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Observasition and Analyzez on Ludruk Madiun Haji Kirun

Padepokan Budaya Haji kirun

Arranged by
Dian Herdita Setia Rini 16321011/7A
Rizki Damaea Putra 16321004/7A


A. Background of Study
In this modern and advanced era, many cultures and traditions have begun to disappear from
people's lives. Changes in the era that are starting to become more modern have made the
social attitude of the people begin to change, one of which was the loss of tradition and culture
that is usually passed down for generations. Traditions and culture that used to be carried out
as a guide to community life or as an offering to the creator are now fading. Only a few of the
traditions and cultures that have survived. From the Culture and Tradition that survived, only a
few enthusiasts who still want to continue and preserve to stay alive in the community back
Nowdays the society is no longer interested in traditions and culture that are usually
handed down from grandmothers or grandfathers and even parents because they are considered
too old-fashioned or do not fit into the current era. Traditions and culture that survive only as a
characteristic and demands on certain events such as marriage, birth, death, even just as a
reception from outside the area when he was visiting. Nowdays, people think that foreign
culture is more interesting than culture and tradition. Thus, the characteristics and identities of
the real people began to fade and were even replaced by foreign cultural identities. This is
what caused the Indonesian people to start losing their identity as this nation stood.
Ludruk is one of the theatrical genres in East Java. It is a form of traditional
performance presented by a troupe of actors (or comedians) on a stage, re-telling the life
stories of everyday people and their struggles. Its origin is unclear, but it is believed to be
dated as far back as the 13th century. The dialogue or monologue in ludruk is mostly comedic.
The actors would almost always use the Surabaya dialect of Javanese language, although
sometimes there can be occasional guest stars from other areas, such as Jombang, Malang,
Madura, Madiun, who each would use their dialect.
Even though many different dialects are employed in one performance, as a whole, Ludruk is a
simple and straightforward comedy, making ludruk easily understood by everyone. It is
occasionally interspersed with jokes and accompanied by gamelan to form a musical
performance. A typical ludruk performance begins with a performance of Remo Dance and
followed by a portrayal of Pak Sakera, a legendary 19th-century Madurese hero.
Ludruk differs from ketoprak from Central Java, in that the plot in ketoprak is often
drawn from Javanese history and legends. Both genres focus on delivering a particular moral
message, but ludruk tells stories about everyday life, and mostly that of the underprivileged. It
is a popular form of entertainment for the working-class audience.

Ludruk is one of the traditional cultural arts of East Java. Ludruk is a theatrical art and
culture that is still cultivated and even continues to be preserved today. Unfortunately, the
younger generation nowadays does not like ludruk at all because it is considered too old-
fashioned and does not understand the language used in ludruk. Ludruk is too boring like
wayang kulit show, which wayang uses high language and stories raises the state of the past in
ancient kingdoms. Meanwhile, ludruk and wayang are different from each other even though
they are both traditional theater arts. Ludruk further raised the social life of the community and
raised the social issues being discussed. Ludruk presented with a style that is more populist
and simple for the audience. Ludruk is also given comedy spices on his appearance, then
ludruk is one of the cultural arts that should be tried and preserved by young people.

Based on those facts and reasons, a research on Analysis on Ludruk Madiun Haji Kirun
is interesting and merit to conduct. This study aimed at investigating ludruk perfomance and
the origns of Ludruk. This research also aimed to explore the social-cultural context and
language style founded in ludruk.

B. Problem Statement of Study :

1. What is the socio-cultural context of langugae founded in ludruk show ?
2. How is the language style portrayed through ludruk perfomance ?
3. What is type of language style founded in ludruk perfomance ?
C. Purpose of Study
1. To identify language style portrayed through ludruk perfomance.
2. To identify socio-cultural context of language in ludruk perfomance.
3. To analyzez the language style founded in ludruk perfomance.

In this chapter is consist of sheducle of activites and bservation notes during implementation
and progressing on the report.
A. Schedule Activities
September October November
Weeks on Weeks on Weeks on
No. Actvities 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5
Date on Date on Date on
16 23 29 1 7 14 25 28 1 4 16 18 30
1 Announcement the
Planning to Observation
Observation 1
Meet the Staff of
Padepokan Budaya Haji
Interview with a staff of
Padepokan Budaya Haji
Kirun (Mr. Karyani)
Watching Ludruk Show
Progressin the report

B. Observation Note

1.1. Observation 1

Location : Padepokan Budaya Haji Kirun

Date : 18 October 2019

Time : 15.00 Wib

Description : I met with one worker of Padepokan Budaya Haji Kirun, but i’m forget her
name. I told my purpose to meet Mr. Kirun for literay drama report. She said, unfurtonely Mr.
Kirun was busy with an event in jakarta. She know a worker who work as assistent and contact
person of Mr. Kirun. His name is Mr. Aziz. I contacted Mr. Aziz to give a premission to have
a interview with an informant, even it is not direct with Mr. Kirun, it is okay to meet his staff.
So Mr. Aziz suggest me to meet Mr. Karyani on October 25 2019.

1.2. Observation 2

Location : Padepokan Budaya Haji Kirun

Date : 25 October 2019

Time : 15.00 Wib

Description : I met with one of staff Mr. Kirun, his name is Mr. Karyani. He is the staff whose
appointed to be the receptionist if someone asks for data (like a thesis,report, etc) or special
events ludruk show’s. Mr. Karyani was kind and welcome to me. He gives me much new
information about ludruk, as a non-native javanese i was speechless to listen his information.
And, again I ask him for a premission to take a picture for documentation. He said, that is

1.3. Observation 3

Location : Padepokan Budaya Haji Kirun

Date : 28 October 2019

Time : 20.00 Wib

Description : I thought I was late to watch the ludruk show but it is not. The opening of ludruk
is begins with Remong dance’s. Then, it continued with (around) 10 or 12 Sindens sings
opening theme of Ludruk show of Padepokan Budaya Haji Kirun. they had repeated the
opening song almost 6 times until finally the ludruk began. Ludruk started with Pak Kirun
singing in Javanese. Sorry, I forgot and I only understood a little of what Pak Pak sang. Pak
Kirun opened the ludruk program by giving the audience an interesting impression that
watching ludruk was very interesting. In this scene, Mr. Kirun meets a Japanese woman who
comes to Padepokan Budaya Haji Kirun together with Sinden of Mr.Kirun. This purpose the
Japanese woman is she wants to watch ludruk because ludruk is very interesting.

After that, the scene is going to comedy by Mr. Kirun and 3 actors who sells his
traditional tambour. He and his friend wants show the magic of their traditional drum as best
tambour to Mr.Kirun. Fisrt, they are trying to harmonize the melody but the last player always
plays wrong melody. That was really funny. They also input some big issue or trend was going
on society in their jokes. And then, someone has come to the scene and that is a character of
the story want to perfom. And the story is starting to perfom. The story is about a child who
was possessed by a demon. The story is not perfom the story but they also send some
messages to the audicens about social and moral value in society, like you have to obey and
respect your teacher. They never forget give comedy sense along the story. The ludruk show
was playing for 2 episode but i just watch for 1 episode because it was too late night and hard
to find a transportation to my board house.



In this chapter is consist of analysis context based on the theories and the conclusion.

A. Analysis on Ludruk Perfomance’s on Padepokan Budaya Haji Kirun Based on Socio-

culture context and Langugae style Theories.

A. Social-culture Context

Socio-cultural context refers to the idea that language, rather than existing in isolation,
is closely linked to the culture and society in which it is used. This means when language is
learnt, the socio-cultural context in which it is used needs to be taken into consideration as
well. Sociol-cultural Theory created by Lev Vygotsky as a response to Behaviorism. The main
idea of the theory is that the ways people interact with others and the culture they live in shape
their mental abilities. Vygotsky believed that parents, relatives, peers and society all have an
important role in forming higher levels of functioning.

Sociocultural theory, as stated by Cole, John-Steiner, Scribner, and Souberman, is the

belief that "every function in the child's cultural development appears twice: first, on the social
level, and later, on the individual level." This means that the skills children learn first are
related to interactions with others and they then take that information and use it within

In Ludruk perfomance, it is given much effect to the language style used in the scenes
played in the ludruk perfomance’s. The origins of ludruk according to Mr. Karyani (the staff of
Mr. Kirun), he said ludruk is the aspirations and voices of the small to middle class people in
the Dutch colonial era. Which at that time, the people's way to express their voice through
culture, then ludruk was born in society. It is related to Sociol-cultural Theory created by Lev
Vygotsky as a response to Behaviorism. The main idea of the theory is that the ways people
interact with others and the culture they live in shape their mental abilities. Vygotsky believed
that parents, relatives, peers and society all have an important role in forming higher levels of

So, the sociocultural in ludruk is effect of the society and culture was develops and
begins in the community. Because, ludruk was perfomance by the small to medium class
people, ludruk sociocultural is following how the society and culture condition’s. The
language style in the story is not hard to understand and still enough familiar with the small to
medium class people.

B. Language Style

Language style is defined as the choice of words used by a specific group of people
when they speak. An example of language style is bureaucratise, the words, jargon and
abbreviations which are used by the government. Chaika (1982: 29) states that language style
is the way people use the language in communication, it can be written or oral language.
Language style actually refers to the selection of linguistics form to convey social or artistic
effects. Style also acts as a set of instruction. Romane (1994: 74), argues that styles not only
do some of the same linguistic features in pattern of both regional and social dialect
differentiation but they also display correlations with other social factors.

We manipulate other with style; even we are manipulated ourselves whether

consciously or unconsciously. In doing communication people usually use formal or informal
language which depend on the situation they are communicating with others. Style also tells
the listener to take what is being said; seriously, ironically, humorously or in some other ways.
From the statement above, we understand that style is the way how people convey ideas or
messages. It is easier to receive ideas or messages if we have known the condition and style
used by the speaker or author.It means that how the way of speaker or author delivers his or
her ideas or messages in formal or informal occasion: seriously, ironically, or humorously

C. Types of language style

Schneider in Wellek, Rene, and Austin (1956:179) states that the variation of style
depends on the environment at which the message is presented. The language style used in
upper–class environment is different to the style used in the lower–class environment. The
environment also refers to the other stratification, such as age, gender, and other social status.
Thus, from the statement above, we can clarify that the use of language style depends on the
environment and also the social status.

According to McCrimmon (1963:135-142), language styles are divided into three general
1. Formal Style
Formal English is primarily a written style. The characteristics of formal style are: the
sentence is relatively long; avoid abbreviations, colloquialisms and slang; conservative
grammatical usage which tends to observe distinctions often ignored at a less formal level; a
serious and dignified attitude toward the subject and the reader.
2. Informal Style
The informal style tries to follow the broad middle way between formal and colloquial styles.
The characteristics of informal style are: the sentence is medium length, chiefly standard
sentence, avoids the requirement of formal grammar, fragments rare but occasional, prefers
idiomatic expressions and words which are easy rather than impressive, and the last
characteristics is it usually addressed to the readers directly as “you”. In the informal range
come much narration and description, and usually many reports of events.
3. Colloquial Style
The characteristics of colloquial style are: relatively short simple sentences, often
grammatically incomplete; a generous use of contractions (I’ll, we’ve, didn’t, can’t), clipped
words (cab, exams, ads, phone), and the omission of relative pronouns (who, which, that); a

simplified grammatical structures; a personal or familiar tone which tries to create the
impression of speaking intimately to the reader; and usually use slang. For example: brass
(army), ham (theatre), on the beam (radio), southpaw (baseball), and behind the eight ball
While Kirszner and Mandell (in Ersan, 2003:17) divide language style into four levels, and
they are:
1. Slang Style
The Oxford Dictionary (1995:1111) defines slang as language of a highly colloquial type and
is not thought suitable for formal situations. In other word, slang is known as very informal
language that includes new and sometimes not polite words and meanings, and is often used
among particular groups of people and is usually not used in serious speech or writing. It is
an expression like “screw up” or “ripped off” which are often used in speech.
2. Colloquial Style
It is similar to slang, when used in writing it gives the impression of speech. It is not as
radical as slang, and it is more relaxed and conversational than formal style. It uses
constructions and shortened forms of words (ad for advertisement, sub for submarine). It is
suitable for ordinary, informal or familiar conversation.
3. Informal Style
It is often used in writing tests, informal essays; reports can also be written this way.
However, research papers are usually more formal. Informal style is halfway between
colloquial and formal styles. Informal style is usually not following official or established
rules and methods.
4. Formal style.
It is used at special occasions that call for dignity and seriousness. It does not use
constructions and it strives for absolute grammatical accuracy. The used of formal style is
based on or done according to correct or accepted rules.

From the theory, we founded the language style potrayed in ludruk perfomance’s. In
ludruk perfomance, the language has adapted by the enviroment and the society. Because
ludruk has born and develops in the small to middle class society, mostly the language in
ludruk is not too formal but the language also can be informal and it is mostly related to told
about the small to middle class society life struggle and daily life’s.

It is related the theory by Schneider in Wellek, Rene, and Austin (1956:179) states that
the variation of style depends on the environment at which the message is presented. The
language style used in upper–class environment is different to the style used in the lower–
class environment. The environment also refers to the other stratification, such as age,
gender, and other social status.

Language style type’s most used in ludruk perfomance’s is informal style. Because, ludruk
language is mostly informal and they are not fully informal but they are still has formal style.
If the actor meet other actor who in same age with them or younger than them, they usually
use informal language style. If the actor meet other actor who older than them, they are use
formal language. The Language style in Ludruk perfomance is easy to understand and mosty
use idiomatic expressions like some comedy monologue and dialogue.

It is related to McCrimmon (1963:135-142), The informal style tries to follow the

broad middle way between formal and colloquial styles. The characteristics of informal style
are: the sentence is medium length, chiefly standard sentence, avoids the requirement of
formal grammar, fragments rare but occasional, prefers idiomatic expressions and words
which are easy rather than impressive, and the last characteristics is it usually addressed to the
readers directly as “you”.

D. The conclusion

a. Conclusion

Nowdays the society is no longer interested in traditions and culture that are usually
handed down from grandmothers or grandfathers and even parents because they are considered
too old-fashioned or do not fit into the current era. people think that foreign culture is more
interesting than culture and tradition. Thus, the characteristics and identities of the real people
began to fade and were even replaced by foreign cultural identities. This is what caused the
Indonesian people to start losing their identity as this nation stood.
Ludruk is one of the theatrical genres in East Java. It is a form of traditional
performance presented by a troupe of actors (or comedians) on a stage, re-telling the life
stories of everyday people and their struggles. Its origin is unclear, but it is believed to be
dated as far back as the 13th century. The dialogue or monologue in ludruk is mostly comedic.
Ludruk is a theatrical art and culture that is still cultivated and even continues to be preserved
today. Unfortunately, the younger generation nowadays does not like ludruk at all because it is
considered too old-fashioned and does not understand the language used in ludruk. Ludruk is
too boring like wayang kulit show, which wayang uses high language and stories raises the
state of the past in ancient kingdoms. Meanwhile, ludruk and wayang are different from each
other even though they are both traditional theater arts.

By the analyzez on the socio-cultural context, the enviroment and the society culture
its given much effect to the culture and perfomance in the scenes played in the ludruk
perfomance’s. The origins of ludruk according to Mr. Karyani (the staff of Mr. Kirun), he said
ludruk is the aspirations and voices of the small to middle class people in the Dutch colonial
era. Which at that time, the people's way to express their voice through culture, then ludruk
was born in society.

By the identify language style potrayed on ludruk perfomance, we founded the

language style potrayed in ludruk perfomance’s. In ludruk perfomance, the language has
adapted by the enviroment and the society. Because ludruk has born and develops in the
small to middle class society, mostly the language in ludruk is not too formal but the
language also can be informal and it is mostly related to told about the small to middle class
society life struggle and daily life’s.

By the analysis Language style type’s most used in ludruk perfomance’s is informal
style. Because, ludruk language is mostly informal and they are not fully informal but they are
still has formal style. If the actor meet other actor who in same age with them or younger than
them, they usually use informal language style. If the actor meet other actor who older than
them, they are use formal language. The Language style in Ludruk perfomance is easy to
understand and mosty use idiomatic expressions like some comedy monologue or dialogue.

Indonesia Kaya.Ludruk, Kesenian Guyonan asal Jawa Timur.
timur access on : 15 November 2019

Lingua Sphereus. Types of Language Style (2011) access
on : 15 November 2019

Romaine, Suzanne. 1994. Language in Society. An Introduction To Sociolinguistics. Second

Edition. New York: Oxford Press.

Language style in the Jakarta post Advetisements on Thesis By Octaviana Arini Haqqo for
Islamic Univesity of Mualan Malik Ibrahim Malang (2016) http://etheses.uin- access on : 15 November 2019

Ludruk – Wikipedia. access on : 15 November 2019

Sociocultural theory - Simple English Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. access on : 15 November 2019

Socio-cultural context | TeachingEnglish | British Council | BBC access on : 15 November

Appendix 1

The Interview Dialouge With An Informant From Padepokan Budaya Haji Kirun

Date on, October 25 2019.

Informant : Mr. Karyani

Questioner : Dian Herdita Setia Rini

Questioner: Previously, I would like to introduce myself first. My name is Dian Herdita,
I am a 7th semester student of English education from PGRI Madiun University. I'm here
to interview and document for ludruk Today, who am I talking to, sir?

Informant: Mr. Karyani, his staff of Abah Kirun.

Questioner: I’[m sorry,what do you work for in Padepokan Budaya Haji Kirun, sir ?

Informant : As for what ??

Questioner: Like a staff for..

Informant: oh, I work to serve guests who need explanations For people who come here
to need anything, need data, art services are usually my service if there is anything.

Questioner: another question, sir, if you may know, where did you originally come from,

Informant: Ludruk is a typical art of East Java. Ludruk is a regional art that originally
emerged from the common people and continued to theater managed by the community.
Where at that time, during the Dutch colonial period there was a sense of rebellion
against the invaders but to forget the taste in art and culture, especially ludruk. From the
opening there is, the remong dance. Remong dance is a dance that represents a spirit of
unity, against invaders. From within the remong dance itself there is accompaniment
there is a bend, the bend is usually the contents are criticisms to the colony at that time as
the ruler so the struggle of the community through culture and instill a sense of
patriotism in the government and the audience, so ludruk is media to speak the aspirition
of people from the small to middle class society’s.

Questioner: Is this ludruk also purely from Madiun or from Surabaya and then it has
spread throughout East Java?

Informant: yes, especially from Surabaya. From East Java Usually Surabaya. But many
are ludruk. There are many styles that are ludruk from malang, there are those from
jombang, mojokerto, lamomgan, many many now. In the Madiun area and its
surroundings, usually the residency of Madiun is usually ludruk already resembled, how
is there a language like the mataraman language. If it is ludruk, most of the languages are
East Javanese, Surabaya, but because East Java is a society that has many races such as
Mataraman, especially Madiun, Ponorogo, Ngawi, Magetan, Pacitan is the language is
following to solo. And, that is different for mojokerto. It is the language of wetanan
language that is rough if people say that.

Questioner: What is the difference between ludruk and wayang or other regional drama
performances, sir? Especially for Madiun area, sir?

Informant: oh ludruk, if the ludruk is clearly the characteristic of ludruk from its

it is characteristic of suroboyoan accent or the dialogue is suroboyoan. It is different with other

Javanese traditional arts such as ketoprak or Wayang. if ketoprak is usually the literary
language of the Javanese language formal language,especially like that wayang right and the
accompaniment is different, the accompaniment if ketoprak is the accompaniment of central
java or mataraman continues. The story is also different if the ludruk is usually the story of a
society like daily life, struggle. If ketoprak is usually the story is about the royal story, its can
be said that if ketoprak and the wayang theater are middle-class theater in the sense of the level
of community life if ludruk is indeed popular in all groups.

Questioner: So,Is ketoprak on top of Wayang,Sir?

Informant: No, the Ketoprak is not top of wayang.But, it is they have same as history and
tradition theater. The style are just not the strata or flow, the style are different, because
Ketoprak and Wayang are describe a kingdom. That is different with ludruk. Ludruk
describes normal household life, ordinary people are different from language what
costume is different from. That's the difference.

Questioner: usually what is theme behind of the ludruk story, sir?

Informant: That's what I said before, it takes a lot of stories from daily life like struggle,
like sare, it is the struggle of the small people to fight the invaders. So most of the stories
are like that. If love is more typical of ordinary people, not events so there is no

Questioner: Does each ludruk performance contain its own messages such as meaning
that can be picked on Social Life’s?

Informant: Yes, there must be some, even if there is a certainty. There will be a lot of it,
yes, is the truth and it is against the sleaze that is certain.

Questioner: Is there any special event held by ludruk like bersih desa or it just for
entertain people and it can be to be commertional, sir?

Informant: For ludruk itself, Ludruk for usual performance it can be many activities like a special event
such as independence day, it also can be commemoration for entertain an events like Hajatan Warga,
and it also can be for celebration and there is another for nyiblok or for watch the ludruk performance,
people need to pay a ticket.

Questioner: So there is no such thing as a special sacred tradition, sir, or is it like bersih
desa or ludruk, it's just for entertainment?

Informant: There are also for the eastern regions, maybe the eastern part of Java, such as
Jombang, Mojokerto and the surrounding areas, maybe malang. There are clean villages,
and usually have to use ludruk or something like that.

Questioner: Are there changes in the current era from traditional and modernization to
stories and performance of ludruk, sir?

Informant: It adjusts to the times. So it adjusts from the staging, make up, costume, the
story might also be modernized so that the younger generation can enjoy what is called

Questioner: For how many ludruk players there are usually how many people are
packaged in one performance?

Informant: In one staging, there are 20 or 30 people played in a story.

Questioner: This is the last question, sir, what is your future hope for ludruk art?

Informant: Yes, our hope for the younger generation, let us preserve the ludruk tradition
as an icon of East Java and how in the future ludruk can be more supportive.

Questioner: Thank you, sir

Informants: You're welcome

Appendix 2

Documentation Ludruk Perfomance’s on Padepokan Budaya Haji Kirun

Date on, October 28 2019, taken by Dian Herdita Setia Rini.


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