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Initiative: ___ + 0 = ___

Defenses and Saving Throws

7 uses of following action pool:
AC : 22
Fort: +12 Bombadier Beetle Fire (magic missile)
Fire 3 barrages of acid at target creatures within close
Ref : +5 range, each of which deals 5 damage
Will: +12
Silent Illusion
Hit Points Create a static, illusionary image of an object, creature,
Max HP: 108 or force of the caster's choice.
Current HP
4 uses of following action pool:
Nature's Power
Target ally gains a +2 bonus to attack rolls and

Flame Blade
Target ally's weapon glows with holy light and deals
an additional 4 points of damage until end of

Each ally within 45 ft. of you gains a +1 bonus to AC
and one bonus attack until the end of the encounter.

Passive Bonuses and Other Notes

-4 damage taken from fire attacks

Standard Actions

Claw of God
+16/+11 attack roll; 1d6+7 damage roll

Searing Light (2 uses)

8d10 + 5 damage to single target within close range

Free Actions

Lightbender Magus
Once per [Round], you can manipulate the play of
light or shadow to lash at a single opponent within
[Medium] range. That opponent becomes [Dazzled]
and takes 5 damage.

Divine Radiance
you may increase the light’s brightness momentarily, leaving
all opponents within the radiant spread [Dazzled] for 5
[Rounds]. A successful Fortitude save (DC 18) reduces
duration to 1 round

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