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1. Who selected Jamal’s

His family.
2. Jamal’s mother liked
his bride for all of the following reasons except
A. she was beautiful
B. she was educated
C. she was well known
D. she was from a good family
3. Jamal liked his bride for
all of the following reasons except
A. she was wealthy
B. she was not short
C. she was attractive
D. he liked her complexion
4. The passage says that choosing a bride is
a difficult thing.
5. When Jamal asked “why
so long Cik?
he was feeling impatient.
6. Jamal’s mother needed three months because
she could make wedding
7. Jamal and his fiancée
were chaperoned for all of the following reasons
except :
A. they were not married yet
B. the aunties wanted a free lunch
C. their families were old
D. people expected them
to be chaperoned
8. Jamal’s conversations at lunch were ordinary.
9. From your knowledge of the whole story,what were Jamal’s sacrifices?
He sold his computer and his Bally shoes.
10. When Jamal stole precious few moments with his wife –to-be, it meant that
spent time alone with her .

1. rigmarole –upacara yg rumit.

2. scion - ahli keluarga yg muda
3. demure – pendiam dan rendah hati
4. arrangement – persiapan
5. commenced –bermula
6. satisfaction- memuaskan
7. bride –pengantin perempuan
8. pronounced- mengumumkan
9. instant –serta-merta
10. be attended to – memberi perhatian
11. catering- membekalkan makanan
12. bridal chamber -bilik pengantin
13. demurred –sangkal
14. anticipated-jangkaan
15. clarification- penerangan
16. presented – memberikan
17. guests- tetamu
18. hosts – tuan rumah
19. blush – rasa segan
20. stunned – terkejut
21. finance – kewangan/bayar
22. revised- pembetulan
23. assets- harta
24. manageable –boleh diuruskan
25. pledge –perjanjian
26. affronted – rasa disindir
27. substantial –jumlah besar
28. conjured – melakukan
29. moping – bersedih
30. minuscule salary-gaji rendah
31. listened meekly –ikut kata
32. thrift – jimat
33. snorted- mendengus
Life’s Brief Candle

1. The persona calls life a brief candle because

A. a candle provides light
B. a candle can be blown out any time
C. a candle is light
D. a candle is hot

2. Which word or phrase means the future?

A. day to day
B. to –morrow
C. last syllable
D. recorded time
3. The “fools” in line 4 are people who ..
A. forget that death awaits them
B. forget their happy times
C. have not lived well
D. have not been responsible

4. The phrase “walking shadow” refers to :

A. something unreal that only seems real
B. something we can only dream about
C. a shadow of things we see in life
D. a shadow of a person who is walking

5. What does the persona mean by ‘dusty


A. Death is messy and dusty

B. When people die, they become dusty
C. There is dust in death
D. When people die, they become dust.

6. The phrase “ heard no more “ means that

A. when we die, we are forgotten

B. the player is heard no more
C. the player does not act any more
D. when we leave the stage, we die

7. Which of the statements below is not a comparison of life by Macbeth?

A. Life is like a tale told by an idiot

B. Life is like a candle
C. Life is like a walking shadow
D. Life is like a thief

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