Internship Report

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1. What did you accomplish during your internship period?

Ans: An internship is a structured work experience related to a student’s career goal, an

experience that enhance a student’s academic career and personal development surveyed by a
professional in the field.

This internship provides a platform for applying the knowledge that we acquired throughout
the studying period of four year, where I get customize my knowledge and used it for the first
time in real project. Starting from nothing to something at a real and field project gave various
opportunities and challenges and also the ideas of solving this and working smartly in every
condition. During the entire internship I got enhanced my learnings and knowledge, being
supervised by a professional and supervising the workers and making a proper communication
between client-contractor and engineer at site was also a new experience to me.

These are some further achievements that I accomplished during my internship.

➢ Learned to read the architectural and structural drawing for accomplishing the site
➢ Learned to manage site preparing the lists of materials being used at site and toos.
➢ Masons, labors and other workmanships, operating of construction tools, using of
safety tools and equipment.
➢ Seismic study of different places according to the seismic zone map of Nepal provided
by NBC and evaluating the extent of damage caused by earthquake in specific
➢ Structure analysis, modeling of structure interpretation of analysis result with the real
field and design safety majors and applying then to the site.
➢ Learned the different method of identification of vulnerable structure, analysis of
vulnerable structure and applying aid to the structure to make it safe economically.
➢ Leaned different method of retrofitting and the process of apply these techniques for
making structure resistance to earthquake.

2. What were the major benefits of this internship for you?

Ans: There are various things that we study in the syllabus but their applications in real field
gives the confidence and this makes us engineer, working on site help to develop the personal
confidence and knowledge.

Learn new and improved skills in construction and how to apply them:
One of the most important things i gained from the internship is newfound of knowledge. This
include knowing the techniques of repairing, strengthening and retrofitting of building and their

Professional communications:
During the period of internship, it was a great chance to meet the professionals in their field
and learn the skills of working and applying the theoretical knowledge in the field. Working
with those professionals also gave us a chance to communicate with them and making
connections of sharing knowledge.

One of the most valuable skills I learn from this internship is the ability to speak with people
in a professional setting. Discussions with bosses or co-workers are different from
discussions with lecturers or fellow students.

Working procedure and methods on site:

On the site at which I was working, it was different from normal working site because it was
the first retrofitting project held in Surkhet thus, the working procedure and methodology was
completely different. I learned the whole documentation process of starting work at site as it
was a MoU signed between three different bodies first of them is NSET (National Society for
Earthquake Technology) providing technical support second one is Municipality of
Birendranagar-6, Surkhet and third one is Mid-western University.

Taking constructive criticism well and making decision:

Naturally, no one likes to be criticised and performance evaluations can be quite scary. You
will probably make a few mistakes and receive constructive criticism about your work from
both your colleagues and your boss. Working on site on your own make us to take our own
decisions and implement the planning without being criticised.

3. What were the difficulties encountered during your internship period and how did you
overcome those difficulties?

Ans: During the entire period of internship I have encountered a number of difficulties in
working, material storage and mason conduction and making the meson to understand what
to on the site and scheduling for entire project to complete in time.


At the very starting phase of the retrofitting work all masons and workers denied to work
because none of them were knowing about retrofitting techniques and this work for them was
very new and different constructing new building.

➢ Solutions: We planned for taking classes of the meson in which they were taught
about retrofitting and working method using of the tools. This idea worked very
efficiently and almost all the masons and labour started working normally.


After the MoU terminated which was signed for working together Municipality stop sending
labour and mason for working at site as those mesons were working under the program “Prime
minister self-employed Program” and this program was only valid up to Ashad month.

➢ Solutions: we hired those same masons as the entire project was submitted to a team
of intern students and only those masons and labour were able to work again thus, we
discussed about the funding for masons with the Campus chief of Humanities and
Social Science. We proposed him to pay the masons and also arrange the materials tools
for working.


We stopped the project work almost for one month, because of unviability of working
materials and unpaid masons stopped working but we had to finish at least 40% of work it
was because there was a program of visiting the retrofitting site by students sent by a NGO
working for disaster management in Nepal.

➢ Solutions: It was Vadra 3rd the day on which the program was scheduled to be held. On
the first day of Vadra the engineer from NSET Er. Sagar acharya our site supervisor
arranges the materials by arranging funding from his office and we also paid the
mesons. The work started gain and we organize the program. After this program we
wrote a hand written application to the chief and the accountant of the Humanities and
Social Science Central Campus mentioning about the work.

After this we the intern student engineers from NSET and administrative person from
campus talked on different agreements for working, management of materials and
paying the masons and this was how the problem was solved.

4. What did you like most about this internship program?

Ans: This internship program was a program of applying the theoretical knowledge that
knowledge that we acquired by studying, performing experimental activities and compiling
different surveyed data throughout the entire academic years

What I liked most about this internship program was that it provides the knowledge and skills
required to became a successful engineer in an engineering field. The most appreciating things
of this internship were those that prepare students for work they hope to do after graduating
from campus. Employer seeks employee who have the experience to start any work in new
field. this internship program gave us a chance to have experience of different field and
knowledge of working that kame us understand the work and working procedure in the real
field. Offering working opportunities in real field make interns feel as they are also the
valuable part of the team. Having time to meet with professionals and working with site
engineers improve the understanding of civil work, communications techniques with employee
and dealing with client-contractor.

With the right field of internship and proper supervision and guidance an intern student can
develop his talent and lay a foundation for recruiting brilliant mind to work. Thus this
internship is a great opportunity to get exposure to a potential career path without having to
choose it for long run.

5. What new skills did you develop in this internship?

Ans: these are the following new skills I develop in this internship:

➢ Knew about the reconstruction process and techniques of retrofitting.

➢ Reading of the architectural and structural erasing and performing the supervision of
work with the guidelines provided by designers.

➢ Analysing different types of building seismically and identifying weather it is

vulnerable to earthquake or not

➢ Building modelling and structure analysis using the NBC code and standard design

➢ Estimation of real project and preparation of bill of quantity

➢ Schedule planning of work and preparing chart such as Bar chart, Gatt chart and CPM
and PERT network.

➢ Construction site management and mason conduction

➢ Dealing with client, contractor and different other body directly and indirectly related
with the inter project.

➢ Quality and quantity control of the work according to the design and standard

6. Tell us about the best day on your internship?

Ans: Every day of the internship period was a day of learning of some new things some new
techniques, methods of working and some extant of exploring my own knowledge. Working
on the site we always had some challenges and difficulties arises during work and we always
got an opportunity to learn to solve something to overcome challenges. Among those all passed
days there was a day which one become my best day of mu internship period.

It was 3rd of Vadra 2076, the day on which I meet almost 0ne hundreds of student from all
district of Nepal and ten students from Japan. They were invited by a NGO named “Disaster
management Nepal” and they had come to visit the retrofitting site at which I was working as
intern, I got a chance to explain about retrofitting, seismic study and seismic analysis and the
method by which the building is being retrofitted. The best part of the day explaining the
students about earthquake, seismic analysis and their evaluations, vulnerability analysis
identification of damage and their method of treatment.

Sharing such information to all those student and the questions asked by them as “sir, my family
have no money and we are living in damaged house can we retrofitt and can stay safely in it
.?” , made me think that how much it is necessary to spread the knowledge of civil engineering
and help people to build their house safe. This is why this day of internship was my best day
of internship.

7. What are your suggestions for better internship?

Ans: Internship is a period of minimum three month working in field with supervisor in their
guidance and proper monitoring. During an internship an intern learn the process of applying
the knowledge in real world and process of working, managing of site, making communication
with client-contractor and conducting workers and finally documentations of their work in a
standard format.

Internship project which was supposed to be started from the first week of baisakh but lack of
management from college and different another factor. We started internship from Ashar when
the fiscal year has just ended, must of intern students don’t even get chance to work in field
rather they spend their time compiling the documents at office and spending time doing

Followings are some suggestions to the central campus of engineering and also to the interns:
➢ Internship must start timely so that the interns can join field at the time when
construction of work is started.
➢ Places for internship and offices should be manage from college, looking self for intern
place and college is not simply possible for all interns.
➢ The interns must be paid a minimum wage so that at least we can afford for lunch and
travel allowance.
➢ We were said that we are going to be supervised by supervisor selected from college
but collage can’t manage.
➢ College must arrange time to supervise the interns my sending faculty member so that
the intern can be confident and work efficiently.

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