Real Knowledge

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What is "Real Deepavali" for Spiritual

Seekers? -by Sri Sadhguru

We light the lamp outside at the same time we pray to Divine Mother to ignite the same light within us.
The same light within us. For a Srividya Sadhaks this is very important to realize that on this auspicious
day. Realizing the Truth, realizing the Soul, realizing the Self is the real Deepavali. Real Deepavali is to
know the light within, to know the light within. In yogic terms or in Siddha Parampara light means
consciousness light mean awareness. This is a very important understanding to have in the spiritual path
because we have been celebrating Deepavali but only external way not realizing what is the real inner
meaning, what is the real inner meaning. I will go through Sadhguru Adi Shankaracharya’s Eka Shloki

This is the conversation between Sadhguru Adi Shankaracharya with his disciple.

Sadhguru asks his disciple first question

What is your Light?

The student says: For me, Sun is the light in the Day, the electric bulb at that time Lamp that is the light
at Night.

That is what he answers, then Sadhguru says let it be:

Then the next question comes by what light do you see the Sun or outside Lamp, what is that makes you
realize this is the Light?

Disciple says, through my eyes, I see that this is the Light.

And then He goes further and asks when you close your eyes what is the Light that you see it?

You see that when we close our eyes we see astral colours around our forehead, some you know white
light, purple light, indigo light we can see inside.

How do you know that?

Because of Buddhi - Intellectual ability/ intellect, we know that there is a Light within us.

Now a very important question He asks:

What is the Light that Helps for the intellect to know that Inside Light is the Light?

This is a very important question I am telling you.

Because Eka Shloki it contains the essence of all Upanishads, this contains the essence of all Vedas, this
contains essence Bhagavad Gita, this contains Complete Spiritual Knowledge in One Shloka.

Whatever Sadhguru Adi Shankaracharya could able to attain he made it such a simplified way he put it in
only one shloka and in that one shloka if you really understand you will get Self Realization.
So He asks

How do you know that/ How the intellect knows that inside Light is the Light?

And he Says that

Because of ME.

Because of Myself.

What is your Self? Your is your inner Light, because of my Knowingness, Because of my Awareness,
Because of Consciousness, I know that inner Light is the Light, Outside Light, is the Light.

If I take this Awareness minus your Human body, what we call for that?

Dead Body.

Awareness – Human Body = Dead Body

Awareness + Human Body = Living Body

So, the moment Siva, that is Awareness goes out of this Body, the body becomes a Shava. So, this is the
True Light that we need to understand – Deepavali not just to lamp outside, to Lamp this Form. If your
body doesn’t know it is a body, it loses its existence. If your Mind doesn’t know it is a Mind, it loses its

If you are not aware that you are a Human, this person that person, this family name that Engineer role
and all, you lose your existence.

What is the difference between a mad person and the right person who has stability?

A mad person has lost the awareness that who He is was, at mind level psychological level, we call him
as a Madperson.

This ONE shloka light us, help us to know the TRUTH who you are.

The moment I realize

I am awareness

I am Consciousness

I am knowingness

I am not a body, but Awareness of the body,

I am not the mind but the Awareness of the mind.

I am not all these thoughts, all these intellectual abilities, all that roles and responsibilities whatever I
have then I know that I am awareness of everything, then you know that I am the ultimate TRUTH.



That Awareness in SRIVIDYA we call it SUNDARI – Beauty

Who is this SUNDARI – TRIPURASUNDARI - The Beauty of 3 worlds

What are the 3 worlds – Wakening State of consciousness, Sleep State of consciousness and Dream state
of consciousness.

So, the one who is the beauty of these 3 worlds we call Her Tripurasundari.

So Maha Tripurasundari is nothing but awareness. SHE is the beauty of Everything!

If SHE is not there nothing is there.

If SHE is not there nothing is there.

So that is what Sadhguru Thirumoolarji also explains the same thing. Whether you come with a
conclusion with Siddhas, come with conclusion Avadoothas, or come with a conclusion of Rishis – There


That light is your consciousness, that light is your soul, that light is Awareness.

If we don’t know this, we waste our lives, just lamping outside things, but we are not going to be aware
of real TRUTH i.e., We are Awareness, We are Consciousness

In Puranas this Deepavali has a great significance because when the Rama could able to defeat Ravana
and bring the Sita back to his Kingdom and establish the Rama Rajya. So, returned to the Kingdom this
victory celebration that time we consider it as a Deepavali, but this is outer/ surface meaning –

Who is the Rama for Srividya Sadhaks? Who is the Rama?

Rama is a consciousness.

And He is the static consciousness and He is in this Human body this mind is the Sita and this body with
ego consciousness Ravana – the 10head he is holding, do you think it is possible to hold 10heads in the
outside world? No, it is not possible

So that is given in our Puranas, things are made so that you can think about it and don’t accept as it is.
Do you see that?

Everything is so beautiful there, there is it is very clear that 10headed Ravana is nothing but, this body
having 10 senses – Gyanendriya and karmendriya.

When this body with Ego consciousness takes away the Mind, Rama wanted to win her back, but Rama
is a static consciousness like Sadashiva, Rama is static consciousness He needs some dynamic
consciousness that is where Lord Hanuman – Maha Prana Dynamic consciousness. With the help of
Hanuman, Rama has to bring the Sita back so that Mind merges back into consciousness then there is an
establishment of Rama Rajya.

What is Rama Rajya?

Rama Rajya means Consciousness, Bliss, Truth, Justice, Awakening, Harmony, Love, Ecstasy. This is Rama

Where this Rajya is there? Outside or within us?

So, this is the meaning of Ramayana, this is the real meaning of Deepavali, where the Mind & Prana
merges back into a consciousness, Awareness become aware of awareness, means what happened Mind
loses its identity ego disappears and you emerged as a






That is the real meaning of Deepavali, our Siddhas, our Rishis wanted you to realize that these esoteric
meaning of every festival so that you can turn back your attention from outside to within and





You see that this body has a disease, this body is seeking pleasure, the same thing with a mind, so the
moment I realize am not a body don’t you see that I overcome those problems of the body, I overcome.

This prana has a hunger, thirst and all the body needs & pleasure needs. If I realize the Truth that I am
not a prana, I am awareness of Prana, don’t you think I will overcome all those problems?

So, the day I realize

I am not a body,

I am not a mind,

I am not an intellectual ability

I am not all of these - I am beyond all of that but the base for everything If I am not there nothing is

When you are in a deep sleep state are you aware of your body?

Aware of this world? Aware of your family?

The moment you awake in the morning you know that you had a deep sleep.

So, who was there existed when body, mind, world is not there, who was aware? You were aware!
That is what happens in Samadhi we go into deeper samadhi where we lose body consciousness, we
lose external world consciousness, we lose everything, we are just one with that existence. And there is
only awareness and this awareness not aware of itself? It is not aware of itself.

So, That is the State we need to go

That is what we call Srividya

Srividya means that state of consciousness that I need to experience, Nirvikalpa Samadhi, not just a
Savikalpa Samadhi, it is nirvikalpa samadhi, where existence you yourself disappears, you become one
with everything that is what we call Srividya Sadhana you ONE WITH MAHA TRIPURASUNDARI.

That is the real form of Maha Tripurasundari.

That is the real form of Maha Tripurasundari.

So that is the aim of all Siddhas, that is the aim of all Rishis, that is the aim of all these teachings you
should go and experience TRUTH about YOURSELF. That is the real meaning of Srividya Sadhaks why I
am telling it you enjoy external rituals but at the same time know what the real light is.

Outside light is the symbolic representation of inner consciousness inner awareness, once you realize
that then things will change.

And with this awareness, we should do the Aarthi, whenever we do Aarathi

Why we do Aarthi to Divine? Tell me

Why we do the Aarthi to Divine?

We are telling the Divine Mother,

Mother, please awaken my SOUL

Mother light my Life, bring happiness, bring awareness, make my life successful.

When are doing Aarthi we should be very careful what we are asking, that will come to us and it is very
powerful because when we rotate the Aarthi in the clockwise direction I am pulling the energy of Deity
into my soul. So I am rotating into a clockwise direction, I am asking Mother please to awaken my soul,
Mother light my Soul, light my Life, remove all the negativity, awaken my intellectual ability, awaken by
intuition bless me, bless me that TRUTH so that I shine FOREVER, I shine FOREVER.

That is the main aim of Upanishads, Vedas how they start

Asathoma Sadgamaya

means please take me from darkness to the Light, that intention we wanted to bring in the culture so
Aarthi started. But how many you know really know about the importance of Aarathi, we don’t know

And one more very important thing about Aarathi is it has the power to remove all negativity. After
doing Aarthi for Divine Mother, then you do it for yourself, you will be surprised all the negativity from
your Aura cleanses, that is the greatest healing method that has been used in the past, Siddhas. But we
forget the real objective make it mechanical you know, you also come to do the Aarthi, you also come to
do the Aarathi, but you will be thinking somewhere else and here mind is not there, you will be just
waving it, finishing it.

It’s not like this, you do Aarathi to Divine and then do it to yourself.

When you do the Aarthi what should be the direction?

Clockwise for Divine Mother.

When you do it for yourself, Aarathi should be facing to you, clockwise direction, visualizing the Divine
Mother as YOU!

And you need to throw the Camphor. This is the best healing method for children. Many children are
having dristi dosha and all, we are all powerful people, we have a jealousy feeling so obviously we hit
another person, you see that, so doshas will be there because of negative energy we hit another person
it is not that we want it but it is there, when I have taken body and mind so these are the byproducts so
we need to understand and accept it. Accept and bring awareness then there is transformation, accept
but no awareness then no transformation.

So whole spirituality is about AWARENESS, AWARENESS, AWARENESS.

Complete teaching of Siddhas is to know yourself, know yourself, know your light that is the TRUE
CELEBRATION OF DEEPAVALI that we need to focus.

Whenever you feel tired do Aarathi for yourself and know that real god is within you, real god is within
you, because of that you are living, the moment that God has gone you are gone!

This is the ULTIMATE TRUTH every Master is telling - know yourself, otherwise you have been feeling
powerless, you have been telling that I have this problem that problem, why are you telling? Because
you believe that you are powerless, you believe that you are limited, the day you REALIZE THAT THE

So, these are very important, so the path is to become a powerful person, the path is to become a
divine, the path is to realize the TRUTH that you are


Is it clear to you?

That is what we need to walk, that is the real celebration of Deepavali, do outside whatever the things
but at the same time celebrate with the awareness that the main objective celebrating Deepavali is to

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