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How are we supposed to see the reality with our eyes closed?

Our reality has been challenged by

differing adversities such as the increased rate of teenage pregnancy and the rise of HIV/AIDS carriers

over the entire country. As a response to this delimma, the government has proposed to implement a

Mandatory Sex Education among high school students which was strongly opposed by the Catholic

church. Sex Education basically refers to the teachings revolving around sex and relationships. Personally,

I think the implementation of Sex Education would help our country lessen its burden.

Sex Education has a purpose of imparting knowledge for developing young people's skills, to make

informed choices about their behavior, build relationships, intimacy and sexual identity. The existence of

AIDS has driven the urgency of the topic about sex education. Some International Organization such as

Planned Parenthood considers education to have given global benefits to the rise of overpopulation and

for the abuse of women's rights. It also help people in acquiring information, skills and motivation for a

healthy decision about sex and sexuality.

Primarily, through sex education children will be instilled with correct knowledge about sexuality. These

knowlegde will help them avoid wrong assumptions which might lead them to mistakes and

misjudgments. Knowledge would assist the youngsters to understand both of the positive and negative

views about sexuality, provide them with accurate information regarding the responsibilities of sexual

relationships which also includes the address of abstinence, use of contraceptions and other sexual

health measures. Additionally, in a statement of Rosalie Masilang, DepEd Adolescent Reproductive

Health focal person and supervising education program specialist, she nailed that teaching sex

education in school was meant "to equip and empower learners in making informed choices and

decisions on issues that affect ther personal safety and well-being".

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