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Improved Direct Metalliza3on Process

NeoLink® E
Joe Arnold – SUR/FIN 2017

Technology for tomorrow's solu3ons


1.  Process Principles

2.  Data and Experience
3.  Summary

2 © Atotech | confiden3al | SUR/FIN 2017 – Direct Metalliza3on

Direct Metalliza3on: NeoLink® E
NeoLink® E – Direct Metalliza3on
New Genera3on of Copper Link for Direct Metalliza3on

—  New design of copper link (CuLink)

—  Higher deposit conduc3vity before Acid Copper
—  Improved efficiency and lower contend of Pd in
the working Ac3vator Bath
—  Highly Stable process – without the use of
chemical stabilizers
—  Cost efficient process – high produc3vity
—  Easy to use
—  Suitable for ABS & ABS+PC
—  Suitable for small & large parts

4 © Atotech | confiden3al | SUR/FIN 2017 – Direct Metalliza3on

NeoLink® E – Direct Metalliza3on
Process Sequence

NeoLink® E Func.on
UniClean® 151 or Alkalume 141
Cleaner (Op3onal)
Cleaning step to remove fingerprints or other dirt

NeoLink® Addi3ve CR
CrO3-H2SO4 Etch
Changing the ABS surface morphology & polarity

NeoLink® Reducer CR
Reducing lee over CrVI on the surface to CrIII

Condi3oning of liquid film on parts to lower impact on

Pre-dip Catalyst

NeoLink® Ac3vator E
Coll. Pd - Catalyst
Ac3va3ng of surface with colloidal Pd par3cles

NeoLink® E
Copper Link New!
Cross linking Pd par3cles and crea3ng conduc3vity

5 © Atotech | confiden3al | SUR/FIN 2017 – Direct Metalliza3on

Standard Process Sequence for ABS
Direct Metalliza3on – NeoLink® E

Polybutadiene Chemical oxidation of Reduction of Cr6+

! Cr3+ Cr3+ "

ABS Etching Reduc.on Pre-dip

Cr6+ +
polybutadiene neutraliza.on
→ Cr3+ + by-products Cr6+ + 3e- → Cr3+

Pd0 Sn2+

Cu Multilayer nickel
Pd Catalyst Copper link Acid copper

NeoLink® E
NeoLink® E NEW
! Option: Cleaner, Pre-wetter, Pre-Etch
" Option: Conditioner

6 © Atotech | confiden3al | SUR/FIN 2017 – Direct Metalliza3on

Direct Metalliza3on

“Standard” CuLink NeoLink® E

Chromosulfuric acid etch → PdSn → CuLink NeoLink E - 5 min at 60ºC, 10 kΩ

NeoLink® CuLink NeoLink® E

—  Immersion deposi3on Cu0 —  Immersion deposi3on Cu0
—  Very fine grain structure —  Autocataly3c growth of
Cu2O par3cles (200 nm) layer – Full coverage
7 © Atotech | confiden3al | SUR/FIN 2017 – Direct Metalliza3on
Direct Metalliza3on
SEM Pictures



8 © Atotech | confiden3al | SUR/FIN 2017 – Direct Metalliza3on

Direct Metalliza3on
Principle Summary

“Standard” CuLink NeoLink® E

Sn-Cu exchange Sn-Cu exchange

Immersion deposi3on Cu0 Immersion deposi3on Cu0
Autocataly3c growth of
Cu2O par3cles (200 nm) layer – Full coverage
9 © Atotech | confiden3al | SUR/FIN 2017 – Direct Metalliza3on
Direct Metalliza3on: NeoLink E

Test Results

High Conduc3vity / High Copper Adsorp3on

Results on ABS
High Copper Adsorp3on with NeoLink® E

—  Comparison of Pd, Sn and Cu-adsorp/on* values on ABS Novodur P2MC –

ac3vator: 3 min (40ºC) @ 40 ppm Pd on:
–  Reference CuLink
–  NeoLink® CuLink NeoLink E

–  NeoLink® E NeoLink


Reference CuLink

NeoLink CuLink

NeoLink® E NEW

*Note: adsorp3on is given as informa3on only and cannot be used as reference/quan3ta3ve indica3on

11 © Atotech | confiden3al | SUR/FIN 2017 – Direct Metalliza3on

Effect of NeoLink® E
Resis3vity, Tin & Copper Adsorp3on
Palladium Ac3vator @ 5 minutes 44oC
CuLink @ 5 minues 60oC

—  Comparison of Pd-, Sn-, Cu- adsorp/on* and resistance* on ABS+PC parts (BAYER T45):
NeoLink® E Ac.vator – 5 min @ 44°C, Pd Sn Cu
different ppm Pd Mini Front Finishers (MFF) [mg/m2] [mg/m2] [mg/m2]

aeer ac3vator 36-42 33-38 0
30 ppm Pd

Ac3vator parameter

aeer Reference CuLink 36 6 9

aeer Neolink E 38 8 285

50 ppm Pd

aeer ac3vator 45-49 44-50 0

aeer Reference CuLink 42 7 8

aeer Neolink E 50 10 375

*Note: adsorp3on/resis3vity are given as informa3on only and cannot be used as reference/quan3ta3ve indica3on

12 © Atotech | confiden3al | SUR/FIN 2017 – Direct Metalliza3on

Results on ABS
High Conduc3vity

—  Comparison of resis/vity* of layers deposited on ABS aeer NeoLink® E and

NeoLink® - Ac3vator 3 min (40ºC) @ 40 ppm Pd:

*Note: resis3vity is given as informa3on only and cannot be used as reference/quan3ta3ve indica3on

13 © Atotech | confiden3al | SUR/FIN 2017 – Direct Metalliza3on

NeoLink® E – Direct Metalliza3on
Process Sequence for ABS & ABS+PC

NeoLink® E & Standard CuLink Process Sequence, Time & Temperature

68oC – 10 minutes
CrO3-H2SO4 Etch
NeoLink® Addi3ve CR

30oC – 1 minute
NeoLink® Reducer CR

25oC – 1 minute

40oC – 5 minutes
Coll. Pd - Catalyst
NeoLink® Ac3vator E

60oC – 5 minutes
Copper Link New!
NeoLink® E

14 © Atotech | confiden3al | SUR/FIN 2017 – Direct Metalliza3on

Results on ABS & ABS+PC
Low Resis3vity/High Conduc3vity

—  Comparison of resistance* on ABS & ABS/PC aeer NeoLink® E

ABS Plas.c Plaques ABS + PC Plas.c Plaques

*Note: Resis3vity is given as informa3on only and cannot be used as reference/quan3ta3ve indica3on

15 © Atotech | confiden3al | SUR/FIN 2017 – Direct Metalliza3on

Direct Metalliza3on: NeoLink® E

Increased Coverage at Lower Pd Amounts

Results on ABS
Ac3vator: 5 min (44ºC) @ 30 ppm Pd

NeoLink® E Reference process


100% Full coverage FS/BS* Coverage: 100% FS* / 95% BS*

No flow lines Light flow lines

*FS = Front Side, BS = Back Side

17 © Atotech | confiden3al | SUR/FIN 2017 – Direct Metalliza3on

Results on ABS/PC
Ac3vator: 5 min (44ºC) @ 30 ppm Pd

NeoLink® E Reference process


BB T45

100% Full coverage FS/BS Coverage: 50-60% FS / 20-50% BS

18 © Atotech | confiden3al | SUR/FIN 2017 – Direct Metalliza3on

Results on ABS/PC
Ac3vator: 5 min (44ºC) @ different ppm Pd

NeoLink® E Reference process

30 30 40 50
ppm ppm ppm ppm

100% full coverage 100% full coverage

19 © Atotech | confiden3al | SUR/FIN 2017 – Direct Metalliza3on

Effect of NeoLink® E – Immersion Time
Resis3vity & Copper Adsorp3on – Palladium Ac3vator @ 5 minutes 44oC

—  Resis3vity is decreased with an increased immersion 3me in NeoLink® E

—  Copper Adsorp3on is increased with an increased immersion 3me in NeoLink® E

20 © Atotech | confiden3al | SUR/FIN 2017 – Direct Metalliza3on

Effect of NeoLink® E – Immersion Time
SEM 5,000 X Magnifica3on

—  ABS Plas3c Substrate

—  NeoLink® Ac3vator: 5 min
—  NeoLink® E: 2, 4, 6, 8 min
—  No rela3ve increase in
par3cle size, Cu2O, aeer 4
minutes only an increase
in par3cle density

Reference Process

21 © Atotech | confiden3al | SUR/FIN 2017 – Direct Metalliza3on

Direct Metalliza3on: NeoLink® E

Standard Adhesion
Standard Sequence with 30 – 40 Microns of Acid Copper Deposi3on

Actual Parts (Not Plaques) NeoLink® E Reference Process

ABS Cap 14.2 N/cm (8.1 lb/in) 14.8 N/cm (8.5 lb/in)
ABS/PC BMW Mini Front-Finisher 7.3 N/cm (4.2 lb/in) 7.2 N/cm (4.1 lb/in)

Comparable Adhesion
to the reference process & conven3onal EN

OEM Specifica.ons for Adhesion ABS ABS+PC

General Motors – GMW 14668 9.0 N/cm (5.2 lbs/in) 4.5 N/cm (2.6 lbs/in)
FORD – WSS-M1P83-E2 2016 9.0 N/cm (5.2 lbs/in) 4.5 N/cm (2.6 lbs/in)
Volkswagon – TL 528 2015 7.0 N/cm (4.0 lbs/in) 3.5 N/cm (2.0 lbs/in)
Toyota – TSH6504G 2007* 9.8 N/cm (5.6 lbs/in) 9.8 N/cm (5.6 lbs/in)
*Note: Toyota does not make a dis3nc3on between ABS or ABS+PC substrates

23 © Atotech | confiden3al | SUR/FIN 2017 – Direct Metalliza3on

Direct Metalliza3on
Direct Metalliza3on: NeoLink® E
Main Features

—  Similar costs to “Conven3onal EN Process”

—  Significantly higher copper deposi3on on the NeoLink® E
plas3c surface as copper metal and oxide UniClean® 151
—  No visible surface roughness due to Cu2O cuprous Cleaner (op3on)
oxide par3cles NeoLink® Addi3ve CR
—  Higher conduc3vity/lower resistance of the CrO3-Etch
surface prior to acid copper pla3ng
NeoLink® Reducer CR
—  Excellent coverage in the acid copper
—  Required Pd concentra3on in the ac3vator is
reduced compared to previous genera3ons
—  High stability without stabilizing chemicals NeoLink® Ac3vator E
—  Only 3 replenishment solu3ons required Coll. Pd - Catalyst

—  Easy to use NeoLink® E

—  Suitable for ABS and ABS/PC, also for large parts CuLink

25 © Atotech | confiden3al | SUR/FIN 2017 – Direct Metalliza3on

Direct Metalliza3on: NeoLink® E
In a nutshell

Cost savings Larger

in Palladium Working
Reduc3on Window

Conduc3vity NeoLink® E Much Bewer
“Large Parts”
Coverage on

Addi3ves Ease of

26 © Atotech | confiden3al | SUR/FIN 2017 – Direct Metalliza3on

Thank you
for your awen3on!

Atotech USA, LLC
1750 Overview Drive
Rock Hill, SC 29730


Technology for tomorrow's solu3ons

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