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Till now we have looked at: You need to dissect a skill down into subset functions.

Master basic
functions and integrate.

Then master intermediate functions and integrate and so on.

What are the different kinds of functions to master?

I ask this question because if I know what exact kinds of functions to master in any skill, my time won’t
be wasted in discovery. I will already know the functions and I will not face stagnation and I will grow
If I have the ability to grow rapidly in any skill I am training on, I can produce results much master than
anybody else.
So, back to the earlier question. Which functions comprise a skill?

First of all. What’s a skill?

A skill is a particular set of conditioned responses using an internal system in order to be able to drive an
external system effectively.
How do we breakdown a skill in that case?
1. Critical functions: Without these, you will not be able to drive the system effectively.
2. Interpretation functions: Gauging the situations precisely.
3. Decision functions: Decision about which response will be best. What to do when the situations
you are facing are not what you have faced before? You need to discover a new response of
effectiveness in this situation. And we already know about discovery.
4. Responsive functions: Hammered down by situation-outcome map conditioning.
a. Categorical functions: They are essentially, categories we get into, after we have passed
the critical functions.

Situation  Interpretation  Decide  Respond

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