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2, APRIL 2004

Nonuniform Transmission Tower Model for

Lightning Transient Studies
J. A. Gutiérrez R., P. Moreno, J. L. Naredo, J. L. Bermúdez, M. Paolone, C. A. Nucci, and F. Rachidi

Abstract—This paper presents a new approach to model a for which formulas are available [19]. One may want, in ad-
transmission tower for lightning performance studies. It consists dition, to analyze the effects of distributed losses, of variable
of representing each part of the tower by equivalent vertical wave speeds and even of tower arms.
and/or horizontal transmission lines as required. While horizontal
line parameters are obtained from standard line formulas, spe- This paper presents a new approach to model transmission
cific expressions are derived for the parameters of vertical lines. towers for lightning performance studies which addresses the
Moreover, mutual coupling between any two parallel vertical previously mentioned needs. Preliminary results with this model
transmission lines is taken into account. Transient waveforms were presented in [22]. Here, in order to further validate the
obtained using the proposed method are compared with exper- method, comparisons against measurements on a reduced-scale
imental data obtained using a reduced-scale model and field
experiments. The agreement between simulated results and ex- model (RSM) [15] and two field experiments reported in [6] are
perimental measurements is satisfactory. presented.
Index Terms—Vertical transmission lines, nonuniform transmis-
sion lines, transmission tower modeling, transient analysis, mutual II. MODELING TOWERS WITH TRANSMISSION LINE SEGMENTS
impedance, reduced-scale model (RSM). The methodology presented here focuses on truss-towers, like
the one shown in Fig. 1(a). These towers usually are composed
I. INTRODUCTION of several truss modules; as for instance, the different stages of
the main body, the arms and even perhaps a few cross-sections.

T HE PROBLEM of modeling the transient behavior of

a tower struck by lightning is very important and has
been dealt with since the 1930’s [1]. For a well-designed line
Each truss module consists typically of four long bars, here-
after called columns, which are joined by other usually shorter
transversal and slanted bars. Propagation phenomena over the
shielding, a lightning stroke hitting a phase conductor and different elements of a transmission tower, is a four dimensional
causing an outage should be a very rare event. Nevertheless, problem involving spherical waves. A complete field solution
lightning can still produce a large number of outages through would require using numerical methods such as finite-differ-
the back-flashover mechanism. When a stroke hits a ground ence time domain, finite-element, method of moments, etc. If
wire or a transmission tower, the injected current propagates truss modules are approximated by equivalent conductors of cir-
toward the ground through the tower’s body causing an cular cross section, a tower can be modeled as a network of
instantaneous rise of the tower voltage. This may result in a cylindrical wires, as shown in Fig. 1(b). Assuming that the prin-
back-flashover; that is, a flashover from the tower body to a cipal mode of propagation is transverse electromagnetic (TEM),
phase conductor. one can define a unique voltage difference between any pair of
Field measurements and experiments provide the most effec- points contained in the same transversal plane. Although the
tive means to assess the transient performance of a particular TEM representation is approximate, permits deriving a char-
tower structure. Since this approach is very difficult an ex- acteristic impedance function and provides a practical method-
pensive, it is highly desirable to complement it with digital ology to apply the well-known transmission line concepts to
computer simulations. The specialized literature provides elec- tower modeling. In the present approach, it is assumed that the
tromagnetic models only for certain classes of towers. These lightning energy propagates only along the columns. Indeed, it
models usually consist of nonuniform lossless single line rep- has been estimated in [8] that no more than 1% of this energy
resentations [2], [7], [18], [20], [21]. There is, however, a need propagates along the slanted bars and that practically zero en-
for more general modeling techniques; as for instance, when ergy propagates along the transversal ones.
the towers under study differ substantially from the geometries The columns of each module can be represented as multi-
conductor uniform or nonuniform lines which can be further
Manuscript received December 10, 2002. The work of J. A. Gutierrez R. and reduced to single phase lines, either through Kron’s reduction or
P. Moreno was supported by the National Council of Science and Technology
of Mexico (CONACYT) through Project 34698-A.
through conductor bundling formulas [16], [22]. As such, their
J. A. Gutiérrez R. is with Department of Mathematics, University of Guadala- electromagnetic response to lightning surges is modeled by the
jara, CP 44420, Mexico. well-known Transmission Line Telegrapher’s Equations [9] as
P. Moreno and J. L. Naredo are with CINVESTAV—Unidad Guadalajara,
Guadalajara, CP 45090, México.
J. L. Bermudez and F. Rachidi are with Swiss Federal Institute of Technology,
Lausanne CH-1015, Switzerland. (1a)
M. Paolone and C. A. Nucci are with University of Bologna, Bologna 40136,
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TPWRD.2003.823210 (1b)

0885-8977/04$20.00 © 2004 IEEE


Fig. 1. (a) Truss transmission tower. (b) Tower representation with

transmission line segments.

where , and are the line per unit-length induc-

tance, resistance and capacitance, respectively. Equations (1a)
and (1b) do not take into account the frequency variations of Fig. 2. (a) Vertical cylinder above a lossy ground plane. (b) Conical line and
and . However, since the skin depth is very small at high image.
frequencies, this approach very often provides accurate results
when dealing with fast transients. Electrical parameters for the tenna. Fig. 2(a) depicts a differential element of a vertical
case of horizontal segments can be obtained by well-known for- column of radius at a height above a lossy ground plane.
mulas [10]–[12]. These formulas were obtained for infinitely For thin cylindrical conductors the element can be consid-
long lines which means that end effects are neglected. For the ered as an element of a biconical antenna with a cone angle of
case of the shortest truss segments this may not hold. Neverthe- as shown in Fig. 2(b). Losses due to finite
less, for the travel and the rise times of the waveforms involved ground conductivity can be accounted for by means of the com-
in lightning, tower arms behave as long wire antennas. In this plex image method [11], [12]. In Fig. 2(b) is the complex skin
case, reflection analysis can be performed considering only the depth given by
transmission line behavior [23].
In the case of inclined and vertical segments, the line param- (2)
eters vary with respect to the height and the formulation pro-
posed as follows must be used. The current flowing through an where and are the soil permeability and conductivity
inclined segment can be decomposed in its vertical and hori- respectively, and is the angular frequency [9].
zontal components; therefore, these segments are modeled using The TEM field emitted by a biconical antenna is given by the
a horizontal and a vertical equivalent line. Fig. 1(b) illustrates following expressions [14]:
the representation of the tower in Fig. 1(a) by a number of in-
terconnected line segments. (3a)
Once line parameters have been calculated for all the tower (3b)
modules, the network representing the whole structure can (3c)
be simulated either with a network code such as EMTP or
using a numerical simulation code (e.g., the finite-difference where is the magnitude of the magnetic vector potential,
time-domain method). The latter alternative is adopted in this is the phase constant, and are the permeability
paper. Specifically, the method of characteristics is applied [9] and the permittivity, respectively, of the medium above the earth
in which each transmission line end (uniform or non uniform) plane.
is modeled with a Norton equivalent circuit similar to those of The voltage of the element on the cone shown in Fig. 2(b),
the method of Bergeron [13]. with respect to the plane of , is given by


As previously mentioned, trusses are grouped into equiva-
lent cylindrical conductors. If the transverse dimensions of the Substituting (3b) in (4) and solving the integral yields
vertical equivalent conductors are small, the waves along them
will be nearly spherical [14]. Therefore, on applying the method
of images, these waves will resemble those of a biconical an-

The current flowing through the element is found by

applying Ampere’s law around the transversal cone circle with


Substituting (3a) and solving the integral in (6) results in the

following expression:


Using (5) and (7) the characteristic impedance of the inverted

conical line is obtained as follows:


It can be shown after some algebraic manipulation that

Fig. 3. Conical line representation of two parallel vertical conductors and


Substituting (9) into (8):





The expression for corresponds to the characteristic

impedance of a vertical cylinder with height and apex on
a perfect conducting ground plane; therefore, it represents
a geometric impedance. The impedance represents the
contribution resulting from the finite ground conductivity.
Fig. 4. Equivalent diagram of the reduced-scale model.
Consider now the two parallel columns shown in Fig. 3, along
The current flowing through element A is already given by
with the two differential elements A and B at a height “h” above
expression (7). The mutual characteristic impedance between
the earth plane. A and B also are elements of inverted cones as
columns “i” and “j” is thus
depicted in the figure.
The current flowing through element A produces an elec-
tric field given by (3b). The voltage associated with element (14a)
B is obtained by integrating from C to B along the circular
trajectory of radius ’ indicated in Fig. 3 In much the same manner as with the self-impedance, one can
obtain the following relationship for the mutual term:

Substituting (3b) into (12) and solving the integral, we obtain

(13) (14b)

Fig. 5. Pulse 5 ns wide. Fig. 6. Pulse 2 ns wide.

So, the expression for the mutual impedance becomes






Fig. 7. Pulse 500 ps wide.

Similarly to (11a) and (11b), (15a) corresponds to the mutual
geometric impedance and (15b) to the mutual earth impedance.


The surge impedance matrix for a vertical multi-conductor
system is readily obtained with (11a) and (15a). From basic
Electromagnetic Theory [14], the geometric inductance matrix
for this system can be related to the surge impedance as


To calculate the geometric capacitance matrix for the vertical

multi-conductor system one can use the following well-known Fig. 8. Vertical experimental line.
relationship [14]

(17) The generalized inductance given by (18) decreases with in-

creasing frequency and in the limiting case when it
By using (11b), (15b), and (16), it is possible to define a com- tends to zero. This is in agreement with the fact that as be-
plex generalized inductance, , given by comes zero, no field penetrates inside the earth. If the earth is
assumed to be perfectly conducting, and also are zero. In
(18) these two cases remains only the contribution of the geometric
inductance given by (16). When tends to infinity and
The real part of this inductance is the earth inductance term a magneto-static approach should be applied. Since the earth
usually is nonmagnetic at low frequencies, it should have no in-
fluence on the magneto-static field. In this case it should be the
and the imaginary part is the earth resistance term same field as that of free space.
Diagonal matrices and account for the electromag-
(20) netic field penetration inside the columns. The following high

frequency expression is used to evaluate the diagonal elements

of these matrices [10], [12]:
In the above expression, is the equivalent radius of the th
vertical column and is the resistivity of the column material.


In order to test the proposed model, measurements on a re-
duced scale model were performed [15]. The experimental set
up consisted of two parallel circular plates of 1 m radius sep-
arated by a distance that can be varied from 40 cm to 1 m.
A very fast pulse was injected into the RSM trough a hole at Fig. 9. Experimental and simulation responses for the 5-ns pulse.
the center of the upper plate. The two plates were connected
at the edges using copper ribbons providing the displacement
current path. The injection of the fast pulse is made through a
50 coaxial cable connecting the pulse generator and the top
of RSM under study. An HP 8131A, 500 MHz, pulse generator
produced the input pulse, and the injected voltage and currents
along the RSM were digitized using a Lecroy LC574AL oscillo-
scope, with 1 GHz, 10 GS/s, and 8 Mb of memory. The currents
were measured using EMCO sensors having a pass band from
1 MHz to 1 GHz. An equivalent diagram of the experiment set
up is presented in Fig. 4. Previous experiments reported else-
where, such as in [5], relied on injected step-like signals. To
avoid possible signal drifts, narrow-width pulses were used here
instead. Figs. 5–7 show the signals used of widths 5 ns, 2 ns, and
500 ps, respectively. Fig. 8 shows the geometry of the RSM. The Fig. 10. Experimental and simulation responses for the 2-ns pulse.
length of the vertical conductor was 1 m and, in order to satisfy
the thin wire assumption, a radius of 1 mm was chosen. This
was the smallest practical conductor’s radius due to mechanical
The three current waveforms shown in Figs. 5–7 were in-
jected at the top of the vertical cylindrical conductor of Fig. 8.
For each injected current the voltage response of the vertical
line was measured (see Fig. 4) and compared with numerical
simulations carried out using the modeling methodology being
proposed here. Experimental measurements and simulation re-
sults are shown in Figs. 9–11. In the three cases, the agreement
between measurements and simulations is very satisfactory.
The results from simulations are very similar to those from
measurements only during the first 42 ns. After this time, the dif-
ferences become more evident. One major reason for this is that Fig. 11. Experimental and simulation responses for the 500 ps pulse.
for the simulation only the feeding cable, the vertical conductor
and the circular basement of the RSM were modeled in detail; data in Table I have been adopted for calculating the per-unit-
whereas the rest of the system was approximated with a lumped length line parameters of each line segment. Phase conductors
equivalent impedance of 51 . The 42-ns time, in fact, corre- and ground wires were completely insulated from the tower 7.
sponds to the arrival instant for waves coming from the portion The injected excitation is represented by an ideal current source
of the system that was approximated with a lumped impedance. with a waveform shown in Fig. 13. Fig. 14 shows both the sim-
ulated and the measured waveforms for the voltage between the
VII. SIMULATION OF A FIELD EXPERIMENT tower and the ground wire at the injection point. Note that the
The proposed model has also been applied to simulate two agreement between the two waveforms is very satisfactory.
field experiments reported in [6]. First, a current step was in- The second experiment consisted of the injection of a current
jected at top of the tower depicted in Fig. 1(a). Fig. 12 shows the step into one of the ground wire arms of the tower. The voltages
diagram of the experiment’s setup with tower 7 being the one in at the insulator strings were then recorded. The ground wires
which the current step was injected. This tower was modeled as were solidly connected to towers 5, 7, and 8 and are insulated
a network of eleven nonuniform lines, as shown in Fig. 1(b). The from tower 6. Phase conductors were also solidly connected to


Fig. 12. Experiment setup diagram.

Fig. 13. Injected current waveform.

Fig. 15. Model for experiment’s setup.

medium heights of 59.4, 46.7, and 34.0 m for the upper, middle,
and lower phases, respectively. Notice that this line representa-
tion neglects the effects of towers 5, 6, and 8. One additional
detail concerning the impedance matrix representing the line is
that its off-diagonal elements are provided with delay operators.
Fig. 14. Comparison between measurement and simulation in the injected The effect of these operators is to provide delay times that ac-
point with the ground wires insolated. count for the time required by a disturbance in one conductor to
exert an influence on another parallel conductor [17]. The delay
tower structures 5 and 8 and are insulated from towers 6 and times correspond to the distance between conductors divided by
7. Fig. 15 depicts the model employed for the simulation. For the light speed.
this field experiment the injected current was not reported in In Fig. 14, one can notice, after the first overvoltage, a differ-
[6], thus, the same waveform of Fig. 13 was used in the simu- ence in the dropping time between the calculated and the mea-
lations. Tower 7 was modeled in the same way as for the first sured waveforms. Additional differences can also be observed
field experiment. in the subsequent oscillations. This could be due to the modeling
In the experiments, the transmission line (i.e., the phase and of the tower foot. In the simulation, a lumped impedance whose
ground conductors) was represented by a matrix of impedances value is provided in [6] was used to connect the tower to ground;
that corresponds to one half the line’s surge impedance . Ge- however, for a real tower the buried part of the structure could
ometrical data for the ground wires are: diameter of 1.57 cm, behave as a more complicated circuit; even as a distributed pa-
medium height of 72.2 m and horizontal distance to tower center rameter system, especially when dealing with fast transients.
of 10.4 m. For the phase conductors the geometrical data are: Fig. 16 shows both simulated and measured waveforms at the
four conductors of 3.84 cm of diameter per bundle, bundle diam- insulator string on the upper arm, which is at the same side as the
eter of 70.7 cm, horizontal distances to tower center of 10 m, and ground wire arm with the current injection. Again, a very good

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The proposed model has been validated using experimental
data obtained using a reduced scale model and two field exper- J. A. Gutiérrez R., photograph and biography not available at the time of
iments and a very good agreement has been found. publication.

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1960. F. Rachidi, photograph and biography not available at the time of publication.

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