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Tips and Tools for Public Speaking

Most of the points given below will appear to be very common and ‘known’ to us. However, it is the
reinforcement and practice that will help improve the skill. It is possible to be one of the best speakers
very soon. Good Luck!

Three P formula

 Planning
 Preparation
 Presentation (Public Speaking)

1. Objectives
2. Audience
Planning 3. Duration
4. Venue
5. Expectation

1. Background
2. Coverage
3. Speaking Notes
4. Timing
5. Practice

1. Before the speech

a. Reach early
b. Familiarize
2. Speaking
a. Cover all points
b. Smile
Public Speech c. Pause as
d. Eye contact
3. After speech
a. Keep good
b. Identify area of

Tips for Public Speaking: Compiled by B Krishnamurthy (BKM) © 2016-BKMS


Objectives: What is the purpose of the meeting (can be communication of information, key note address,
welcoming, inaugurating etc)

Audience: Who are the major audience? This helps to choose the language of speech and preparation
at large.

Duration: How long should the talk be?

Venue: Location, auditorium, public hall or conference room etc

Expectation: What action we want the audience to take at the end of the address – any action or simply
passing on information etc.


Background: Gather the background / introduction points and organize them. Names and designations
of people to be addressed, why is the event and address etc.

Subject coverage: Make points relevant to the topic being talked. Sequence them in order. Connect the
points to the larger objective of the event.

Speaking Notes: Arrange the points in sequence, note down all the aspects that need to be covered in
the speech. This can be a running text. But a sequence of bullet points that serve as a pointer is always
better. (In preparing for this, it should not exceed one sheet of paper. The points to be numbered and
typed with double space in ‘Arial’ font with 12 or 14 size).

Timing: Based on the duration of speech needed, elaborate the points or shrink them.

Practice: (For important speeches or for the next 5 speeches). It will be good to go thru the speaking
notes and align the points, words and the sequence in the mind once. As you do it, the duration can
also be checked. If needed, the coverage may be modified to suit the duration.

Public Speaking (Giving the speech):

Getting ready before the speech: It will be good to reach the venue and the dais in advance. Helps to
familiarize the surroundings. If there are known people, it will also be good to interact with them just to
avoid nervousness. If ok, a mint can be taken or a glass of water.

Speaking: Always stand at the Podium, look around the audience and smile with an appropriate
greeting. (Before starting the actual delivery of speech, it is good to look around and smile). You can
also keep a pencil to tick the points you have covered in the speech. Carry on the speech, with one by
one point from the notes. Pause between points and look around once. The tonal modulation helps to
keep the speech alive. Keep having eye contact with audience by looking around.

When you are about to finish, bring the voice level low and flat. Thank the audience and conclude with
a smile and “thanks to one and all”.

Post speech analysis: Check for what was done well and what areas need improvement. Keep note of
this and try out differently in the next speech.

**************** Best wishes *****************

Tips for Public Speaking: Compiled by B Krishnamurthy (BKM) © 2016-BKMS

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