickel hydroxide Ni (OH) Negative Plate Sponge Lead Iron oxide Electrolyte ‘Sulphuric acid and water 21% solution of potassium hydrox ide and water with small amount of lithium hydroxide Voltage at no load $ Fully charged 24V 1.37V Discharged 20V 125V Voltage under load : Fully charged 1-95 V 1:2V Discharged 18V O9V Specific gravity : } Fully charged 1-28 12 Discharged 112 115 Advantages Low cost Light weight Heavy current capacity Practically indestructible Disadvantages Heavy weight High initial cost |} “A-tefficiency 90 to 95%. 80% W-H efficiency 72 to 80% 60% 4. EFFICIENCY OF CELL: fered by active material and resistance of (i) A-Hefficiency electrolyte. The internal resistance of a cell eee can be decreaset by increasing the size of ‘A — Hduring charging ae A-H capacity is determined by 9.2 Series connection of cells : ‘A-H capacity Cells are connected in series to increase the total voltage. When n cells are connected | 7 [see | 15 in series when external resistance (A) s large 2 as compared to internal resistance (r) of cells 1 (i) W-H efficiency (Le. R>>r), then = Ar offciency x , ne ‘Average voltage during discharge Maximum current | = oe “Average voltage during charging W-H efficiency is always less than A-H ef- ficiency for any cell, - 5.3. Parallel connection of cells : Cells are connected in parallel to increase the current capacity. When n cells are con- nected in parallel with external resistance is. . 5. INTERCONNECTION OF CELLS: small as compared to internal resistance of 5.1. Internal resistance of a cell : ate (= then) The internal resistance of a cellis that of E the resistance of metal plates, resistance of- Maximum current |= TER | Sri Krishnaveni Educational Academy, VJA. 32 1” Eee ae “PRICAL ENGG. ‘A call is a device that transforms chemical ‘nergy into electrigal energy. A cell consists of two electrodes placed in a jar which con- tains the electrolyte. The electrolyte is a so- lution in which the chemical action called electrolysis occurs. ‘The emt of a cell depends only on type of electrodes and electrolyte and is independent of size of plates. Polarisation increases the internal resistance of.acell Local action refers to counter voltages set up in a plate due to chemical impurities. During discharging of a cell chemical energy is converted into electrical energy. A-H efficiency of a cell A.~ H during discharge ‘A — H during charging W-H efficiency of a cell = AH efficiency x ‘Average voltage during discharge ‘Average voltage during charging tn general cells are connected in series to increase voltage rating and are connected in parallel to increase current rating. Melia kU PS nS) ix cells, each of potential 2V having an internal resistance of 2 Ohms are con- pected in two groups of 3 in series and these 2 groups are connected to an ex- ternal resistance of 30 Ohms, Calculate the current in the load resistance. Load resistance Ry = 30 Ohms =20hms Current in load | = 0-182 A, = He HA bn Zon, Sol Sol. Sol, A battery of 49 cals in seri nesses aniston amen ERIN is to be charged from a 220 V supply. If the aver- age emf per cell during charging is 2.2¥, || ‘calculate the resistance to be connected in series with the battery to give an aver- age charging current of 5A. Battery emf = 40 x 2.2 = 88V Applied voltage = 220 V 220 ~ 88 External resistance R = = 26-4 Ohms Abattery of 92 cells is arranged to pass a maximum current through a 3-5 Q resis- tor. The emf of each cell is 1-4 V and the internal resistance is 2 Ohms. In what method should the cells be connected ? | Let 'a' be the no. of parallel circuits. * be the no. of cells in each series circult. Then, total number of cells = ax a) For maximum current to flow through the load, the internal resistance must be equal to load resistance. jon M28 29 dH 38a) a \ By solving (1) & (2) a=4b=8 je., No. of parallel circuits = 8 In each series circuit, the no. of cells = 4 ‘Acertain alkaline cell had a terminal volt- ‘age of 1-24 V when supplying a current of | 3A. Immediately after the load was discon nected, the terminal voltage was 128 V. ‘Calculate the internal resistance of cell. Terminal Voltage = 1-24V Load Current = 3 A No Load Voltage = 1-28 V E=V+iR 1-28 - 1-24 Internal resistance R HICAL ENCE. 5. Calculate (a) the ampera-hour efficiency and (b) the watt-hour efficiency of a sec- ondary cell having a 20 hours charge rate of 104, and delivering 5A for 36 hours'on discharge, with mean terminal Voltage of 1.96 V, The terminal voltage has a mean value of 2-38 V. Sol, Charging current = 10 A Charging time = 20 Hours discharging current == 5A discharging time = 96 %,A-H efficiency A = Huring discharge ‘A — H during charge = 00 _36x5, ~ 1020 %W-H efficiency = % A-H efficiency 100 = 90% ., Mean Voltage during discharge Mean Voltage during charge = 74-11% =20x( asi Sioa (Questions on Basic concepts) 1. Forthe process of electrolysis, the supply re- quired is 4) DC supply 2) AC supply 8) Both DC & AC supply 4) Variable supply 2. The major draw back of a primary cell is that 1) Chemical action is not reversible 2) Chemical action is reversible 3) The electrolyte used is very costly 4) Itis not portable 3. The most commonly used cell is : 1) Lead-acid call 2) Nickel Iron Cell 8) Nickel-cadmium cell 4) Fuel cell 9% 10. 1, When a Lead-acid call is fully charged 1) anode Is converted into Pb 2) cathode Is converted into Pb O2 3) spocitic gravity of HeSOx4 raises to about 1:28 4) both the plates become red The A-H efficiency of a lead colt is about 1) 25% 2) 50% 9) 75% 4) 90% The state of charge of a Nickel-tron celtis de tormined by 1) specitic gravity of electrode 2) emf of the cell 3) colour of plates 4) None of the above Ina Lead-acid storage battery 41) Lead peroxide is a positive plate 2) Zinc sulphate is negative plate 8) Sponge lead is a positive plate 4) Sulphuric acid is positive plate Active materials of lead acid cell are 1) Lead peroxide 2) sponge lead 3) HeSOs 4) All ofthe above During charging of a lead-acid cel. 4) Its cathode ‘becomes dark, chocolate brown in colour 2) Its voltage increases 8) It gives out energy 4) Specitic gravity of H2SOx is decreased The ratio of A-H efficiency to W-H efficiency | ofa lead-acid cell is 1) always less than one 2) Just one 8) Always greater than one | 4) either A or B The capacity of a lead-acid cell does not de- pend on its 1) rate of charge 2) rate of discharge 3) temperature 4) quantity of active material a NN ETE mie 12, 13, 16. 16. 17. | 18. 19. 20. CTRICAL, NGG. ‘As compared to constant current system, the constant voltage system of charging a lead acid cell has the advantages of 1) avoiding excessive gassing 2) reducing time of charging 3) increasing cell capacity 4) both 2&3 During charging and discharging of a nickel iron battery 1) its emt remains constant 2) water is neither formed nor absorbed 9) corrosive fumes are produced 4) nickel hydroxide remains unsplit ‘As compared to Ledd-acid cell, the efficiency of a nickel iron cell is less due to its 1) lower emt 2) smaller quantity of electrolyte used 3) higher internal resistance 4) compactness The emf of a fully charged lead-acid cell is about rai 3) 18V 2)24V ajay The capacity of a storage cell is measured in 1) Joules 2) Watt-hour 3) Ampere hour 4) Coulomb Sulphation in a lead-acid battery occurs due to 4) trickle charging 2) incomplete charging 3) heavy discharging 4) fast charging The voltage of carbon-zine cell is 4) 14V “2y15V 3177 4)22V Which of the following primary cell has out- put voltage other than 1:5 V 1)Carbon-zine 2) Zino-chloride 3) Silver oxide 4) Lithium Which of the following secondary cell has the fowest output voltage ? 1) Lead-acid 2) Silver cadmium 9) Silver-Zine 4) Nickel-iron 22, 23, 24, 26, 26. a. 28. 29. BASIC ELECTRICAL ENGIN! The output voltage of silver zinc seconciary | coll is: yay 2) 1.25 V 3) 1-86 4y24V The output voltage of silver cadmium second- ary cells ayiav 2) 1:36 V 3) 1-86 V 4y24Vv The A-H capacity of a lead acid battery | depends on 1) Density of electrolyte 2) Size of container 3) Number of plates 4) All of the above Emf of a dry cell is ayav 3) 15V ay1ty 4)2v Thirty zine carbon calls are connected in series, The total voltage output will be 1)15V 2)30V 3) 45V 4)60V Over discharging of lead acid battery may cause. 4) sulphation 2) sedimentation 3) corrosion in the negative plates 4) erosion of plate material The specific gravity of a fully charged lead- acid cell is 44 3) 1-21 ay at 4) 4412 The current in a chemical cells a movement of . 4) positive hole 2) negative ions only 3) positive ions only 4) none of the above Which of the following is a dry storage cell 41) carbon zine Cell 2) mercury Cell 3) nickel cadmium Cell 4) none of the above 35 ‘Sri Krishnaveni Educational Academy, VJA ELECTRICAL NGG 31. 32. 34, | 30. Which of the following is false 1) Alead acid coll can be recharged 2) A primary. cell has an irreversible charging reaction 3) A storage call has a reversible charging reaction. 4) Acarbon zinc cell has unlimited life When a lead acid battery is to be charged 1) Connect negative to negative and positive to positive 2) Connect the positive battery terminal to the negative on charging voltage 3) The battery voltage must be move than charging voltage 4) None of these The cell in which a chemical action is a chemi- cal change is known as 1) standard cell 2) primary cell 3) secondary cell 4) chemical cell Western cadmium cell is a 1) primary cell 2) re-chargeable cell 3) secondary cell 4) dry cell When a cell is cHarging 1) Chemical energy is converted to electri- cal energy 2) Electrical energy is converted to chemical energy 3) Chemical energy is converted to potential energy 4) None of the above aioseal (Questions for Students' Practice) The state of discharge of a lead-acid cell is determined by 1) em of the cell 2) specific gravity of electrolyte 3) colour of plates of cell 4) None of these The lead-acid call has 15 plates. The number of negative plates will be... 7 29 3)10 4)8 The life of the positive plate of lead-acid cell is roughly ....... that of negative plates. Sri Krishnaveni Educational Academy, VJA 36 1) The same as 9) twico 2) hall 4) threw The internal resistance of a Lead-acid cells mainly JUG 00 sesso. 1) Positive plates 3) Both 1&2 2) Negative plates 4) Electrolyte | The chief disadvantage of a nickel cadmiuns | cells that it 1) takes a long time for charging 2) has high internal resistance 3) has a short life 4) is very expensive Ina Lead-acid battery, when the cell is dis~ charged 1) Positive plate is changed to PbSO, and negative plate to PbO. 2) Both the plates are changed to PbSO, and the electrolyte is diluted 8) Positive plate is changed to PbO and negative plate to PoSO, 4) None of the above The internal resistance of a Lead-acid cell will increase it 1) the cell discharges below 1.8 V 2) the cell is charged above 2:3 V 9) the cell discharges below 1-5 V 4) concentration of electrolyte reduces to 1.18 A storage battery whose open circuit voliage and voltage at load are 2-2 V and 2V When 0.2 Ohms resistance is connected in series. The internal resistance is .. Ohms. 2 2) 0.02 30-2 4) 0-04 Four cells each of 1-5 V, with an internal re- sistance of 0-25 Ohms are connected to 10 ‘Ohms resistance to supply maximum current. They are connected in the following combi- nation 1) all the four cells in series 2) all the four cells in parallel 2) two cells in series and two in parallel 4) none of these | 10 ‘Abattery which is charged at SA for thous, |) 18. ormation of the hydrogen bubbles around } is discharged at 3A in 15 hours. The A-H eff- the carbon electrode in a dry cell is ciency of a battery is 1) local action caused by chemical impuri- | 1) 80% 2) 85% ties j 3) 95% 4) 90% 2) polarization caused by electrolysis, | 11. Two batteries each of open circuit voltage 2V 9) depolarisation caused by manganese di- } and internal resistance of 2 Ohms are con- 7 nected in parallel to supply @ load of 2 Ohms. 4) none of the above The current supplied by each battery is 19. The capacity of a cell increases as 1) 2A 2) 0-333 4) the temperature increases } 3)08 A ayia 2) the temperature decreases | 12, Trickle charging of a storage battery helps ‘0 3) moisture increases , 1) prevent sulphation 4) none of the above | 2) keeps it fresh and fully charged 20. Solar cell is example of | 3) Maintain proper etectoiye 1) photo voltaic cel | 4) increased its reserve capacity 2) photo conductive cell 13. What will happen it a lead-acid battery is kept 3) photo emissive cell , in discharged condition for a long time ? 4) none of the above 4) the Battery will regain same charge 2) the plates will become sulphated EXERCISE — Ill 3) the piates will get dissolved in electrolyte 4) the acid and water in electrolyte dissociate | 14. When electrolyte level is low in a lead acid || 1. The plates of a lead acid battery are made of | cell, the proper remedy is 4) rolled zinc - copper alloy : 1) to add some dilute acid 2) cast animonial lead alloy 2) to add distilled water 3) perforated nickel cadmium alloy | a)t0 shake the battery 4) pressed antimony bismuth alloy eee eee cal egal 2. Inalead acid battery, separators are provided | 15, Abattery is charged at 10.A for 10 Hours and 1) to reduce tendency for polarisation: | ischarged at 8 A for 8 hours. The A-H effi 2) to facilitate flow of current i ciency of battery is 3) to reduce internal resistance 1) 80% 2) 64% 4) to avoid internal short circuits p 8% re 3. Container of a lead acid battery is made of | 16. The energy stored in a cell ig in the form of 1) moulded hard rubber 1) electromagnetic energy 2) ceramics 3) celluloid 2) electrostatic energy 4) any of the above [P= SXeetemrete 4, Afioating battery is one | “i chemicat'eneray 41) inwhich battery voltage is equal to charger | 17. Inaleadacid battery during charging the elec- voltage trolyte becomes ......... and during discharg- 2) in which the current in the circuit is fully | ingitbecomes supplied by the battery 4) stronger, weaker 3) which gets charged and discharged simul- 2) stronger, stronger taneously 3) weaker, stronger 4) which supplies current intermittently and I *) weaker, weaker also during off eycle gets charged | 87 ‘Sei Krishnaveni Educational Academy, VIA EE (er canes emacs ene BASIC ELECTRICAL, ENGINEERING TRICAL KNGG. Sri Krishnaveni Educational Academy, VJA 6. Inan Edison cell, the electrolyte used Is Tho ampore hour capacity of a battery used | 4) Sodium chloride con trucks ia 2) Ammonium sulphate 1)5=10Ah 2) 90 = 60 Ah | 93) Potassium hydroxide 3)100-150Ah 4) 200-250 An 4) Hydrochloric acid 14. Which battery is used in aeroplanes ? 6, Asecondary battery having 20 hrs charge rate 4) Dry cell battery of 10 A dalivers 5A per 36 hrs. on discharge 2) Lead acid battery with amean terminal voltag eof 1.96 A. The 8) Edison cell terminal voltage charging is 2:35 V. Ampere - '4) None of the above hour efficiency of the battery i 1)60% 2) 70% 18. InEdison-cell the concentration of electrolyte 580% 2.20% 4) increases during charging 2) decreases during charging 7 Aseconday ee es a ee 8) increase during discharging of jelivers on di * | with amean terminal voliag eof 1-96 A. The ) remains unaltered | terminal voltage charging is 2-95. Watt hour |) 16, The open-circuit emt of a storage cells 2.2 efficiency of the battery is volis. The terminal voltage measured when 1) 85% 2) 75% the current is 12 A found to be 1-98 volts. The 3)70% 5) 66% internal resistance of the cell is 4)0-00183 ohm 2) 0.0183 ohm 8. Whien of the following statement is not cor- 3) 0-183 ohm aitsern 4) Aprimaty cell is an electro-chemical cell 17. A parallel - connected battery of 1-5V cell is 2) After charging, a primary cell can be again to supply current to a 0-15 ohmresistor. If each putto use cell can supply a maximum current of 1 A, 43) Diy cells a primary cell determine the number of cells required 4) Leclanche cells is used in experiments, ne 24 where constant supply of current is not ae) elie needed. 18. A.experimenter connects four 0-25 ohm cells | ©. Tickle charge is required for in series but one cell is wrongly connected 4) ead aca batteries with its terminals reversed. The external re- 2 nha ton ont ‘sistance is 1 ohm. If each cell has emf of 1-5 2 nicl ron is volt, the current flowing is . ) primary cells 115A 2) 413.8 4) all of the above 3) 9/4 A yeas 10, The ems ofa storage battery depends upon || 49 battery whose emf is 45 volts Is connected | 1) size of the electrodes to.a 20 ohm resistance and a current of 2-1 2)'shape of the cell ‘amp flows. The terminal voltage is 3) nature of electrodes 4) 42V 2) 45V | 4)all of the above 3) 54V 4) 40V 11. The electrode for a battery must be 20. Acellof emf E is connected across an exter- | 41) a good conductor of electricity ~ nal resistance r. Terminal voitage is V. The in- } 2) a bad conductor of electricity ternal resistance b of the cells is given be | 3) a semi-conductor 4) an insulator 12, The specilic gravity of acid is checked with the help of a 1) hygrometer 2) electrometer 3) hydrometer 4) cell tester | 58 ELECTRICAL ENGG. BASIC ELECTRICAL ENGIN | 1997 1995 The storage battery, which is generally used in Electric Power Stations, is 1) Lead acid battery 2) Zinc carbon battery 3) Nickel cadmium battery 4) Nickel - iron battery The capacity of a battery is expressed in terms of 4) Current rating 3) Voltage rating 2) An rating 4) Vh rating The lead acid battery should be re-charged when the specific gravity Is found to be less than 1)2:25 2) 1:25 3) 15 4118 Four cells of 1-5 volt each are connected in parallel, The output voltage is 1) 6v 2)0375V 315 4)3V Four identical batteries each of 1-5 Vand an internal resistance of 1-0 ohm are connected in series to feed a load of 2-0 ohms. The cur- rent in the circuit is 115A 2)20A 3) 1.0A 4) 4.08 Cental terminal of a dry cell is said to be 1) positive 2) negative 3) neutral 4) charged The ampere - hour capacity of a battery de- pends on 1) thickness of the plates 2) strength of the electrolyte 3) distance between plates 4) area of the plates 10 cells of 1.5 V each and having an internal resistance of 0-1 9 each are connected in parallel, and feed a 59 resistor. The current in the SW resistor in amps is 4) 18/501 2) 15/51 3) 1.5/0.6 4) 15/54 1993 10. " 12, 13. 1992 14. 15. 16. Identify the correct statement 4) electrolyte dansity changes less in Ni-Fe | cell compared tc lead acid cell 2) electrolytic density in cells has to relation to internal resistance of the cell 3) quaniity efficiency in cells is the ratio of watt-hours of charge to walt-hours of discharge. 4) none of these Which of the following statement is true? 4) Lead acid cells can be charged and dis- charged without affecting the plates at a very high rate. ‘Ampere hour efficiency of a nickel iron cell js less than that of a load acid Cell of the same capacity Most corrosive and acid fumes are pro- duced in nickel iron cells. ‘Alead acid cell can be kept in discharged condition for a long time and yet can be recharged easily. s 2) 3) 4) A storage battery has an open circuit voltage ‘of 2:2 volts when a resistance of 0-2 ohms is connected across it the voltage is 2 volts. The internal resistance of the battery is ... In a lead acid cell, the electrolyte used is Abattery is charged at 5 amperes for 8 hours and discharged at 4 amperes in 9 hours, the ampere-hour efficiency is ...9% ‘A. commonly used primary cell is a 1) lead acid cell 2) copper zinc cell 8) dry cell 4) lead sulphuric cell The colour of the positive plate of a fully charged lead acid cell is “The number of positive plates in a secondary lead acid cell is always .. . than the num- er of negative plat ‘Sel Krishnavent Eduentional Academy, VJA- nnn ASTOR 17. A storage call in an automobile has 41) lead plates for both electrodes and HNO for electrolyte 2) lead for negative, zinc for positive etec- trode and HeSO, as electrolyte 8) zine for negative, Ni for positive electrode and HeSOy as electrolyte 4) ‘lead for negative, PbOz for positive elec- trode and sulphuric acid as electrolyte. 18. The quantity of efficiency of a secondary cell is defined as 19. Abattery has capacity of 108,000 coulombs. Itcan deliver 1 A for ...... Mes EXERCISE -1 10 24 31 43 5)4 62 71 8,4 9)2 10) 41)1 124 13)2— 14) 18)2 Sri Krishnaveni Educatiqnal Academy, VJA * 20) 2 25)3 30) 4 5)4 10) 4 15)2 20) 1 5)3 10)3 15) 4 20) 4 5)3 10) 2 16). 17)2 18)2- 194 21)3).22)1 —-2a)9_*24)3 26)1 27/3 -2)2_— 20) 3) 32)233)13a)2 EXERCISE ~ Il 2 2)4 2 44 62 73 8) 4 9)1 11)2 122 193° «*14)2 16)4 17)1 — 18)2— 19) EXERICSE - Ill 20 24 a4 44 4 78 82 9yt 11)112)3—13)3 14) 4 16)2 17)4 — 18)1— 19) EXERCISE ~ IV 1 22 a4 43 61 72 81 9yt 11) 0-02 12) Dilute H,SO, 13) 90 14) 3 15) Choclate brown 17) 4 19) 30 Hours * 16), less by one 18) A-H efficiency CPRIGAL ENGG. _

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