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Class: Time: 20 Minutes Session:

Aims:Students would be able to talk about what and how much they need to Objectives: c and uc nouns , a/n, some/ any and
food vocabularies Materials: American English file 1
Anticipated problems: difficulties in distinguishing Solutions:
between countable and uncountable nouns Making some more examples by the teacher
Time Stage Procedure Interaction Stage aim
In the beginning of the calss, Teacher ask the student(s) about their day and very briefly reviews the last session's points and checks their Preparing the student for the
2-4 mins Engagement homework. teacher class class and the unit that they are
Teacher then provides the students with some pictures related to the food and asks them about the main meals during the day. going to be taught.

Engagement: Teacher provides the students with some pictures related to the food and asks them about the main meals during
the day. Teacher class
Study: Student will be asked to look at p68 and name 5 words with regards to the topic of the section(food). student class
Vocabulary bank will be taught by matching the words and pictures and after that they will check their answers two by two.
Activation: teacher asks student to write 2- 3 sentences and use the new words they have learned and read them in the class. - Teaching
Reading: vocabularies related to
Engagement: Teachers asks students to look at the pictures and the title of the reading and asks them some questions food and making sure
accordingly. the students can
some blocking word will be taught in this stage. Teacher class distinguish the
Study: instructions will be given to students to read the text in details and find the answers of the designated questions after student class countable nouns from
12-15 min Study checking the concept and instruction (CCQ , ICQ) while they are being observed by the teacher. finally answers will be checked uncountable nouns.
and appropriate feedback will be provided by the teacher. - Working on the
Activation: student will be asked to write a short paragraph about the things they have eaten last weekend. students reading,
Grammar: listening and writing
Engagement: Students should fill in the blanks for the opening questions individually and then the answers will be checked in skills.
pairs. Teacher class
study: Grammar bank will be covered and grammar exercises will be done individually with on the spot correction and feedback. student class
Activation: As their homework, students need to check the items on vocabulary bank regarding countable or uncountable.
Engagement: teacher will asks student whether they watch cuisine shows or even like cooking and elicits the words recipe and
Study: students first read the questions and by checking the concept/instruction (CCQ and ICQ) they will listen to the listening Teacher class
part and fill in the table individually. Then answers will be checked and constructive feedback will be provided. student class
Activation: by checking p. 109 student will decide whose dishes they prefer.

Speaking: Activating the vocabulary

in this stage, student will talk about their own favorite food in pairs or groups while being observed by the teacher and delayed student - student and grammar that has
3-4 mins Activation
correction will be provided accordingly. been taught.

Home work:
Grammar exercises provided by the teacher's book along with workbook 9A

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