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December 14, 2009

What's New in IBM Cognos 8 BI Version 8.4.1?
by IBM

What is IBM Cognos 8 Business

Intelligence Version 8.4.1
IBM Cognos 8 Business Intelligence Version 8.4.1 will become the default shipping
version of IBM Cognos 8 software.

Availability Dates

• December 8, 2009 (electronic software delivery)

• December 11, 2009 (media and documentation)

What’s New?
With IBM Cognos 8 BI 8.4.1, we expanded the value we deliver to our customers and
partners in several areas:

IBM Cognos 8 Mashup Service

IBM Cognos 8 Mashup Service is an API (application programming interface) that

automatically and securely exposes BI content as a web service. With this capability,
customers can extend their BI content into existing applications and processes that
the business uses everyday. As well, customers can add context to existing BI by
mashing content with other applications or new visualization, providing new insight
into the information at hand.

There are 4 main business scenarios where you might consider Cognos 8 Mashup

• Embed Cognos content in other applications such as HR, finance, Sales or

even email
• Use Cognos content within a BPM process to trigger an event
• Create a mashup using Cognos content with other information such as market
data or weather data
• Apply a new visualization to existing Cognos content such as Google Map, or
industry specific visualization like human anatomy maps

Packaging, Pricing, Licensing

IBM Cognos 8 BI 8.4.1 is packaged as part of the IBM Cognos 8 Software

Development Kit.

Licensing: Requires IBM Cognos 8 Software Development Kit license for usage of the
Mashup SDK. All users that access IBM Cognos content must have a IBM Cognos 8
BI Consumer license or a license role that includes this functionality (ie IBM Cognos 8
BI Analyst etc)

Pricing: No add-on charge specifically for IBM Cognos 8 Mashup Service; Included in
the respective licenses

Conformance Updates
Conformance updates include support for Firefox 3.5, Internet Explorer 8, and
Windows 7.

Note: No existing conformance items are being removed from this release. All
conformance deltas are upgrades to existing items. As with all bugs fixes and
features, conformance items added in 8.4 hot sites and Fix Packs are being rolled up
into 8.4.1.

The following chart highlights the NEW conformance items

Operating Systems

• Windows 7
• Windows Server 2008 R2
• Windows Vista SP2
• SUSE 11 – Intel and Linux for System z
• Virtualization
• VMWare ESX Server


• TM1 9.5
• DB2 9.7
• Teradata 13
• Essbase 11
• MSAS 2008
• MySQL 5.1 (Linux x86, Windows)
• HP Neoview 2.4
• Netezza 4.6.5 patch 2
• SQL Server 2008

• Internet Explorer 8
• Firefox 3.5

Authentication Sources

• Active Directory 2008

Application Servers

• IBM WebSphere 7.0 (includes JDK/JRE 1.6)

• JBoss 4.3 (4.2.3)


• JDK/JRE 1.6


• Special Edition (Updated with support for DB2 9.7 and WAS 6.1)


• Oracle WebCenter Interaction 10gR3 (10.3)

Web Servers

• IBM HTTP Server 7.0 (Comes with WAS 7.0 and is an Apache 2.2 base)

Language Support

IBM Cognos 8 BI Version 8.4.1 supports five new languages. They are:

• Turkish
• Polish
• Hungarian
• Romanian
• Czech
Srihitha Technologies which is a high profiled Cognos 8.4 online training institute in
India offers online training with real time experts and with real time concepts.

In the course duration we are covering Cognos 8.4

1.Introduction to Dataware Housing (DWH)

* Introduction to DWH

* Characteristics of DWH

* OLTP Vs OLAP Databases

* Different Approaches of DWH (Kimball Vs Inmon)

* Datamart Vs Data Warehouse

* Fact Table Vs Dimension Table

* Concepts of Schemas (Star schema & Snowflake schema)

* Industry leading ETL and Reporting tools

2. Introduction to Cognos

* About Cognos 8.4

* 3 – Tier Architecture

* Cognos Release (EP series7, Reportnet , Cognos 8.0/8,1/8.2/8.3)

* Features of Cognos 8.4

* Cognos Vs other OLAP tools

* Cognos components (Modeling & Reporting)

* Different cognos services

3.Cognos Connections

* Personalize cognos connection

* Create and manage portals, shortcuts, report views..etc

* Working with Cognos configuration, content Store

* How to Connect to different Data Sources

* Security setup

* Import and Export of Package (Deployment)

* Running the Report Burn

* Scheduling Reports

4.Framework Manager

* About Framework Manager

* Framework Manager, Metadata Modeling

* Creation of Interface and Usage

* Creating Model & Namespace (Layers)

* Importing Metadata

* Naming convention for objects in a project

* Creating Query Subjects & Query Items

* Merging Query Subjects

* Creating Relationships & Setting Cardinalities

* Creating Parameter Maps & Macros

* Creating of Model Filters, Prompts & Calculations

* Add Business Rules and Set Governors

* Assigning package level security

* Improving performance

* Publishing Package

5.Query Studio

* Introduction

* About Ad-hoc Reports

* Types of Report(List, Cross Tab, Chart Reports & Others)

* Applying Filters, Prompts & Calculations

* Sorting, Grouping, Sections & Aggregate Functions

* Run and Manage reports

6.Report Studio

* Type of Report Templates

* Creating list, Cross Tab, Chart, repeater, Maps & Other Reports

* Report templates, formatting Reports – fonts, style, header, footer,


* Generating and Creating Prompt Page

* Types of Prompts

* Query Calculations & Layout Calculations

* Static Filters and Dynamic Filters

* Conditional Block

* Conditional Formatting

* Master Details

* Cascading Prompt

* HTML Items & Hyperlinks

* Set Operators

* Setting Burst Options

* Drill through

* Drill up & Drill down

* Setting Variables

* Report Functions

* Report Validation

* Reports Run with Options (separate course not included in this package)

7.Analysis Studio

* Insert Data

* Change the number of Visible Items

* Nest Data

* Replace Data

* Sort Data

* Explore Data

* Change the measure

* Drill down for Details

* Hide Items
* Insert a calculation

* Save a custom set

* Define a filter

* Compare sets of data

* Using Dynamic Context

8.Event Studio

* Creating Agents

* Adding Event conditions

* Task and Task execution rules

* Scheduling Agents

we share real time scenarios, common issues with error messages, will also handle
Cognos Administration Part & Performance tuning of reports etc.

Feel free to call or mail incase of any clarifications.

Email :

Website :

For Batch Timings : Contact : 9885144200, 9290931214, 040-64619566

Srihitha Technologies, B7,3rd Floor, Eureka Court, Near Image Hospitals, Ameerpet,

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