Frisbee Golf: Calandra Jones 5 Hour Team Sports 2 Droski

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Frisbee Golf

Calandra Jones
5 Hour
Team Sports 2

Compared to the rest of the sport world, Frisbee golf (also called disc golf) is a baby; it’s origins as a sport trace
back to only the 1960s, when “Steady” Ed Headrick invented and patented the modern Frisbee. Being the
passionate Frisbee-r that he is, he also founded the game with the first disc golf basket, which is used to play
formal Frisbee Golf. Although, flying discs, in one form or another have been with us since ancient time, they
were used more for killing purposes (the Greeks used sharpened discs in war).

Object of the Sport

The object of Frisbee golf is to basically hit the targets and, therefore complete the course, in the least amount
of throws, aiming to have a score under or at PAR.

Rules of play
The rules of play for our Team Sports version of Frisbee Golf were very lenient. Basically, people form a team,
usually of no more than 5 players. Each person chooses a different colored disc, so that it will be easy to
identify which disc belongs to which player (if this should fail, there are numbers on the discs as well). The
person recording the course should write down each person’s disc number and name on the score card.

Next, the order of play is chosen. This is left entirely up to the team, but usually, teams may choose to play
according to age, height, or skill. The first person throws the disc, watching where it lands and then the
second person goes and so on. After everyone has thrown, the players walk to their discs and the furthest
person from the goal is to throw next and then the next farthest, etc. When someone hits the target, the other
players must continue throwing to get to the goal so they can have a score for that hole. After everyone has
completed the course, the scorekeeper counts up the score and the winner is announced.

Field Dimensions and equipment

Frisbee Golf courses can vary widely, just like golf courses although the average length from hole to hole is
about 200-240 feet.

Here is a list of the equipment one might need:

 A course is obviously needed to play formal Frisbee Golf but any park will do, the tress and objects
around you can serve as “holes”
 Frisbees – the ones specially made for Frisbee golf are much nicer than the ones made for recreational
 Scorecard
 Pencil
Scoring and Time of Play
Scoring is done by simply counting each throw as one point and the number of points per hole is added up at
the end to come up with the final score. PAR, which is the number of throws it took a professional to complete
that certain hole and course, is the goal for all players; you want to be at or below PAR.

Time of play varies in Frisbee golf as well, but the typical course can take from 45 minutes to an hour. There is
no set time of play because Frisbee Golf is largely a leisure sport

Here are two strategies for playing Frisbee Golf:

 Practice Playing! This may seem obvious, but the more one practices, the closer to perfection they
become. Experts say that the hardest thing to master about Frisbee golf is learning how to distribute
your weight when throwing a Frisbee. The more you work on this, the better at Frisbee Golf you will
 Get to know the course before play. This helps you to know what is coming and what the terrain feels
like. Even though this is a small action, the previous knowledge of the course can prove to be an
amazing advantage.

An example of bad sportsmanship in Frisbee golf would be coughing loudly and distracting the players in any
way when they’re about to take a shot. This shows adamant disrespect and often can cause an unfair altering
of the game.

An example of good sportsmanship would be to remain courteous and always remain silent during crucial
playing moments. This helps the game to be more fun and less hostile for everyone.

Skills needed to be successful in the Sport

As with every other sport, any muscle that is related to the movement of legs and such is very helpful. So good
cardio and leg and arm muscles are great. Also, concentration, patience, and respect are vital to your survival
in the sport.

Here is a list of common Disc Golf terms:
Driver - A disc designed for fast, long-distance flight. The most difficult type
of disc to control.

Approach disc - A disc designed for slower, more stable flight.

Putter - A disc designed for close-range, stable flight.

Mini - A small disc which is used to mark a player's lie.

Stable - Refers to a disc which, when released flat, has a tendency to fly

Overstable - A disc which, when released flat, has a tendency to hyzer (to
the left for right-handed players, backhand throw).

Understable - A disc which, when released flat, has a tendency to anhyzer

(to the right for right-handed players, backhand throw).

Backhand throw - Results in the player’s throwing arm moving across the
opposite side of the body before release. The most common type of throw.

Forehand throw - Results in the player’s throwing arm moving across the
same side of the body before release. Also known as a sidearm throw.

Hyzer - When using a backhand throw a disc’s flight arc which causes it to
fall in the direction opposite of the throwing arm. For a right-handed player, a
backhand hyzer shot fades to the left, while a sidearm hyzer fades right.

Anhyzer - A disc’s flight arc (backhand) which falls in the same direction of
the throwing arm. For a right-handed player, a backhand anhyzer shot fades
to the right, while a sidearm anhyzer fades to left.

Roller - Advancing the disc by causing it to roll along the ground.

Overhand - A throwing technique similar to a baseball pitch. The disc is

released at a vertical angle. Also known as a tomahawk throw.

Pancake - An overhand shot thrown with considerably less power, resulting

in a 90 degree rotation from vertical. The disc generally lands face down.

Falling Putt - Failure to demonstrate full balance behind the mini marker
while putting. Players cannot step on or in front of the mini marker when
putting within 10 meters until demonstrating full balance.

Worm burner - A shot which is released lower than intended and/or at a

downward angle, resulting in a premature landing.

Ace - A hole-in-one.

Par - The average number of throws for an experienced player to complete a

hole. Amateur par varies; pro par is generally three on any given hole. This
tradition started mostly out of convenience; it makes scorekeeping much

Birdie - Completing a hole at one under par.

Tee Pad - A designated area where players begin each hole. Also known as
a tee box.

Lie - The spot where a disc lands and where the next shot is taken from.

Casual - An unintended, non-permanent hazard on the course, such as

collected water from a rainstorm or a pile of cleared brush. Also a reference
to non-tournament players.

Mandatory or mando - A flight path which must be followed in order to

complete a hole.

Pole Hole - A brand name disc golfing target, or basket. Other brands
include Chainstar and DISCatcher.

Safari golf - When players make up different holes on an existing course.

Ex: from hole one's tee pad to hole three's basket.

TD - A tournament director.

Taco - Term used for a warped disc which has hit a tree or other solid object
at high velocity.

Sandbagger - A tournament player who competes in a division below his or

her skill level
Source: "Disc Golf Terms - Resources -", the Online Disc Golf Magazine. Web. 28 Oct. 2010.

Real World Application

As with all things, Frisbee Golf has its importance in the world. Although I stand by the conviction that it is a
leisure sport, which has little application in the real world but the grace and poise used when throwing
Frisbees could be used to make one more balanced. Also, the patience shown in Frisbee Golf could be used
when dealing with people in the workforce. Frisbee Golf is played mainly in the USA because we are the only
country that really has time for such leisure activity. The sport serves to keep the upper class (and gym
classes) entertained, relaxed and fit.

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