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Closing Statement

18 year old Milan Jackson a freshman at Columbus University: young,

athletic, beautiful, smart, she only had everything to lose. 18 years, 18 years
before her young, potential filled life was ended, she died on November 22 1997.

But, we know this already.

We also know about her best friend Pat Smith. We know that Pat Smith
was someone who was a part of her life before high school. Pat Smith
experienced moments first hand of Milan’s life that, none of us can imagine.

On November 17th Pat Smith, along with the rest of the pledges were
stripped down to their underwear and were swatted by a wooden paddle.

Ms. Pat Smith started to have an asthma attack, she pleaded to the
Gammas, she asked to go and get her inhaler and was denied any permission to
go and retrieve it.

She awoke in the Hospital.

The next day Chris Archer and other Gammas visited her at the hospital
warning her that she would be made an outcast if she told anyone about what
happened. Naturally any young, already vulnerable person recanted her story. Of
course it was the President of Phi Gamma, Chris Archer who warned her not to
say anything.

Of coarse Dr. Mitchell, and Dr. Jordan have confirmed that The
gammas do exert their power to keep control of situations. That the members Phi
Gamma can be vicious.

Four days later Milan would be dead.

Her life was snuffed out by two men sitting in this courtroom today.

One man afraid of what Milan Jackson would cost him. Another man ready
to take what he thought was taken from him.

Chris Archer the president of the prestigious coed fraternity-sorority phi

gamma. A Greek organization of immense power and influence, it spans across
every major city in America. Gammas are captains, leaders, officers, loved
students across campus.

Chris Archer realized Milan Jackson was a threat the moment he met her.
Ambitious, young, smart, beautiful, athletic, Milan Jackson was going to be the
Freshman class president of phi gamma.

Chris Archer knew what he was going to do three days before Milan
Jackson’s death.

Chris Archer received a phone call from Dean Jesse Thomas notifying him that
Milan was going to tell her information about the Pat Smith situation.

Chris Archer had already been warned via Memo and special letter on November
18th the day after Pat Smith was hospitalized.

The memo warned that if any student had already hazed another student, they
would be brought to the CAMPUS TRIBUNAL and risk expulsion.

Chris Archer knew he could be expelled for hazing Pat Smith, if Millan talked with
dean thomas supported Pat’s original statement and vouched for her.

Chris Archer knew that being found guilty of hazing would result in jail time and
or expulsion.

He knew that both of those charges meant he would lose his presidency.

He knew would lose his 4 years worth of college credits.

Chris Archer knew that no matter where else he went to in the country would
mean being ejected from any form of college life.

Chris Archer knows that his life was a dead end street with no degree.

Chris Archer knew he could not live a college life with no college life.

Chris Archer knew that Milan Jackson could possibly ruin his life.

Chris Archer had everything to lose.

Tyler Johnson, once president of phi gamma, but was out voted in favor of Chris

Tyler Johnson saw an opportunity to take what he thought was his and he
attempted to aid Chris Archer in the planning of Milan’s Murder.

Tyler Johnson originally planned to pin the whole thing on Chris, but some
change of heart or a realization of reality has brought Tyler Johnson to confess in
helping Chris plan Milan’s murder.

“You are going to have to raise the flag” those were the last confirmed words that
Milan Jackson heard.

Chris Archer claims he was just trying to scare her, but he also tells us that
pledges are responsible for knowing the history of Pho Gamma. Part of the Phi
Gamma history, is the tradition “raising the flag”.
Chris Archer knew, Milan knew what “raising the flag” meant.

So she took her blindfold off raced to the student center up and the stairs of the
clock tower.

Everyone bolted after Milan, Chris, Tyler, and a few others were up to speed.

Tyler stalled long enough for Chris to create some distance between him and the
other gammas.

Where Chris Archer begged and pleaded with Milan Jackson to not hang the flag.

He pushed her and descended 26 feet to her death.

Pat Smith watched as Milan Jackson plummeted to her death with a scream that
will never be forgotten.

Members of the jury we urge you to not let Milan’s death be in vein.

We urge you to bring Milan’s name and her family justice, by putting her killer
behind bars, by charging Chris Archer with murder of the 1st degree.
We beg you, do not let a man who was willing to take someones life to protect
their reputation leave as a free man today.

The prosecution is charging chris archer with 1st degree murder.

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