Python Installation

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download Python from python.

org and select the most recent version to install(select “Windows x86-64
executable installer” assuming you have a 64bit system)

Once it has downloaded, double-click on the installer(Note: You must ensure that you select Add Python
3.5 to PATH and then select Install Now.

PIP is a package management system for Python, so you will want to install this handy tool to make your
life simpler.

To install PIP first head over to “Get PIP,”

Right-click on the link “” and select “Save Link As…”. Save it to somewhere that is easily
accessible from your desktop
Since you have already installed Python, Windows will now understand that this is a Python script (.py)
and will allow you to run it. Just double-click the file and let it run. A command prompt-like window will
open and do its thing before closing again.

Add PIP to the Windows Environment Variables

Before you can use PIP you will need to add it to the Windows Environment Variables and to do that
open up Control Panel > System and Security > System and select Advanced system settings from the
left-hand side, a pop-up will appear like this:
Next select Environmental Variables and under System variables locate the Path variable, then double
click on it.

A new window will open up, select New and type the following.

Finally click OK on all the opened windows.

How to verify if PIP is working?

To verify if PIP is working just open up command prompt and type “pip.” If it is successful you will get
something like this:
- Then Install Numpy & Pandas packages wih the help of pip
- Ex:

python -m pip install SomePackage

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