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How to Consistently Add 5 - 7 New
Mortgage Deals Per MONTH To Your
Pipeline From Facebook™ Ads

This checklist is loaded with information, but it was not designed as comprehensive “start to 
finish” material. It is a checklist we use internally, with every single private client who works with 
us, to create their Deals on Demand™ Acquisition System. You’ll get MUCH more out of this 
checklist if you follow along with our case-study presentation that goes with it. The presentation 
has examples, stories of how other loan officers are utilizing this system and a lot more detail that 
will help explain how all of these pieces fit together. 
Check out that training here: ​  


This is commonly called “picking a niche.”  
If you tried to speak to everyone in the world using your native language (English), you’d 
be left with 80% of the world’s population (about 6 billion people) that won’t understand a 
word you say. 
This same concept applies in your marketing.  
If you’re targeting anyone and everyone who needs to buy and/or sell a home, you might 
as well be targeting no one… because that’s almost everyone.  
In order for your marketing to be ​effective & potent ​you must first zero in on who 
specifically you’re going after and ​deliver a message that resonates with them. 
The goal is ​not​ just to understand the market. The real goal is ​to ensure your market 
understands that you understand them​… 
The best way to do this is to use what we call the “Market Alignment Model,” which is 
essentially a simple positioning strategy using an affinity between you and your target 
An affinity in this context is anything that someone really relates to about his or her life. 
Two examples of affinities we use in real estate/mortgage marketing: 
- Job title/industry (e.g. healthcare, veteran, teachers, first responders, tech, etc.)  
- An activity/hobby (golf, hiking, crossfit, fishing, cycling, etc.) 
We use this because your offering calls out to something on a very personal level. They 
will resonate with your offering because it would be designed specifically for them.  
There are all sorts of ways to really do this (simply looking at your current and past book of 
business and seeing different affinities within that for starters)...  
But the “Market Alignment Model” is one of the fastest ways, and we get into this model 
extensively with our private clients to make sure when they launch their advertising, it 
actually works because it was designed for the ideal prospect in mind.  


After you’ve decided your “niche” using the Market Alignment process described above, it 
is then time to build out the physical roadmap that takes your prospects from stranger to 
satisfied customer with you.  
Here’s what that roadmap should look like: 

This flow shows the sequence of converting Facebook users into leads by placing an ad in 
their feed that resonates with them, having them click off the ad onto the survey page 
where we collect their information (contact info, as well all loan amount, credit score info, 
and timeline), and then send them to a page where they can book a time online to speak 
with you over the phone so you can then bring them in for an appointment.  
How does this system work? 


If you’re just looking to build your email list so you can market to people in your sphere 
that way, it’s fine just to collect an email address.  
But for what is for most people the biggest investment in their lifetime that they will make, 
we require a little more – time and information. The reason for this is simple:  
The goal is not to get as many people as possible to become a lead.  
The goal IS to weed out the people who aren’t serious about getting a solution.     
One way to do this is to get people to invest time with you right from the beginning. And by 
asking a series of questions like “What is your current credit score?” and “How much are 
you looking to borrow and in what timeframe?” in the beginning, you are requiring more of 
a time investment and therefore will generate higher quality leads.  
Bottom line:         
The longer someone invests their time the more qualified they are going to be. 


Once you have leads coming in, the real work starts here…  
If you expect to get in touch with any of the leads that come in through your survey, there 
is a formula here at Adsults that we use to convert these leads into appointments each and 
every time:  
SPEED + TENACITY + SCRIPT = Highest Conversion Rate Possible 
The key to converting internet leads lies in the speed of response and being tenacious in 
the number of follow up attempts you make to the lead.  
Within the first 5-10 minutes of a lead coming through, you want to call, email, and text the 
lead… and if no response, call again a few hours later. In fact, you have a 100x better 
chance at connecting with the lead within the first five minutes of than you do after just 
thirty minutes. If they don’t respond, call again the next day… and the next day…. You get the 
After 7 days, you should have at least tried to contact the lead 10 times within that period.  
Set up your automations in your CRM system to take care of all this for you, and you will 
save hundreds of hours prospecting.  


Remember, at this point the main goal (while still attracting leads) is to filter people out 
who aren’t going to be qualified to work with you. 
End your survey with an invitation to spend more time with you - by implementing a 
calendar where high-intent leads can book a time to speak with you to learn more about 
what you have to offer them.  
I cannot describe to you the shift that took place for our business when we moved to a 
calendar based marketing philosophy. 

Structuring your marketing this way continues to weed out unqualified borrowers, and 
continues to qualify your “good fits.” You can expect 30% - 60% of your leads to book a 
time to speak with you.  

To see this system in action in other lender’s businesses, go here and watch our free 
training (and hey, take us up on the offer to talk at the end if you’d like to know more!) 
Check out that training here: h​ ttp://   


Before we get too deep on this, I want to go over a high-level overview.  
This system runs off KPIs (key performance indicators). They are: 
- Leads (15%) 
- Booked Calls (20%) 
- Show Rate (50%) 
- Approved Borrowers (30%) 
What that means is this:  
If you were to acquire a lead at a 15% optin rate (calculated by taking total visitors / 
number of people who actually completed survey) for $5 or less, and you can get at least 
20% of those leads to book a call, 50% of those who book a call to show up, and 30% of 
those calls to convert into approved borrowers…. You own a system capable of producing 
high six-figures per year in GCI without working 80 per week or hiring multiple staff 
Let’s say you send 500 clicks to your survey, and 15% of those clicks completed the survey. 
Let’s look at your numbers:  
- 500 clicks @ 15% conversion rate = 75 leads 
- Out of 75 leads, 15 book a call  
- Out of the 15 who book a call, let’s say only 7 show up 
- Out of the 7 calls, you got 2 approved borrowers  
Every market is different, but based on our numbers, if you were to pay $5 (max) for each 
lead, that would be a total cost of $375 to approve two borrowers.  
Depending on the size of the loan amount, that could be a 5 - 15x ROI.  
A lot more stuff goes into this than just throwing up a system like this and turning it on, 
(that’s what we do with our private clients from start to finish) – but with this kind of system, 
if you make at least on average $800 - $1k in GCI from each deal, you will never go hungry 


Once people start scheduling, you can connect via Skype or phone, but only connect with 
those who are going to be great fits for your mortgage offerings. 

Nobody wants to spend all day speaking with people who a) don’t have any money, b) 
have terrible credit, c) who aren’t really serious about buying or refinancing a home. 

It’s important that you guard your time and speak with people who actually need it.  
Based off the lead’s information that they submit when they come through, decide if 
they’re going to be a “good fit” or not by looking at their credit score (self reported data 
from the survey), their timeline, and their prospective loan amount. Then you can best 
judge if this lead will be worth your time or not. 

These are the 4 steps we’ve used to dramatically increase our clients’ GCI in less than five 
months using this exact acquisition system. 
It’s my wish that this playbook will equip you to go out and get control over your 
acquisition process. Once you start, you will never go back. 
This framework takes all of the guesswork out of getting leads, prospecting, following up, 
getting appointments and most importantly generating commission income for your 
If you’d like to speak with us about customizing this checklist and strategy into your 
business, we’d love to talk to you. There is never any pressure on any of our strategy calls. 
Our goal is to gure out where you need help, and point you in the right direction... 
If you’d like to set up a marketing session with us, follow the URL below to do that:  
Talk soon!  
Evan Read​, Founder & Digital Strategist  

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